"If you know something about Earth, especially in the last few years, you will know the news, and maybe you won't be so reckless to invade directly. Uh, maybe, you haven't fought before, because your character is mostly Will not take me and the earth in the eye."

"You... what you said is true?" Thanos asked hesitantly with a frown.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally: "When a person is about to die, his words are also good. Although the person who is about to die is not me, there is no need for me to lie to you."

Thanos was a little confused when he heard this, what do you mean? Before, I felt like I wanted to let me go, not to kill myself to be precise, and to mention parallel universes. It sounded like I wanted to conquer other worlds and plunder resources to support this world.

But now he looks like he's dead again.

what the **** do you want?

Thanos is a little confused, but he is very clear about one thing, he is defeated, or he is dead, or alive, no matter which one, it is best to get a result as soon as possible now, otherwise, his people will really die. .

My subordinates may be unscrupulous on other planets with lower strength, but these heroes on earth are really the best at the level of one against a hundred. Although the number of people is not dominant, the outcome is obvious.

"Speak straight, what do you want?" Thanos asked Su Yue in a deep voice.

Su Yue said with a smile: "I don't know either. To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet. Killing you should be the easiest and most suitable choice for the current situation, but if I really want to kill you, I still feel a little pity. I'll give you a chance."

"Didn't you always take the family planning head teacher as your own responsibility? Haven't you been worried that the resources of this world will gradually be consumed, and the world will die out like your home planet? Then you will be the one to conquer other worlds, how about that?"

Thanos guessed that if Su Yue didn't have this idea, he wouldn't have said that he had low vision before, nor would he have said anything about parallel worlds.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away, or... and gather strength from other worlds to deal with you?" Thanos asked.

Su Yue laughed dumbly: "Do you think I should be afraid? I have the ability to send you to a parallel world, and naturally I have the ability to bring you back, and want to resist me? Yes, I didn't expect you to sincerely rely on me. Ah, I just need you to obey my orders and do things for me. If one day you feel that the sky is sunny and the rain has stopped, you can do it again, I really don't mind if you come back to trouble me, this way ...and maybe make a boring life a little more interesting."

Thanos fell silent. He knew very well that what Su Yue said was true, because, before today, he also had such confidence and mentality to face the enemy who surrendered.

It's just... I didn't expect that one day, my identities would be changed.

"I promise."

After thinking for a moment, Thanos agreed.

He is not afraid of death, and of course he doesn't want to die, but he will surrender. The real reason is that he wants to see and experience the parallel world. If it is true as Su Yue said, he can also accomplish his great goal.

As for surrender?

Heh, as Su Yue said, it is impossible for him to truly surrender just because he was defeated, because he is Thanos!

He can accept Su Yue's assignment to complete some things, but he can't submit to anyone.

Thanos is very clear about this, and he also knows that Su Yue knows this, but they don't care.

As a ruler, it is ridiculous to want every one of his subordinates to surrender sincerely. As a ruler, he does not necessarily require his subordinates to truly surrender their spirits, as long as his actions surrender.

The argument doesn't matter.


Su Yue raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Of course, this isn't the snap of the Infinity Stones, it's just a simple snap.

However, the effect of this finger snap is no worse than that of the Infinity Stones.

Because when the sound of snapping fingers fell, the two sides who were still fighting in the melee instantly stood still, and they all stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yue floated into the air again and spoke up.

Although the sound is not big, it seems to be ringing in everyone's ears, very clear.

" Thanos has surrendered, the battle is over, stop!"

As the voice fell, Su Yue snapped his fingers again.

Afterwards, everyone instantly felt that they had regained their freedom.

However, they did not continue to take action. You look at me, I look at you, whether it is a comrade-in-arms or an enemy, their expressions are a little dazed.

how to say?

Is the battle over?

Thanos actually surrendered?

Whether it is a hero or an enemy, they all find it a little incredible, a little unbelievable!

Chapter 0701 After the war and eating out?

