After all, it's good to not miss the famous scene of Master Gu Yi's death. After all, after the death of Master Gu Yi, she will be a person in Dimension Street, that is her own person, and there should be some welcome.

  Moreover, the visual effects of the fight in this part of the movie are quite impressive. There were even rumors at that time that the reason why the ancient master died was because the special effects were too expensive. Although this possibility is basically zero, it also proved the effect of this part from the side. How gorgeous the fighting effects are.

  As for why Su Yue could not be discovered in the mirror space without knowing it, hehe, this is also a problem?

  In a word, Su Yue drank Coke and ate popcorn, enjoying this rare, or even absolutely loud, fight scene brightly and without being affected by the changes in the mirror space.

  Although Casillas and the others have also gained the power of the dark dimension, and their strength has indeed improved significantly compared to the original, but the basic strength is too poor, even if it has increased several times, the gap with the ancient master is still quite large, it can be said that after the fight Master Gu Yi will firmly gain the upper hand. Even if they go together, Master Gu Yi will be calm when dealing with them.

  Until she came to help!

  Here comes Stephens Trange and Mordo.

  When there was an accident in the Sanctuary of New York, Master Gu Yi came first, and others followed closely. Most of the mages stayed in the Sanctuary to deal with the funeral. As one of the most important disciples of Master Gu Yi, he naturally wanted to To help the Ancient One Mage capture the traitor Casillas, and Stephens Trange is purely character.

  Although his mouth is very stinky, vicious, and disgusting in character, the nature of his character is still righteous and kind. Master Gu Yi, the one who helped him, will naturally not sit idly by.Moreover, he may also know that he will become a supreme mage in the future, and he will take over the responsibility of the ancient mage, and that sense of responsibility naturally arises spontaneously.

  In short, Mordo and Stephens Trange used the suspension ring to open the portal and entered the mirror space. Then, they were supposed to be helpers and instantly became a burden to the ancient master.

  Casillas and the others attacked them while holding on to the Ancient One Mage.

  Modu's strength is still good, but the opponents have opened the appearance of the dark dimension, and the strength has increased significantly. Although it may not be reflected in the face of the ancient master, but in the face of Modu, the increase in this strength is more obvious.

  As for Stephens Trange?

  Hehe, he is now barely able to use some basic magic, no matter how he responds to the enemy, or his combat experience, he is all inferior.

  As a result, Mage Gu Yi, who was originally in control of the victory, had to devote his energy to taking care of and helping Mordo and Stephens Trange, and the one-sided situation also changed.

Chapter 0640 Gu Yi died with the bloated Casillas

  The mirror space is a special space that separates the real world from the mirror world. No matter how it is destroyed or turned upside down in the mirror space, it will not affect the real world. It is the most iconic and practical magic of Kama Taj. one.

  The reason why Kama Taj's magicians have been undetected and discovered is also because of the mirror space. After all, most of them usually go out to perform tasks in the mirror space, and no one has found them in the real world.

  Opening the mirror space is the magic that all Kama Taj mages need to learn, and entering and leaving the mirror space requires the use of a portal. For example, when Mordo and Stephens Trange enter, they use the portal opened by the ring to enter. of.

  The Suspended Ring is a magic item of Kama Taj that can help the magician improve his abilities. Generally speaking, it is difficult to open the portal without the Suspended Ring.Of course, a mage of Gu Yi's level definitely doesn't need a ring, but Stephens Trange can't.

  Once there is no hanging ring, the portal cannot be opened, the portal cannot be opened, and the mirror space cannot be left, and the mirror space will be completely trapped if you cannot leave.

  This is one of Kama Taj's obvious weaknesses, so Kama Taj's mages attach great importance to their own ring.In the same way, enemies who are familiar with this will also take the lead in attacking this weakness. For example, those who follow Casillas, basically, they will go to Mordo and Stephens Trange's suspense as soon as they make a move.

  Mordo's situation is not bad. Mordo is one of the powerful mages of Kama Taj except Gu Yi. Although these people have the power of the dark dimension and their strength has improved, Mordo's strength is not weak, and his experience is not bad. Rich, no big deal in the short term.

  But Stephens Trange can't do it, although he has made rapid progress during this time and has mastered a lot of Kama Taj's magic.Whether it is a portal or an energy whip, they are all used in a similar fashion, but from a doctor to a melee mage suddenly, Stephens Trange is obviously not used to it, and he has experience in combat, but very little , and it was the first life-and-death struggle.

  The strength is not good, the experience is not good, the mentality is not good, once he is besieged, the result can be imagined, it is not long before he is in a hurry, he is too busy to take care of himself, and then... his suspension ring is in jeopardy, and it is about to be taken away.

