However, this little fly was somewhat unexpected by Dormammu.

  It's nothing to block it for the first time, Dormammu is just doing it casually, and it must be somewhat capable of daring to rush into the dark dimension at this time, and it is normal not to be killed by himself at will.

  But the second time, that is, this time, being blocked again is a little different, especially the method of being blocked.

  Dormammu's huge body stopped moving forward, and his deep and huge eyes flashed with cold light.

  What did he see?

  This little fly blocked his attack?

  No, that's not the point, the point is how he blocked his own attack!It turned out to be exactly the same as his own attack.

  In other words, he blocked his own attack with the same attack method as himself!

  How can this be?

  Although his attack method is not a unique ability, let alone how powerful it is, to put it bluntly, it is a means of applying control elements. Maybe this little fly in front of me also has the ability to control elements, but you also use it in front of me. What does this ability mean to block my attacks?The point... still blocked!

  "Who... who are you!" Dormammu's voice seemed to reverberate. Although he could hear it clearly, it seemed that sound effects had been added.

  "your dad!"

  Su Yue's voice fell and came to Domamu in a flash. Before Domamu could react from your father's sentence, Su Yue's fist was getting bigger and bigger in his eyes.

  Uh, it's not an adjective, and it's not because of the closer distance, but because Su Yue's fist has really gotten bigger.

  The body is gigantic, and the general cosmic powerhouse is like this, such as Dormammu, the Planet Devourer, the God Group, etc. Of course, the giganticization of Ant-Man is not counted, although it is also gigantic, but the effect is much worse .


  The hard fist hit Dormammu's eyes directly. Dormammu was shocked at first, then stopped for a very short time, and then fell back with a bang.

  The huge body leaned back, and Dormammu's hands subconsciously grabbed the two planets, but the two planets couldn't bear the force at all, and were directly pulled down, and then... Dormammu's humming sounded. .

  I don't know if it was the humming of being beaten in pain or the humming of anger.

  In short, after the sound, Dormammu's body stopped strangely, and then quickly regained his footing, followed by a bang in his head, and a hot flame ignited.

  Although it didn't look normal at first, it looks even more weird now. It has the feeling of a flame skull, which is similar to that of the Ghost Rider, but it is stronger.

  Su Yue could feel how amazing the momentum and power that Dormammu exudes at this time. He can clearly feel that Dormammu's breath seems to have been integrated with the surrounding environment. Dormammu is the dark dimension, the dark dimension It's Dormammu.

  At this time, his power is unlimited!

  This is also the reason why Dormammu makes people feel fearful and makes people feel unable to deal with it. The power of the dark dimension is immortal, Dormammu is immortal, and methods such as wheel warfare and attrition war are useless at all, even if Doma is killed. Mu, as long as the dark dimension remains, Dormammu can be reborn and reunited.

  Honestly, it's unscientific, or rather metaphysical, but who makes this magic?

  People are dead, can they be resurrected as long as the place is still there?

  Just ask if you are magic!

  Closer to home, Dormammu was obviously serious after 'evolution', his body twitched slightly, and layers of power surged.

  Su Yue was also serious.

  Then, he snapped his fingers.


  The sound of his fingers snapped, and the space around Dormammu was immediately banned. At that moment, Dormammu was shocked. He found that the inseparable connection between himself and the dark dimension was broken!

  How can this be?

  Even if he leaves the dark dimension, this connection will only become weaker and will not be broken, because he is the dark dimension, but now he is clearly in the dark dimension, but it seems to be isolated by a wall, which can be seen but cannot be touched. ...

  At this moment, Dormammu finally panicked.

  Because he can't understand this method, even if Gu Yi Mage used some powerful magic to isolate the power of the dark dimension, Dormammu can feel his deeper connection with the dark dimension, but now, he feels that he As if there was nothing to do with the dark dimension, all connections were essentially cut off.

  This unscientific!

  Can you sever my connection to the dark dimension with a snap of your fingers?This is not to mention science, even magic can't do it.

  Just ask if you are a cow!

  After the panic, Dormammu began to try to leave the forbidden space, but his attack had no effect on it, and the power of darkness seemed to be unable to help this space at all.He made his body even bigger, but it didn't have any effect except that he almost squeezed himself to death.

  "This trick is unexpectedly useful for a character of this level." Seeing Dormammu trying to find a way to get out of trouble, Su Yue let out a leisurely chuckle.

  This move has been used to deal with the Planet Devourer before. It is hard to say who is stronger between the Planet Devourer and Dormammu. After all, the record is too messy, but the two of them should belong to the same level. no.

  Seeing Dormammu's increasingly irritable behavior, Su Yue took a slow and methodical approach and began to prepare to absorb Dormammu's energy.

  His plan is very simple. First isolate Dormammu, absorb his energy, and solve him. The dark dimension will have no lord, and Su Yue doesn't have to worry about Dormammu jumping out and making trouble when he absorbs the power of the dark dimension.

Chapter 0645 This is it?That's what happened to Dormammu.


  In the forbidden space, Dormammu slammed the barrier of the space with both hands.

  The invisible barrier was as solid as a stone plate and stood still.

  "Who are you! Tell me, who are you!!!" Dormammu's angry voice sounded.

  In addition to anger, there was a hint of fear in his voice.

  In addition to the fact that this weird forbidden space made him helpless, the real reason for his fear was that he felt that his power was rapidly fading away.

