"This is Dimension Street? It looks good." Carol Danvers came to the bed in amazement. Looking at the modern and bustling streets and crowds outside, she couldn't help smiling.

Is this the Dimension Street?

Carol Danvers' words made Su Yue frown slightly.

Under what circumstances would she say that? Naturally, if you have heard of Dimension Street, know the three words of Dimension Street, and the name, you will use such a tone to express surprise after coming to Dimension Street in person.

"It seems that I have to chat with Nick Fury when I have time." Su Yue snorted coldly.

Carol Danvers smiled and shook his head: "It wasn't Nick Fury who told me that although we have contact, there has never been any real contact."

"I know the Dimension Street from the Skrulls, and I know about Nick Fury and the earth."

"Tianjian Bureau?" Su Yue asked.

Carol Danvers nodded.

Su Yue pouted, Nick Fury, the old fox, has hardly shown up since his suspended animation, and has been studying the Tianjian game.

He has a relationship with the Skrulls, which is normal, both in this world and in the movie.

"How much do you know?" Su Yue asked curiously.

"It's not too much, I know that Nick Fury and the Skrulls set up the Heavenly Sword Bureau, the main purpose is to deal with the crisis of alien invasion, but the effect is average, more just to settle the Skrulls, Let them have a safe and stable living environment. I also know some things on earth, and I also know some things about you, especially Dimension Street, I have heard a lot of rumors. "

"To be honest, I really didn't expect you to develop Dimension Street into the current scale. If I knew you were so powerful, maybe I should have stayed to help you at the beginning. In this way, the development will be faster and there will be more things that can be done. "

Carol Danvers sighed. Many times others don't look at the process but only at the result. Only you know how hard it is.

Although Carol Danvers has helped a lot of people in the universe over the years, and even though he has made a name for himself, the hardships involved are truly extraordinary.

Even with such a firm belief, she couldn't help but want to give up several times.

This is only the influence of other aspects, and it does not count the large and small battles that have been experienced over the years.

"By the way, why did you come back suddenly?" Su Yue remembered and asked.

Carol Danvers said: "I heard in the universe that Thanos was going to invade the earth. I was worried that the earth would not be able to handle it, so I came back to help. You should also prepare, Thanos should Coming."

A serious and serious reminder from Carol Danvers.

Su Yue was dumbfounded: "If you're talking about the tyrant of the universe and the Thanos who owns the Infinity Stones, you don't have to worry. What do you think this is?"

Chapter 0703 Fight?

"Infinity Stones...all...all Infinity Stones?"

Carol Danverston was dumbfounded when she watched Su Yue summon six sparkling Infinity Stones lined up in front of her.

She still knows the Infinity Stones very well. After all, her ability also comes from the Space Stone in the Infinity Stones.

It can be said that many Avengers heroes are related to the Infinity Stones.

For example, the event line of the space gem: 1. Odin and the ice giant hid it in Norway during the war on earth; 2. It was guarded by the mysterious old man of the earth; 3. It was taken away by the Red Skull, and the plane fell into the sea; Howard Stark led S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to fish out of the sea for experiments; 5. After the Starks were killed by the Winter Soldier, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was used to perform Pegasus Action; 7. It was kept by Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.; 8. Loki put it into the Asgard treasure store after failing to **** the universe cube; 9. Loki took it away before Asgard was destroyed; 10. Luo Giving the base to Thanos; 11. Destroyed by Thanos.

Just one space gem connects so many people and so many events.

The Power Stone connects the plot of space beyond the earth.

The gems of reality revolve around Asgard and Jane Fortes, and they have made the most famous collectors in the universe pitted.

The time gem has always been in Kama Taj, and the soul gem is also in the universe. Let’s not mention these two gems for the time being.

Speaking of the remaining mind gems, this is also one of the gems most closely related to the earth and the Avengers. It can be said that it and the space gem support the Avengers series.

Loki used the Mind Stone to invade the earth and controlled Hawkeye, which led to the first gathering of the Avengers and the first alien invasion of the earth;

Baron Steckel used the Mind Stone to create Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. The combination of the mind gem and the body made by Ultron to simulate the human body with vibration gold, and the artificial intelligence system Jarvis, the fusion of various factors has become a vision.

Finally, let’s talk about Thanos. In order to collect the Infinity Stones, Thanos has done a lot of things on the earth in the universe. This time he invaded the earth because of the Infinity Stones.

As a result...that's it?

The Infinity Stones that Thanos desperately wanted to collect are now in front of him and in Su Yue's hands.

What did Thanos come to do?

To **** the remaining Infinity Stones.

The results of it?

Instead, he gave away the gems he finally collected?

No, what's more important is that Thanos has come to Earth, and... already defeated.

This is what really surprised Carol Danvers. After she knew the news, she hurried from the universe and wanted to come back to help Su Yue and Earth resist Thanos.

Then, she came late.

In the universe, the tyrant Thanos, the terrifying tyrant and the terrifying tyrant who possesses the Infinity Stones, was dealt with before he came back?

Although I don't know the detailed process, but since the Infinity Stones are in Su Yue's hands, it's very clear.

Su Yue, defeated Thanos.

"How did you do it?" Carol Danvers asked Su Yue in disbelief.

Su Yue shrugged: "It's very simple, I'm better than him!"

"But this... but this is too unacceptable. I know you are very strong, but that is Thanos. The troops under his command can easily capture any planet, a race. Xandar is so strong that it is destroyed by Thanos will be destroyed."