  Although Mordo has more than enough to protect himself, he has no time to help Stephens Trange, let alone help Gu Yi.

  In terms of number of people, after assigning people to deal with Mordo and Stephens Trange, the pressure on the ancient one should be lessened and the situation will be better, but in fact it is just the opposite, the ancient one must allocate more Energy to find a way to take care of Stephens Trench, after all, Stephens Trench is her chosen successor, and he must not be allowed to have an accident here.

  If it is one-on-one Casillas is definitely not the opponent of the ancient one, and if he is a little helpless against the ancient one, then after knowing that the ancient one's purpose is to save Stephens Trange, the situation is immediately different.

  Become more targeted and easier.

  After all, if you know what the other party is going to do, you can prepare in advance and deal with it, which is easier and more beneficial than if you don't know what the other party is going to do next.


  While releasing the portal, the ancient master controlled the position change of the mirror space.


  Ancient One Mage shouted at Mordo and Stephens Trange.

  Mordo and Stephens Trange also responded quickly. Although they wanted to help the Ancient One, the current situation could only be a burden to stay, so the two quickly avoided their opponents and jumped from the portal. go out.

  Casillas and his group naturally wouldn't let them leave like this. They rushed over and tried to chase them out, but they were stopped by Master Gu Yi.


  During the fight, Casillas was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. After taking the opportunity, he directly stabbed the ancient master with a weapon transformed by energy.

  "Tsk tsk... This is a bit unskilled." Watching Master Gu Yi fall out of the portal with a painful expression, Su Yue, who had been watching the play in the mirror space, couldn't help shaking his head.

  Although Mage Gu Yi was distracted for Mordo and Stephens Trange, although she was distracted in order to stop the pursuers, and although Casillas' shot timing was very precise and sinister, with the strength of Mage Gu Yi under normal circumstances It's absolutely impossible to get hit like this.

  You must know that during the entire fight, the ancient master hardly used any magic. In addition to normal energy weapons, he just controlled the mirror space, and the rest of the time was almost in melee combat.

  Although Kama Taj's mages are dubbed melee mages, that doesn't mean there are no other magics.

  For example, Stephens Trange, who fought against Thanos in the movie, used a lot of advanced magic, such as the shield of Seraphim, the crimson chain, the thunder of Bossat, the sacred sword of Weishandi, Ikon Illusion, Hoggs' ancient body, etc., Stephens Trange can learn these powerful magics by himself after the ancient one is away, can the ancient one?

  From the beginning to the end, Gu Yi Mage has never used any powerful magic or ultimate move, can't she?Certainly not. If you don't even know these things, how did Mage Gu Yi become the Supreme Mage that makes multiple dimensions jealous?Didn't have time to use it?It's even more impossible. It's impossible for Casillas and others to force the ancient master to the point where he can't use magic.

  So Master Gu Yi was actually ready to die since he selected Stephens Trange. Of course, Su Yue knew this for a long time, but... Casillas didn't know!

  He really thought that he killed the ancient master, so after seeing the ancient master fall out of the mirror space and then be taken away by Stephens Trange, it swelled, and he did not plan to catch up to make up for the knife or solve Mordo. Or Stephens Trange's idea.

  He didn't even plan to go to the Holy of Holies in New York because of the swelling, but planned to go directly to the Holy of Holies in Hong Kong to summon Dormammu.

Chapter 0641

  "call out--"

  The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Casillas opened the portal to take people out of the mirror space to the Sanctuary of Hong Kong.


  Just when Casillas greeted the others and was about to leave, he suddenly felt something, turned his head and shouted loudly.

  This is a very mysterious feeling. Although there is no sign, Casillas just feels that someone is here, and it is behind him.

  This kind of feeling appeared suddenly, in other words, if someone really appeared, this person also appeared suddenly!

  "Dimensional lord!"

  Casillas' expression was condensed, and his eyes were instantly sharp.

  At the same time, the others around them responded very quickly, releasing energy weapons almost uniformly.

  Su Yue glanced at each of them with shocked and fearful expressions, and said to Casillas calmly: "Borrow a door, I'm too lazy to go out by myself."

  "When did you appear here?" Casillas asked cautiously.

  Su Yue answered his question in a very good manner: "After this mirror space came out, I have to say that Kama Taj's magic is indeed unique, whether it is an energy whip, a portal, or a mirror space, it is very unique. good."

  "So, have you seen it all?"

  "I saw it."

  Casillas was a little flustered in his heart. How should I put it? Although he killed the ancient one, although he swelled, he was still worried about the dimensional lord.

