Speaking of which, the description of the flame giant in the movie and in the myth is quite consistent, both destroying Asgard with the sword of flame.


The flames waved, and the flame giant completely ignored Hela's "Return of Ten Thousand Swords", directly slashed the giant sword, and instantly blasted Hela and the Fenrir giant wolf out.

It can be seen from this blow that the strength gap between Hela and the flame giant at this time is the same as Hela and Sol before.

This is not right!

In terms of Hela's strength, even if the flame giant is very strong, there shouldn't be such a big gap, so the biggest possibility is that Hela has become weaker.

In other words, the departure of the Asgardians affected Hela's source of power. Although she is still in Asgard, although she has a space as large as Asgard, she has nothing to do with her power. Help, even a weakening.

This once again fulfilled what Odin said that Asgard is not a place, but a people.

As for whether this sentence is true, or if there is another reason, it is unknown.

In short, Hela became weaker.

Maybe Hela herself realized this, so she first went to resurrect the Fenrir giant wolf and the undead army, and wanted to rely on helpers to solve the flame giant.

It's a pity... this idea is going to fail.

After the flame giant shot Hela, it didn't stop, nor did it chase after Hela. For the flame giant, it was Asgard who really hated him!

Therefore, the sword of flame suddenly became huge, and even gradually became bigger than the flame giant, and then... it suddenly moved.

The sword entered the ground.

There seemed to be a moment of stillness in the surroundings, and then a bang was heard.

The explosion appeared near the sword of flame, almost instantly, the flames soared into the sky, the ground shook, and the boundless flames spread out like the air in an instant.

That feeling is like the Flaming Mountain has fallen.

The entire Asgard was engulfed by flames, the ground began to crack and dent, and the extremely strong impact oscillated in all directions with the sword of flame as the center in an instant.

The first to bear the brunt is the flame giant. Followed by the surrounding undead army, and then... Hela, who was knocked into the air, and the giant Fenrir wolf that had been cut into two pieces.

"No... No..." Hela struggled to look at Asgard, who was engulfed by the flames. At this moment, her mind was blank, neither remorse nor fear of the imminent death, some... Just numb and dazed.

Or rather, don't understand?


Why did things become like this?

Obviously I am already the queen of Asgard, why did Asgard disappear completely?


Who can tell me, who can answer me?


Su Yue?

Dimensional lord!

In an instant, Su Yue's name flashed in Hela's mind.

This is not a question and answer, but the first reaction from the depths of the soul.

"Su Yue... Su Yue... Su Yue!!!"

Hela's voice changed from murmurs to shouts. Her voice was not urgent or flustered, but it was full of desire.

She is not longing for Su Yue to save and help herself, she is longing for an answer.


The flames came crashing down, drowning Hela's cries.

Immediately afterwards... Asgard began to collapse, like the explosion of a planet, extremely dazzling, and the final... brilliance erupted.

Chapter 0682 Hela joins

Asgard, the ruler of the nine kingdoms, has a great reputation whether on earth, in the nine kingdoms, or in the universe.

However, when the legend finally comes to an end, the famous Asgard cannot escape the fate of dust returning to dust.

The flame giant and Asgard perished together, and Hela, the goddess of death, also dissipated in the gorgeous explosion.

In the movie, Hela's life and death are unknown, and her fate is unknown. It is only from the ending that Hela should "disappear" with Asgard.

For Asgard, and for Ragnarok, Su Yue is not very interested, and the reason for participating is for the benefit, and the outcome of Asgard has nothing to do with him.

But Su Yue is still interested in Hila. It can be said that Su Yue was interested in Hella from the very beginning, and the reason for the interest was Hella's strength and character.

Although in the movie universe, Dimension Street has nothing to fight, but not necessarily in other universes. With Hela, not to mention siege, at least a lot of things can be solved.

So although Su Yue did not participate in Hela's revenge against Asgard, he naturally made preparations after knowing the result.

At the moment when Asgard exploded and Hela shouted for herself, Su Yue teleported Hela away, along with Hela's undead army and Fenrir giant wolf who had died again.


In the dark dimension, on the surface of a deserted planet, Hela and others appeared instantly.

The transformation of the space made Hela unable to react for a while, and Su Yue's name was called out, and then she realized that something was wrong.

Here, not Asgard.

No flames, no explosions, just endless darkness and desolation.

"What is this place?" Hela said subconsciously, and immediately reacted.

Su Yue!

It must be Su Yue!

Apart from Su Yue, Hela couldn't think of anyone else who would save her, let alone anyone with the ability to teleport herself away when Asgard was about to explode.

After all, even Asgard's rainbow bridge teleportation wasn't that fast, so there was no warning. Moreover, Hela had seen Su Yue's transmission method many times, and it could be said that it arrived in the blink of an eye, without any signs or fancy tricks.

Staggering to her feet, Hela turned to look around. Seeing the corpse of the undead army and seeing the giant wolf made Hela more sure that it must be Su Yue.

It's just that she didn't understand why Su Yue sent them here. Could it be that Su Yue has a way to revive them?

Then, why did Su Yue do this?

