It's been too long, although it was expected that absorbing the power of the dark dimension would not be a matter of one or two days, but if you do nothing for a few months and absorb energy here, Su Yue really can't stand it these days.

  Even if you absorb the power of the dark dimension, you can make a qualitative leap, but now there is no strong enemy on your side, there is no need to give up life, and you are in a hurry.

  Besides, there are other things out there.

  For example, there is still no conclusion about the captain and the immigrant mutants over there, the star-devouring messenger.

  Another example is that according to the time it is estimated that the plot of Thor 3 will soon be reached. Hela, the goddess of death, returns, opening the prelude to Ragnarok.

  When dealing with the dark elves, Su Yue reminded Frigga that as for what Frigga had to do, it was her and Asgard's business.

  In addition, there is Thanos. There are some conspiracies. Thanos is regarded by Su Yue as a chess piece to expand the territory of Dimension Street, so before the appearance of Thanos, Su Yue must have the energy to continuously upgrade, so as to maximize the benefits. .

  Su Yue thought about passing the time to avoid boredom, and persisted for a few days, and finally couldn't hold on anymore.

  Repeated things can easily make people feel boring, not to mention that absorbing energy itself does not require Su Yue to do anything extra, nor does it require him to stay focused.

  To put it bluntly, Su Yue almost stood in the dark dimension and stayed for many days without doing anything. Although this feeling is different from being locked up, it also has the same effect.

  Although there are some sayings that there are no years in practice, the premise is that you are practicing. Like Su Yue, who does nothing and stays here, no one can stand it.

  "Slip away, go back to take a bath, eat something, have a good rest, and come back later."

  Su Yue flashed.

  Anyway, there is no Dormammu out to make trouble in the dark dimension now, and other monsters and monsters must have this strength even if they want to fight the dark dimension.

  Even with this strength, it is impossible to replace Dormammu's original identity as the new lord of the dark dimension in just a few days, right?Even if there were, they couldn't compete with Dormam at the beginning, and Dormam was easily pinched to death by Su Yue, so naturally they couldn't stop Su Yue.

  Therefore, the dark dimension is now Su Yue's private land, and you can come whenever you want.

  "call out--"

  The sound of breaking the air sounded, Su Yue dodged, and people have appeared on the top floor of the Dimension Street building from the dark dimension.

  "Huh... it's better to be at home." Su Yue sighed, turned around and went straight to take a shower.

  Dirty is definitely not dirty, but after this bath, Su Yue still felt very happy.

  After taking a bath, someone came downstairs from Ju Ju to deliver a big meal. Su Yue ate his food and asked Wanda about the situation in Dimension Street during this time.

  Dimension Street itself has not changed much, it is still very lively, and the high-speed rail plan is also opening other lines in an orderly manner.

  It's just that there are more homeless people in Dimension Street, mainly on the streets and high-speed rail stations. During the day, there may be slightly fewer people. At night, many homeless people spend the night here.

  The homeless in the United States are different from the homeless we think. What do we think of the homeless?Very old, incapable of labor, dirty beggars.

  But the homeless people here in the United States are different. Many of them are young and look good in clothes.

  So why be a homeless person?

  On the one hand, the habit of early consumption in the United States makes them unable to withstand economic disasters. Once they lose their jobs, they will lose their income immediately, and houses and other things can easily be taken away and left on the streets.

  As for why they don't look for work?Hehe, first of all, there are not many jobs here. Second, you have to work hard to do manual work. The labor here is very expensive. Because labor is expensive, many times people don’t find workers at all, and they do it themselves.

  There are two main types of homeless people in Dimension Street, one is temporarily encountering difficulties, staying in Dimension Street at least avoids the possibility of being robbed and bullied; the other is... mutants.

  Yes, mutants!

  Although Dimension Street has not checked and restricted the identities of these mutants, it is easy to determine the identities of these mutants without special investigation, because probably Dimension Street is the only place where you don't need to hide your identities. After all, Dimension Street There are many kinds of existence.

