Besides, there is a little story about Casillas.

  In Suyue's Dimension Street just started, when Feng Baobao sold roasted sweet potatoes for the first time, Master Gu Yi and Kama Taj's Master had conflicts with Suyue and Dimension Street.At that time, Master Gu Yi was locked in the Dimension Street by himself, and he exchanged souls with Casillas. Although he changed it back later, this short 'exchange' experience made Casillas discover Gu Yi the secret.

  The secret is to steal the power of the dark dimension!

  After that, the two exchanged back, and Dimension Street and Kama Taj were regarded as a temporary reconciliation. Master Gu Yi also copied many of Kama Taj's magic books and handed them over to Dimension Street.However, there are relatively few people in the magic department in Dimension Street, and the Blood Queen will study it.

  Digressing, the focus is not on those magic books, but after the reconciliation, Casillas seems to have quietly left Kama Taj. As for whether he left completely or left Suyue at that time, he did not pay attention.

  If Casillas had left Kama Taj completely at that time, the situation would be completely different, but this is unlikely.

  First of all, if Casillas betrayed Kama Taj at that time, Dormammu should have been ready to move, and it is impossible that there has been no movement for such a long time; secondly, there seems to be no sign of the ancient one about Casili. The feeling of betrayal by Yas, although the ancient one must know that Casillas has been divorced, but if Casillas has not taken any action, she will not do anything, after all, Casillas is her choice 'murderer'.

  If Casillas was still in Kama Taj, Su Yue would have admired this guy's forbearance. After all, it has been so many years, and he can still live, which is not something ordinary people can do.

  It's a pity that this guy's head is not bright. Although he gained power by taking refuge in Dormammu, he was also tricked by Dormammu. In the end, it can be regarded as the nutrient of the dark dimension.

  "call out!"

  Su Yue's thoughts moved, and he appeared directly in Kama Taj.

  Kama Taj can be considered a prosperous population, whether it is apprentices or low-level magicians, there are a lot of them. Before Casillas did not destroy Kama Taj's Holy Sanctuary and slaughtered his fellow mages, Kama Taj The signboard is really loud.


  As soon as Su Yue appeared, he heard a wake-up call.

  Hearing the sound, he turned his head and saw Wang walking quickly from the side with a vigilant look on his face.

  Seeing Su Yue, Wang Jing's face showed a hint of astonishment, as if he didn't expect Su Yue to come to Kama Taj, so for a while there was no other reaction other than shock, and he didn't speak.

  "What? Don't know me?" Su Yue said with a smile.

  "Dimensional lord." The king replied subconsciously, and asked nervously: "What are you doing here at Kama Taj?"

  "You seem very nervous? What, are you worried about what I will do to Kama Taj?" Su Yue said dumbly, "Didn't Master Gu Yi tell you? We have a very good relationship and we only met not long ago. New Have you seen the Stephens Trange who came here?"

  "I have seen."

  At this time, Wang also realized that his attitude was a bit wrong. How should I put it? He knew that the hostile relationship between Dimension Street and Kama Taj had already ended, and he also knew that Master Gu Yi and Su Yue got along well afterward, but the former The impression is too deep, and I haven't dealt with Su Yue in the future, so I naturally have some hostility towards Su Yue subconsciously.

  Of course, the Wang who reacted also changed his attitude in time. No matter what, Su Yue is now also a friend of Master Gu Yi, and... It is better not to provoke an existence like Su Yue.

  "I want to ask you something, where is Casillas?" The purpose of Su Yue's visit this time was to see if Casillas was in Kama Taj, and if he was, what was his plan.

  "Casillas? He should be in the room at this time..." Before the king's voice fell, he saw Casillas walking out not far away.

  Su Yue took a look at the situation. Casillas was still dressed in a goose-yellow mage uniform. He seemed to be a little older, but his temperament changed a lot. He didn't have any special expressions or actions, but that The gloomy feeling is very strong.

