Black Bolt glanced at Maximus with a solemn expression, and vaguely guessed what was going on.

  Maximus originally had a very hostile attitude towards humans, which can be said to be the representative of Attilan's desire to fight humans.Later, Maximus, who had experienced the transformation of the Terrigan Mist for a long time, suddenly acquired the ability, and his attitude towards humans seemed to have changed a lot after that.

  Black Bolt has two guesses about this. One is that Maximus has been hiding his awakening ability. He has deliberately planned something, but because he failed, he gave up, and revealed his ability and gave up. Aiming at the concept of human beings; the second is that Maximus has acquired the ability through other methods, but he is just afraid of going deeper, so he has been keeping a low profile recently.

  It now appears that it is the latter.

  Maximus got together with people on earth, and his abilities were most likely obtained from this dimensional lord on earth.

  Now that the dimensional lord is coming, the comer is not good!

  Black Bolt couldn't speak, because when he made a sound, it was a destructive sound wave, so he looked at Medusa, his spokesman.

  What Black Bolt thought of Medusa also thought of it. She walked forward slowly and looked at Su Yue and said, "You are Su Yue, the lord of Yuanjie on Earth, right? You'd better show your intention, otherwise..."

  "Otherwise what?" Su Yue frowned frivolously: "Do you want to do it? That's exactly what I want."

  "Your Excellency is determined to go to us Attilan as an enemy?" Medusa snorted.

  Immediately, the others around them took on alert postures, as if they might do something at any time.

  "Lord Lord, you... what do you mean?" Crystal didn't expect that Su Yue would get into trouble with her family as soon as she appeared, so she hurried to Su Yue's side and asked.

  "Crystal, come back." Medusa shouted in surprise, unfortunately one step late.

  Su Yue rubbed Crystal's head with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't hurt them. I'm just going to ask them to change their identities and jobs. Don't you want to stay in Dimension Street in the future?"

  "I..." Crystal is simple but not stupid. At this time, she probably heard a bit of meaning.

  But, she didn't know what to do?

  Stop Su Yue?

  Not to mention the previous friendship between the two, even if they ignore it, Crystal does not think that he has the ability to stop it.

  "Don't worry, I promise not to treat them badly." Su Yue continued: "The Inhumans themselves originated from the earth, and the Atilan branch left the earth for some reason, and now there is a chance to return to the earth, isn't it? ?"

  "You don't have to worry that the humans of the earth will be malicious to you, and you don't have to worry about any changes in your life."

  "Simply put, as long as you are willing to cooperate. I will bring these members of your royal family and some of Attilan's inhumans to Dimension Street. Your job in the future is actually the same as now, which is to protect the safety of Dimension Street. Of course. , the position of the king may need to be handed over to Maximus by Black Bolt, and he will stay in the base of Attilan in the future."

  "If you agree, I can help you solve your ability problems. For example, you can freely control the sound waves, you don't need to be dumb anymore, and you don't need to carefully control yourself not to make a sound."

  With that said, Su Yue looked at Black Bolt.

  Black Bolt raised his brows slightly, and he was indeed a little moved by his ability, but as the king of Attilan and a top powerhouse, he naturally couldn't agree because of Su Yue's words.

  "Well, I know it's hard for you to agree with three or two words. If it was in the past, I might give you time to think about it slowly. But this time, I need manpower on my side, so I'm sorry."

  Su Yue didn't need to use his psychic ability to guess Black Bolt King's thoughts. The result was also what he expected, but it was just that he had to bow first and then soldiers.

  You can't just scream and kill as soon as you come up, er, although it's almost the same.

  As soon as Su Yue's voice fell, the hot-tempered Gorgon immediately started.Gorgon's Inhuman ability is very... In particular, he has a physical strength that surpasses ordinary people, his legs are like legs of lamb, he can create super shock waves by stepping on the ground, and his fighting skills are extremely good.

  I saw his feet suddenly stomped, the ground sags and shattered in an instant, and then like an angry beast, it rushed in front of Su Yue and punched him with a heavy punch.

  Su Yue glanced at him and threw a punch at will.


  fist bump.

  Su Yue's expression was indifferent, neither sad nor happy, but Gorgon groaned, grabbed his wrist and stepped back abruptly.

  "How is that possible!" Gorgon looked horrified. He had no idea that Su Yue's physical fitness was so strong and his strength was so great.


  Karnike's reminder sounded suddenly, and Gore responded instantly when he heard the sound, but... it was still too slow.

  A lightning-like light lit up. Before Gorgon could see what was going on, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. It felt as if he had been hit by a fast-moving strong beast. out.

  "call out--"

  Gorgon's strong and strong body flew out, and with a bang, Gorgon directly hit the wall behind the Black Bolt Throne, sinking deep into it.

  Wind, straight.

  Medusa's long blown hair slowly fell, she stared at Gorgon who had passed out with wide eyes, and quickly shouted to do it.

  In an instant.

  Karnak and Cui Tan rushed towards Su Yue at the same time.

  At the same time, Medusa's long hair seemed to have turned into a group of snakes and rushed towards Su Yue.

  Su Yue raised the corner of his mouth and suddenly released a decelerating halo force field.In an instant, the fast-moving Karnak and Tritan seemed to be slowed down.

  Su Yue watched the two of them directly use the hive's ability to persuade them to surrender. In an instant, the expressions of the two of them changed and their movements stopped.

  The deceleration halo force field disappeared, and Medusa's long hair followed, Su Yue smiled at her, and then... something unexpected happened to Medusa.

  Tritan and Karnak suddenly grabbed Medusa's hair, which was attacking Su Yue, and pulled Medusa directly over when Medusa was unexpected.



