
  The Dormammu in the forbidden space suddenly exploded, like fireworks, sparks scattered and slowly dissipated, and finally... nothing was left.

  Although Dormammu was a human at the beginning in the comics, he abandoned his original body after discovering the dark dimension. His body is actually more like an energy manifestation of the dark dimension. Therefore, when the energy is exhausted, everything stops , the body, naturally disappears.

  As soon as Dormammu died, the Dark Dimension had no lord or spokesperson. The originally mild energy instantly became violent and violent, and the sense of darkness and evil was instantly enhanced countless times. If it originally entered the Dark Dimension If the mental influence is 1, then it is at least 10 now.

  The power of the dark dimension itself will erode the spirit, otherwise Casillas and the others will not even change their appearance after they fall into the embrace of darkness. Those eyes become like super smoky makeup.

  When Dormammu was still alive, ordinary people might be able to persevere more or less when they entered the dark dimension. Now, basically, once they enter the dark dimension, their spirits will be polluted.

  Of course, Su Yue doesn't care much about this. Anyway, after absorbing the power of the dark dimension, it is a question whether the dark dimension can still exist. Even if it exists, I am afraid it will no longer be the dark dimension, and there will be no negative side influence.

  Although Dormammu died, Su Yue did not remove the forbidden space. The ghost knows that once it is removed, the power of the dark dimension will emerge again. Will Dormammu be revived?

  After all, Dormammu's identity as the lord of the dark dimension has not disappeared, but he is dead. This identity is a kind of authority, and as long as the authority is still there, it is possible to resurrect.

  Therefore, the forbidden space continues to exist. When will the power of the dark dimension be completely absorbed, and when will the forbidden space be removed, even if Dormammu can use the authority of the dark dimension lord to resurrect it is impossible.

  With a thought, Su Yue turned into a black hole and began to absorb the surrounding energy quickly and frantically.

  At the same time, Su Yue turned his head and looked behind him with a feeling.At the separation between the dark dimension and the earth, Stephens Trange rushed in.

  Although he looked very embarrassed, he had a cloak that allowed him to fly, and if he could rush in at this time, it meant that the battle on the ground was over.

  Casillas and the others, lost!

  With a thought, before Stephens Trange could speak, his psychic ability swept over.

  Kama Taj's mage should have a certain ability to resist the mind, but Stephens Trange has not yet mastered it. Of course, it is also because the level of Su Yue's psychic ability is too high.

  After Suyue used the forbidden space to seal Dormammu, Casillas and other people who joined him suddenly lost the power of darkness. Although the essence of power is the dark dimension, they do not have the ability to directly steal the power from the dark dimension. It belongs to Dormammu, so when Dormammu is banned, it is equivalent to being separated from the dimension of this world, and even the power of the dark dimension has been disconnected, not to mention the power given to Casillas and the others. .

  Casillas and the others suddenly lost the power of darkness, and their strength naturally decreased sharply. Coupled with this suddenness and the worry about what happened in the dark dimension, the situation was originally evenly matched, and it could even be said to have the upper hand in an instant. just reversed.

  Then, it was all solved in one go.

  The incident happened suddenly, and after Casillas and the others were dealt with, Stephens Trange hurried over to find out what happened.On the one hand, it was because of Casillas and the others, and on the other hand, he wanted to know how the battle between Su Yue and Dormammu went.

  As a result, he was dumbfounded as soon as he entered the dark dimension.

  The first is that the erosion of the dark dimension is too strong. Although Stephens Tranche just came in, he immediately felt that kind of spiritual strangeness.

  Then, he found out that Dormammu was gone.

  Originally, although Dormammu had not yet entered the earth, his huge body was enough to be discovered, but now... gone, Dormammu is gone, replaced by Su Yue.

  Moreover, Su Yue's figure is particularly huge, just like the Dormammu he had seen before.

  This visual impact made Stephens Trange very shocked, and then... thought of a possibility.

  Dormammu, should it be, dead?

  If Dormammu isn't dead, where are the others?If he hadn't died, Casillas and the others would not have suddenly changed.As for escaping?It's even more impossible. If the previous battlefield was on Earth, then it would be said that Dormammu fled back to the dark dimension, but the battlefield happened in the dark dimension. Where can he escape?

  Therefore, there is only one possibility, and that is that Dormammu is dead.

  Although he knew that this might be true, Stephens Trange still couldn't believe it.

  That's Dormammu!Dormammu's lackey Casillas alone is already that strong. How strong is Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension?

  Master Gu Yi was so afraid of Dormammu, or was it still in Dommam's territory, and as a result, he was killed by Su Yue?

  Killing is killing. After all, Su Yue also has that strength, but...isn't it too fast?Too easy?

  That's Dormammu!

  This is Dormammu's territory!

  How long has it been?

  There are no big scenes and big moves, so Dormammu was killed like this?

  "Dormammu, dead?" Although he couldn't believe his thoughts, Stephens Trange's tone was still full of anticipation when he asked.


  "Really, really dead? I mean, will not be resurrected again? I remember that Dormammu can be resurrected in the dark dimension, you must not be careless." Stephens Trange couldn't help but be kind A reminder.

  "I know." Su Yue nodded affirmatively: "I know Dormammm better than you, so he's already dead. Instead of caring about Dormammu here, you should go back and care about your Holy of Holies. , this riot should be quelled, and there are still many things to do in the future."

  "What about you?"

  "Me? Of course I'm staying here to solve the dark dimension." Su Yue said as a matter of course.

