It can be said that both sides did not win, and both suffered losses to varying degrees.

Conversely, who gets the most benefit?

Su Yue!

First, I helped Asgard, took in some Asgards, and then got a lot of money. Then I scraped it around in Asgard, and even finally took all the rest of the Asgard. The Sgardians were all included.

Although Su Yue may think it's nothing, but to other people or other forces, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, let alone Frigga, even if there is no Frigga, just such a large number of Asgardians are An enviable wealth.

You must know that the Asgardians seem to be unremarkable, and even have the feeling of a trick, but any one you pick out can be regarded as a minor villain or a minor hero. The difference is nothing more than the mainstream, the street, or the trick.

The villain is a villain, and it is also a villain!

It can be said that with the addition of these Asgards, the Dimension Street, which was already strong enough, has become stronger. Although it can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, this flower... adds a lot!

Then, Hela and her undead army have now become people of Dimension Street.

What is this called?

Two dogs fight, play off!

Moreover, even if everyone knew from the beginning that Su Yue had this idea, no one could say anything, and they had to thank Su Yue.


Because without Su Yue, the whole of Asgard will probably be wiped out except for Thor. Regardless of whether Su Yue has any plans, it is a fact that so many people have been saved.

And what about Hela?

Same thing!

Although Su Yueqiang stayed with Hela for three days, it actually had no effect on Hela's purpose. On the contrary, if Su Yue hadn't teleported her away from Asgard at the end, she might have died.

It was also because Hela wanted to restore Asgard that he took refuge in Suyue.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Hela to express her surrender to Su Yue only by the grace of saving her life.

Even, what Hela surrendered was only superficial, because Su Yue was very strong and could achieve his goals, so he surrendered, but in fact, you have to say that you are loyal and truly convinced?

Also impossible.

Not to mention that the two of them don't have much foundation at all. Even if they did, Hela wouldn't be so easily convinced. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to rebel against Asgard and Odin at the beginning.

In fact, it is easier to grasp the character of Hela, as long as you are always stronger than her.

For Su Yue, this is not a problem at all.

All in all, Asgard's Ragnarok is over, and Su Yue has nothing to pay attention to for the time being.

After all, the development of Dimension Street is orderly, the mutant community, inter-cosmos immigration and other aspects are also in progress, and the integration of Asgard does not need to worry, the wealth obtained this time makes him money. There is no need to worry about it anymore, so Su Yue feels that he will focus on the energy absorption of the dark dimension better.

After all, according to the plot of the movie, there doesn't seem to be any plot left, at most Thanos.

And now Thanos is still searching and collecting Infinity Gems everywhere in the universe, and he will not come to Earth for the time being. When he comes to Earth to "send" Infinity Gems, it will basically be over or come to an end.

Before Thanos came, Su Yue felt that it was necessary to absorb the energy of the dark dimension first. In this case, when Thanos sent the infinite gems, he could directly start the infinite charging treasure plan.

The dark dimension, Su Yue began to concentrate on absorbing it.

Occasionally some resistance is not a waste of time for him, but a kind of adjustment. After all, doing one thing all the time can easily be boring.

In this way, Su Yue disappeared.

For Suyue's 'disappearance', people from the outside world have become accustomed to it. If it is said that Dimension Street still relied on the brand of Suyue at the beginning, then I don't know when people paid attention to Dimension Street and Suyue. It doesn't matter how much, the focus is on Dimension Street itself, whether Su Yue appears or not, and whether what happened has anything to do with Su Yue, is not that important.

Today's Dimension Street is equivalent to a small society. Although the lord is not there, it can operate on its own, and it will solve any situation by itself. It does not need Su Yue to act at all.

In this way, before you know it, time has passed quickly. For Su Yue, it really feels like time flies.

Chapter 0684 Changes

Time flies, time flies like a shuttle. Unknowingly, half a year passed by like this. During this half year, a lot of things happened.

Let’s talk about Dimension Street first. The mutant community has been completely completed. Although such a large community project is normally difficult to complete in more than half a year, after all, this is not just the construction of Dimension Street itself.

But, money can make ghosts run the mill. Without lack of money, and the participation of the infrastructure department of Dimension Street, coupled with the spontaneous participation of mutants with various abilities, the speed has really accelerated a lot.

Today's mutant community has become a veritable community. Basically, in life and business, as long as there are outside, there are here, and there is no outside, but there are in Dimension Street, and there are also here.

