In addition, Su Yue is not stupid. Iron Man and War Machine arrived not long after Natasha finished the phone call. What does this mean?

  It means that they came with Natasha, but they didn't come up at the beginning, either in Dimension Street or outside Dimension Street. If there is news from Natasha's side, they will come over immediately. If it doesn't work, it will save shame.

  "Just the three of you?" Su Yue finally asked.

  Natasha nodded on their behalf.

  Su Yue said with a smile: "Okay, it's fine to send you there. I know which world they are in, and I'm familiar with that world. But Natasha is my person, and I will definitely send it, the two of you..."

  "What conditions, tell me." Iron Man said directly.

  Su Yue thought about it for a while, and said casually: "Well, I don't know the current detailed arrangements in the street, but if there are any activities on Dimension Street, you can come and stand on the platform, not much, three times, each person three times!"

  Although War Machine is weaker than Iron Man in all aspects, don't use bean bags as dry food. Although War Machine is not as popular as Iron Man, its mouth is more affected by the environment than Iron Man. The feeling is very cold-faced joker, if it is a platform event, the effect may not be bad.

  In fact, in terms of popularity and environment, there must be more suitable candidates in Dimension Street, but how do you say that, how can home flowers have the fragrance of wild flowers?If it is your own platform, people who often come to Dimension Street may not take a special look even if they know it. After all, they can usually see it, even say hello, take a photo, etc. It is common.

  But Iron Man War Machine is different, what is rare is more expensive.

  "it is good."

  Iron Man gritted his teeth and agreed, and War Machine naturally agreed.

  This condition is not excessive, and it is even a preferential treatment. War Machine is happy, but Iron Man... well, everyone knows his character.

  When the conditions were negotiated, Su Yue didn't need them to make any guarantees. After all, they didn't dare to deny it.

  A teleporter across time and space.

  The shock wave portal appears.

  Su Yue said casually, "Let's go."

  Natasha walked in first, followed by War Machine, and Iron Man stared at the trans-temporal teleporter in Su Yue's hand several times, presumably because he wanted Jarvis.

  No, it's not Jarvis, Jarvis has disappeared because of the Ultron incident, should it be Friday now?

  It is estimated that he wants Friday to analyze the trans-temporal teleporter, but Su Yue is not worried. If Friday can crack the technology of the trans-temporal teleporter with just a few scans, then Iron Man is too good.

  At most, Friday can only record the energy characteristics, the operation mode of the shock wave portal, etc., but these are the most basic and do not involve the core at all.

  If Iron Man concentrates on this one, there may be construction, pay attention, only possible!But it's impossible to rely on Friday alone.

  "call out--"

  The light flickered, and things moved.

  When several people reacted, they found that they were already in a relatively remote forest park.

  There was no one in the park, and although there was a highway nearby, there were no cars passing by. At first glance, the nearest residence seemed to be a certain distance away.

  "This...this is crossing?" The war machine's mask opened, looking around a little surprised.

  Iron Man and Natasha also looked around curiously, while Iron Man asked Friday to scan the surrounding environment.

  "This is a world dominated by mutants. The timeline of this world is very close to our world. In this world, the situation of mutants is very bad. There is an organization called the Sentinel Special Service, which specializes in arresting mutants."

  "All the mutants on our side came from this world?" Natasha asked.

  Su Yue shook his head: "There should be a part of it, but it doesn't account for much. This world has technology that can inhibit the ability of mutants. The star swallowing messenger is from this world, and the captain and the others are also in this world. No accident, they should be With cooperation, the star swallower should hope that the capable non-mutants of the captain and the others can rescue the imprisoned mutants."

  "After all, once the abilities of mutants are contained, they are no different from ordinary people."

  "Do you know where Captain and them are?" Iron Man asked.

  Su Yue shook his head: "I don't know."

  "There will be times when you don't know?" Iron Man was a little disbelieving.

  Su Yue shrugged: "We have to waste energy to investigate."


  So, it's not that I don't know, but I'm too lazy to check it?

  "I promised to send you here, and of course I will pick you up, but I won't accompany you to find the captain, it's a waste of time."

  To be honest, Su Yue didn't think Iron Man and the others could bring the captain back. The reason is very simple, because their most fundamental contradiction has not been resolved at all, which is the registration bill.

  In theory, Iron Man and the others still have to arrest Captain and the others.

  Unless General Ross gives up on letting the captains register them, or the captains change their minds.

  Otherwise, even if Iron Man and the captain can't fight, this civil war can't fight, and the captain and the others won't go back.

  go back for what?

  Are you closed?

  Therefore, in addition to meeting the captain and understanding the situation in this world, Iron Man and the others basically have to return without success, and to be honest, the meaning of understanding the situation in this world is actually more meaningful than taking the captain and them back. bigger.

Chapter 0653 Finding Captain

  Unfamiliar world, the vast sea of ​​people, they are new here, they know nothing, it is very difficult to find someone without any clues in a short time, even if Iron Man has Friday, even if War Machine has been a soldier, even if Natasha is a leading agent , it is not so easy to find the captain and their clues in a short time.

  After all, the captain and the others are not vegetarians. For the captain and the others, this is also a new world. Moreover, they have to cooperate with the star swallowing messenger to save the mutants. The actions will only be more cautious and leave no clues.

  Although Iron Man and the others have decided to come to this world to find the captain and them, they will definitely not stay for too long. If it takes too long, there will be trouble.