  This is darkened to the depths and has been exposed.

  "Casillas." Wang shouted.

  Casillas looked up at the king, and then found Su Yue next to the king, slightly stunned, and Casillas came over with no special expression.

  "Is something wrong?" Casillas asked.

  Wang didn't speak, just looked at Su Yue.

  Su Yue looked at Casillas while exploring his memory with his psychic abilities. "I came to find Master Gu Yi. When I saw Wang, an acquaintance, I thought of you and asked a question."

  Casillas nodded lightly, and seeing that Su Yue seemed to have nothing else, he turned and left.

  "I will take you to see Master Gu Yi?" Wang asked.

  Su Yue shook his head: "Forget it, next time."

  After finishing speaking, Su Yue glanced in the direction where Casillas left, and teleported back directly to Dimension Street.

  Looking for Gu Yi or something is just an excuse, and seeing Casillas has no purpose, just want to know if he is still in Kama Taj, or if there is some small conspiracy.

  After getting the answer he wanted to know, Su Yue naturally didn't need to go to Gu Yi again, nor did he need to stay in Kama Taj.

  "Casillas..." Su Yue, who came back, sighed inexplicably.

Chapter 0635 Casillas' Betrayal

  Although Casillas did not leave Kama Taj, the reason he stayed was not to be loyal to Kama Taj or to have nowhere to go, but to gain the power of the dark dimension!

  After the exchange of souls with the ancient master a long time ago, Casillas experienced the power of the dark dimension through the body of the ancient one, and he was moved!

  Whether it is immortality or pure power, Casillas pursues and wants to have it.

  The power of the dark dimension is very powerful, but it is not so easy to obtain the power of the dark dimension. It is impossible for individuals to obtain power from the dark dimension, otherwise the power of the dark dimension would have been drained.

  Therefore Casillas did not leave Karma Taj, because only in Karma Taj can you get how to get the power of the dark dimension.Of course, it is definitely not to ask Master Gu Yi directly, but to study by himself through some magic books and records of Kama Taj.And then... he did succeed.

  At this time, Casillas already has the power of the dark dimension. Although he hides it well, he must have nothing to hide in front of Su Yue. Most of the ancient masters also discovered it, but he did not expose it.

  According to some conspiracy theories, Casillas is the 'tool' of the ancient master, and everything he thinks is actually under the control of the ancient master.

  Su Yue felt that the Master Gu Yi didn't want to use Casillas to achieve any purpose, but he knew that Casillas was ambitious and did not stop it. How far he would go, everything was up to Casillas himself. choose.It's just that Mage Gu Yi already knew about these choices.

  "Casillas has now obtained the power of the dark dimension. Through his memory, he should have also hooked up with Dormammu. If nothing else, Casillas will soon turn against Kama Taj , Summon Dormammu. In this case, my previous considerations can be given up, anyway, Dormammu will appear soon, there is no need to study how to absorb the power of the dark dimension now."

  Su Yue took some time to tidy up, and leisurely went to Ju and went downstairs to have a meal. By the way, he had a general understanding of the situation in Dimension Street, and then went to the construction office to check the progress, and then Shi Shiran returned to his residence.

  Not long after he came back, Wanda came to report that Master Gu Yi was here and could not see him.

  Su Yue was not surprised by the arrival of Master Gu Yi, and signaled to ask Wanda to invite Master Gu Yi over. After Master Gu Yi came over, Su Yue said with a smile: "I guess you will come to me, Casilla. Are you going to start?"

  "He's about to start? No, it shouldn't be so soon..." Master Gu Yi was stunned, then his expression changed slightly, and he looked at Su Yue with a complicated expression.

  Su Yue was slightly stunned, and then reacted.Master Gu Yi came this time not because he knew that Casillas was going to do something, but because of his previous visit.