Chapter 0647 Shortcuts

  Stephens Trange really wanted to know how Su Yue solved the dark dimension, but obviously, Su Yue didn't mean to explain or demonstrate for him. He could stay here and watch, but... he didn't dare.

  where is this place?

  Dark dimension!

  The pollution of this kind of powerful mental invasion is simply not something that ordinary people can bear. It has only been so long, and Stephens Trange has already felt that he is about to be unable to hold on, and he has not gone deep, just The junction of two worlds, or the outer layer of the dark dimension.

  Therefore, Stephens Trange could only endure curiosity and worry and temporarily left the dark dimension.

  As Su Yue said, there are still many things that need to be dealt with outside. After all, Dormammu is dead, and even if Su Yue fails to solve the dark dimension, there will be no trouble for the time being.

  After Stephens Trange left, Su Yue glanced at the entrance to the dark dimension that was still open, and his thoughts moved slightly. In an instant, the entrance was closed.

  At the same time, the vision in the sky over the earth suddenly disappeared.The huge gap in the air disappeared, and the sky that was so dark that it seemed like the end of the world has returned to clear again. As for the previous lightning, thunder, wind and hurricane, it disappeared without a trace.

  Looking at the bright and clear sky, it is easy to have the illusion that nothing has happened before.Of course, if you look at the ground, well, the illusion is just an illusion.

  After all, although the weather phenomenon disappeared, the previous landslides and collapsed buildings still existed.

  There must be a reason for such a big movement.

  Not sure what to say.

  Anyway, it's not up to Su Yue.

  "call out--"

  The sound of breaking the air sounded, and a golden portal suddenly lit up in the slightly dim dark dimension.

  Then, an illusory figure walked out.

  "It seems that you succeeded." Master Gu Yi looked around and quickly noticed the difference here.

  Strictly speaking, Master Gu Yi is now dead, her body and life have ended, and now it is only a state of soul.But this is not surprising, after all, the ancient master of the soul out of body or something has been playing very smoothly, and these magic bosses in the Marvel department have few physical mortals, and it is normal to exist in the state of the soul.

  "It depends on what you mean by success. If you mean Dormammu, it is indeed a success." Su Yue replied casually.

  Master Gu Yi did not continue, she could feel that the dark dimension was now in a state of no master, and the energy level was much higher than before, and she could even feel that Su Yue at this moment was like a huge black hole, absorbing frantically. the surrounding dark forces.

  No, it should be absorbing all the power around it.

  Not only the dark power of the dark dimension, but also the vitality of those nearby planets, and... own power!

  Although Master Gu Yi was trying his best to control his power, a lot of things still passed.

  "It seems that I can rest assured, I'll go first." Master Gu Yi said, and without stopping, he turned around and left from the portal.

  Seeing the portal disappear, Su Yue was a little confused.

  So, what did Master Gu Yi come to do?

  Just look at the situation and then slip away?

  Forget it, it's not important. If you want to study the ancient master, it is better to imagine the infinite power bank plan after absorbing the dark dimension.

  Although the Infinity Stones can only be regarded as a single universe level, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to 'recover' oneself to the strength of the original surpasser by relying on the Infinity Stones of the single universe level, but the infinite charging treasure plan can perfectly solve this problem. question.

  In fact, using time gems to complete the infinite power bank plan is not an idea that other people absolutely cannot think of, but there are not many people who can do it.

  The first is the essence of life, which is what Su Yue is currently pursuing. If the essence of life cannot reach the level, it will not be able to retain those energies that can be traced back. This is the foundation of everything.

  And is there anyone who can do this?


  But not every one can absorb the power of the Infinity Stones to enhance themselves.

  This filtered out a lot of people.

  Among the remaining people, some did not expect this, and some were disdainful of using such 'time-consuming' means to obtain or strength, and screened out another batch.

  Among the few remaining people, either they have the strength to surpass this, and they don't need to use it to add icing on the cake; or they dare not bear the consequences of doing so!

  The consequences of the unlimited power bank plan are serious.

  Because every 'charge' is actually consuming and creating a new timeline, or a reality, or an extension of a parallel world, how serious the consequences can be imagined! ! !

  No one else will say that the Life Court will never sit idly by and watch this happen, nor will it remain indifferent afterwards.

  Moreover, OAA is standing behind the Life Court!

  But, Su Yue dares to do it!

  He is a 'transcendence'. Even if he really faces OAA, it should be an evenly matched result. Although his current strength has definitely not recovered, he does not believe that the original 'self' has nothing left behind, although the transcendence is very active If you die, you will weaken yourself when you have nothing to do, but you will definitely not be stupid enough to say that you have no insurance at all.

  Most importantly, he has the ability to repair the resulting mess once the Infinite Power Bank project is successful.Although it certainly won't be so easy, it might make the energy he absorbed disappear.

  However, Su Yue thinks it is worth it.

  After all, beyond energy can be recovered and replenished, but the upper limit of strength is not so easy.

  To put it simply, even if 100 points of blue are used up, they can be replenished over time or by taking drugs, but it is not that easy to reach 101 points.

  Su Yue doesn't care about the temporary energy consumption, but how much energy he can have.

  If you can use the infinite power bank plan to recover to the strength of the surpasser, even if it is exhausted for a short time, it is worthwhile.

  This is equivalent to breaking through the bottleneck!

  As long as the breakthrough is successful, the rest is not important.

  Most importantly, the unlimited power bank plan is a shortcut to Suyue!If there is no such plan, how long will Su Yue want to recover to the level of transcendence?

  The step-by-step improvement of one realm and one realm is too slow!

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