The voice was hoarse, deep, and subtle, but without any sonic aggression.

  successful, successful? !

Chapter 0613 God of Inhumans!

  Incredible, unbelievable! ! !

  Black Bolt didn't expect the problem that had plagued him for half his life to be solved so easily?

  What are Black Bolt's Inhuman abilities?

  Is the ability to release sound waves.

  This ability seems to be a bit ordinary. For example, the black sea monster from the Green Arrow universe also has this ability. It seems that the power is not particularly strong, and the attack methods are single, it is difficult to develop more methods, and it is difficult to become the main hero.

  But in fact, sound waves and sound waves are also different.

  Black Bolt's sonic ability is definitely the strongest known to Su Yue in terms of sonic ability. Let alone the Black Bolt in front of him, the Black Bolt in the comics is a strong group.

  He is one of the strongest superheroes on Earth, and one of the few heroes who can defeat the normal Thanos in a one-on-one duel.

  Black Bolt can release devastating destructive energy through his voice, and the energy released by even a whisper is quite terrifying, even in a vacuum environment.

  When such power is released at its maximum, it is equivalent to detonating a nuclear weapon, and can trigger natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and even tear space and time.With this electron energy, Black Bolt can use it for more functions, such as electron energy explosion, flight, increase the power of the flesh, survive in a vacuum, analyze and deal with various difficulties.

  In addition, Black Bolt itself also has strength, reaction ability, resistance ability, speed and so on that are stronger than ordinary human beings.

  Although the ability is powerful, it is not a happy thing for Black Bolt.First of all, he has to control himself not to make a sound, which is very difficult, because a lot of the time it is uncontrollable to make a sound. When you are awake, you don’t talk. .

  Even if Black Bolt controlled his own voice after years of meditation, he could endure the inconvenience of life, but... not long after he acquired this ability, he unconsciously killed his parents because of his speech.

  That's kind of miserable.

  Therefore, Black Bolt can be said to be the one who wishes to be able to completely control his abilities and to be able to speak normally.But...isn't the realization of this dream too simple?

  The dimensional lord just snapped his fingers, and then, the colorful light shone on him, and then... his ability changed?

  Wait, didn't he take away his ability?

  Thinking of this, Black Bolt turned to face the wall and spoke again.


  With a loud bang, the wall was directly smashed by Black Bolt's sound waves.

  The ability is still there!

  Black Bolt stared at Su Yue with wide eyes in shock.

  Su Yue shrugged: "Don't play with your eyes, it's not that you can't speak now. If you want to say something, just say it directly."

  "You... how did you do it?" Black Bolt asked somewhat unskilledly.

  Su Yue shrugged noncommittally: "That's why I won't admit it's an Inhuman, because the level is really low. My level, how can I put it, as long as I want, anything can come true. For example..."

  Su Yue turned his head slightly and opened it.


  The same sonic attack as Black Bolt shattered the other wall.

  See the eye of the ancients!

  It's such a cow.

  Black Bolt was dumbfounded, and so were the others.

  He, how could he also have the ability of Black Bolt?

  This, this is too unreasonable, right?

  The ability of every Inhuman race can be said to be doomed at birth. The Terrigan Mist only stimulates this ability. In other words, the innate ability of others is simply possessed by you. already?

  This is not fair, is it?

  "God of Inhumans... Sure enough..." Someone sighed softly.

  Don't say, if it was before, Black Bolt and Medusa would definitely scoff at the god of the Inhumans, but now, they don't know either.

  First, I easily changed the ability of Black Bolt, and then directly possessed the ability of Black Bolt, as well as the ability of the hive...

  It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the god of the alien race.

  Because the Inhumans are really weak and very low in the eyes of the other party, so even if he is not an Inhumans, even if his abilities may all come from other people, there is nothing wrong with calling him a god.It’s just like how humans view real gods. Although gods aren’t human, it’s okay to say they’re human gods.