After all, this is also Dimension Street, but because it is a gathering place for mutants to live, the mutant community is more appropriate and is called more by people.

By the way, in the past half a year, Star Devourer Twinkle and the Avengers haven't been idle very much. They are still in the world of talent, the X-Men world to save mutants and transmit mutants.

Now, whether it is the two worlds or the Marvel Cinematic Universe here, basically everyone already knows about this.

For the mutants of those two worlds, they know that the other world has a paradise for mutants to live happily and peacefully.

For the people here, visitors from other worlds are still mutants, and a batch of mutants originally thought that this would be a shocking thing, but in fact, everyone accepted it very quickly.

The reason is naturally because of Dimension Street.

After all, Dimension Street has long been involved in the field of parallel worlds, as well as holiday islands, so parallel worlds have long been accepted by most people.

And these mutants?

There are mutants in Dimension Street itself, and these mutants rely on Dimension Street. They live in the area of ​​Dimension Street. What is there to worry about?

On the contrary, people are more enthusiastic and welcoming to these mutants, and they want to know what the other world is like, and they want to know what is different.

And in the original world, the mutants who were beaten by everyone and were precariously encountered such an enthusiastic situation, how could they not be able to blend in?

It can be said that the problem of the fusion of parallel worlds did not occur in the beginning.

Second, there is Asgard.

Although the Asgardians did not make much of the Asgard community, they also rebuilt Asgard.

Although Su Yue had made a lot of money in Asgard, the skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and Asgard was still very rich.

Different from the movie where they bought a particularly remote piece of land with gold coins to rebuild their home, this time they spent a lot of money to buy the land near Dimension Street. Of course, from the scope of the system, it is also within the scope of Dimension Street.

However, let's not talk about Dimension Street, just this geographical location is a lot of money, so this time Asgard is indeed a big hemorrhage.

Fortunately, the land was bought. Although nominally it belongs to Asgard, in fact, this land belongs to Suyue.

The reconstruction work on Asgard's side is also very fast. Su Yue asked the infrastructure team of Dimension Street to help build it for free. The style is different from that of Dimension Street and the mutant community. It is unique and cannot be said to copy the original one. Sgard, but the style is definitely in the same line.

And although the Asgardians live in the prosperous cities of the earth, their living habits, dress, etc., such a special style, has made them a lot of welcome.

After all, that's Asgard, Norse mythology, and now you live in the same area as yourself, can you not be interested?

The other people in Dimension Street are basically living their lives step by step, dealing with their own affairs step by step.

For example, Hela, she was photographed in the world of the black-robed pickets. It is said that there was a reorganization after the super seven became lonely, and they began to gather superpowers from all over the place, and... and The idea of ​​​​playing the Dimension Street Factory is to make trouble. Who made Queen Maeve and Xingguang both former members of the Super Seven? If you want to be in the top position, if you want to re-launch the name of the Super Seven, you must step on the top. .

Hela can even equalize the nine kingdoms, so it is most suitable to leave it to her. On the one hand, she has the combat power and means, and she can make the best use of it. On the other hand, she has to let Hela vent.

After all, the revenge was unsuccessful, and the person was almost killed by the flame giant. In this case, it is natural to vent.

Not only does she need to vent, she also needs a chance to perform. Only when she performs well can Su Yue be able to restore Asgard.

In fact, Hela still thinks it simple.

Unless Hela really does something that has to be rewarded, or sincerely surrenders to become a Suyue woman, Suyue will not easily restore Asgard. If she really wants to restore it, she will wait until her Dimension Street can cover Asgard. German range.

Even if Hela nominally said that Asgard still belongs to Dimension Street, Su Yue could not agree until the fact was formed.

What's more, once a person of Hela's character makes her really return to Asgard, it will be fine for a short time, but if it lasts a long time, maybe she will have any thoughts. Just in case, don't inflate her. Chance.

After talking about Dimension Street, let's talk about outside Dimension Street... Uh, it seems that there is nothing to say about things outside Dimension Street. The registration bill has matured, basically targeting mutants. The Avengers are not in this world most of the time, other There are also HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D.

By the way, although Hydra is nominally the villain opposing S.H.I.E.L.D., in fact, the other Hydra branches are rapidly decreasing under the premise of not arousing suspicion with the cooperation of the two parties.

It can be said that the Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. today are really close to each other.

