Those who were still on the battlefield before, regardless of whether they were injured or not, quietly left the battlefield and went to the direction of the Rainbow Bridge.

Obviously, Frigga was about to give up.

That's right, even if Sol hangs up now, it's unlikely to solve Hela, so there won't be any change in the ending. Even if he doesn't leave, he can only die in vain.


A loud bang came, and Sol was directly blasted out, hitting a building not far away.

The cracking sound of crackling sounded, the wall of the building cracked, and Sol staggered down from the wall, staggering to stabilize his body.

The thunder halo around his body has disappeared, and the flashing thunder light in his eyes has also disappeared.

This is because the divine power is exhausted, and the power is exhausted? Or... the plug-in has expired.

Although Saul was able to play evenly with Hela, once the plug-in disappeared, he would not be as strong as Hela after all.

Hela saw that Thor's power had declined, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a smug smile. She raised her arm, and a sword floated over her.

"Goodbye, brother."

Hela's voice fell, she waved her arm lightly, and the long sword above her head slammed towards Sol in an instant.

Sol glared at Hela with a single eye, and it was quite scary to appear in a pretentious manner. Unfortunately, at this time, he had neither the strength to dodge nor the strength to block, so he could only watch the long sword galloping forward.

Perhaps, the only thing he can do now is to die with his eyes open, and he can confidently say that he has not flinched, and that he has maintained the glory of Asgard.

I would rather die standing up than live on my knees.

This is probably the glory of Asgard.


The crisp collision sound suddenly sounded, and just when Hela's sword was about to stab Sol, no accident...Frigga appeared.

Frigga flicked Hela's sword.

Su Yue was not surprised at all about the appearance of Frigga. Really, after all, Frigga had already made so many preparations. If he just watched Saul get killed by Hela, then it would be an accident.


Sol looked at Frigga who was standing in front of him and shouted, struggling to continue fighting.

Frigg looked back at Sol, with a kind and reluctant smile on his face.



Frigga suddenly shouted, and then, a beam of teleportation light like a rainbow bridge suddenly fell from the sky and shone on Sol's body.

Sol was stunned, then reacted, shouting loudly while trying to leave the teleportation range.

", stop...mother..."


The teleportation beam disappeared, Sol, disappeared.

"Huh? Didn't even go to Earth?" Su Yue sensed the location of the teleportation, a little surprised.

Because Heimdall did not send Su Yue to Earth, but to Nidavi.

The Nidavi star may sound unfamiliar at first glance, but it is equivalent to a legendary planet in the universe, because Nidavi is the planet of the dwarves, and the dwarves are best at making weapons.

Odin's Spear of Eternity, Thor's Hammer, and Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet all came from the hands of the dwarves of Nidavi.

Originally, the dwarves of Nidavi were sheltered by Asgard. As a price, they would make weapons for Asgard. Thor's Storm Axe in Avengers 3 was made by the dwarf king of the dwarves of Nidavi.

If it is to ensure the safety of Sol, then the Earth Dimension Street is undoubtedly the best choice, but Heimdall did not transmit Sol to the earth, but to Nidavi, which is obviously not an accident, but the beginning Frigga decided.

As for why it is Nidavi, the reason is very simple, it should be to let Thor have a more suitable and powerful weapon.

In this way, no matter whether Ragnarok is successful or not, whether Hela is resolved or not, Thor can become stronger.

It has to be said that Frigga really had good intentions towards Sol. As for Thor, he cannot escape being teleported away from Asgard.

Chapter 0680 Frigga joins with the Fenrir wolf

He didn't care much about Thor being teleported to the Nidavi planet, Suyue. The reason is very simple. What if Sol got the Storm Axe on the Nidavi planet?

In the movie, Thor has a new weapon to get revenge on Thanos, but now? Vengeance on whom, Hela?

Not to mention whether Hela is still alive when he comes back, even if... Thor has no chance to take revenge, not to mention, even if Thor has the Storm Axe, he may not be able to easily kill Hela.

So, Su Yue really doesn't care about Saul's stay.

He is now more curious about how the situation on Asgard's side will develop next.

Sol has already left, leaving Frigg and Hela. Frigg has a backer, and Hela won't let it go, so this 'Ragnarok' is not over yet.

Speaking of which, although Frigga and Hela are nominally a mother and daughter, in fact, Frigga is not Hela's biological mother.

Hela and Sol are half-sisters and younger brothers. In terms of Hela's character, it is impossible to release water or save face from this point alone.

"Asgard, it's yours, if you can defeat it." Frigg said in a deep voice, and handed over Asgard neatly.

However, Hela's face was not good-looking at all.


A huge roar came from the direction of Asgard. The originally bare Asgard roof suddenly cracked open, and a huge body burst out, growing bigger and bigger, already like a towering giant.

"Flaming giant, you..." Hela frowned, but she didn't expect Frigg to do such a thing.

Frigga didn't explain. As soon as the flame giant came out, Asgard was about to become history, but she didn't hesitate or hesitate, she turned around and left, shouting as she walked.

"Lord Su Yue."

"Lord Su Yue."


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Su Yue followed the sound.

Frigga looked at Su Yue and said directly: "Asgard is gone, and there are only Asgardians. Lord Su Yue, I will need your protection in the future."

"You also want to go to Dimension Street?" Su Yue was not surprised that Frigga would release the flame giant. After all, this was what she planned from the beginning, but Su Yue didn't expect that the escape route she arranged for herself was actually Dimension Street.

Originally, Su Yue thought that the Asgardians would be in Dimension Street.

"The only place that can guarantee the safety of Asgardians is Dimension Street. Lord Suyue, if you don't welcome me, I can..."

