The star swallowing messenger blinked and said no, and then cut off the connection.

Su Yue was not at all surprised by the news from Planet Devourer. After all, it was time for Thanos to appear on Earth.

Speaking of which, since Thanos is about to come to Earth, it means that he has already obtained the other Infinity Stones, right?

The Time Gem is in his hand, the Mind Gem has been absorbed by him, and the Space Gem is also in his hand. Half of the six Infinity Gems are in his hand, that is, three are in his hand.

If nothing else, Thanos has already obtained the power gem and soul gem, and the reality gem...

Su Yue had paid attention to it when he was in Asgard before, and had already sent it to the collector. That is to say, if it was there, there is no doubt that it must have ended up in the hands of Thanos.

In other words, now Thanos and Su Yue each have three Infinity Stones.

Of course, Thanos definitely didn't know that the Mind Stone was gone, but even if he did, he wouldn't stop his plan.

After all, he is the head teacher of the family planning class. He will definitely not give up the Infinity Stones. Besides, as long as he defeats Su Yue, he can get all the Infinity Stones.

Although the Mind Stone has been absorbed, there is still a Time Stone. It is easy to restore the Mind Stone.

In fact, it is impossible for Su Yue to let Thanos give up, he is still waiting for Thanos to send gems.

Although I don't know how long it will take Thanos to reach Earth, he should send the vanguard to come to Earth first, right?

Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf.

By the way, since Thanos has already come to Earth, he must have obtained the Infinity Gloves from the Dwarf King. If nothing else happens, the dwarves will probably be useless.

I just don't know, whether Sol was directly teleported there, whether he had already obtained the Storm Axe, or the Storm Axe he got later as in the movie.

Counting the time, the former is more likely. In this case, Thor may not be able to meet Thanos.

Speaking of which, without Groot, I don't know what the handle of Thor's Storm Axe is used for, Su Yue is looking forward to it.

Chapter 0686 Cursed to quit the group chat?

Although Su Yue was curious about Sol's Tomahawk, he didn't take the time or the manager to understand it. Anyway, no matter what Sol's Tomahawk was, or whether there was a Tomahawk, it would have no effect on Su Yue.

However, what is certain is that the dwarves have probably been abolished by Thanos. If Thanos didn't have the Infinity Gloves, he would not be able to come to Earth.

The Planet Devourer let the Star Devourer flash to convey the news. He can all know the news, which means that the matter of Thanos coming to earth is already very clear, or that Thanos is very close to the earth.

Su Yue thought about it for a while, and did not leave the dark dimension for the time being, nor did he inform Dimension Street to prepare.

As a result, with the current scope of Dimension Street, as long as Thanos comes to this neighborhood, it will definitely be affected by the law of God, and even if he does not come to Dimension Street, as long as there is too much movement, Dimension Street will also receive news. With the current strength of Dimension Street , huh... Maybe before he can take action, Thanos will be solved.

After all, even if Thanos has half of the Infinity Stones in his hands, Dimension Street will be stronger if he relies on hard power alone.

Second, since the star swallowing messenger Blink knows about this, it will definitely not only inform himself, but also the Avengers. If the Avengers know, Dimension Street will also receive the news, and General Ross will also receive the news. , in this way, there is basically no difference between knowing everything.

So instead of wasting time to inform yourself, it is better to seize the time to continue absorbing the power of the dark dimension. If you can completely absorb the power of the dark dimension before Thanos comes, then you can seamlessly connect the infinite charging treasure plan. .

She restrained her miscellaneous thoughts, temporarily forgot the dullness and boredom before, let her emotions surge again, and then began to concentrate on absorbing them.

Absorb, absorb, absorb... Maybe it's because you have a target that you're more motivated. This time, the speed of absorbing is obviously much faster than before, and the energy of concentration has made the dark dimension, which was originally very small, even smaller.


A few days later.

New York.

The sky is clear and the weather is very good.