  So, they decided to find the captain themselves.


  Does it sound like a mistake?In fact, no, Natasha will not make too much use of her relationship with Su Yue in this matter. War Machine wants to ask Su Yue to help, but she is too embarrassed to speak, so this decision is made by Iron Man of.

  Of course he knew that there was not so much time to waste, and he knew that asking Su Yue for help would definitely save time and effort, but he really couldn't open his mouth to ask for help when Su Yue had already made it clear that he didn't want to waste time helping.

  He, Iron Man, Tony Stark, is also a face!

  Although it is difficult to find the captain without Su Yue's help, he believes that he can find it.

  Friday has collected some basic information about the world, and has determined their current location. Although it is not so easy to find the captain and them through the Internet, since the captain and the others have cooperated with the star swallowing messenger, they just need to investigate. Where there is a jailbreak or prison robbery in the place where mutants are held recently, you can roughly judge the approximate scope and narrow the search circle.

  "I'll keep an eye on your situation. If you're ready to go back, I'll come and pick you up." Su Yue said to Natasha, and then disappeared with a swoosh.

  "He didn't leave this world." Iron Man said suddenly after Su Yue left.

  The time-travel transmitter and the shock wave wormhole were used when crossing before, but just now Su Yue just teleported away.

  Natasha glanced at Iron Man and didn't answer the question, but asked, "What to do next? Do you have any clues on your side?"

  Whether Su Yue left this world or went to other parts of the world, Natasha didn't care much, and it had nothing to do with their mission this time.

  Su Yue did not leave the world of talent. The reason is not that there is something to do in this world, nor is there anyone to look for, but that he intends to try to see if this world has any connection with the dark dimension.

  The dark dimension is already involved in the field of the multiverse. Although most of it involves some dark dimensions or universes that are biased towards the dark dimension, it should not involve other parallel worlds, but the connection with the multiverse exists.

  Su Yue has no idea of ​​returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe from the gifted world through the dark dimension, and he has no idea of ​​leading to other universes. He simply wants to know if he can go to the dark dimension in this world. If Yes, just as Iron Man, Natasha, they continue to absorb the energy of the dark dimension while they are looking for the captain.

  As soon as his thoughts moved, he sensed the dark dimension, and with a bang, the scene in front of Su Yue's eyes had changed.

  Dim, depressed.

  It is the dark dimension.

  "The process of teleportation did not feel too laborious. There are two possibilities. One is that the gifted world itself has a connection with the dark dimension, and the other is that my teleportation ability is too strong. Or, both! "

  After analyzing for a moment, Su Yue put the matter behind him. He just wanted to know the result. As for the didn't matter.

  Since it is easy to enter the dark dimension in the gifted world, you can use this time to continue absorbing energy in the dark dimension.

  By the way.

  The dark dimension is very large, and the position that came from this world of talent is obviously not the position in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

  However, it doesn't matter.

  Su Yue quickly adjusted his state and began to absorb it. While absorbing, his psychic ability remained on Natasha's body. If Natasha encountered any danger or wanted to leave, he would know as soon as possible.

  At the same time, it is also through Natasha to understand their actions. After all, it is too boring to absorb energy only in the dark dimension.

  Iron Man and the others did not leave the suburban park for the first time, but first investigated the mutant prison that was recently robbed.

  Although the information about the mutant prison is also a top secret among top secrets, for Iron Man, it is easier to investigate this than to investigate the captain and their whereabouts.

  The technology tree of the World of Extraordinary Talents is a bit crooked. All technologies are used to study mutant genes and sentinel robots. For artificial intelligence like Friday, there is not much involved.

  It's a different story when the Sentinel droids are like in the future.

  In short, with Iron Man's skills and Friday's ability, it didn't take long to lock in a range.

  Within this range, a prison for mutants was attacked last night. Although the damage was not great, the hundreds of mutants held there were rescued.

  This is a major event. Although the news is blocked, martial law has been imposed in the vicinity, and investigation and tracking have been ongoing.

  "What do you think?" Iron Man told War Machine and Natasha the news, and then asked.

  "There is too little information. We don't know if there are other mutant organizations in this world that are saving these mutants, and we are not sure whether the forces that the prison belongs to have any hostile forces." Natasha analyzed and said: "Conservative Point, [-]%, I think [-]% may be the captain and them."

  "Captain, Winter Soldier, Falcon, with the strength of the three of them, it should not be difficult for them to sneak into a prison to save people. After all, they are not mutants, and the settings for mutants in the prison have little effect on them."

  "I have a hunch, it must be them!" Iron Man said solemnly.

  "Then go check it out!"

0654 Thunderbird

  I have to say that Iron Man's hunch is quite accurate, this time it was indeed the captain and the others who did it.

  In fact, except for the captain, no one else or other forces can do it.

  In a heavily guarded prison with mutant suppressors, there are hundreds of mutant prisoners, and there are not many people or forces who can intrude on a large scale and save people without knowing it.

  Most of the people who can save mutants are mutants.

  And no matter how capable mutants are, they will lose their abilities under the influence of mutant suppressors, not to mention that the prison guards are always on guard against someone coming to rob the prison, so whether it is the mutant underground organization, the hell hidden in the dark Neither Fire Club nor Fire Club has the ability to do this.

  Even if there is, do not dare to do it.

  The risk is too great to be worth the loss.

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