It's not that she can't understand Su Yue's account shuffling. After all, Mage Gu Yi understands the pressure of being in a high position and taking responsibility better than others. Otherwise, she wouldn't have trained Stephens Trange, and she would choose by herself. 'dead'.It's just that she can't understand the matter of retraining. Since she has already endured so much pressure to choose to change her number, why should she practice again?

  When you practice, isn't it the same as before, and you have to bear those pressures?

  Could it be that he likes to retrain just for vacation?

  Take a break, adjust your mentality, and continue?

  Isn't that superfluous?

  Since you choose to let go, you should let it go completely, otherwise, it is nothing to let go, just continue to bear the weight and persevere!

  Master Gu Yi asked a good question, but Su Yue didn't even know how to answer it, because... he also wanted to know why he had to reshuffle his account in the first place?However, this is also good, if you don't wash the number, where will you come from!

0637 Joint Conference

  "It's a bit far off. All in all, I want to tell you that absorbing the power of the dark dimension has no effect on me, and the level of the dark dimension has not reached the point where it can affect me."

  Having said this, Su Yue paused for a moment and confessed: "In addition, if I want to restore my previous strength, I also need to absorb a lot of energy. I have other arrangements for the Infinity Stone, so what I need now is to absorb the dark dimension. Power. On the premise of ensuring that the dark dimension has no effect on me, if I can completely solve the threat of the dark dimension, to you, to Stephens Trange, to Kama Taj, to Earth, and even other dimensions And the multiverse is a good thing, right?"


  Mage Gu Yi first nodded in agreement. If there is no dark dimension, many places can truly have peace. However, Mage Gu Yi is not sure if it is right to let the dark dimension disappear.

  After all, light and darkness are two sides of the same body. The dark dimension has existed for countless years. Although the ancient master does not believe in the belief that existence is reasonable, he always feels that it is a big deal to make the dark dimension disappear!

  But forget it, it's not something she can worry about anymore.

  "What are you going to do?" Master Gu Yi asked Su Yue.

  Su Yue shrugged: "Wait!"

  "Aren't you going to let Casillas go and teach Stephens Trange as soon as possible? Then follow your plan, anyway, I'm not in a hurry at the moment, waiting for your original purpose. Once it's done, I'll come out to clean up the mess, beat Dormammu and absorb the dark dimension by the way."

  "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

  Master Gu Yi nodded, turned around and left.

  Speaking of which, since eating on Dimension Street, Mage Gu Yi seems to obey the rules every time he comes to Dimension Street or sees Su Yue and does not open the magic portal. If he goes to other places, Mage Gu Yi may not be like this.Although she is not a flamboyant character, she is a supreme mage after all. Opening the portal is already a habit and a symbol of status.

  In addition, Su Yue felt that in addition to wanting Casillas, the tool man, to achieve the result of his own death and the purpose of letting Stephens Trange give orders in danger, Master Gu Yi had the purpose of taking this opportunity to protect the safety of the earth.

  Under normal circumstances, just use his heel to know that Stephens Trange, who has just become a mage, can't replace the ancient master to deter multiple dimensions, even if he is talented. Knowing that the ancient one is dead, the news will definitely invade the earth one after another.

  Maybe Stephens Trange can handle it, can solve it, but once or twice, there are times when he can't solve it?Moreover, even if it can be solved, the strength will be exposed.

  Crushing and narrowly winning are two concepts, and the latter can't deter Xiao Xiao.

  Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to kill the chicken to warn the monkey!

  Dormammu, it's that chicken!

  Of course, his strength and status are obviously higher, so it can be regarded as killing the monkey and respecting the chicken!Just imagine, even the powerful dark dimension lord Dormammu was shriveled in the hands of the new Supreme Mage, and was forced to make an oath not to invade the earth. As a result, if other people have ideas about the earth, they must be weighed. !

  Although it cannot be said to be a once and for all method, at least it gave Stephens Trange, the newly promoted Supreme Mage, a buffer time and a chance to improve his strength.

  Facts have proved that it does work.

  From Stephens Trange becoming Doctor Strange and taking over Kama Taj to Avengers 4, he didn't seem to have encountered too difficult things, nor had he encountered any invasion by powerful characters. I have to say that this There is credit to Domam in it.

  Of course, these have nothing to do with Su Yue. Since Casillas has already betrayed Kama Taj, it won't be long before Dormammu will come, just wait patiently.It just so happens that the time is right, the joint meeting should also be held, which is the registration bill!

  In fact, it's really fast!

