Natasha hung up the phone neatly, then looked at Tony Stark and War Machine: "It has nothing to do with Dimension Street, I'm afraid... It's really a mutant."

  Tony Stark shrugged: "If it's really mutants, it will be troublesome, not to mention whether they will side with the mutants, it's just not enough time. If you can't find them before dark today, persuade them to change Idea, Dimension Street should be dispatched."

  "You just... Forget it, let the Avengers deal with the Avengers themselves."

  Tony Stark just wanted to say that he should ask Su Yue to help find the captain's position, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say it.

  After all, this is a matter of the Avengers. Tony Stark felt ashamed by Natasha's willingness to register. If Su Yue was asked to help find someone, he was embarrassed to say that he was Tony Stark.

Chapter 0625 Captain They actually crossed?

  In the Dimension Street Building, Su Yue, who woke up because of Natasha's phone call, got up and went to the floor-to-ceiling windows to look out the window.

  The rising sun swayed golden rays of light to illuminate the earth, and the originally quiet Dimension Street gradually became lively and noisy.Originally, only the places where construction started in the distance moved around, but now there are people in other places one after another.

  The plan for a day is in the morning, and a new day begins. For most people, today is no different from the usual day, but for some people, today is very important and can be called a turning point.

  For example... Captain and the others.

  Natasha's phone call just now said that the captain and the others were gone, which made Su Yue very curious.After all, Captain, Falcon, and a Winter Soldier, Su Yue is very clear about what skills they have and what channels they have.

  In the movie, their whereabouts were easily discovered by Iron Man. In theory, it is not difficult to find them. It took Iron Man almost one night to find them. Su Yue did not believe that they had the ability. I can't believe Jarvis would be so frustrated.

  Therefore, Su Yue was really curious about the whereabouts of the captain and the others.

  With the release of psychic ability, Su Yue began to search for the whereabouts of the captain and others.

  A few minutes later, Su Yue's brows were slightly raised.

  did not find! ! !

  It's a bit abnormal that he didn't even find him. After all, in terms of Su Yue's psychic ability, it is impossible to find him as long as he is on earth.

  Unless, not on earth.

  Of course, Su Yue did not expand the scope of his psychic abilities to the limit. The scope of his search was only the earth, and he never considered the possibility that the captain and the others might leave the earth.

  After all, Captain, Falcon, Winter Soldier, all belong to the heroes of the earth. Although they have the experience of leaving the earth in the comics, they seem to have really rushed out of the earth and went to the universe in the movie.

  "Things seem to have become more interesting." Su Yue said softly with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Captain, even if the three of them have the ability to leave the earth, they can't do it in such a short period of time. First of all, they don't have this ability, and secondly There is no such channel. The conventional method, even if the captain and the others can do it, there is no reason. After all, even if they leave the earth, they can only hide for a while, and there is no reason to leave the earth. "

  "If there are superpowers to help, first of all, there are not many superpowers with this ability, and secondly, they may not help the captain."

  "and many more……"

  While talking, Su Yue suddenly stopped.

  He thought of a person.

  Someone who has the ability to make Captain and them disappear from the face of the earth, and who has the right reason to do so.


  Clarice Fang!

  Although they are all flickering, although they have the same ability, Clarice Fang's ability is much stronger than the flickering in Dimension Street. After all, she is a star swallowing messenger and has the ability to travel through different worlds.

  Things have intensified for mutants during this time, but there isn't much news about Star Devourer Twinkle, who has been transporting mutants across two worlds.Although Su Yue didn't pay attention to her actions, Peter Parker Jr met her once by chance. Since Peter Parker Jr. can meet her, the captain and the others may also meet her, so they know each other.

  Although Flicker didn't stay in this world too much, she would definitely understand the basic information. If she knew the captain and knew the captain's style of behavior, then there was an intersection because of this, and it might not be impossible to help.

  Most importantly, if that was the case, it would explain why Captain and the others couldn't be found on Earth.

  It is very likely that they will be taken to other worlds by Blink, perhaps in the world of X-Men, or in the world of genius!

  Taking out the time-space teleporter, Su Yue first came to the X-Men world.This time, he came here without notifying anyone, and after arriving, he used his psychic ability to search for it.