  Thinking of this, Su Yue directly locked Casillas who was far away in Kama Taj with his psychic ability, and then... showed an apologetic expression.

  "It seems that Casillas didn't intend to do it so quickly, but because of me, he has already done it." Su Yue said to Master Gu Yi: "I just glanced at it, and Casillas tore it away. A page from some magic book and left Kama Taj."

  Master Gu Yi fell silent after hearing the words. Although she knew something would happen, she still felt sad when it happened. "Anyone hurt?"


  Su Yue shook his head: "He just took the magic book and didn't hurt anyone."

  This is different from the movie, and it is also different from what Master Gu Yi thought.But if you think about it carefully, you can understand the reason. There is no Su Yue or Dimension Street in the movie, so Casillas can kill the administrator of the library recklessly, but not now, if he dares to If you do, you will probably be caught soon.Moreover, there is another advantage of not killing and not hurting others, that is, it will not be discovered so quickly, and others will only think that he left Kama Taj for some reason, and will not immediately think of his betrayal.

  In addition, the reason why only one page of the magic book is not taken away directly is also because of this consideration. After all, the magic book is very important. If the book is gone, it will be discovered immediately. A page, as long as no one touches the magic book, it will not be discovered, so that it can buy some time.

  By the way, Casillas was not alone in this betrayal. He also encouraged many mages from Kama Taj. The means of instigation was nothing more than saying that the ancient master deceived them, and the ancient master was also using it. The power of the dark dimension, in this case, why don't we directly embrace the dark dimension, why waste time learning magic with the ancient master?

  I have to say that the effect is still very obvious. Many people worship the ancient master very much, and it turns out that the ancient master has been using the dark dimension power that they have been forbidden to involve. This kind of deception is really difficult to accept, so there are a group of The mage left directly with this Casillas.

  "What are you going to do?" Su Yue asked Master Gu Yi.

  Master Gu Yi said: "Let Casillas leave when he leaves. I want to train Stephens Trange as soon as possible while there is still time. Don't forget your previous promise, you will help Stephen, help Kama Taj to deal with invasions from other dimensions."

  "Of course not." Su Yue said with a smile: "In fact, I originally planned to solve the problem of the dark dimension in advance this time, but I didn't expect that Casillas would also act so coincidentally. As a result, can be resolved together.”

  "You want to solve the dark dimension? Don't you want to solve Dormammu?" Master Gu Yi instantly distinguished the difference in Su Yue's words.

  Dormammu is the lord of the Dark Dimension, but Dormammu is not the Dark Dimension.

  The lord can be changed, but the dark dimension cannot.

  It is not easy to solve the lord of the dark dimension of Dormammu. Otherwise, the ancient one will not be indifferent. After all, although the ancient one will not take the initiative to trouble Dormammu, Dormammu must have wanted it more than once. Invaded Earth.

  Therefore, it is very troublesome to solve Dormammu, but Master Gu Yi thinks that if Su Yue wants to do it, it can be done.

  But, solving the dark dimension?

  Is this an exaggeration?

Chapter 0636 The doubts of the ancient master

  "Don't you believe it?" Seeing Master Gu Yi's surprised face, Su Yue raised his eyebrows with a smile: "I can even absorb the Infinity Gems, but do you think I can't absorb the power of the dark dimension?"

  "You want to absorb the power of the dark dimension? This is the way you said to solve the dark dimension? You should know how dangerous the power of the dark dimension is, right? Even if I carefully steal the power of the dark dimension, it feels uncontrollable, and if it gets out of control, the consequences Incredible, especially you!"

  Master Gu Yi looked at Su Yue with a burning gaze, and said solemnly: "Your strength is already the strongest in this world, now you can still control the influence of your strength, and you can still be an approachable person. The Lord of the Dimension Street. But once you are affected by the power of the dark dimension, your thinking will change, and you will completely fall into the darkness. By then, you will no longer be who you are now. The most important thing is that no one can stop you!"

