If anything, it wouldn't be the first Tony Stark to become Iron Man.Even, the armor of the war machine has been in the official hands for so long, and no one can crack it.

  From the beginning to the end, the war machine is just like that, or Tony Stark sent it out because of their friendship.To put it badly, Tony Stark can take it back at any time!

  As for the upgraded new weapons, hehe, if you think back to the movie, you will know that the war machine in the movie is also confident that he wants to use the new weapons to teach them a lesson. What happened?

  Three times and two times, he was slapped in the face!

  Not counting mechas, even if his combat power is higher than that of Falcon, he is also an air force, but his air combat skills are really inferior to Falcon.

  Without ability and without its own characteristics, it can be said that War Machine is a small Iron Man, and if there is a situation, it has no ability to stand on its own at all!

  This is different from the comics, uh, although the war machine in the comics is not very strong, but there is still the aura of Captain Marvel's boyfriend, and now... even this aura is gone.

  "Find it, we must find it. No matter what, we can't sit back and watch the captain and the others stay in another world. I will notify General Ross first, and then analyze the energy to see if I can think of a way to find the captain and them." Tony Shi Tucker said.

  "Then go back first."

  Iron Man, the war machine flew back with a mech, and Natasha flew by herself.

  On the way back, Natasha couldn't help but called Su Yue again to explain the situation.Su Yue is not too surprised by this. Although Iron Man's light has been covered up a lot for his own sake, light is light and talent is talent. Even if his light is covered up, it does not mean that his talent will be affected. Influence, so it is normal for Iron Man to find out that the captain and the others were taken to other worlds by the flashing through the residual energy of the flashing through the world.

  After all, Iron Man makes the time-travel theory come true. Without him, it can be said that there would be no plot for Avengers 4, and there would be no final reversal.

  "Captain and the others were indeed brought to other worlds by Flicker. After you told me that the captain and they were gone, I made a special search and confirmed it."

  "Have you found the captain?" Natasha asked unexpectedly.

  "Well, they are not in any danger for the time being, they should have cooperated with the star swallowing messenger." Su Yue said.

  Natasha thought for a while and said, "If we want to see the captain and bring them back, can you help us?"


  Su Yue said with a smile: "It's not troublesome for me. If you speak, I will agree."


  "It's not troublesome?"

  Natasha recalled Tony Stark's expression just now, well, although Tony Stark said that he would find a way to figure out how to find the captain, it was obvious that, in the final analysis, he had no confidence at all, and even had no confidence at all. There is no direction.

  As a result, when they arrived at Su Yue, they found the captain very easily, and when they saw the captain, they didn't even bother!

  "Then... what if it's to deal with the star swallowing messenger?" Natasha asked after thinking for a while.

  "I won't help!"

  Su Yue's answer was very straightforward, and it was so straightforward that people could instantly tell that it was an answer that would never compromise.

  Natasha didn't really want Su Yue to help catch the star-devouring messenger. He knew very well that Su Yue's only position was himself. As long as no one provokes him, he usually wouldn't take the initiative to do anything against the other party.So far, neither the star-swallowing messenger nor the mutant have provoke Su Yue and Dimension Street.

  She just asked casually to make sure if it was possible.If it really gets to the point where the situation is not optimistic, I believe that whether it is General Ross, Iron Man or herself, they are all willing to give Su Yue a bargaining chip to help.

  But Su Yue refused so bluntly, which made Natasha very curious.

  "Why?" she asked.

  Su Yue didn't hide Natasha's plan: "Because the existence of her and the mutants will bring more benefits to Dimension Street. The reason is actually very simple, because weapons will only be valued when it comes to safety, and only when it happens The opportunity for heroes to appear when it is dangerous, and the conditions of the Dimension Street can be more easily satisfied only when the Dimension Street is needed.”

  "Developing Dimension Street has always been my goal. At present, this method is very friendly. I have two faster methods, but it's useless."

  Natasha asked curiously, "What are the other two methods?"

  "One is a little more direct, with the current strength of Dimension Street, it is not difficult to push the world flat. The other is more direct, you know, I use the ability to achieve what I want, the earth, or this single world is coming to me Just like a playground with open doors, I can change a lot of things with one thought.”


  Natasha was silent for a while, and said, "Okay, I know, I'll look at their news first."

  "it is good."

  Su Yue hung up the phone, the corner of Su Yue's mouth slightly raised.