  At this moment, to be honest, Medusa somewhat gave up.

  Obviously, the other party is eyeing the Inhumans, and the Inhumans have no resistance. The ability of the hive can easily make the Inhumans become soldiers in his hands, and it will be futile to persist.

  "I have done what I promised, what's your choice?" Su Yue looked at Black Bolt and asked.

  Black Bolt was silent for a moment and said, "I can surrender, but... I have one condition."


  "I have restrained my ability for so many years, and now I abdicate, yes, but as a king, I can't just give up without any reaction. So, if you can withstand my strongest attack, I will abdicate, on behalf of Ah Tiran accepts your rule." Black Bolt said solemnly.

  Su Yue pursed his lips: "hypocritical, you know it's pointless, but you have to do it. Okay, I promise you, but in the same way, you have to bear my punch. If you die, then die, how?"

  "it is good!"

  Fair enough, Black Bolt agreed.

  "You come first."

  Su Yue didn't have any special preparations, just opened up the situation with the others a little, indicating that Black Bolt can start.

  The Black Bolt King took a deep breath, looked at Su Yue solemnly, and opened it suddenly.

  A sharp and piercing sound suddenly sounded, and layers of sound waves that were visible to the naked eye oscillated out of the Black Bolt King's mouth, heading straight for Su Yue.

  This was Black Bolt's strongest blow, and its powerful destructive power seemed to show signs of being destroyed even in sound, air, and space.

  However, Su Yue only released the defensive force field.


  The sound wave hit the defensive force field and suddenly produced a roar of collision, and then the sound wave was bounced off by the defensive force field and scattered.

  Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!

  The sound wave instantly shattered the surroundings!

  The crowd hurriedly avoided.

  The dust drifted, the smoke filled the air, and suddenly, a strong wind blew through, like sunlight shining into the darkness, instantly blowing the smoke and dust away, and then Su Yue came to the Black Bolt King with a fist.


  He punched Black Bolt in the abdomen, and Black Bolt's expression turned grim, as if the rest button had been pressed, he instantly stopped moving.

Chapter 0614 Attilan and Unmanned Nova Fighter

  Su Yue slowly closed his fists, and the Black Bolt King almost kept his movements unchanged and knelt on the ground with a thud, leaning forward, his head resting on the ground.

  One punch, just one punch, Black Bolt lost his fighting ability.

  Medusa and Crystal hurriedly came to Black Bolt to help him up. Black Bolt's facial features were hideous, his expression was painful, but his body was slightly twitching. Medusa and Crystal breathed a sigh of relief.

  "you lose."

  Su Yue looked down at the Black Bolt King and said indifferently, the activation of the persuasion ability directly settled the Black Bolt King and Medusa.

  As a result, only Crystal has not been persuaded to surrender in this palace.However, it doesn't really matter whether Crystal persuades to surrender or not. First of all, his relationship with Crystal itself is relatively good. If there is a choice, Su Yue does not want to use the ability to persuade Crystal to surrender. This will affect the relationship between the two, and the feeling will become unreal. ; Secondly, Crystal is a child who has no ambition and has not experienced social beatings. As long as Crystal finds out that Medusa and the others are not abnormal and stay in Dimension Street with peace of mind, she will have no idea.

  If so, why bother?

  Almost all the members of the Attilan royal family were persuaded to surrender, and the next thing was much simpler. After the Black Bolt recovered a little, he immediately began to act. First, all the elders of the council were called. The council is the right of the Attilan alien race. One of the cores is equivalent to a cabinet minister. Although the key matters are still decided by the king of Black Bolt, the power of the parliament is not low.

  After the members of the parliament arrived, Su Yue simply and neatly persuaded him to surrender.

  After that, things were even simpler. Black Bolt and the council elected [-] guards in the shortest time, that is, combat members. After being persuaded by Su Yue, these [-] guards plus Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, And Cui Tan returned to the Dimension Street on Earth.

