Does it mean that you have up to five Infinity Gems that can be used as infinite charging treasures to absorb energy infinitely to improve yourself?

  Of course, there is another problem with this concept. Suppose you use the mind gem as an example, you absorb the energy of the mind gem, and then use the time gem to restore it. Will the energy absorbed by yourself return to the mind gem along with the restoration?

  If so, it's a waste of time.

Chapter 0632 How to crack the backtracking of the time gem?

  "Find a way to try it." Su Yue frowned slightly. If you want to try the time gem's coquettish operation, you don't necessarily need other infinite gems, as long as you make sure that the energy absorbed by yourself does not disappear under the time gem's retrospect.

  For example, Wanda's Chaos Magic.

  But this involves a possibility that he can intercept ordinary energy and ignore the ability of the Time Stone, but other gems that are also Infinity Stones may not be able to stay. After all, Infinity Stones have a closer connection.

  Therefore, it is still more secure to use Infinity Stones to try, so as not to waste time and energy.

  Forget the mind gem, it has been absorbed by myself, and it is a bit of a toss to use the time gem to get it back. If the energy of the mind gem disappears from my body again, I have to work hard to reabsorb it.

  So, use the space gem.

  The six infinity gems, the power gem and the soul gem have all been returned. The reality gem is also in Asgard. I don’t know if Asgard has given it to the collector. For the remaining space gems, Su Yue originally planned to let her return the space gems after Jesse Quick's speed force was able to travel through time, but Jesse Quick...

  So the space gem is still in his hands.

  With a thought, in an instant, the space gem appeared in front of him.

  Su Yue put down the time gem, picked up the space gem and began to absorb it.The absorption process was very smooth, the space gem did not have any trouble, there was no consciousness like the mind gem, and it did not backtrack like the time gem. Except that the absorption process felt a little slower, everything went smoothly.

  Maybe this is the characteristic of space gems?The so-called slow is considered far from a certain point of view, because the distance is long, so it is slow.

  If this is the case, it is also in line with the characteristics of space gems.




  Not to mention forgetting to eat and sleep, but also quite focused.It took a whole day to absorb it, because the efficiency was a bit slow. According to Su Yue's estimate, it was about one-tenth of the absorption. Overall, Su Yue was not satisfied with the speed of absorption.

  But it doesn't matter, it's just an attempt.

  If you absorb too much, it would be a waste of time to go back. If you absorb less, you are afraid that the induction will not be obvious. Now it is just right.

  The sun was shining brightly outside the window, and he hadn't slept all day, but Su Yue was not sleepy at this time. Instead, he held the time gem with great interest, urging the energy of the gem to backtrack the space gem.

  Under normal circumstances, mages like Kama Taj have a unique way of using the time gem. After all, the time gem has a special ability, and there is no suitable operation method to say it is difficult to use, but for Su Yue, this is not a problem at all.


  The time gem lit up with an emerald green light, and at the same time the light also appeared on Su Yue's wrist, which was a bit similar to how Stephens Trange used the time gem in the movie.

  Su Yue waved at the space gem, and in an instant, the energy of the time gem came into play.

  At the same time, Su Yue felt agitated by the space gem energy he had just absorbed in his body, as if he wanted to leave his body.

  "Sure enough!" Su Yue secretly said.

  This result is to be expected. After all, the time gem is only time, and it can be retroactive. It does not mean that it was created out of nothing. Therefore, the way that the time gem can restore the energy of the space gem is to return the original energy, not the energy that appears out of thin air.

  Try, are you going to fail?

  The idea of ​​using the time gem as a power bank out of nothing has been shattered?

  Su Yue stopped, thought for a while, converted the space gem energy in his body into his own transcendence energy, and then used the time gem to backtrack again.

  This time, the result remains the same!

  Even if it is transformed into its own transcendence energy, the time gem can still trace this energy back, but the process is a little more cumbersome.This energy first returned to the energy state of the space gem from the transcendent energy, and then returned to the space gem from the energy state of the space gem.

  But, although cumbersome, it did go back.

  Does this mean that he was useless before?



  Su Yue would always feel a little pity if he just gave up.