  This method does serve its purpose, but it has pros and cons.The first point is the scope of Dimension Street!This range is not the land, but the dimension street range in the system.

  Even if the entire earth belongs to the dimensional street, the scope of the dimensional street of the system is always so large, and the range that can generate dimensional points is so large.Although the wish can be achieved by consuming transcendental energy, so that the entire earth belongs to the Dimension Street, but it cannot upgrade the Dimension Street or expand the scope of the Dimension Street, because the upgrade requires a large number of dimensional points, which is difficult to achieve overnight.

  Since it takes time to accumulate dimension points to upgrade, why should you make yourself hated and feared like a big devil?It's not good to be worshipped and admired like you are now?

Chapter 0628 Stephens Trange

  Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

  Leaving aside how Natasha and Tony Stark are going to deal with General Ross and the captain who was taken to other worlds by the star-devouring messenger, let’s talk about how Su Yue and Natasha called Wanda to absorb them after talking on the phone. After shaking her chaotic energy, she was going to go downstairs to have a breakfast, but as soon as she came out of the Dimension Street building, she saw Alita from the escort walking towards her.

  Alita, who has put on a Zhenjin body, has not changed much in appearance. It is just that the color of her body has become darker and her weight has increased.However, the improvement in personal strength is very huge, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it with a shotgun.

  "Lord Lord." Alita said hello, and then talked about the business: "Lord Lord, there is a man named Stephens Trange who wants to see you. His hand seems to be injured. In addition, it seems that he is still in the future. A superhero in the Avengers."

  "Doctor Strange, count the time, it seems that it is indeed time for him to have an accident." Su Yue was slightly surprised.

  His accident was not that Stephens Trange had an accident, but that he didn't go to Kama Taj, so why did he come to Dimension Street to find himself?

  "What about people?"

  "I'll bring him here."

  Alita turned around and trotted away, and after a while, she came over with a disheveled, unshaven shoehorn face.

  This face is so long!

  "Go get busy first." After Su Yue motioned for Alita to leave, he looked at Stephens Trange, who was somewhat restrained.

  His hands were gloved, his arms were hidden in the cuffs, and he could feel it shaking from time to time.The temperament of the whole person is full of despair and despair, and the eyes are both tense and uneasy, and the feeling of anticipation of hope and fear of even more despair is very obvious.

  Speaking of which, Stephens Trange is a model of a blessing in disguise. In the beginning, as the most famous and powerful neurosurgeon, his life was the envy of many people.

  Mansion, luxury car, high income, respectable social status, at that time Stephens Trange had a bad personality and a vicious tongue. If it weren't for his medical skills, he might not have been in the hospital. Take care of him.

  Later, he had a car accident, his hands were crippled, and he could no longer use a scalpel to work normally. His life could be said to have fallen to the bottom. He thought of many ways to heal his hands, but in the end it could be said After running out of money, he finally found Kama Taj, who was transferred from a nurse to a mage.

  Su Yue also talked about Stephens Trench when chatting with Gu Yi before. Gu Yi knew that Stephens Trench was her successor a long time ago, what she would experience in the future and what she would become.It can be said that Gu Yi thinks that Stephens Trange is the best among them, and it is precisely because of this that Gu Yi has the idea of ​​letting go of his heavy responsibilities and begging for his own death!

  Su Yue glanced at Stephens Trange, turned around... and left.

  Stephens Trange was dumbfounded, and after a moment of stunned he realized that he hurriedly ran two steps to Su Yue: "Lord, Lord, please wait."

  "Is something wrong?" Su Yue said lightly.


  Of course there is something wrong, if I have nothing to do, how can I come to see you, and your subordinates have brought me here, how could you not know that I have something wrong?

  Stephens Trange suppressed the desire to complain and nodded, asking for others, still such a big man, he didn't dare to talk nonsense.Besides, his pride was also destroyed because of the previous car accident and his own hands. Now, it can't be said to be humble, but it is definitely not as arrogant as before.

  "If you have something to say, it's you who came to me, not me, and you didn't speak when you saw me, why? Are you planning to ask me to ask you?" Su Yue said angrily.

  Stephens Trange reacted and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I... I'm just thinking about what to say. Mr. Lord, I believe you should know my identity, I... I'm here to ask for help, my hand……"

  "It's useless." Su Yue answered.