  On the third day after Master Gu Yi came to Dimension Street and left, the joint meeting was held. During the meeting, the countries that supported the registration bill basically spoke up. It was regarded as the official introduction of the registration bill. At the same time, it also announced Iron Man, War Machine , the news that the three Avengers members of Black Widow supported and signed up for the bill.

  There was no mention of the Captain and Falcon et al.

  Wakanda also took this opportunity to go to the public thoroughly, and also signed the agreement on the registration bill. The person who signed it was T'Challa, who signed it as a black panther!

  Without Baron Zemo to disrupt the situation, the entire meeting went very smoothly. After the meeting, the reporter's interviews were not mentioned for the time being. Anyway, the relevant reports instantly became the headlines of major websites and newspapers, and netizens even discussed it one after another.Judging from the results of the discussion, the vast majority of netizens support the registration bill, which makes them feel safer.

  It's just that the real hot spot is not here, but on those Avengers who haven't registered, such as Captain America, who has never shown up, Hulk, and of course Thor, many people are discussing whether Thor should also accept registration. , after all, this is the earth, and you have to abide by the rules of the earth.

  In addition, it is Dimension Street.

  As we all know, there are the most superheroes in Dimension Street, not to mention those who appeared in the movie, not counting them, Dimension Street also has guards, Fengshen Squad, conventional combat troops, etc., some of which are human, some are Mutants, Inhumans, and all kinds of unspeakable beings, have they also signed an agreement?

  At the same time, because Dimension Street has come out, whether it is the three Spider-Man or some members of the escort who maintain other blocks have already replaced the police, or to some extent have become the incarnation of law enforcement agencies, are they also Need to sign an agreement?

  In these discussions, there are many people who are dissatisfied with the special existence of Dimension Street, and the reputation of Dimension Street has been slightly affected on the Internet, but the influence of this kind of influence is very small. After all, Dimension Street has always been doing real things, whether it is confrontation. What evil, or people's livelihood, has always been trustworthy and grateful.

  Therefore, although there are discussions about Dimension Street, it is not a bad thing for Dimension Street, because it can be seen from most of the comments that people have accepted and are used to the special status of Dimension Street!

Chapter 0638 Casillas shot

  As a matter of course, when the Fengshen team in Dimension Street was dispatched to look for mutants who refused to sign the registration act agreement with a similar official background, the public did not have any special reaction.Of course, everything will have different voices, whether it is really different ideas or to show a sense of existence or unconventional, certainly nothing can have only one voice at the beginning, after all, the sun cannot make everyone like.

  So, naturally, there are also different voices.

  It's just that these voices are not many, and before the official statement of Dimension Street or the registration act, these voices have been covered up.


  The reason is very simple, because Dimension Street is strong enough!

  This power does not refer to the power of bullying others, but the power that can protect the people and resist evil.Although there are not many crimes about mutants, it is definitely not without them. Once mutants commit crimes, the consequences caused by their abilities are different from ordinary crimes. Therefore, except for Dimension Street, who has the ability to stop and arrest them? Catch these mutant criminals?

  In particular, these criminals themselves are not clean. They would have been caught in the first place, and some of them might have been caught without doing anything. Most of them abused their abilities and were caught after doing illegal things. living.And this part of the people who have a new life after being arrested is naturally very cherished, and will be a good citizen who abides by the law from now on.But another part is really immortal, so the existence of these people is indeed a problem.

  Ordinary existences can't help them at all. There have been many wounded in the previous case, and now they have the ability to deal with these mutants' crimes. Of course, it does not refer to the large-scale suppression of the army. It seems that only those who have this ability have this ability. Two options.

  One, the Avengers.

  One is Dimension Street.

  And now, the Avengers can actually be said to be disbanded. After all, there are only Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, Thor, and Hulk.Black Widow is basically not involved in the action, so the real combat power is Iron Man, War Machine, relying on the two of them alone?

  It's not that the public doubts their strength, but after all, the number is too small, and... um, compared with the execution ability of Dimension Street, there is indeed a gap.

  Iron Man and War Machine also participated in the action of catching mutant criminals. As a result, how should I put it, although the arrest was successful, the process was not easy.On the other hand, the Fengshen team dispatched from Dimension Street was not only divided into several teams, but the process of arresting each team was as easy as signing in.

  Arrive at the scene, get it done, take it away, and it will take less than ten minutes to complete a set.

  It's hard to be unconvinced when you look relaxed and comfortable!

  With a [-]% completion rate, the Fengshen team has already made a name for itself in a short period of time, whether it is the public or the mutants.

  Just when the registration bill was promoted and the Fengshen Squad became famous, Casillas, the traitor of Kama Taj and the subordinates he instigated and took away finally embraced darkness and became a fallen person, outside the sight of the public and the government.