Thanos surrendered?

With the sound of Su Yue's voice, after a short silence, deafening cheers sounded instantly. These cheers did not come from the heroes on the battlefield, but from the reporters who were always paying attention to the situation outside the battlefield, as well as through TV, Internet, etc. Countless people watching the live broadcast.

Even though they already knew the outcome of this battle, when the result came out, the excitement and joy still couldn't help surging up.

Moreover, because of the live broadcast, although most people just watched it outside of TV and the Internet, the sense of participation was still very strong, which made their emotions even more full and excited.

It can be said that for a while, we raised the ball to celebrate. Yes, it is not a national celebration, this is not a matter of one country, but a matter of the whole earth.

Aside from the excitement and joy of the 'bystanders', the moods of both sides on the battlefield are also different. The heroes are happy and excited. After all, they all participated in person, and they are of course happy to be able to win and end the battle.

And those of Thanos' subordinates have complicated emotions, some are depressed, some are unbelievable, and some are unconvinced?

After all, that was Thanos. They came to conquer the earth, but they were conquered instead, and Thanos surrendered?

This is really unacceptable to some extreme guys, so there are actually mentally disabled people who destroy the good atmosphere at this time, some continue to fight, and some want to take the opportunity to escape.

Then, these guys were dealt with. Most of them were solved by heroes, and some were solved by accomplices. Of course, they were accomplices before, but not now.

Among Thanos' subordinates, there are many who are rebellious and those with low IQs. These people, because of Thanos' strength and accepting the rule of Thanos before, may not attack their accomplices, but now, it is not certain.

We all surrendered to Thanos, and Thanos has surrendered now. In theory, the person we took refuge in is not Thanos, but the dimensional lord of the earth.

Now that the dimensional lord has not restrained them, at the same time you guys dare to do it?

So it's reasonable and reasonable to solve your problem? Revenge for revenge, revenge for grievances, or even just to show off in front of the dimensional lords, these reasons are enough for them to take action.

In short, the small disturbance did not cause much trouble, and it ended in just a few minutes.

"Gather your people." Su Yue said to Thanos: "In the future, these people will still be under your rule."

Thanos took a deep look at Su Yue, then turned to gather his men.

Thanos has thought about several possibilities. For example, Su Yue may completely wipe out his group of subordinates, or he may spread out these subordinates, be ruled by his people, and then make himself a bare commander, from a commander to a commander. warrior.

However, Su Yue did not do this.

Was it unexpected for Su Yue?

Of course it's impossible. Su Yue can have such power in Dimension Street on Earth. How could he not even think of such a simple question?

It's just disdain, nothing to worry about.

He is not worried at all about the troubles that may arise if his old ministry is still under his command, such as leading his ministry to rebel or something, so he didn't do anything or play tricks.

If it was Thanos, so would Thanos, because he has absolute confidence in his own strength, but unfortunately, this confidence is now broken by Su Yue.

Thanos gathered the remnants, and the number of people he brought has been reduced by at least one third, especially his generals. So far, only Black Dwarf and Proxima Centauri are still alive.

Black Dwarf was captured after being knocked out last time and handed over to General Ross, and Dark Night is more lucky than sporadic, because Wonder Woman replaced Saitama, so although Wonder Woman was beaten badly, she was almost as good as Black Dwarf. The dwarf star was about to die, but Thanos surrendered in time, so this guy was lucky and finally survived.

Su Yue did not remove the space barrier, but opened a small mouth. The heroes supported each other and left in twos and threes.

Su Yue notified the White Queen and asked her to take care of the aftermath, and then she immediately flashed.

He is getting lazy now, or in other words, it is getting harder and harder to have ordinary things that interest him or are willing to waste energy and time.

Teleport back to Dimension Street, which is also full of jubilation.

Back in the living room on the top floor, Su Yue asked Wanda to pour himself a glass of wine, and then placed the six Infinity Stones in front of him.

