After all, the legal department of Dimension Street is not given for nothing!

Chapter 0609 The influence of dimension street

  No matter which world Spider-Man is from Queens, so, after the three Spider-Man walked out of Dimension Street, they were resident in Queens, and they regarded Queens as their own protection site.

  Although Peter Parker Jr. has a short debut time and needs two 'seniors' to teach him, he has home field advantage and is more popular.

  The old Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man work in black and white, and Peter Parker Jr. chooses who to follow at his own time.

  I have to say that this kind of old and new made Peter Parker's progress very fast, and some of the mistakes that the original novice would make were avoided in advance.

  At the same time, the recognition of Spider-Man in Queens is also getting higher and higher. It almost regards Spider-Man as the representative hero of his own area, completely as his own, and even feels that Queens is also part of Dimension Street. After all, spiders The brand of Dimension Street on Xia has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Spider-Man on Dimension Street guards Queens every day, which naturally makes people in Queens feel that Dimension Street is protecting Queens.

  Some changes are happening quietly.

  Gradually, many shops in Queens began to scan the code to pay, and if there was a dispute, some people did not ask the police to directly ask Spider-Man to deal with it.

  If there is trouble in other neighborhoods, or there is a dispute, people who may have no choice in the past will gradually lift their chests and tell them that Queens is sheltered by Dimension Street.

  Not to mention, it is really effective. At least many gangsters and the like don't dare to mess around in Queens. On the one hand, there is Spider-Man who is always guarding, and on the other hand, they are indeed afraid of Dimension Street.

  It can be said that in a short period of time, the crime rate in Queens has plummeted, and the police in charge of Queens have begun to reduce their daily patrols and spend most of their time dealing with criminals sent by Spider-Man.

  Although some people are dissatisfied with this, they think that Spider-Man has replaced their jobs, and that this is a conspiracy of Dimension Street, which wants to assimilate Queens.

  Unfortunately, their grievances and opposition have no effect.

  This is not what Dimension Street did from it, but mainly because people saw the positive changes after Dimension Street intervened. Their lives were more convenient and safer. Naturally, they chose to support Dimension Street.

  And for those who are dissatisfied and opposed, there is no way to make people better apart from dissatisfaction and opposition. Who will support it?

  You can object!

  As long as you can come up with a better way.

  If not?

  Who cares about you!

  Just after the Spider-Man team made an excellent start in Queens, Dimension Street took measures again. This time, a guard team came out directly from Dimension Street, changing the normal patrol range directly from Dimension Street to Dimension. Outside the street, it covers the direction of three blocks on all sides.

  The reason there are three is because one side is the sports field.

  Captain Peggy, who has gradually adapted to this world, is also in this escort team.

  In addition, the holiday island of Dimension Street is officially open to the public.

  As soon as it opened, it attracted countless tourists. First of all, the publicity of the holiday island has been launched for a period of time. Many people want to know what the holiday island in the city is like, and even more want to know if it is another world; Secondly, Dimension Street is already a brand. Even if it is also a holiday island, Dimension Street and non-Dimension Street are two concepts in people's minds.

  Maybe other aspects are the same, maybe other places are better, but the last sentence among friends I went to is the holiday island in Dimension Street, which definitely kills people who go to other places for holiday islands.It feels like although it is the same T-shirt, but I am a famous brand, you are just a street stall, the value has extended from the item itself to the brand effect.

  During this period, whether it was General Hsinchu Gang Ross, the Avengers, or S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, they all asked Su Yue about related matters.

  Of course, the parallel world resort island can only be regarded as a bonus. What they really want to ask is about mutants and planet eaters.

  What to say about mutants.

  The people or forces that should know already know it, and this is already the top priority at the moment.

  Whether it is General Ross, the Avengers, or S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, they all began to look for mutants.

  This has greatly affected the living environment of those mutants, and it is difficult for them to escape safely.

