It can be said that the overall income of a day in Dimension Street is more than ten times, or even [-] times, for the employees working in Dimension Street, it can be said to be painful and happy.

  Because, the treatment of Dimension Street has never been careful, and with the current turnover, let's not talk about whether the salary will increase or not, the bonus will definitely be very generous.

0615 Captain's Shock

  Black Bolt and others have been persuaded by Su Yue to surrender, and they are all very experienced, so after Claire's short training, after understanding the rules and work content of Dimension Street, they quickly put into the post, and let the original manpower. The insufficiency was instantly relieved.

  The security of Dimension Street stabilized with the addition of Inhumans such as Black Bolt, but at the same time, the sudden appearance of more than [-] guards also caused a big stir.

  For ordinary people and tourists, they just feel at ease and are curious about the abilities and identities of these people. After all, the Dimension Street guards are also a point of attraction for everyone. They are curious about their identities and abilities. But it is limited to this, the purpose is relatively superficial.

  But the Avengers, Nick Fury, who is busy with the sword game, and General Ross are different. They are more curious about the origin of these people with special abilities and whether they have crossed over from a parallel world during this time. mutants.

  More and more mutants have been discovered recently, and both the Avengers and General Ross are paying close attention to this matter. Although the bill has not yet begun, General Ross has already begun to lead the Avengers from a certain angle. The superior of the Avengers.

  Although the Avengers are not an official organization, they usually need official support, so although they do not admit it in name, they are actually more or less involved in the relationship with the official.

  In general, as they know more about mutants, they will naturally be interested in the existence of more than one hundred suspected mutants that suddenly appeared in Dimension Street.

  Although no one will say it explicitly, Dimension Street is already a very, very, very powerful force. It can be said that it stands out. No one or any force dares to say that it can deal with Dimension Street.If... Dimension Street is absorbing mutants from parallel worlds, and allowing mutants in parallel worlds to use Dimension Street as a base, then the consequences will be terrifying, and it can be said that there is a possibility of subverting the world!

  So far, although Su Yue is very strong, he has never expressed the idea of ​​conquering the world. Even if the expansion of Dimension Street is within the scope of the rules, no one really dares to take it seriously when he thinks of that kind of possibility.

  Then came Steve Rogers.

  Of course, referring to the young Avengers Steve Rogers.

  After he came to Dimension Street, he didn't go to see Su Yue immediately, but first observed the new guards on the street, inquired about their situation, and then went to see Captain Peggy.Not to mention, Steve Rogers was indeed in a trance when he saw Peggy, exactly the same as the young Peggy he remembered, er, not exactly, obviously this Peggy had more strength and more obvious muscles.

  Steve Rogers also went to strike up a conversation, but unfortunately, the current Peggy is not the Peggy he knew at all. In Peggy's world, although he also knew Steve Rogers and was a partner, the Steve Rogers was not the one he knew. Rogers is not the captain of the United States, more like a replacement for the role of Iron Man, thin and weak, relying on mecha to fight.

  So Peggy was surprised when she saw Steve Rogers, after all, this Steve Rogers is strong.

  However, the meeting between the two is limited to this.

  Steve Rogers didn't have any special feelings for this Peggy, after all, this was not the Peggy he knew; let alone Peggy, he didn't have any special reaction to Steve Rogers at all. Just a stranger you know and don't know.

  After that, Steve Rogers made an appointment to meet with Su Yue, and after the meeting asked about Black Bolt and their identities.

  "Mutants?" After listening to Steve Rogers' words, Su Yue handed the finished coffee cup to Wanda, and shook his head: "The races with special genes and special abilities are not only mutants, let's put it this way. , We do not have mutants in this world, but there is another race similar to mutants, called Inhumans."

  "You avengers should have information about Inhumans. There are many Inhumans in my Dimension Street."

  "I'm curious, where did you find these Inhumans? It can be seen that these new Inhumans have received long-term training." Steve Rogers did not refute the Inhumans' statement, but Interested in their origins.

  Su Yue shrugged: "Moon!"


  Steve Rogers was stunned, subconsciously thinking that Su Yue was joking.But looking at Su Yue's appearance, it seems... not a joke.

  Could these Inhumans really come from the moon?No, if there really are Inhumans on the moon, they should have been discovered long ago, right?How is it possible that a large-scale Inhuman has been on the moon without being discovered?

  "I'm too lazy to tell you about the origin of the Inhumans. To put it simply, some of the humans on Earth have Inhumans genes, but there is no Terrigan Mist that inspired the genes, so no one knew about Inhumans before. The number of human races is not very large, even if there are, they are all hiding, these have been collected by me before."

  "The Inhumans on the moon left the earth a long time ago. These Inhumans built a city called Attilan on the moon and used technology to hide the city, so it was not captured by the earth. Discovery. If the Earth explores the moon on a large scale, it will definitely be discovered.”