Carol Danvers asked curiously, "How strong are you now?"

"How strong is it?" Su Yue thought for a while and said with a smile, "If nothing else, it should be the strongest in the universe."

"The strongest in the universe? Are you sure?" Carol Danvers was eager to try.

She is also a belligerent herself, and she is particularly strong in her bones. In addition, she has basically fought in the universe for so many years, large and small battles, and she has encountered many enemies with different strengths.

Although she is not arrogant enough to think that she can defeat Thanos 100%, she really wants to try Su Yue who has defeated the Infinity Stones Thanos.

After all, she understood Su Yue's strength and ability when they separated.

For so many years, Carol Danvers thinks that he has become stronger and stronger, but now Su Yue says he has stood at the top, which makes Carol Danvers How not to be curious? How can you not want to experience it for yourself?

"A fight?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

"it is good!"

Carol Danvers agreed without a word.

Su Yue was not surprised that Carol Danvers had to fight with herself after a long absence, but she felt that this was the only thing she felt.

If it is true that the first thing after the reunion is love and love, although Su Yue can accept it, she still feels that she is who she is now!

Reaching out and hugging Carol Danvers, Su Yue took her to teleport and disappeared.

The next moment, the two appeared in an uninhabited desert.

There are many such uninhabited places on earth. With the strength of him and Carol Danvers, if they really want to fight, they will definitely attract attention.

Fighting against Thanos, Su Yue doesn't mind being broadcast live. After all, this is a good thing to improve the people's morale on earth, and to improve himself and the status of Dimension Street.

But with Carol Danvers, there's no need for that.

Chapter 0704 The strongest force in one


A deafening collision sounded, and the strong impact spread out. Suddenly, there was a feeling of flying sand and stones, and yellow smoke filled the air.

Carol Danvers stepped back slightly, withdrew her fist glowing with energy, raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and threw her fist again.


The fist was blocked by Su Yue.

Boxing and fisting, force and force, the collision between the two did not leave any hands, and they almost went all out.

The reason why I say almost is because Carol Danvers may have gone all out, but Su Yue did not.

If Su Yue really went all out, the battle would have ended long ago, so it was only almost.

There is no holding back, um, this is also a bit watery, the Su Clan only increased the strength within the range that just surpassed Carol Danvers and did not hold back.

Carol Danvers is special to Su Yue, although they have been together for a short time and haven't seen each other for many years.

But, Carol Danvers represents his beginning!

His beginning in this world.

The beginning of the transcendence after the whitewashing and retraining!

Then, Carol Danvers came back.

When did she come back?

He has become famous, his strength is superior to the heroes, and he has all the infinite gems in his hands. As long as he has time, he can use the infinite charging treasure to break through the boundaries, become the strongest in the universe, and completely control the universe.

Or to put it simply, the pinnacle!

When Carol Danvers left, it was his beginning, and when Carol Danvers came back, it was his end.

It can be said that she witnessed her most critical moment.

In this case, Su Yue felt that Carol Danvers was special and normal.

So if Carol Danvers wants to fight, he will fight, but he is willing to keep his strength low, and the water release is not so obvious, and he doesn't even have that kind of perfunctory feeling. On the contrary, he is enjoying it.

bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

After the frantic fight, Carol Danvers suddenly rushed upwards, and he jumped into the air, looking down at the already bald desert, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his body shook violently.


The dazzling energy rays soared into the sky, and Carol Danvers was instantly enveloped in intense energy.

Supernova state.

It can be regarded as a state of full power release of energy, and it can be regarded as the strongest state of Carol Danvers at present.

"final hit."

Carol Danvers spoke up, and after the voice fell, it rushed towards Su Yue as quickly as a meteorite fell.

The last blow was also a full blow.

Although Su Yue's water release is very level, it has obviously been seen through by Carol Danvers. How can I say that Su Yue can defeat Thanos and get other gems, and he can also defeat the army of Thanos, and more importantly It is that people on earth have not been affected by any disasters and effects. What does this mean?

It means that Thanos was solved before he could cause damage to the earth, and that Su Yue's strength is far stronger than that of Thanos. Only then can it be possible to defeat the tyrant Thanos who is carrying an army with a fierce reputation in the universe, especially... Thanos also has three gems.

Carol Danvers asked himself to be himself, even if he did his best, he could not achieve such results.

Maybe she can defeat Thanos, but the earth will never be intact, and the human beings on earth will not be doing anything like nothing happened.

So, isn't it obvious?

How could Su Yue be only slightly stronger than himself?

What's more, he has never used any abilities such as surgical fruit.

Although Carol Danvers has a competitive personality, she really has no such thoughts about Su Yue, so her full blow is not only to tell Su Yue not to fight after finishing this move, In fact, I just want to see how strong Su Yue is now.


The sound of the collision sounded, and the clear sky suddenly sounded dull thunder, which exploded for no reason.

With the location of Su Yue and Carol Danvers Station as the center, it sags in all directions in an instant, and the distance must be at least a few kilometers.

On the ground, the wind howled, flying sand and rocks.

The ground that had been ploughed cleanly was blown up again by a layer of soil and sand, and it even seemed like a tornado was generated, forming a storm like a natural disaster.


The crisp finger snap was clearly audible in such a chaotic and noisy environment.

As the fingers snapped down, the storm disappeared, the pit rose, and the ground was once again covered with a thick layer of yellow sand.

The desert reappears, just like the hands of two people.

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