  Those whose appearances are no different from humans can still mix in human society in a low-key manner, and those whose appearances are quite different can really only be avoided everywhere.

  Many mutants have already been arrested by various forces. At the same time, it is said that mutants have also begun to unite and are ready to negotiate with the forces of this world?

  As for the twinkling of the star swallowing messenger, she did not intervene in this matter...

  On the one hand, her task is to transmit mutants to this world, and how to live in this world is not her main concern.

  A relatively good living environment has been given to you, and how each person's life goes is still up to you.

  Nine times out of ten, the mutants who were caught were the ones who couldn't stand being low-key, couldn't enjoy life, and couldn't bear it.

  They were caught, and they deserved it.

  On the other hand, Flicker is very clear that only when the number of mutants increases will the mutants have the basis for negotiating with this world. Otherwise, how can they negotiate with others if there are three or two kittens?

  In general, according to the information collected by Su Yue, these mutants are roughly divided into three camps.

  One is that he wants to hide his identity and live a good life in this peaceful world, and he has no ideals; the other is to seek refuge in a certain party, so that he can obtain security without compromising his own life and conceal his abilities; One thing is that it is a bit ambitious, and is going to set up a mutant organization in this world, forming its own faction.

  As the biggest and loudest force in the world, Dimension Street is naturally also concerned by these mutants. Recently, individual mutants have appeared in the vicinity of Dimension Street one after another. Although they have not yet entered Dimension Street, they are only sooner or later.

  By the way, while everyone was focusing on mutants or vacation islands, there was a change in the business world.

  Mrs. M, the former president of Stark Industries, resigned and then joined Hanmer Technology. The first thing she joined was to change the name of Hanmer Technology to Dimension Street Technology. At the same time, a science and technology department was added on the basis of the original weapons department. The first product of the Ministry of Science and Technology is the universal car capsule that has already started mass production at the Dimension Street Research Center.

Chapter 0610 finally started at Attilan

  Technology changes life, Dimension Street changes technology!

  As soon as the universal car capsule was launched, it quickly became the news headlines. After all, this universal capsule method can be said to have completely subverted the original basic framework of the automobile industry, and also completely subverted the way people use and recognize cars.

  Suyue didn't follow the universal car capsule very closely, and the relevant information was learned from the Internet.

  The car is still the original car. Almost all major car brands have signed a cooperation agreement with Dimension Street Technology, so the car brands and types in the Universal Car Capsule cannot be said to be everything, but they are almost the same.

  With such a subversive product across the ages, car brand companies are not stupid, and naturally they will not give up this opportunity at the early stage.How to say, not to increase sales or expand market share, but not to be left behind.

  The specific production cooperation method is not clear to Su Yue, but the sales model is very simple. It can only be sold in Dimension Street, or ordered online through the APP of Dimension Street.At least this is the case at the beginning. As for the future, it is estimated that 4S stores of various brands should also be available.

  In a word, Mrs. M jumped from Stark Industries to Hanmer Technology, Hanmer Technology changed its name to Dimension Street Technology, officially launched the universal car capsule, and a series of follow-up plans released by Mrs. M made Dimension Street Technology instantly become the focus, At the same time, the influence of Dimension Street will be expanded again.

  The technology of Dimension Street, the holiday island, and the guards who went out, a series of things added together to make Dimension Street, which was a little quiet, popular again.

  For this reason, Su Yue had to modify the system settings with the ability to achieve what he wanted. A hundred times the dimension point volume is not enough. This time he directly created a thousand times the dimension point volume, so that the number of dimension street can be increased every day. The upper limit of the dimension point is six million.

  According to one person adding one dimension point, the upper limit of [-] million dimension points is equivalent to [-] million people. In other words, only Dimension Street can accommodate [-] million people every day to reach the upper limit of obtaining dimension points.

  As long as the operation is done properly, [-] million dimensional points can be entered into the account every day. Now, it takes [-] million dimensional points to upgrade the level of Dimension Street. If there are [-] million points per day, it will only take less than [-] days to upgrade.