  The time gem and space gem were placed on the table, and Su Yue pondered.Unfortunately, after thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of any solution for the time being, so I had to put it away temporarily, go back to the room to sleep and rest, and see if I can think of a solution for a flash of light.

  After sleeping for nearly eight hours, it was almost evening when he woke up. Su Yue asked Wanda to get something to eat. After drinking and eating, he took a bath. Su Yue went back to the living room and took out two A gem looked up.

  Said that there is any flash of ideas, but to no.

  Looking at it, Su Yue's mind was also full of thoughts. In general, he felt that there were two ways to solve the current problem.

  In other words, these two methods are actually the same method, but require two steps.

  First of all, one's own 'strength' must be above the Infinity Stones. This strength is not about combat power or anything else, but more like the essence?Similar to level or life level.

  For example, the level, the level of the infinite gem is 90, and the level of your own is 100. Aside from skills, combat power, etc., you are higher than the infinite gem in terms of level!

  Life level is actually similar, let’s not talk about combat power, the essence of life level is high, just like humans and the Eternal Race, or the five gods or something, even if everyone has no combat power, even if humans have combat power, but still not the same. one level.

  Although he is currently considered to be at the level of the multiverse, which has surpassed the single universe, the Infinity Stones are tempered from the essence of the six singularities before the big bang, so the level of the single theory should be higher than that after the number of shuffling. Transcendents who have not recovered are stronger.

  Therefore, as long as one's own essence level exceeds that of the Infinity Stone, the retrospective of the Time Stone will be difficult for oneself.

  But it is not easy to do this, because it has nothing to do with combat power, so even if the strength exceeds that of any Eternals, Thanos, Odin, Dormammu and other existences, even if they can be easily crushed, this does not mean Essential level is enough.

  After all, they all appeared after the birth of this world, the universe, and the essence level cannot exceed this universe!

  In other words, even if they are strong enough, they are not strong enough!

Chapter 0633 eyeing the dark dimension

  The essence of life is higher than the infinite gem, and completely surpassing this universe is only a prerequisite. Solving this is the basis for absorbing the time gem and using the time gem to use the infinite gem as an infinite charging treasure.

  There is first, there must be second.

  This is actually what happens to the gem when the time gem cannot be traced back from the energy of the gem from its own body?Does it disappear directly like the previous mind gem, or... continue to use the time gem's retrospective ability, but cannot trace back the energy absorbed by oneself, and can only trace back from other 'time points'?

  After all, it is a retrospective, not a creation out of thin air, and a retrospective has a time point.

  For example, if the space gem was absorbed five minutes ago, and the time gem started backtracking, the state of the space gem returned to five minutes ago, so the energy that was absorbed by oneself five minutes ago naturally returned to the space from his body because of this backtracking. on the gem.

  But what if the Time Stone's backtracking doesn't work on itself?Its backtracking can't pass through the essence of life that is higher than it, so it can only backtrack to the space gem ten minutes ago, an hour ago.

  There is a key point here, that is, the essence of one's own life is higher than that of the time gem, to ensure that the absorbed gem energy will not go back.In this way, the retrospective can be made to fall forward!

  Rather than retrospecting, it is better to say that the gemstone six minutes ago replaced the gemstone five minutes ago, which is similar to a time travel. Otherwise, after all, the energy is only one point, even if it is different time, it is only one point!

  Only if it can achieve the effect of transmigrating from the undead Thanos in Avengers 4 to after Thanos has died in the Avengers 4, can Thanos change from one to two. At that time, there was no Thanos.

  If you use years as a unit, you can go back one year at a time, and you can go back to the time when the Infinity Stones were born.It can't be infinite, after all, but it's almost the same!

  After all, the year of the Big Bang is too long to be counted, and it cannot be measured by numbers, and it does not take a year to look back. It is no different from infinity.

  The problem now is these two.

  One is to continue to improve the essence of one's life, so that one can surpass the level of the essence of the universe; the other is to try to achieve this retrospective after reaching the former goal?

  Another point is the possible consequences of doing so.

  Playing with time is not an unaffected thing, not to mention the chaos caused by the flash of the universe next door every time he travels through time, it can only be seen by the fact that the Marvel Universe borrowed the Infinity Stones and must return them. The impact of this consequence is still very big.