  Soon, the scan is complete.

  Nothing to gain.

  Whether it's Flickering or the Captain, none of them are in this world.


  The cross-time teleporter was turned on again. This time, Su Yue went to the world with extraordinary talent, and then used his psychic ability to find it in the same way.

  After a long while, Su Yue's mouth slightly raised.

  found it!

  Sure enough, whether it's Blink, or Captain, Winter Soldier, or Falcon, they're all in this world.

  I guessed it right, Captain and the others really got mixed up with Blink.The development of this matter is not in Su Yue's plan, but Su Yue is very happy.The disadvantage of being the mastermind behind the scenes for a long time is that everything develops according to its own script, and there is no freshness at all. For example, the final purpose of this time has not been affected, but there have been changes in the process. This feeling is still very fresh. It also makes Su Yue very characteristic.

  As soon as the thought moved, the psychic ability directly scanned their thoughts.

  This scan is when they find nothing at all.

  The reason why Blink and Captain and the others know each other is similar to Su Yue's guess. Captain and the others have been investigating things about mutants before, and they also know the existence of 'Blink', but they haven't had the opportunity to learn more, nor have they seen Blink.

  After that, there was a time when Blink brought the mutants to this world and was about to leave when they happened to meet the captain who was following him.The two played against each other for a short time. From the results, it seemed that neither of them could win the other, but it was just flickering and not serious. After all, no matter how powerful the captain's halo was, he had to rely on his strength to speak after all.

  Flicker knew something about the captain, so he didn't really hit hard.At the same time, it may also be because there are more and more mutants, and the situation is not very good. Every time the mutants are transported by Blink, it is also affected, so Blink also hopes to get some help in this world.

  For this reason, the flicker has been observed several times in the follow-up, and it can be regarded as a judgment on whether the captain is credible.

  What the captain said, the quality still has nothing to say, even if there are occasional small double standards, in fact, it is on the basis of not hurting others, so Flicker temporarily thinks that he is reliable, but he has not contacted.

  Until this time, the captain and the others were hunted by Iron Man, which was also a coincidence. Blink just settled a group of mutants nearby, and then found the captain and the others, and heard what the captain and the others said.

  Then the flicker appeared and brought them into this world.

  Blinking will do this, first of all based on her own strength, not worrying about what will go wrong, and secondly, she needs help, no matter which world she is in, she needs it!

Chapter 0626 Is it cooperation, or is it captured?

  In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Blink needs the locals to help her arrange mutants. Although she doesn't care about the life or the outcome of mutants after they come to this world, she just wants to save these mutants, so that these mutants can have a new life. chance of life, but she is not a nanny and has no obligation to take care of them all the time like babysitters.

  As long as they are brought into this world and given a certain amount of help in the early days, it is their own business how to go after that.

  So, in the early days, she needed the help of the locals!

  Compared to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the twinkling world actually needs help.

  Even though Twinkle is a gifted person in the world, she actually doesn't have many friends in her own world, and she doesn't have many people who can help her.More importantly, the gifted world is too unfriendly to mutants, and it is more convenient for ordinary humans to save mutants in that world.

  Even if Blink is very confident in his own strength, he does not dare to break in directly. After all, the Sentinel Secret Service has the means to contain mutants.

  If it is just an ordinary human, although it can avoid some means against mutants, but it does not have the ability to save people in a heavily guarded prison.The team is different. They are very capable and experienced. Captain, Winter Soldier, Falcon, if these three cooperate, it will not be difficult to save people.

  It is because of this consideration and some understanding of their personalities that Flickering came forward and brought them into this world.

  Of course, before coming, Blink also told them about the general situation and requirements.

  The captain and the others will agree. First, they are really worried about being caught. Although they will not change their minds because of this situation, it is undeniable that they are very clear about the result.

  Not to mention Iron Man and General Ross, the Dimension Street that may appear in the future has made them lose their confidence.There is a chance to temporarily avoid the limelight, and then go back after the registration plan has further results, the situation may not be the same.

  However, this is only one of the reasons, and the other reason is that the captain and the others want to know more about mutants, and also want to know more about the parallel world.As for helping Blink to save the mutants, although they agreed, they must understand the situation before taking action.