  "Attilan's Inhumans are ruled by the royal family, and each member will be transformed by the Terrigan Mist to obtain abilities at the appropriate age, and then assigned social status according to their abilities. Not long ago, I went to Attilan to incorporate them. Well, the people you want to ask are from Attilan, including the original king, queen, and members of the royal family."

  Steve Rogers was stunned!

  Su Yue went to the moon?

  When did you go?

  Well, it may not matter, but even though Steve Rogers has never been to Attilan, he can guess how prosperous an Inhuman city that has been developing for so many years should be, and how many Inhumans have superpowers, However, Su Yue quietly conquered and incorporated this city and all the Inhumans in this city without anyone knowing?

  Is this a bit too exaggerated?

  If the former king, queen, and royal family were all in the guards on Jiyuan Street, how did Su Yue make them accept it so willingly?

Cap 0616 Registration Act

  Although Steve Rogers was shocked that Su Yue easily conquered the Inhumans hidden in a city on the moon, he did not suspect that Su Yue was lying.

  Whether it is inhumans or mutants, the effect is actually the same. Su Yue has no need to lie at all, and abruptly calls these inhumans mutants.

  How should I put it, Steve Rogers felt that Su Yue didn't bother to do such a thing at all.Moreover, he has also inquired about the situation of these Inhumans, and it is very unlikely that they are mutants.

  The purpose of Steve Rogers' visit this time is to find out whether the hundreds of guards who suddenly appeared are mutants from parallel worlds, and whether Su Yue is recruiting these mutants, since he already knows the result, he No need to stay any longer.

  After all, he and Su Yue didn't have a deep personal relationship, and the others were still waiting for their news.

  Steve Rogers got up to leave, but Su Yue did not hold back.How should I put it, Su Yue thought it was ridiculous for Steve Rogers or the Avengers behind him and General Ross's test this time.

  Do I need mutants if I want to conquer the world?

  Not to mention that if only a few of the current personnel in Dimension Street can conquer the world, if only Su Yue has this idea, a single idea will do.

  With his current strength, it is still possible to modify the settings of a single universe if his wishes come true, and it is unknowable, and everyone will take this result for granted.

  In fact, Su Yue has no interest in conquering the world at all, just like you are invincible and playing games. Although it is cool at the beginning, after a long time of chopping melons, it will become boring, boring, and will lose interest.

  Why experience a simulated life when it can be achieved under normal circumstances?

  Dimension Street is developing in full swing step by step. The sales of universal car capsules are very hot, and tourists from the holiday island are in an endless stream. As for the high-speed rail station, because of the opening of other lines and the determination and construction of new lines, Dimension Street can be guaranteed every day. A fairly steady high traffic.

  What Su Yue does every day is to go out and make an appearance. Occasionally, when he sees the good abilities of people in Dimension Street, he will copy and study them, and then he will transform dimensional points to improve his transcendence energy.

  When Su Yue stayed in Dimension Street every day and did not hear what was going on outside the window, a lot of things happened outside.

  The first thing to do is to do things related to mutants. With the continuous appearance of mutants, the number of mutants in this world is increasing rapidly. In the case of uneven personalities, more and more mutants are attacked. , especially those ambitious, savage and belligerent guys, who hardly conceal their identities, and are completely in a posture of wanting to make a fortune in this world.

  Hunts and battles, big and small, happened many times, and people gradually heard about mutants.

  Except for Dimension Street, which ignores events outside its sphere of influence as usual, almost all other organizations, large and small, have had contact with mutants, some good and some bad, but it is undeniable that in these contacts, they also have a lot to do with mutants. It became more and more familiar, and I also knew that there was a guy who called himself a star swallowing messenger who brought them from another world.

  And this guy is very likely to be a doppelganger of a mutant in Dimension Street, or a parallel world version.

  Of course, no matter whether it is mutants or others, no one dares to make trouble in the sphere of influence in Dimension Street.

  But that doesn't mean things can go on like this forever. There must be a solution, right?Therefore, after researching by General Ross, he finally decided to introduce the registration bill.

  Every person with special abilities must be registered, and as long as the registered person can live in this society normally, it is regarded as an identity.But once a crime is committed, the criminal law will definitely be stricter than ordinary people.

  When this registration bill came out, the Avengers thought it was aimed at mutants. After all, these mutants came from other worlds, not the aborigines of this world. For various reasons, it is still very difficult for these registered Avengers to be registered. supported.

  But soon, the Avengers were dumbfounded.

  Because this registration bill is not only for mutants, but also for superhumans in this world, in other words, their avengers also need to be registered.

  Although the Avengers and General Ross and the forces behind them can be regarded as cooperative relations, after all, the Avengers are relatively independent existences, and they may not really trust General Ross. Naturally, when this bill is placed in front of them, they are waiting for their choice. At that time, differences arise!

  "What do you think about this registration bill?"

  In the Dimension Street building, Natasha lay lazily on the armrest of the sofa, and asked Su Yue with her chin slightly raised.