  If the infinite gem is really used as a power bank, it may be generated, or it may affect countless timelines and countless parallel worlds?And these things ultimately affect the world.

  Of course, Su Yue is not worried about this. Anyway, with his ability, he doesn't have to worry about the invasion of other universes. Besides, the more parallel worlds there are, the more tenable the theory of the multiverse will be.

  This is what he has been doing!

  So, let’s talk about one thousand and ten thousand, and let’s not talk about the mess in the future. The most important thing at present is to improve the level of one’s life essence.

  Well, back around again.

  "Originally, because the land area of ​​Dimension Street has increased again, I also considered whether to temporarily give up converting it into transcendental energy and use Dimension Points to upgrade the level of Dimension Street first. Now it seems that I still have to use it to improve myself first."

  "As long as the plan of the infinite charging treasure can be successful, I will have endless energy to absorb, not to mention returning to the original level of transcendence, it is only used to upgrade the level of Dimension Street, so that the whole earth is in You can do it in Dimension Street."

  "But... how to do it?"

  Absorb Wanda's chaotic energy step by step, transforming dimension points?If there is no other problem, the efficiency is too slow. Even if the space gems are temporarily absorbed, it may not increase too much, and before the problem of infinite charging treasure is solved, the space gems are only one-time consumables. .

  "It seems that we have to start from other places, the gods of the cosmos level? Although there are four big gods, no, the rumors that there are five great creation gods now do exist, but apart from the Planet Devourer that I got myself, the other four gods No face at all, no clue whatsoever."

  The four gods can be put aside for a while, so are they slightly weaker than the four gods?The first thing that came to Su Yue's mind was Dormammu!

  Well, it's not that Dormammu is really that strong, it's just that the real powerful villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to be Dormammu besides Thanos, and it's almost time for Dormammu to invade Earth , it is understandable to think of him.

  After all, Dormam is the lord of the dark dimension, wait... the dark dimension... uh... Su Yue suddenly had a bold idea.

  The existence of the dark dimension is very special. To a certain extent, it is actually similar to Dimension Street, that is, beyond the realm. They are all independent dimensions or pocket universes.This kind of existence usually contains extremely huge energy, which is large enough to maintain the entire space, and small enough to affect the body or will of the person who enters this space. These are all functions of energy.

  As long as it is energy, it can be absorbed!

  If... if you absorb the dark dimension, it should be a huge sum of money, right?It is absolutely absolutely possible to improve the level of the essence of life of oneself by a lot!

  "Dormammu, you are unlucky. I originally planned to wait for you to invade and just absorbed your energy. Now... I'm sorry, the dark dimension, I want it too!"

  I have to say that Su Yue's idea is very bold, but at the same time it has great operability.The question now is, do we have to wait for Kama Taj to have an accident, wait for Casillas to summon Dormammu, and then deal with Dormammu himself before absorbing the Dark Dimension, or do we do it first and find a way to enter the Dark Dimension?

  Or learn the ancient one?Steal the power of the dark dimension by magic?As a supreme mage, Gu Yi is indeed very strong, but under normal circumstances, she cannot live that long. All along, she has been stealing the power of the dark dimension to maintain her state, which means that the power of the dark dimension can indeed be improved. The effect of life essence level!

Chapter 0634 Casillas

  If he absorbs the power of the dark dimension now, as the lord of the dark dimension, Domamu can probably feel that if Domamu takes any action, the original plan of Domamu to invade the earth is estimated to be in vain. Gu Yi The mage wants to take the opportunity to 'death', and the idea of ​​handing Kama Taj to Stephens Trange will naturally fail?

  Wait... it doesn't seem like it?

  Su Yue recalled the story of Doctor Strange, it seems that Casillas officially summoned Dormammu after killing the ancient one, in other words, as long as Casillas summoned Dormammu Mu is still alive and can still give a response, even if he does not respond, it does not affect the death of the ancient master.

  After all, Casillas betrayed the ancient master and betrayed Kama Taj. No matter what happens next, as long as Casillas encounters the ancient master, he will do it!

  If that's the case, then there's no need to wait for the plot to happen.

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