  All in all, Blink and Captain have temporarily become companions in this way?

  Withdrawing his psychic ability, Su Yue pondered with great interest.With the characters of the captain and the others, if it is found that the mutants are really being treated unfairly and inhumanly in the gifted world, maybe they will really help.

  The Winter Soldier has not yet gotten rid of Hydra's brainwashing control, let alone; Falcon is also a good person, but he has not reached the level of the Virgin, and basically he is the captain.And what about the captain?It can no longer be described as a good person, but the Virgin.

  Note, it's the Virgin, not the Virgin bitch.

  The Virgin Mary sees that others need help, and takes the initiative to help; the Virgin Mary is different, sees others in need, and then asks others to help righteously.

  The attitude of the Marvel Cinematic Universe towards mutants is quite normal. First of all, they have not experienced the impact of major events caused by mutants, so they have a high degree of acceptance of mutants; secondly, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has Dimension Street and Avengers, There are heroes of their own, as well as mutants and inhumans with abilities, so they are more rational in dealing with superpowers.

  The captain and the others know more. They know that there are many mutants in Dimension Street, as well as inhumans similar to mutants. Naturally, they will not look at mutants with colored eyes, so if they know that mutants are in a bad situation, most of them will help.

  "If Blink and Captain and their alliance seem to be good, Blink is more convenient for 'immigrating' mutants, and through Captain and them, the multiverse thing can be further confirmed."

  Su Yue's purpose is to open up the multiverse, so that more forces will appear, and then consolidate the extraordinary status of Dimension Street, while gaining more territory.Therefore, the cooperation between Blink and Captain does not affect Su Yue's purpose, and even enriches the 'script'.

  Su Yue temporarily let go of Blink and Captain, but Tony Stark and the others couldn't let go.

  Tony Stark didn't want to ask Su Yue for help, and he was not willing to be so 'shameful'. It can be said that he exhausted all means and methods to find the captain and the others, but the captain and the others seemed to have evaporated without any clues. , When General Ross has given an ultimatum, Tony Stark finally found out.

  Jarvis searched for a very weak special energy. The existence of this special energy is very weak, but this energy itself is very special and belongs to energy that has not been discovered before.Tony Stark analyzed where this energy appeared, guessed that it might disappear and close with the mutants and the captain, and then let Jarvis continue to search for the same energy.

  In this line of thinking, something has been found.

  Although the energy has dissipated a lot, there is still some residue. This kind of energy residue has appeared many times around the world, in different places and at different times.

  Tony Stark guessed at the first time that this energy should be left by the 'Blink' that sent the mutants to this world. It is very likely that this is what she left behind when she traveled through the world.

  In other words, Blink might have taken Captain and them to another world.

  As soon as this conclusion came out, both War Machine and Natasha were surprised. They could think that mutants might be involved in this incident, but they never thought that Captain and the others might travel to other worlds.

  At first glance, this sounds absurd!

  But it seems reasonable to think about it. After all, people from other worlds have come to this world, and they often travel through it, and they are no strangers to travel. After all, Su Yue often travels!

  Just, how did Blink and Captain know each other?

  Captain, did they take the initiative to travel to another world with Blink, or did Blink capture Captain and them?If it's the former, it's fine. After all, the captain is not in this world, and it's not that easy to arrest the captain, but if it's the latter, it's troublesome!

  Don't look at the fact that they are arresting the captain now, but that is also a last resort, which does not mean that they have really become enemies!

Chapter 0627 There are pros and cons

  "What do I do now?" War Machine looked at Natasha, then at Tony Stark, and shrugged: "If the captain is here, I have confidence in my new weapon, and I should be able to capture it successfully, but They're in another world now, and there's nothing I can do about it!"

  War Machine has a mysterious self-confidence in itself!

  Although the armors of War Machine and Iron Man have the same origin, the gap between the two is very large.Although in terms of firepower, War Machine is equipped with more abundant, but the power is much inferior, coupled with materials, functions, etc., it can be said that the gap between War Machine and Iron Man will be bigger and bigger!

  Although the mecha was given to the war machine, the war machine itself is not a technology madman. They don't have the ability to develop new versions. Even if the official organization behind them will help, how many powerful scientists do they have?Especially in this direction?


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