  This speed is a little scary.

  Of course, the premise is to ensure that there are [-] million people in Dimension Street every day. It is very difficult to achieve this. Six million people are equivalent to the total population of a small city. How big is Dimension Street?It can't accommodate so many people at all, and at the same time, there is no possibility of attracting so many people to come to Dimension Street every day, I can only say... continue to work hard.

  Anyway, even if there are not six million people, the number of people is now more than before, and the number of dimension points obtained is also more.

  The Dimension Street is lively and busy, and everyone is doing their own work.

  Then, Su Yue miraculously found that there were not enough manpower.

  Whether it is the escort team or the conventional combat action team, even the Fengshen team has maintained law and order in Dimension Street, but the wave of upsurge in Dimension Street is too turbulent, and there is an obvious shortage of manpower.

  Where to get people?

  Keep calling?Some waste dimensional points, and the number cannot fill the current vacancy.

  Tuning people from other affiliated universes?

  It takes time to arrange, far away can't quench thirst!

  As for the mutants who were sent in, it's okay, but if they all get to Dimension Street, the multiverse plan will be affected.

  After thinking about it, Su Yue thought of a place, a place with a large number of people who could quickly fill the vacancies and complete the task well.


  The moon Attilan, the city of the Inhumans.

  Su Yue had already regarded this place as something in his own pocket, but he was too lazy to come forward in person and hand it over to Maximus to deal with it.

  After such a long time, it seems that the coup of Maximus has not been completed. This efficiency is a bit slow.

  Su Yue frowned slightly, and a dodge was teleported directly to Maximus's room in Attilan city.

  As soon as he appeared, Maximus in the room was suddenly startled, got up hastily, knelt down on one knee facing Su Yue, bowed his head and said hello: "Lord Lord."

  "Call everyone in the royal family together, I want to meet them." Su Yue said directly.

  Maximus was taken aback. "Lord Lord, are you... Are you going to do it yourself? If you are not in a hurry, please give me a month. I have already arranged everything. After a month, I will definitely be able to replace it and complete your explanation, Lord Lord. "

  "I can't wait a month."

  Su Yue shook his head and said: "The Dimension Street needs manpower to maintain order. I will get things done here immediately, and then bring them back to Dimension Street to do things. Don't worry, I promise to make you the king of Attilan, and I will not break my promise. , In the future, Attilan will become the front station of Dimension Street, you can still develop Inhumans here, and at the same time I will give you some technology to enhance Attilan's power."


  Although he was a little unwilling that his efforts during this period of time were in vain, Maximus did not dare to go against Su Yue's intentions.

  After nodding in response, he quickly notified Xiaogo with a communication tool.

  Although Maximus originally had little status in Attilan's royal family, since Su Yue gave him the ability, Maximus' status has skyrocketed.

  Although they are all relatives, in this small society where the strong are respected, ability and incompetence are completely two concepts. Even if your ability is weak and your ability is tasteless, it is better than no ability, just an ordinary human being. many.

  It's also a pedigree.

  Half an hour later, because Maximus said there was an emergency, all the royals came to the usual place of parliament.

  Black Bolt sits high on the throne, Medusa and Crystal stand on both sides, and further down are members of the royal family such as Gorgon, Karnak, Tritan, and Tetanus.

  "Maxims, what is the most important thing for us to immediately... Who are you?" When Maximus appeared, Medusa asked directly.

  Before she finished speaking, she saw Su Yue who appeared with Maximus.

  "Lord Lord?"

  Immediately afterwards, the crystal on the side recognized Su Yue and exclaimed.

  "Lord Lord? Could it be... this is the dimensional lord of the last Yuan Street on Earth?" Crystal shouted, Medusa and others vaguely guessed Su Yue's identity.

  Although Attilan does not contact the earth, they still know a thing or two about the situation on the earth, especially the existence of Dimension Street.

Chapter 0611 Let's do it!

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