  At the same time, Casillas, whose mentality was inflated after acquiring the dark power, finally couldn't hold back and started to move.

  Although Casillas has swelled, he has not swelled to the point where he feels that he can ignore Su Yue and Dimension Street. At most, he is confident and dares to fight Gu Yi head-on.

  After all, does Gu Yi also rely on the power of the dark dimension?Casillas felt that the power of the two came from the same source, and he had more power than Gu Yi. Even if he couldn't win, he should never lose. The two should be evenly matched.

  Just because of this idea, Casillas felt that it was time to summon Dormammu and put the entire earth into the embrace of darkness. Once Dormammu appeared, even Suyue in Dimension Street should be helpless, right?

  After all, Dormammu is the lord of the dark dimension. No matter how strong Su Yue is, can he still be stronger than Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension?

  Therefore, Casillas consciously began to clear the obstacles that let Dormammu come, that is, the magician of Kama Taj, as the magician of the former Kama Taj, he is very aware of the importance of the three holy places, as long as Destroying the Sanctuary will not only greatly slow down the support speed of Kama Taj, but also attract their attention, so that the magic of summoning Dormammu can be arranged more calmly!

  Then, Casillas took the shot.

  The Holy of Holies in London was the first to be destroyed!

  When Casillas led people into the Holy of Holies in London, the people in the Holy of Holies did not react at all. Although they organized actions to resist at the first time, the current Casillas is no longer the original Casillas. Now, when Karma Taj was originally a top magician in Karma Taj, Casillas has now gained the power of the dark dimension. It can be said that the strength has been greatly improved. People in the Sanctuary of New York are not I couldn't resist, and before the news spread, the reinforcements were wiped out.


  Casillas watched the broken New York Holy of Holies waving happily and led people away from the Holy of Holies.

  As soon as he left the Sanctuary, Casillas suddenly felt something. To be precise, he felt that the power of the dark dimension was approaching.

  Looking back, Kalisias saw the familiar yellow-robed mage.

  Ancient One Mage!

  "It's coming so fast!"

  Casillas let out a secret cry, although he really wanted to start with the ancient master now, but worried about the great plan, he could only temporarily evacuate.

  But I never thought that Master Gu Yi was so fast that he caught up with him in a blink of an eye, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

  Helpless, can only prepare to meet.


  Master Gu Yi waved his hand to open the mirror space, and in a blink of an eye, the buildings on both sides of the street began to tilt and collapse in a strange way, and at the same time, the space on the opposite side began to tilt and distort!

Chapter 0639 Helper or burden?

  In the mirror space, Mage Gu Yi and Casillas had a few words of mouth cannons and immediately started. As for the content of the mouthpieces, Casillas felt that Gu Yi had deceived them, and he was clearly there. Use the power of the dark dimension but forbid them to contact them. The reason may be that they are afraid that other people will no longer respect her after using the power of the dark dimension, or they are selfish, jealous, and worried that others will also gain powerful abilities. some type of.

  In many cases, this is actually the case. Blocking is worse than sparse, leaving no openings. Once the embankment bursts, it may be a big outbreak.Casillas would fall into the embrace of the dark dimension, not only because of the deception of the ancient one, but also because of his own desire for power.

  Otherwise, just because he found out that the ancient master used the forbidden power of the dark dimension would not make him what he is now. To put it bluntly, the main reason for the anger is because of the powerful power of the dark dimension.

  Some of those who were instigated by Casillas may also want to gain powerful strength through the power of the dark dimension, and the other part may be impulsive because of being deceived. Of course, the number of this part is relatively small.

  After all, there are so many mages in Kama Taj, why didn't Casillas encourage them all?When he made his choice, he naturally considered the success rate, and the one he chose was naturally someone who was easily persuaded by the reasons he gave.

  As everyone knows, whether Casillas or these, in fact, ignores a real problem.

  Is the power of the dark dimension so easy to control and so easy to possess?If they are not greedy for the power of the dark dimension and can look at this issue calmly, they can naturally see the reason why the ancient master is still afraid of him despite using the power of the dark dimension.

  There is no power that can be easily obtained without paying a price!

  All in all, it's too late to say these things. Casillas and the others have already embarked on a road that can't be turned back. They have decided to go to the dark side, and Mage Gu Yi will naturally not stop.Even if Casillas and the others are willing to change their ways, they still have to bear the price for what they did before. After all, no matter whether the ancient one is using them or not, it is they who really make the decision.

  Every choice is made by themselves.

  Master Gu Yi just didn't stop it in advance.

  The fighting process was intense and exciting, and Su Yue specially prepared coke and popcorn for this purpose.

  Yes, Su Yue is also there!

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