Su Yue sits on Dimension Street, and has a community of mutants, Asgards, Guards, Fengshen Squad, etc., right-hand S.H.I.E.L.D., left-hand Hydra, no one can surpass him in terms of strength or power .

It can be said that Su Yue is the only one, and then it is the matter of other heroes.

The only thing worth mentioning is that in the past six months, the dimension street or beyond the realm has expanded a lot, and this time, not only the main dimension street has expanded, but also the second dimension street at the other end.

Every expansion is synchronized, which not only means that the distance beyond the realm covers the entire earth, but also means that Su Yue has raised the level of the system again, and at the same time... It also means that the process of Su Yue absorbing the dark dimension is very smooth. , the strength has increased again.

It's a pity that no one knows how strong Su Yue is now!

Chapter 0685 Thanos is coming?

"Huh..." In the dim dark dimension, Su Yue let out a long sigh, and his whole body relaxed.

Although at this moment he can't wait to return to Earth to have a good rest and relax, there is still finishing work that needs to be dealt with.

The scope of the dark dimension has become smaller and smaller. The scope of the dark dimension that can connect with infinite multiple dimensions can be said to be infinite, but now, although it is still very large, the word infinite is completely irrelevant.

From unlimited to limited, this is the result of Su Yue's efforts to sleep and eat during this period.

According to the analysis of the absorption effect during this period, Su Yue initially calculated that it would take about a month to completely absorb the entire dark dimension.

Once it is completely absorbed, the dark dimension will cease to exist, and the access ports of multiple dimensions connected by the dark dimension will also disappear.

In other words, people from other dimensions, demons and the like, cannot come to the Cinematic Universe through this pathway.

It can be regarded as a complete solution to the problem of dimensional invasion. Of course, to a certain extent, it can be regarded as the isolation of the movie universe from the world.

But this doesn't matter to Su Yue at all, although he has been promoting the multiverse plan, the effect is also very obvious.

Whether it is Planet Devourer, mutants, or 'Peggy', the effect is very good, and the multiverse has also been recognized.

However, if it wasn't for the multiverse he controlled, then this kind of multiverse would not be worth it.

Besides, even if there is no dark dimension, he has a way to open the multiverse, doesn't he?

Speaking of the multiverse, Su Yue thought of the quantum realm.

The quantum realm is a problem, because it can directly create, or directly create, a parallel world, and at the same time... it also happens in the movie universe itself.

The Avengers themselves travel back in time through the quantum realm.

Although this world has long since broken out of the original cycle and exists independently, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will create a parallel universe based on the current world through the quantum field.

That would be disgusting.

If Su Yue didn't control Hank Pym, Wasp, Ant-Man, etc. in Dimension Street from the beginning, and turned them into his own, then what would happen is really uncertain.

According to Su Yue's estimation, after absorbing the dark dimension, the infinite charging treasure plan can be started, and he has a steady stream of energy that he can absorb. Expand until it completely covers the entire cinematic universe.

However, if you want to become stronger, you may be able to attack the quantum field.

It would be even better if the quantum realm was absorbed!

Closer to home, Su Yue took back his swirling thoughts and prepared to grit his teeth and continue to persist for a month. After the dark dimension was completely absorbed, he would go back to rest and relax.

But at this moment, his time-space teleporter suddenly rang.

Someone contacted me!

Su Yue was a little surprised. After all, Dimension Street knew that he was in retreat to absorb the power of the dark dimension, and it was impossible to easily disturb him without very important things.

For the current Dimension Street, there is absolutely no very important thing that must be contacted by oneself.

The communication was connected, and a somewhat unfamiliar voice rang.

This voice made Su Yue stunned for a while, and then he responded to who he was when he was seated.

The star swallowing messenger flickered.

Why is she looking for herself?

Because it is a cooperative relationship with Blink, she is also responsible for bringing mutants from other parallel worlds, so Su Yue gave her an inter-temporal teleporter.

Although she can't use the ability to travel through time and space, it is very convenient to communicate across time and space, and it is very convenient for both sides to hand over.

It's just that she has always been connected with other people, not herself.

"Is something wrong?" Su Yue asked after responding.

"Master Swallowing Star has news for me to pass on to you. He said that a man named Thanos seems to be preparing to come to Earth to collect Infinity Gems." The Star Swallowing messenger flickered straight to the point and described the purpose of contacting Su Yue this time.

She spoke to the Devourer of Planets.

"I see, is there anything else?" Su Yue asked.

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