  No way, Su Yue is too strong!

  He was so strong that even if he swelled up, he would not dare to say that he could defeat Su Yue!

  Now that Su Yue is suddenly here, how can Casillas not panic?But Casillas responded quickly. Although he knew that the relationship between Su Yue and Gu Yi had become good in the later period, since Su Yue had seen what just happened here from the beginning to the end, especially Master Gu Yi. Since he didn't take action, it means... the situation may be different from what he thought.

  Casillas admitted that if Su Yue tried to save Gu Yi, he would definitely be able to do it, but he had been standing by, and he didn't even do it directly when he appeared just now, but he didn't seem to want to avenge Gu Yi!

  "You can think more about some things before you do them. Once you do them, there is no need to think about them." Seeing Casillas' extremely active mental activity, Su Yue said lightly, "I'm just here to watch. I don’t want to miss such a famous scene as Gu Yi was killed. When I showed up, I just borrowed a door and didn’t bother to go there by myself. As for other things, I’m not interested.”

  "You already knew that Gu Yi was going to die?" Casillas frowned slightly, seeing that Su Yue was too lazy to respond, although he was angry, he endured it.

  Anyway, as long as Dormammu is summoned, Suyue can naturally be cleaned up with Dormammu's strength.

  "Where are you going?" Casillas asked.

  To be a tool man, just open a portal, no big deal, I think Master Gu Yi was also a tool man and a driver back then.

  "Don't be so troublesome, I'll go wherever you go." Su Yue said.

  Casillas' eyes narrowed: "What do you mean?"

  "Forget it, let's be honest with you. I know what you're going to do. It's nothing more than going to the Sanctuary of Hong Kong and summoning Dormammu to come to Earth. It just so happens that I want to meet him too. Stop by, you do what you do, and I do it. Mine, you can put your heart in your belly, and I will definitely let you summon Dormammu smoothly." Su Yue didn't bother to waste time with Casillas, after all, Casillas is just a tool man, a small role. .

  When Master Gu Yi died, Dormammu will appear soon. For Su Yue, Dormammu and the dark dimension are what interests him!

  Su Yue confessed that he was too lazy to waste time, but Casillas didn't think so.At the moment Su Yue's voice fell, he almost couldn't control it and shot directly.Fortunately, the fear of Su Yue made him not lose his calm and stabilized his emotions.

  Rao is so, Casillas is also alert.

  Can he believe what Su Yue said?

  Predictive ability?

  This is an ability that Su Yue has shown a long time ago. Many people know that Su Yue can predict the future and even travel to the future through time.

  For example, Stephens Trange, he will become a very powerful mage in the future, and in that movie Casillas saw a lot of Kama Taj mage, but he did not have himself, nor Mordo, nor Gu. one.

  It can even be said that Casillas' expansion, such as being able to kill Gu Yi, is partly due to the future given by Su Yue.

  Therefore, Casillas is not surprised that Su Yue will know that Gu Yi will die here, and it is not surprising that he knows that he is going to the Hong Kong Sanctuary to summon Dormammu. What really worries him is that when Su Yue knows what will happen He was still so calm, and even took the initiative to go together, why?

  Was it because he felt sure he could deal with Dormammu?

  Casillas's thoughts were full of thoughts, and he couldn't pay attention to what to do for a while.Take Su Yue with you?Casillas worries that Su Yue will affect his plans.If I don't take him, I'm afraid I will do it. Casillas asks himself that he may not be Su Yue's opponent. If he loses, then all his plans will be in vain.

  "What? Do you have to think about this trivial matter for so long?" Su Yue squinted at Casillas.

  Casillas shook his head, sideways out of the way.

  Obviously, it is useless to stop Su Yue. He is not sure to solve Su Yue. At that time, Su Yue will be able to go to the Holy of Holies even if he doesn't need himself, and he will be able to stop his plan. It may even be counterproductive.

  The best way now is not to provoke Su Yue, take a step by step, and wait until Dormammu arrives on Earth!

  "Isn't that good? It's a waste of time to think so much." Su Yue walked straight into the portal after speaking.

  The next moment, he had already arrived outside the Holy of Holies in Hong Kong.

  "Ring Ling Ling..."

  The phone rang suddenly, and Su Yue answered it at will, with a slightly weird expression on his face.

  The call was from the Dimension Street guards, and the reason was very simple. Just now, a portal appeared outside Dimension Street, and then Stephens Trange and Mordo entered the Dimension Street with the injured and dying Master Ancient One. , I want to find myself to save Gu Yi.

  Well, this is really surprising and not surprising news.

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