  Stephens Trange nodded with a heavy face, and asked expectantly: "Yes, you... can you be cured? I heard before that you have an ability called the fruit of surgery, which can be used in absolute safety, even Carry out transplant operations against common sense. At the same time, you also have an ability called retrogressive fruit, which can make people's bodies return to at least ten years ago. My hand, can you cure it? "

  "If you're asking if you can keep working on the operating table, that's easy. With the fruit of the operation, as long as you can bring the hands that need to be transplanted, I can help you with the transplant. With the fruit of retrogression, one can let You recover twelve years."


  Hearing this, Stephens Trange shouted excitedly. This sentence was like a light in the dark, which made him who was originally uneasy and in deep despair recovered instantly.

  However, Su Yue's next sentence brought him to the bottom again.

  "Why are you so excited? Although I can cure it, I didn't say I would help you."

  Like a basin of cold water, it instantly extinguished Stephens Trange's excited heart.Stephens Trange, who had calmed down, realized that the point of this incident was not whether he could heal his hand, but how to get the other party to heal his hand!

  Stephens Trange, who wanted to understand, hurriedly said: "Lord Lord, as long as you can heal my hand, I am willing to pay any price!"

  "I'm not interested in the price you're talking about, and you don't have anything that I can admire." Su Yue said lightly.

  Stephens Trange habitually wants to say money, I have a lot of money, I can give you a lot of money, this sentence is also the sentence he heard the most when he was a doctor. To say so.No, there should be no chance to even say that, because money is not attractive to dimensional lords.Stephens Trange suddenly felt that maybe this was retribution?In the past, there were those who were willing to give everything, but they ignored the 'everything' and ignored them. Now, this person has become himself.

  "No, no, I still have hope." Stephens Trange looked at Su Yue earnestly: "I will become a mage in the future, right? It's the movie you have here, I have seen it, and even many people have Contacted me. Although I don't know why I became a mage, I promise that as long as you can heal my hand, I will work for you after becoming a mage!"

Chapter 0629 The Ancient One Mage is Here

  The biggest condition that Stephens Trange can come up with now is that he will become a mage in the future. Although he knows nothing about how to become a mage and his abilities after becoming a mage, he knows nothing about it. , which is the biggest and only chip.

  To be honest, if it wasn't for Stephens Trange to know that there is no doctor or that kind of program in medicine today that can cure his hand [-]%, no, let alone [-]%, it's not even the slightest chance of success None, but whenever possible, he would use the mage as a bargaining chip to trade with those people or forces who had wooed him before.

  After all, facing Dimension Street and Su Yue, the pressure is still too much!

  It's a pity that now he has no other way, this is the only place where he can cure himself.

  "Do you think you are very strong?" Su Yue looked at Stephens Trange and said lightly: "Even if you become a mage, there are a lot of people in my Dimension Street who can easily defeat you, you can do it. There are many people in my Dimension Street who can do it. In other words, even if you become a mage, it is not so important to me and Dimension Street, let alone you are indispensable. "

  "I..." Stephens Trange paused and said, "Even so, I believe it shouldn't be too difficult for you to heal my hand, right? With a little effort, one more mage will be able to work for you. This transaction should Still a good deal.”


  Su Yue said noncommittally: "But, if you cure your hand, you will lose the chance to become a master."


  Stephens Trange's eyes widened in an instant, and if I cured my hand, I lost the chance to become a mage?Why?What does my hand have to do with me being a mage?Wait... If you can't be a mage if you heal your hands, then in the movie...

  I became a mage, so my hand wasn't healed at all?

  "Why?" Stephens Trange couldn't help asking.

  Su Yue shook his head and did not answer his doubts. In fact, even if Stephens Trange's hand was cured, it was possible to become a mage after going to Kama Taj to learn magic. After all, Kama Taj's magic is not Only people with disabilities can cultivate.

  However, sorcerers and sorcerers are different.

  Stephens Trench with an injured hand is also different from Stephens Trench without injuries.

  The biggest point, such as mentality, such as concentration, will affect his magic practice, especially mentality, which is very important.

  Su Yue has no idea of ​​taking over Kama Taj, Stephens Trange, to be honest, Su Yue doesn't like this person very much. Even if he becomes a postdoctoral doctor, he is no longer so vicious, but it still makes Su Yue not feel good. .

  Of course, this has nothing to do with what Stephens Trange did right or wrong!

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