  As the lord of the dark dimension, Dormammu has hardly experienced what it feels like to lose power. The dark dimension will continuously provide him with energy. A little consumption is like Wang Yang intercepting a bowl of water in the sea, and he can't feel it at all. Reduced, or before I felt it, the intercepted part was added again.

  Without supplements, the passage of normal consumption becomes very obvious, and now, the speed of passage is many times faster than normal consumption. Dormammu found that even if he did nothing, he did not consume the power in his body. And the power is still fading fast.

  The direction of the passage is the little fly he thought before, but now he is no two taller than himself.

  "Su Yue, you can call me Dimensional Lord, or you can call me... Transcendence!"

  Su Yue's voice fell, speeding up the absorption.

  If energy is the standard, it has to be said that Dormammu, the dark dimension lord, is indeed quite strong. The dark dimension energy contained in it is countless times more than Wanda's chaotic energy, and it is also inferior in quality. many.

  Even the number of them is much more than that of Planet Devourers, but this is normal. After all, when Uncle Tun is almost not full, most of the time there is not much energy.

  Dormammu alone has so much energy. If you add the entire dark dimension, Su Yue feels that he can definitely eat all at once this time, and he can definitely make his life essence surpass the level of the universe essence, thus starting infinite. Gem Unlimited Power Bank Program!


  Su Yue, who was in a good mood, kept absorbing it, while looking at Dormammu, who had obviously never heard of his name.

  No, it shouldn't be said that he didn't. Although Dormammu is not on Earth, his thoughts on Earth have not diminished. With Casillas, a traitor who took refuge in the dark, Dormammu had heard of Su Yue and He Dimension Street, then the title of Dimension Lord is easy to understand.

  And beyond, Dormammu had never heard of it.

  How to say it, it can only be said that the movie universe has not yet involved the line of real top combat power in the comics. At the level of Dormammu, at most, he knows some things about the multiverse, and it certainly does not involve the transcendence, surpassing the gods. class boundaries.

  Su Yue's side is relaxed and cranky, while Dormam's side is not so relaxed.

  Unable to break this forbidden space, unable to stop the flow of his power, at this moment, there is no problem in describing Dormammu's situation and mentality with the words helpless.

  I thought that when Master Gu Yi died, no one should be able to stop him, but another Su Yue appeared.Moreover, this Su Yue is even more difficult to deal with than Master Gu Yi, and he will do it when he comes up, and he will rush to destroy himself as soon as he starts, and his strange ability seems to really have the ability to destroy himself.

  This made Dormammu have to bow his head.

  "Su Yue, dimensional lord, transcendence, I have no intention of becoming an enemy of you. If your purpose is to protect the earth, I can guarantee that you will never invade the earth."

  Dormammu's voice sounded.

  "Is this a counterfeit negotiation?" Su Yue raised his brows. He didn't expect Dormam to be so flexible. He surrendered before he said anything.

  In the movie, Stephens Trange used the infinite loop of the time gem to force Dormammu to accept the conditions. From a certain point of view, Su Yue's forbidden space is actually the same. There is no way to advance or retreat, but the difference is that the infinite loop of the time gem is not life-threatening, while Su Yue's ban space does!

  So, Dormammu can't afford it.

  That's why he surrendered so quickly.

  "Don't be so troublesome, and I don't believe your guarantee. As long as I solve you, naturally I don't have to worry about you invading the earth in the future." Of course Su Yue would not accept Dormammu's surrender.

  Let him go, who knows if he will make trouble again in the future?Moreover, the root cause of this incident from the beginning to the end is actually not the earth. Dormammu's condition of not invading the earth is not attractive to Suyue at all, because Suyue's purpose is Domamu and the energy of the dark dimension. what.

  let him go?

  Hehe, it's not worth the loss.

  "What do you want!" Dormammu didn't know what Su Yue's real purpose was. He mistakenly thought that it was for the safety of the earth, just like the ancient master.

  "What I want, you won't give it, I can only take it myself!" Su Yue shook his head.

  "If you let me go, I can give you whatever you want."

  "Really? But all I want is your power, and the power of the entire dark dimension. You, give it?"

  Without waiting for Dormammu to answer, Su Yue said again, "Even if you are willing to give it to me, I won't ask for it. How can it be convenient for me to take something given by others? You are the turtle in the urn now, so why should I let you go unnecessarily? And then to catch you?"

  "You, your purpose is me and the dark dimension? Hmph, you are so arrogant, even Gu Yi would not dare to say such a thing." Dormammu growled angrily.

  Su Yue shrugged: "I'm not Gu Yi, she doesn't dare, because she can't do it, but I can!"

  Having said that, Su Yue ignored Dormammu and began to absorb it frantically.

  Roaring, cursing, and slamming sounds came and went in the forbidden space. Dormammu was like a beast that was beasts of rage, but there was no way to do it.

  Gradually, Dormammu seemed to calm down, and the size became much smaller. The flame on his head was not as hot and bright as before, swaying, as if a candle in the wind could be extinguished at any time.

  The volume of the curse became smaller, and the target changed from Su Yue to Gu Yi, and from Gu Yi to Casillas.

  He cursed why the ancient one was killed by his own apprentice, it was just trash; he cursed why Casillas wanted to enter the dark dimension, why he summoned himself to the earth.

  how to say?

  That's it?

  The dignified lord of the dark dimension turned out to be no different from ordinary people in the face of death.

Chapter 0646 Dormammu, just died like this?

  "" A roar sounded from the bottom of his sigh, this was the last sound of Dormammu.


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