He said that he would not interfere in Asgard's affairs, and he did not intervene. Now he has saved his own people and brought back his own people. Then, the most likely reason is... Su Yue wants to subdue himself.

Myself, what should I do?


Hela is not afraid.

But at this moment, Hela was very confused. Originally, she wanted revenge and wanted to take back Asgard. But Odin is dead, and Frigga and the other Asgards have joined the Dimension Street, so revenge is over, and Asgard... is gone.

Hela, who has no goals, really doesn't know what to do next at this moment.

Fortunately, the person who gave her the goal, or the person she chose, is here.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Su Yue appeared in front of her.

Looking at Hela, who was a little dazed but calm, Su Yue couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

Hela is Hela. If it were someone else, I am afraid that even if I am not thanking me at this time, I would be very excited.

"It seems that you have guessed the purpose of my saving you." Su Yue said with a smile.

Hela said solemnly, "I won't do anything for you. I'm Hela, the goddess of death, the queen of Asgard!"

"Asgard is gone." Su Yue replied.

Hela was silent for a moment: "It can have it!"

Su Yue raised his brows, he heard something from Hela's words.

"What do you want to say?"

Hela took a deep breath, looked back at the corpse of the undead army, and then turned to look at Su Yue.

He raised his head and knelt down on one knee.

Hela's move was abrupt and unexpected, or in other words, it didn't fit her personality and the rejection just now. But Su Yue did not show any surprise.

When you bow down to people, you must ask for something!

Hela is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fears death, and can easily bend down, but now she suddenly assumes this posture of being conquered or inferior.

Obviously, what she wants is bigger!

As for what Hela wants, Su Yue already knows. There is no doubt that Haila can make such a huge amount of money, only...

"Asgard!" Hela said solemnly. "As long as you can restore Asgard to its original state and give Asgard to me, I can do anything you ask me to do!"



"What if I want you to be my woman?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

The sea ramen does not change its color. "Can!"

Su Yue tutted a few times and said with a smile: "It's enough to make you a member of Dimension Street. As for women, I won't make it a condition, so let's go with the flow in the future. However, Asgard has been destroyed, why do you have to do it? Think I can get back to the way I was."

"The time gem." Hela said.

Su Yue was stunned at first, and then said dumbly: "I forgot that you saw me using the time gem to restore Thor's Hammer, but even if I am willing to use the time gem to help you restore Asgard, don't forget that once Asgard recovers, and the flame giant will recover, have you fought the flame giant?"

"With your current strength, you are not the opponent of the flame giant. In this case, the result will not change."

Hela was silent again. She couldn't remember how many times she had been silent after facing Su Yue, but the fact was that although she was conceited and arrogant, although she didn't want to admit it, she was indeed not the opponent of the flame giant, especially After losing Asgard's source of power.

"Asgard is not a place, but a people." Su Yue continued with a smile: "Just restoring Asgard will not help you. Of course, if all you want is Asgard , I can help you solve the troubles of the flame giant, and let you have a brand new Asgard, provided that you make me feel that you are worthy of praise!"

The word commendation is a kind of recognition to others, and it is indeed an insult to Hela, because only those above her are qualified to commend her.

However, now it is not an insult to Hela, but... hope!

Chapter 0683 Sandpipers and clams compete for the fisherman's profit

"What do you want me to do?" Hela said in a deep voice, she must take it in advance, she understands that it is impossible for Su Yue to restore Asgard by just one word of surrender.

"You will be rewarded if you have merit. I will send you back to Dimension Street first. Someone will tell you what to do. By the way, I will resurrect your subordinates first. First, you need manpower to do things, and secondly, I will let you Trust me I'm not fooling you."

After saying that, Su Yue snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the dazzling special effects suddenly appeared, and then both the giant wolf and the undead army were instantly resurrected.

This hand, different from the Infinity Stones, is similar to when Hela's power was sealed before, but the shock to Hela is far greater than before.

Hela was indeed shocked that a snap of her fingers could seal her own power, but a snap of her fingers could revive people.

A snap of fingers can make a person revive, and naturally it can also make a person die.

Compared with Su Yue, Hela is definitely not worthy of the title of goddess of death.


Su Yue didn't give Hela a chance to express her shock. Before she could say anything, she teleported away with her subordinates.

Teleporting back to Dimension Street from the dark dimension, Su Yue also explained Hela's situation to the people on the other side of Dimension Street with his psychic abilities.

Speaking of which, Su Yue is also bad enough. Not long ago, Frigga, Asgard and Hela were still fighting to death in Asgard, even at the expense of Asgard, and then turned around and Hela changed. They became people in Dimension Street and arranged for them to another place.

I have to say, this is really bad.

Think about it carefully, what happened after Hela and Asgard were killed?

On Asgard's side, Thor was forced to wander the interstellar space. Asgardians suffered heavy casualties, and even Asgard was destroyed. The remaining people had to come to Earth and join Dimension Street. Live under your command.

What about Hella?

After being sealed for so many years, she finally regained her freedom and wanted to become the queen of Asgard. After that, her fighting power was completely wiped out, and she was almost killed by the flame giant, even Asgard was gone.

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