  These mutants enter Dimension Street to seek shelter. After all, they are from another world, and there are many actions against mutants in this world. Many people who do not want to register will hide. Dimension Street is obviously one of the best place.

  Because no one dares to run wild in Dimension Street.

  If these mutants want to live well in this world, then Dimension Street is the best chance.

  There will be no discrimination against mutants, no attack on mutants, as long as you have money, as long as you are willing to work hard, as long as you do not violate the rules of Dimension Street, then you can live freely here, just like everyone else. Enjoy your rights.

  But making money is hard.

  After all, they dare not go to work outside Dimension Street, and there are very few jobs in Dimension Street. How many people dream of getting a job in Dimension Street, so their only advantage is probably their own ability.

  After all, there are mutants in Dimension Street. Some are smarter and smarter. They have begun to contact the guards of Dimension Street. They hope to join Dimension Street and become a member of the guard through this relationship.

  After Dimension Street finished speaking, Wanda talked about other things.

  For example, Iron Man once contacted Su Yue to ask about the previous matter, and Stephens Trange also came to see Su Yue, because of General Ross and the registration bill, and then General Ross also came and asked about the card Mattage.

  In a word, big and small matters, the forces of all parties, seem to have to ask Su Yue what he meant.

  Before you know it, the earth has become chaotic, as Su Yue said.

Chapter 0651 How difficult it is to cross!

  In fact, according to the current situation of the earth, 'The earth is chaotic or not, Su Yue decides! ' This sentence is still very appropriate.

  Because the Dimension Street represented by Su Yue is currently the strongest strength and power on the earth, if Su Yue wants to be in chaos, he can start chaos in one sentence. Don't have that power.

  It can even be said that people who want to be chaotic have to consider the consequences even if they have such thoughts. Dimension Street will not come forward, and Su Yue will not come forward.

  After all, there are so many things happening in this world, big and small, as long as the interests of Dimension Street are not affected, it does not mean that Dimension Street is in charge of everything.

  This time, like Iron Man, he just wanted to know what happened. After all, as an Avenger, if such a big thing happened, you must find out the reason and prepare in advance.

  And Kama Taj, represented by Stephens Trange, has a very simple purpose. Whether it comes to the old one, Stephens Trange, or even Kama Taj, it has something to do with Su Yue. , It is normal for Su Yue to ask for help when he is in a precarious situation.

  As for General Ross, he is purely worried that Su Yue and Dimension Street will get involved in this matter. If Kama Taj is related to Su Yue, then the matter will be discussed directly with Su Yue.

  After all, Strictly speaking, Su Yue is actually the best person to negotiate, because as long as his conditions are met, basically things that are not too much can be negotiated.

  And at present, General Ross and Su Yue have a good relationship. After all, they paid a large price in exchange for the support of Su Yue and Dimension Street. They are in the honeymoon period, so the possibility of negotiating is very high.

  By the way, the 'things' traded with Suyue can be directly reimbursed.

  In other words, the expenditure was not paid out of General Ross's own pocket or from his department, but from above.This means that the above is the default transaction with Suyue.

  What does this mean?

  Going back to the above sentence, Su Yue really said it!

  Because if you don't trade Su Yue, you won't support it. If you don't support it, you won't be able to suppress those unregistered superhuman beings. Maybe even if you don't support it, Su Yue will just turn around and deal with you.

  In this case, are you afraid?

  Other things are okay, they have nothing to do with Su Yue, they don't get involved, but for things like the registration bill, whether it is for registration or not, the first thing to focus on is Su Yue.

  If it wasn't for Su Yue's support, the Avengers, and the mutants who wanted to live in peace, could the registration bill get to where it is now?

  I am afraid that, before leaving the apprenticeship, he died first, and he was directly stillborn.

  Su Yue asked Wanda to give the answers one by one in his own name. Iron Man's side is to talk about the specific situation, and Stephens Trange's side is also simple. That's Kama Taj's business. As for General Ross, Su Yue's reply is also very simple, as long as it doesn't make the trouble come to an end, Su Yue doesn't care about other matters.