  The reason why I didn't bring Gorgon, Karnak and Tetanus was also very simple. I only left Maximus, worried that he didn't have the reputation to handle Attilan's affairs, so I left him. a few helpers.

  Black Bolt, Medusa, this pair of kings and queens will definitely be taken away. Only in this way can Maximus hold power. At the same time, only when they go to Dimension Street can they play a greater role. It's just their ability.

  As for the crystal, needless to say?

  The other is Cui Tan. Cui Tan's appearance is very inhuman. Although his body shape and facial features are the same as human beings, his skin is green, and there is no hair on his head, no hair, no eyebrows, and he looks very different.

  His abilities are also quite special. Unlike Gorgon or Karnak, which are less limited by the environment, Tritan's ability is to survive underwater and has a strong ability to fight attacks. He can swim at super high speed in water. It can move and can withstand huge water pressure, and it can be regarded as a king in the water.

  Under normal circumstances, Dimension Street currently lacks members of the escort team, and Cui Tan should not be selected. After all, his abilities are almost useless on land.But who makes the holiday island of Dimension Street also very popular now?Cui Tan is very suitable to be the security person in charge of the holiday island. In the sea, his ability can be brought to the extreme.

  Dimension Street.

  Su Yue called Claire and asked him to take this group of Inhumans to make arrangements, and by the way, to learn about the rules of Dimension Street, and then went to the scientific research center to ask about the progress of the Nova fighter and remote control technology.

  In the previous interstellar travel, in addition to returning gems, this was the top priority.

  Facts have proved that with the current scale of Dimension Street, it is really the same with or without Su Yue.Although Su Yue is a hands-off shopkeeper, everyone else has their own work and pursuits. The scientific research center began to focus on the research of fighter jets after the universal car capsule had come to an end. With the talented girl Bulma, the research progressed. Very gratifying.

  Basically, the remote-controlled Nova fighter already has an experimental machine, and after several experiments, the effect is very good. Except for some small problems that need to be dealt with and adjusted, it is basically formed.

  The research phase is over, but the production phase is more troublesome.

  First of all, if you want to produce in large quantities, you will definitely need a large factory. Although the people in the scientific research center can produce it, the efficiency is too slow. It is meaningless to have one or two. The greatest value of this kind of remote-controlled UAV is the quantity; Confidential work, if the production method is stolen, although it will not cause any trouble or loss to Su Yue, it is enough to lose face...

  Besides, you can't just let someone steal something even if it's worthless to you, right?

  Therefore, the production factory of the unmanned nova fighter should not be in this world. Su Yue decided to hand it over to the world of the Fantastic Four. They are researching aerospace projects, and Dr. Doom is rich and capable. Ensure the production time and quantity, but also ensure that there is no leakage.

  Su Yue contacted Doctor Doom and Mister Fantastic with a trans-temporal teleporter. After they came over, he showed them about the unmanned nova fighter, and asked them to arrange the factory for mass production as soon as possible, and then told the scientific research center. People, once the production of the fighter jets on the side of Doctor Destruction is completed, first leave some of them to be deployed on the Dimension Street, and then contact the Attilan Inhumans who have newly arrived on the Dimension Street, and let them bring them back to Attilan and hand them over to Maximus. .

  Su Yue didn't plan to handle these trivial matters by himself.

  As long as there are no major problems on Maximus' side, there is no need to persuade the Inhumans of Attilan on the moon to come over in the future. After all, the general environment is already like this, and sporadic small problems have nothing to do with the overall situation and have no impact. .

  The popularity of Dimension Street does not mean to weaken, but it is more lively than a few days ago. Whether it is for the holiday island or for the universal car capsule, it has attracted a large number of people from all over the country, and these people will be killed by Dimension Street after achieving their goals. Attracted by other aspects, this not only increases the number of tourists who come to Dimension Street, but also stimulates the consumption of Dimension Street.

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