The bustling streets are full of traffic and pedestrians. This is a weekend, a sunny weekend, and at the same time, it is also an unforgettable weekend.

"Huh? Why is the sky suddenly cloudy?"

"what is that?"

"Quick, get out of the way, something fell." There were a few exclamations in the originally quiet street, and many people looked up to the sky, and saw a huge ring falling from the sky, like a black cloud pressing down on the village , instantly obscuring the otherwise clear sky.

There were exclamations everywhere, and the surroundings instantly became chaotic. People were running around, and the cars on the street began to accelerate frantically, and it didn't take long for the chaos.

Someone collided, and a car collided.


With a loud bang, the ring-shaped battleship slammed to the ground, and the sound of collapse suddenly sounded around it, followed by a layer of smoke and dust like waves, which instantly rose into the sky and swept all around.

For a while, the people around them exclaimed, and they were shocked to see this huge round battleship in a slightly distant place, and they all made phone calls or took pictures.


In Dimension Street, the Fengshen team, who had been prepared for a long time, rushed over as soon as they found the movement.

At the same time, the Avengers also received the news.

However, neither Dimension Street nor the Avengers were the first to arrive at the scene.

The first to arrive were Stephens Trange and Wang!

Well, it's the same as in the movie.

In the movie, Hulk was sent to the Sanctuary where Stephens Trange and Wang were, and then Iron Man was found.

Then, Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf came, one was tracking the Hulk, and the other was that the Time Stone was in the hands of Stephens Trange.

So, the goal is clear.

This time, it was purely a surprise. Although in terms of distance, the Sanctuary is not the closest, but who made Stephens Trange and Wang happen to be ready to eat nearby.

Although neither Stephens Trange nor Wang is the kind of nosy character, in terms of Kama Taj's purpose, they are also low-key and only deal with the invasion of other dimensions.

But, right now, there is no danger of dimensional invasion at all, he has no use at all, and because of the registration act, the existence of Kama Taj was announced, so since he met Stephens Trange and Wang Huan Can't really just leave.


Stephens Trange cast magic, instantly clearing the diffused smoke.

Immediately afterwards, Stephens Trange was about to go over to see what was going on when he heard a bang, and Iron Man landed near him from the sky.

"It's finally here!" Iron Man put away his armor and said.

"What's here? Who's here?" Stephens Trange asked with a frown.

Iron Man looked at him: "You don't know? It seems that your news is a bit unintelligible."

This tone made Stephens Trange somewhat unhappy.

I am the mage of Kama Taj, the new supreme mage? Why do you sound like I'm out of date.

Just as he was about to ask for details, he found that many people appeared nearby in various ways.

Stephens Trange looked at it, good guy, there are so many people.

Other members of the Avengers, as well as General Ross' mutant X agent, and the people of Dimension Street.

So many people gathered together, especially in such a short time, what does this mean?

It shows that this matter is not small, and they must have known it long ago.

If nothing else, just say Dimension Street? Basically, they don't care much about things outside Dimension Street. At most, they radiate to the vicinity of Dimension Street. This is also a tacit understanding between the major forces. Otherwise, everything in Dimension Street is in charge, so what do other people do?

The fact that Dimension Street can come and come so quickly is enough to show that this time the matter is not simple, and the enemy this time is not simple!

This made Stephens Trange even more upset, because...he really didn't know anything!


Despise me?

If possible, Stephens Trange really wants to swear on behalf of Kama Taj to leave the group chat.

Chapter 0687 Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf

"Can anyone tell me what happened? Who are they?" Although Stephens Trange really wanted to quit the group chat, on second thought, it didn't matter whether he quit or not.

After all, in this battle, there are not many mages with two more Kama Taj, and there are not many less.

Besides, if you really quit, it will have a greater impact on Kama Taj. After all, all forces on the earth have come, but Kama Taj's people have quit. What is this?

It doesn't fit in with the group!