Frigga's words were interrupted by Su Yue's wave before she could finish speaking, and then she simply teleported it back to Dimension Street.

Not only she, but also Heimdall in the distance and the remaining Asgardians teleported there.

It's no big deal to take in Frigga, so many Asgardians have taken her in, not less than one of her, and even Frigga has taken refuge in Dimension Street, and the incorporation of Asgard will be more justifiable.

Besides, since he has taken away so much wealth from Asgard, it doesn't matter if he raises one more person.

"Su Yue!!!" Hela gritted her teeth and looked at Su Yue.

Su Yue shrugged: "Don't look at me like that, I'm not involved in the affairs between you, whether it's you slaughtering Asgardians or dealing with Thor. I didn't help them, I didn't help you, neither did you help each other. That's it."

"Of course, Frigga and the others rely on me, so it has nothing to do with the matter between you. She has already handed Asgard to you anyway."

Hela was speechless. In principle, Su Yue did not intervene, and it was indeed fair, but in terms of results, it was obvious that he was put in the same position, and although Su Yue did not personally participate, if Without Su Yue, the result would never have been like this.

Hela looked around, it was desolate and silent, and at a glance, there was no living Asgardian at all except the corpse, and not far from Asgardian, the flame giant was raging.

This, or Asgard? Although he has obtained Asgard, what is the use of such Asgard?

Hela couldn't help but feel a little confused, but the confusion didn't last long. After all, she had seen the wind and waves. Let's not talk about the current situation of Asgard. The most important thing in front of me is to solve the flame giant first.

As long as the flame giant is dealt with, even if Asgard is just an uninhabited and desolate land, Hela believes that she can reproduce the glory of Asgard.

Hela glanced at Su Yue, who seemed to have no intention of leaving, snorted arrogantly, and charged directly in the direction of Asgard.

This made Su Yue a little confused.

What does Hela mean?

Why is she humming arrogantly, it feels like she's losing her temper with herself, the Hela I know can't be such a girl, right?

The resurrected flame giant was obviously angry, and in revenge, the buildings near Asgard were severely damaged and collapsed.

In the wreckage, Hela's figure moved quickly, but instead of attacking the flame giant, she went to the place where the original flame giant appeared.

There, is the treasure house of Asgard.

The resurrection of the flame giant is because of the eternal fire, and Hela's goal is also the eternal fire.

Hela's goal was clear, and the result did not disappoint her. Although there was much less eternal fire because of the flame giant, the remaining ones were enough for Hela to achieve her goal.

Taking advantage of the fact that the flame giant didn't notice him for a while, Hela brought the eternal fire to the Asgard. Below this was a buried space where the warriors who had been following Hela were buried.

Although, it has been dead for many years, but with eternal fire, this army of death can naturally be resurrected.

This is Hela's family.


When Hela fell to the ground and smashed the Eternal Fire down, in an instant, the Eternal Fire oscillated without dead ends, and then a rustling sound was heard, and in the darkness, a pair of green eyes lit up .

A wolf howl followed.

A giant wolf came to Hela's side.

Fenrir wolf!

It is the wolf that fights the Hulk in the movie.

Ignoring the other death warriors, Hela took a deep leap and rode on the Fenrir giant wolf, and then the Fenrir giant wolf jumped out of the pit and came to the ground.

"Yo, I'm looking for help." Seeing Hela riding a wolf on the ground, Su Yue looked at him with interest.

Not to mention, Hela is really a bit of a knight now. Although the mount is a bit strange, it is more attractive and more in line with her identity.

Chapter 0681 Ragnarok

Don't look at the mediocre performance of Fenrir giant wolf in the movie, it seems that he can only break the wrist with Hulk a few times, and then get the lunch, but in mythology and comics, it is not an ordinary character.

Fenrir is the giant wolf in Norse mythology, the first child of the evil **** Loki and the female giant Angelboda, the eldest brother of the earthly giant python Yemengade and the goddess of death Hela, and is regarded as the one who shakes the earth. monster.

Killed Odin in one bite in Ragnarok, but was killed by Odin's son Vader.

Vader is the **** of the forest in Norse mythology.

Of course, its performance in the movie is also remarkable, it bit the Hulk!

You must know that even if the Hulk's strength has declined drastically in the later period, there are still very few people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe who can break the Hulk.

Even if Thanos beat Hulk to the brink of bruises and bruises, it wouldn't be considered a defense break strictly speaking.

Secondly, the Fenrir giant wolf's defense is also very good, and the general level of attack can be completely ignored.

Of course, that's all, it mainly depends on the level of its opponents.

For the Hulk, it may work, at least the Hulk is entangled in the movie.

But if you face the flame giant, it will be more interesting.

Su Yue watched Hela ride the Fenrir giant wolf and charge towards the flame giant. Although he admired Hela's appearance and temperament at this time, he didn't think it would be of much help to the battle situation.

Facts have also proved that crowd tactics are not easy to use under all circumstances, and the difference in strength is too great, even if there are more women.

Just like how Asgard dealt with Hela before, a lot of people... may not be useful.

So now Hela has summoned the Fenrir giant wolf and the undead army. Although they swarmed up, for the flame giants, there is no such thing as an ant killing an elephant. The chance of passing away will not cause it much trouble at all.

On the contrary, it will make it even more angry.

The hot flames and huge body made the flame giant like an erupting volcano. Although the dense army of undead rushed towards the flame giant one after another, it was easily solved by the flame giant with his feet or hands.

When Hela rode the Fenrir giant wolf and waved his arms to cast 'Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect', the flame giant finally used his weapon.

Flame Sword.

Also known as the Twilight Sword.

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