  "I'll sit and watch?" Su Yue said, and then chuckled after Natasha's baptism: "This registration bill has nothing to do with me and Dimension Street, at least in terms of level registration, they haven't That dare to ask me. Although, I think they should like it very much."

  "Of course they thought about it. If the people in Dimension Street also register, they can easily understand the strength of Dimension Street." Natasha pouted: "What about me? Or the Avengers, should they sign?"

  "You definitely don't have to sign, if General Ross has a problem and ask him to come to me. As for the others, that's their own choice. I can only tell you that registering the bill in a timeline where there were no mutants would also Appeared because of the Ultron incident, and then the registration act caused the Avengers to split."

  "In addition, General Ross just called me before you came, and we reached a cooperation."

  The cooperation between Su Yue and General Ross?

  Natasha got up slightly and asked seriously, "What cooperation?"

  "Regarding the registration bill, after all, although the bill is specified, it needs strength to implement it, not to mention mutants, even if you are avengers, if they make up their minds not to sign, what else can they do besides being wanted? I can't catch a fart."

  "So, you are the power that General Ross borrowed? If the Avengers don't sign, you or Dimension Street will intervene?"

  Natasha was suddenly shocked. As one of the Avengers, aside from her personal relationship with Su Yue, Natasha didn't take this registration act too seriously. As Su Yue said, she couldn't catch it. What is the use of man?But if Dimension Street intervenes, the nature will change instantly, and it must be carefully considered.

Chapter 0617 Civil War?

  If it was just General Ross and the forces behind him, Natasha was not really worried about the registration bill. After knowing the registration bill, she subconsciously considered what the Avengers would choose, and probably knew everyone's choice.

  For example, Tony Stark, Iron Man, although he always feels free and undisciplined, should be an opposition, but in fact his identity is destined to be impossible to turn against the official, especially in Stark After Mrs. M of Industry left, he had to devote his energy to thinking about the company's affairs, and he would be in a lot of trouble once there was a situation in the company.

  To a certain extent, Tony Stark's super power is not a steel suit, but talent and wealth, but the former is not alone, the latter is the top priority for him to become Iron Man.

  Not to mention War Machine, Iron Man's good friend, which is from the military itself and will definitely support the bill.

  Originally Natasha would also be a supporter, but because of Su Yue's relationship, she could ignore the possible influence of the government on her, and she didn't have to worry about the trouble caused by rejection, her status was relatively detached.

  The other is the captain. The situation of the captain should be similar to that of the war machine. After all, they are all soldiers born.But the current captain is more about fighting for freedom and justice, and because he is looking for a good friend, the Winter Soldier, he may become an opposition.

  Once the captain becomes the opposition, then his other good friend Falcon may follow.

  As for Hulk, he can be ignored. No one knows where Hulk has gone recently, and what if he finds him?His identity is destined to make no difference whether he is registered or not.

  And Thor... Hehe, no one dares to ask Thor to sign this thing!

  Don't look at Thor's inconspicuous appearance under the light of Su Yue, but he is a well-deserved high-end combat power in the Avengers. There are very few Avengers or the entire earth forces outside of Dimension Street who can be stronger than him.

  In the end, the only thing left is Hawkeye. Natasha's mood is quite complicated for Hawkeye. She has a good relationship with Hawkeye. After all, they both belong to the category of 'ordinary human beings'. As a special agent, there have been many experiences of life and death fighting side by side, so Natasha is very clear that Hawkeye has actually planned to retire. It is either super-power or high-tech, and it is impossible to play with this group of people.

  According to such an analysis, the opposition still has the upper hand, but if Su Yue or Dimension Street intervenes, the situation will be different.

  "You won't do it yourself?" Natasha asked.

  Su Yue shrugged: "The compensation from General Ross can't afford me to take action. At that time, I will let my subordinates come forward, not only for the Avengers but also for the follow-up mutants and so on. You can pass the word to other revenge. Otherwise, Dimension Street will not release water."


  "First of all, the remuneration given by General Ross is not bad, and the scope of Dimension Street will be expanded again. Secondly, I have to let my people go out and do activities. All of them are not weak. Usually, there is no chance to play in Dimension Street. Only by going out can I increase the influence of Dimension Street. I am not interested in conquering the world, which does not mean that I am not interested in developing Dimension Street, and I am not interested in increasing the influence and voice of Dimension Street. "

  "But you don't have to worry too much. General Ross won't let my people do it until you have to. Especially for the Avengers, they want to use the deterrent power of Dimension Street to make the Avengers compromise."

  General Ross's idea is very simple, I just use Dimension Street to scare you, you can not believe it, but the consequences are at your own risk.

  After all, for a long time, the influence of Dimension Street on people is not only powerful and many masters, but also Su Yue's character.

  If someone dares to fight with Dimension Street, even if it is just resistance, I am afraid that Su Yue will not let this matter end easily.

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