  Originally, even if he promised to take care of Kama Taj, it was only about the invasion of other dimensions, and Su Yue eliminated Dormam and gradually absorbed the dark dimension. It has nothing to do with Su Yue.

  If General Ross has the ability, let Kama Taj sign an agreement, and if Kama Taj has the ability, he will solve General Ross, and they will solve it themselves.

  On the contrary, there is another thing that Wanda can't convey, which is also related to Iron Man, to be precise, it is related to the Avengers.

  Leaving aside the matter of Dormammu and the registration act for the time being, half of the Avengers are currently most concerned about the captain's journey to other worlds and cooperation with the star-devouring messenger.

  Whether it's the Star Devourer, the mastermind who brought mutants from other worlds to this world, or the captain and the others, it's definitely impossible to let this matter go, and that's it.

  During this period of time, the Avengers were watching the energy changes almost all the time while performing their missions. Whenever the Star Swallowing Messenger appears again, they will definitely come to the door as soon as possible. Unfortunately... for no reason, the Star Swallowing Messenger's paragraph Time has not come, which makes them more worried about the captain's situation.

  In fact, Iron Man has been researching things about crossing during this period of time. After all, he has collected the energy data of the star swallowing messenger after crossing as a mark. As long as he can cross, he should be able to use the energy of the other side as a mark to cross to the world where the other side is.

  But... how difficult it is to cross!

  Although Iron Man is a genius and can be regarded as one of the most talented and intelligent people in the universe, it is still difficult for him to go through this kind of thing.

  He didn't know anything about the quantum field, and he didn't get involved, so it was impossible to travel through time like Avengers 4 to achieve the goal of traveling through space.

  As for the mutants who came through, they didn't know anything about time-travel at all, and they came to this world completely confused. Even if they knew a little, it wouldn't help Iron Man's research on time-travel.

  The ones who have studied the crossing the most are Su Yue and Dimension Street. After all, the holiday island business in other worlds on Dimension Street is quite popular. Although he has never looked down to experience it himself, he has collected a lot of information.

  Hmm, same doesn't help.

  As for starting from the 'star swallowing messenger', that is, the flicker of Dimension Street, hehe, he really dare not, and the flicker of Dimension Street doesn't seem to have the ability to cross the world.

  All in all, Iron Man, who was originally proud, planned to do research on his own and find the captain himself, but after Dormammu incident, let him know Kama Taj, Dormammu, and that General Ross established X. Agent, the arrogance began to expand, Iron Man and the others were in a hurry, so... they could only find Su Yue again.

  Of course, the person looking for Su Yue is definitely not Iron Man, but Natasha.

  Natasha's call came not long after Wanda notified Iron Man. The purpose was to ask where Su Yue was, and then... she came directly.

  "You said before that if we want to see the captain and bring the captain back, will you help? Does it count?" Natasha asked straight to the point when she arrived.

  "Of course, how can I go back on what I promised you? Besides, I said it at the time, it's not troublesome for me." Su Yue said with a smile.

  "Okay, then we want to go to the world where the captain is."



〇⑦ "Innate Talent"

Chapter 0652 take you through

  "You go by yourself?" Su Yue asked.

  Natasha shook her head: "I don't have the ability to persuade the captain and the others back. If the star swallowing messenger is unwilling to rest assured, I would be powerless to save people, so..."

  Natasha blinked, revealing a playful smile.

  Well, obviously Natasha wanted to take Iron Man and the others with them.

  "Where are they?" Su Yue asked.

  "I'll let them come over, right away." Natasha finished and took out the phone.

  After a while, Wanda came over and asked for instructions that Iron Man and War Machine were coming and wanted to see him.Su Yue asked Wanda to bring them up. After the meeting, War Machine was fine, Iron Man was a little embarrassed.

  On the one hand, Iron Man has never taken any advantage in Suyue, and he has always been the kind that suffers and suffers. Tasha is talking about this matter. It is definitely impossible to say that Iron Man doesn't know. This feeling of making a woman come forward makes Iron Man feel very ashamed.

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