  "You know what the consequences of this will be?"

  Su Yue shrugged: "I guess it's about conquering the world or something?"

  "Since you know, why take the risk?" Master Gu Yi puzzled.

  Su Yue laughed dumbly: "Under normal circumstances, what you said is true, but who told you that I would be affected by the power of the dark dimension? If I absorbed a power, I would be affected by it, I would have It's not me anymore. I can tell you clearly that any kind of energy that is absorbed by me will be completely transformed into my energy, pure energy, energy that belongs to me, and won't have any influence on me in the slightest."

  "Are you sure?" Master Gu Yi had some doubts.

  It's not that I suspect Su Yue is lying or talking big, it's just a little unbelievable.She, the supreme mage, has a great reputation on earth and other dimensions, and her strength is extraordinary. Let's not say anything else, a well-informed sentence is definitely not wrong. Similar to this method of absorbing other people's energy and converting it into her own energy, she also It's not that I haven't heard of it, but these methods basically have certain weaknesses, and there is no ability to completely absorb and transform them.

  Because this kind of ability is really unreasonable, and it is an ability that should not exist at all.

  Su Yue chuckled and said: "The way you look now greatly reduces your status as a supreme mage. It's just absorbing and transforming energy. Does it make you so unbelievable? The ability of the Planet Devourer is basically the same, isn't it? With her daughter, this ability is not unique, nor is it impossible to exist, but it is relatively rare and difficult to see. It is undeniable that you are famous and famous in the multiverse, but you are at the top of the multiverse or single universe. On the other side, it's a bit inferior, and I... stand in all universes, listen clearly, and be the only top powerhouse in all universes, including single universes, multiverses, and almighty universes."

  "The only two? Who is the other?" Mage Gu Yi was a little curious.

  "OAA is the supreme leader of the entire universe and the creator of the entire universe. You should be familiar with the Life Court, right?" Su Yue asked.

  Master Gu Yi nodded, and Kama Taj had a magical weapon called the Court of Life, a scepter.

  "Although your Kama Taj's magic scepter is also called the court of life, its power may be good among magic scepters, but it is far worse than the real court of life. What is the court of life? That is the almighty universe. An incomparably powerful and omnipotent being in the universe, empowered by the OAA to oversee and maintain the balance of all realities. Generally speaking, the Tribunal of Life appears only when necessary, and his judgments can affect nearly the entire universe."

  Su Yue paused and looked at Master Gu Yi with interest: "Existences like the five great gods must also obey the judgment of the Court of Life, so for existences like the Court of Life, do you think a weapon in a single universe can be called this? name?"


  Master Gu Yi was silent. She knew more or less about the secrets of the universe, but unfortunately her strength was not as strong as the top. Many things may only be heard, but the specifics are not known at all. , After all, there will be Supreme Mage in every single universe, some are Gu Yi, some are Doctor Strange, and some may be others. Even if Gu Yi’s strength is more prominent, he has not broken through the upper limit.

  "I have always had a question, if you are really the only strong person as you said, why did you suddenly come to this world and develop in this world? And from your previous strength and current strength, it seems that There's a big difference in what you said."

  Master Gu Yi agreed with Su Yue's strength, but this strength definitely did not reach the level of the only two peaks in the almighty universe.

  "Oh, that's because I shuffled and retrained." Su Yue explained casually: "I did have that kind of strength originally, but I just shuffled and retrained for some reason, so I came here. When I arrived in this world, my means and strength were so weak, and my strength has recovered after so long."

  The word re-training, which is only used in uncommon or specific situations, made Gu Yi Mage unable to understand for a while, but Gu Yi Mage is not an old-fashioned antique after all. Kama Taj even has the Internet, even if Gu Yi Mage is nothing. Game lovers, but after thinking about it, I also understand the general meaning of reshuffling and retraining.

  "Why? Why did you do this?" Master Gu Yi couldn't understand.

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