Originally, the current Kama Taj was weak and weak, how would it develop in the future if it was excluded?

So Stephens Trange can only understand the specific situation first, and he can do nothing. After all, he may not have the opportunity to contribute to this situation, but he must participate.

"You don't know? You shouldn't. You are also a witness, how could you not know?"

The White Queen of the Fengshen Squad looked at Stephens Trange with some surprise, and Stephens Trange was stunned. Who experienced it? What do you mean, how can I be a witness, I don't know...

Stephens Trange originally thought he didn't know them, but a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and then he frowned at Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf opposite, as if... he really seemed to know him!

Isn't this the guy in the short film in Dimension Street?

They seem to be the subordinates of Thanos.

I remembered it, Stephens Trange remembered it.

Once their identities were determined, Stephens Trange would understand what was going on.

It's Thanos, he's about to invade Earth!

In the movie, he did appear in the movie. Although it was a soy sauce, he was indeed a witness.

Whether it is Stephens Trange, Fengshen Squad, or the Avengers, they all know what is going on, but Ebony Throat and Black Dwarf do not know, after all, in their eyes, the earth is just a low-level Just the planet.

For so many years, they have conquered and slaughtered countless planets by following Thanos, although they are also a little surprised that these people's response speed is so fast that they have gathered so many people in such a short period of time, and they still look confident. , but I don't think so.

How can it be fast? In the face of absolute strength, everything is in vain.

Ebony Throat put his hands behind his back, arrogantly ignoring the others at all, but stared directly at Stephens Trange. The reason for staring at him is very simple, Stephens Trange should be the mage of Kama Taj.

Don't ask how Ebony Throat knew, after all, judging from the way Stephens Trange was dressed and the way he emptied the dust just now, it was enough to confirm his identity.

Don't look at Ebony-throated, this is the first time to come to earth, and even in the cosmos, it is somewhat unknown, but he still knows the names of Kama Taj and the Supreme Master, and he also knows that the Supreme Master is very strong and destroys The tyrant is somewhat afraid of him.

This is also the reason why Thanos didn't come to Earth in person before.

Of course, this is just Ebony Throat's guess.

He looked at Stephens Trange, who had a pendant around his neck. This should be his goal.

The Time Stone, the sacred object of Kama Taj, now that the ancient master is dead, so the Time Stone should be on this person.

Thinking of this, Ebony Throat waved to Black Dwarf, pointed to Stephens Trange and said, "It's him."

The voice fell, and the huge black dwarf star directly held a huge axe and smiled at Stephens Trange, and strode over.

Stephens Trange was stunned, why me?

I am a soy sauce maker!

Bewildered, Stephens Trange didn't panic when he arrived. Although he didn't become a mage for a long time, his talent was really amazing. During this time, he concentrated on training, and his strength has really grown by leaps and bounds. If he really wants to do it, he still Don't panic.


With a shock of his arms, the golden magic whip threw directly at the rushing black dwarf star.

With a snap, the magic whip wrapped around Black Dwarf's giant axe, and Stephens Trange threw it down forcefully. Black Dwarf's arm sank slightly, but it quickly stabilized.

It can be seen from the size that the power of a black dwarf is not trivial.

Uh, of course, the size doesn't explain the problem. For example, Spider-Man, his strength is very strong, and he can suppress the black dwarf star.

But Stephens Trange didn't have this kind of power. He couldn't hit him with a single blow. Just as Stephens Trange wanted to change his move, Black Dwarf suddenly swung hard.


Stephens Trange flew out.

In mid-air, Stephens Trange steadied his body and fell lightly, frowning slightly and preparing to continue his shot, however, a figure rushed out directly, not wanting to give Stephens Trange a chance.

Although the other party was looking for Stephens Trange, it was still an intruder. With so many people rushing over, they couldn't watch Stephens Trange play home, right?

What a waste of time.


With a loud shout, the black dwarf star was beaten and quickly retreated, and his feet directly made huge pits on the ground.

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