  Karnike kicked Medusa directly on the head, and Medusa flew out with a groan.


  After a while, Medusa fell heavily on the ground, struggled unbelievably a few times, and didn't get up.

Chapter 0612 The origin of the alien race?Persuade to surrender!

  "Karnek, Tritan, you..." Medusa couldn't believe it, she never imagined that they would turn against each other.

  It is normal for Maximus to unite with outsiders, because Maximus has always been like that. If he wants to do something, he can only unite with outsiders, because in Attilan, there are very few people he can win over.

  But what about Karnike and Tritan?

  They are members of the royal family, relatives, and the most loyal fans. The most important thing is that they have got everything they can get. What benefits can they get even if they betray the royal family?

  "Are you under control?"

  After being surprised, Medusa immediately thought of a possibility, that is, mind control.Although this ability is relatively rare among the Inhumans, it is not absent.

  Who controls them?


  No, although he can also mind control, his control should not be strong enough to control Karnak and Tritan.

  So, is it the dimensional lord who gave Maximus psychic abilities?

  "Don't worry, I promised you." Su Yue said to the eager crystal, looking at Black Bolt who stood up angrily and Tetanus who glared at him, he said lightly: "I don't use the mind. The ability, but the ability of the Inhumans. To be precise, it is the ability of the first Inhumans in the history of the Inhumans."

  "What, what do you mean?" Crystal asked blankly.

  Black Bolt wanted to ask, but he was used to not opening his mouth easily.Now is not the time for him to speak.

  "The... God of the Inhumans?" Crystal suddenly reacted.

  When Maximus took her to Dimension Street for the first time, he introduced Su Yue, saying that he was the god of the Inhumans, and that he could fill the defects of the Inhumans and make every Inhumans happy and satisfied.

  The happiness and satisfaction that Crystal thought refers to the feeling of getting along with Su Yue every time, but obviously not.

  "Crystal, what are you talking about, the god of the Inhumans?" Medusa asked Crystal after struggling to get up.

  Crystal Road: "Maximus took me to Dimension Street before. He said that the lord is the god of the Inhumans, who can fill the defects of the Inhumans and satisfy everyone in the Inhumans. Also, his ability It was also given by the Lord."


  The Inhumans present all looked at Su Yue, but the colors were different. Maximus, Karnak, and Tritan were fanatics, while Crystal was complicated. As for Medusa, Black Bolt, and Tetanus, they were puzzled.

  Su Yue said indifferently: "Although it is a bit exaggerated to say God, it is actually true. In the history of the Inhumans, the Inhumans were born because the Kree needed to create a group of warriors with special abilities, so on Earth Experiments in humans have changed the genes of some human beings. After that, the first Inhumans were born, and his mission was to help the Cree manage the Inhumans army, which is a kind of ability and domination at the genetic level."

  "Each of the Inhumans cannot escape this control. It can even be said that the Inhumans are actually very similar to your Attilan's management methods. Everyone is destined to have their own role since birth."

  "You... you are also an Inhuman?" Medusa asked in a deep voice. "You are the first inhuman being created?"


  Under the gazes of everyone, Su Yue shook his head and denied: "I am not an Inhuman, or I can be an Inhuman as long as I want, but the identity of the Inhuman is too low, if I make myself an Inhuman, like It is you who are willing to become ordinary human beings, even a few grades lower."

  "The first Inhumans, or the person who has the ability to rule Inhumans, is called Hive. It is not right to say that it is a human. He is somewhat similar to tetanus, but tetanus is a dog, and he is like a parasite. At the beginning, the Kree people's experiments on the earth had not completely ended, they left the earth because of the war situation, and gave up the experiment of the inhuman race. After that, the hive ruled the inhuman race and other humans, and was finally sent to a certain planet by humans. Come on, exile."

  "I brought this hive back some time ago, but this guy... kinda didn't understand the situation, so I killed it."

  "Now, the only person in the world who has the ability to control the Inhumans is me."

  Su Yue said and looked at Maximus, Karnak and Cui Tan. "They have all been controlled by me, but this control may not be the same as you imagine. They have not lost themselves, they are still them, but the flaws in their hearts have been filled, but they will be unconditional. loyalty to me."

  On the one hand, Su Yue suddenly came to Tetanus's side, and Tetanus was persuaded to surrender before he could react.

  After controlling tetanus, Medusa and Black Bolt lost their chance to escape from Attilan. After all, only tetanus can teleport.

  "Now, I'll give you a chance to choose." Su Yue looked at Medusa and Black Bolt: "Either I persuade me to surrender and follow me, so that you can keep yourselves. I promised to help Black Bolt solve the problem. The problem of ability is the same. Moreover, the Inhumans who were brought to the Dimension Street are still managed by you."

  "Either I will just wash away your memories and identities and make you lose yourself completely."

  "Trust me, it's not difficult for me, it's just a matter of thought, so... tell me your choice."

  If possible, Su Yue didn't want to wash away their memories. First, it wasted transcendence energy, although it wasn't much. Second, it was not easy to explain with Crystal.

  After all, the face of the crystal still needs to be given some.

  Medusa looked at Black Bolt, then at the crystal, and then said to Su Yue: "Only Black Bolt can decide this matter. You said that you can solve the problem of Black Bolt, then... it's better for you to go first. Make it happen."

  "It doesn't matter, no matter what you choose, the issue of Black Bolt's ability has to be resolved."

  Su Yue didn't mind whether Medusa or Black Bolt had ulterior motives. In the face of absolute strength, any careful thought was useless.


  Su Yue snapped his fingers, and the colorful light instantly lit up, and then enveloped Black Bolt.

  After a while, the light disappeared.

  Black Bolt rubbed his throat and subconsciously opened his mouth to make a sound.


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