For now, you should be the first person in this universe to collect all the Infinity Stones, right?

Su Yue has no interest in the ability of the Infinity Stone, because he can do whatever the gem can do, even easier and with better effects. What he cares more about is the energy of the gem.

Unlimited power bank plan, start!

Su Yue tried to absorb the energy of five gems at the same time, not to mention, it was really successful. In addition to the time gem, the energy of other gems was quickly absorbed by Su Yue, which means that Su Yue is now at a high level. Only come one by one.

Even so, absorbing all the energy of the five gems at one time gave Su Yue a feeling of 'exploding', as if his body had become a bottle full of water. out feeling.

For this reason, Su Yue had to stop and spend most of the day consuming and transforming, only then did he use the time gem to restore other gems, and then he was ready to continue.


The sound of breaking the air sounded from the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window, as if something was rushing in this direction quickly.

This made Su Yue a little surprised. In today's Dimension Street, especially when Thanos has just been dealt with, who would dare to fly directly into Dimension Street?

People from Dimension Street?


Although people from Dimension Street will not be banned from flying, judging from the sound, the opponent's speed is very fast, so fast that it is absolutely impossible to be a person from Dimension Street!

Chapter 0702 Carol Danvers

Su Yue came to the large floor-to-ceiling window, and squinted to the location where the sound of breaking the air came from. In the blue sky and the white clouds, a figure emitting bright light was galloping fast.

The speed is fast and the light is bright, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

However, this is not a meteorite, but a human!

One, woman!

Su Yue could clearly see that in the light was a face that was both familiar and somewhat unfamiliar.

Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers!

Su Yue really didn't expect it to be her. Although he did think of Carol Danvers when he fought Thanos before, and thought of it several times, he really didn't think that Carol Danvers really Will appear.

After all, the reality is different from the situation in the movie. Under the butterfly effect, many things have been far different from the development in the movie. For no reason, how could Carol Danvers come back?

But now, Carol Danvers did come back.

This made Su Yue feel very strange.

Familiar, because Su Yue first came into contact after crossing into this world, and the first hero to fight side by side was Carol Danvers, and also because of the movie; and unfamiliar, because they had not seen each other for a long, long time. Now, time flies, Su Yue stayed on the earth to develop Dimension Street, and Carol Danvers left the earth and went to the sky. After years of separation, there will naturally be that kind of strangeness.

But whether familiar or unfamiliar, since Carol Danvers is back, Su Yue is naturally happy.


The figure flashed, and Su Yue teleported directly in front of Carol Danvers.

Carol Danvers was flying very fast, and he didn't expect someone to suddenly appear in front of him without warning. He didn't realize what was going on for a while and was hugged.

This surprised Carol Danverston, subconsciously trying to use the power in her body to shake the opponent away, and at this moment, a voice sounded in her mind.

"It's me, Su Yue."

A familiar voice, a familiar name.

Carol Danvers was stunned, stunned for a few seconds, and then turned to look over. Sure enough, it was the familiar person who hugged him.

"You... can fly?" Carol Danvers said subconsciously.


Su Yue suddenly had a black line.

Well, there is no black line, but he never expected to reunite with Carol Danvers after so long apart, her first sentence turned out to be this? He was surprised that he could fly.

"The times have changed, you can't look at me in the same way." Su Yue said with a smile, and then teleported back to Dimension Street with Carol Danvers, into his living room.

Carol Danvers stabilized after landing, and looked around in surprise.

"What is this place?" she asked curiously.

"Dimension Street."

"My family is also my power." Su Yue said with a smile: "I settled down here after you left the earth. After so many years, Dimension Street has become the strongest force on earth."

Su Yue sighed a little, even though he is in a powerful position today, when he sees acquaintances who are still separated, he still can't help showing off his achievements a little emotionally.

Having said that, Carol Danvers seems to be the only one who can make him show off.

After all, I met at Wei Mo, and the relationship was completely different, and there was still such a long blank period.

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