The mutant underground is basically a small-scale rescue operation, mainly to rescue those single mutants who are targeted by the Sentinel Secret Service.The Hellfire Club basically ignores ordinary mutants, and its main target is those mutants who are powerful and capable of great things.

  The captain and the others are different. What they have to do in this world may be to save the mutants. After all, this is an agreement with the star-devouring messenger. In addition, they themselves can't stand those normal, kind mutants being imprisoned and being detained. torment.

  Before the operation, they spent time observing the situation of the prison base, understanding the internal structure, and planning the evacuation route.

  The operation went very smoothly. The Falcon was watching from the air, and the Winter Soldier and the captain sneaked in. Although the guards were heavily guarded, it was not a problem for the two of them at all, so the prisoners were rescued smoothly and evacuated from the prison base, and then... ...After leaving a certain range, the teleportation of the star swallowing messenger directly took the person away.

  Straight to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

  Even if the Sentinel Secret Service scoured the ground, it would be impossible to find these abducted mutants.As for the three captains, although the prison base and the sentinel secret service have figured out their appearance through the surveillance screen, unfortunately, their identities have not been found, and they can only be found through surveillance on nearby roads.

  However, this takes time.

  In the same way, Iron Man and the others also need time to find the captain and the others as soon as possible without exposing themselves.

  The advantage of the Sentinel Secret Service is that they can use all resources, and Iron Man's advantage is Friday and... their understanding of the captain, as well as their own experience.

  For example, Natasha!

  She has performed this kind of task of finding someone without support within the approximate range and hiding herself.

  The experience is still very rich.

  With Iron Man providing technical support and War Machine providing cold joke support, Natasha took some time to step on the spot and quickly identified a few places that were suspected to be the captain's hiding places.

  The soldiers are divided into three groups.

  Iron Man, Gears of War, Natasha, split up.

  Not long after, when the sun was gradually setting in the west and the night was coming, Iron Man and War Machine each reported that they had not found it, and then rushed over to Natasha.

  At the same time, Natasha is quietly sneaking into an abandoned factory building.

  This factory building looks a few years old, it is completely abandoned, there is a lot of garbage on the ground, and the glass on the windows is basically much better than bad. Fortunately, because the ventilation is still smooth, the air is still normal. No unpleasant smell.

  Natasha also saw a camp in the corner where the homeless took the opportunity to stay?

  Well, it's a little bit inaccurate to say that the camp is just a pile of junk and rags.


  A small and crisp sound suddenly sounded. Although the sound was small and seemed to come from a distance, Natasha still heard it.

  After a brief pause, Natasha suddenly accelerated and ran in the direction of the voice.

  As much as possible, no sound.

  But only as much as possible.

  With three steps and two steps, Natasha had just crossed a corner when a sturdy arm suddenly stretched out from the side and hooked directly to Natasha's neck.

  Natasha reacted extremely quickly, leaned back, lowered her waist, bent her legs, and glided directly to avoid the arm, then supported her body on the ground with one hand, stabilized her body, turned around, and directly took out the disc-shaped body with the other hand. The small electric shock was thrown out.


  The electric shock was precisely attached to the opponent's arm, and then the current surged instantly.


  The other party grunted, and with a slight trembling, he pulled the electric shock device down and threw it aside.

  At this time, Natasha saw each other.

  The other party also saw Natasha...

  A sturdy and muscular body, a look of vigilance.

  It looks a bit similar to the captain, but it is not the captain, but a man with medium and long hair.

  It can be seen from the first glance of temperament, this is definitely a battle-hardened warrior!

  "Who are you!" The other party asked in a deep voice.

  Natasha said with a smile: "Who said you didn't know me? I'm here to find someone, but it's not you! If we can, we can pretend that we haven't met."

  "You're not from the Sentinel Secret Service?" The other party hesitated.


  "Are you a mutant?" the other party asked again.

  Natasha shook her head: "No."

  "Listening to you, you should be a mutant, right?" Natasha asked.

  "You can call me Thunderbird." The other party did not admit or deny.

  But this attitude is already the default.

  "Are you looking for a mutant?" Thunderbird asked.

  "Neither." Natasha denied again. "I'm looking for three people related to mutants."

  Thunderbird nodded: "What do you have to do with them, why are you looking for them? Judging from your appearance, it should be an agent, who do you work for?"

  Natasha thought for a while and said, "I'm with them. For some reason, we separated. If you know their whereabouts, please tell me!"

  Thunderbird was about to speak, but suddenly moved his position to the side thoughtfully. After a while, an energy cannon suddenly blasted over, and then passed directly from where Thunderbird was standing.


  The energy cannon hit the wall not far away, and in an instant, dust flew up.

  A dagger suddenly appeared in Thunderbird's hand, and he turned sharply and rushed back, only to stop after just two steps.

  Iron Man and War Machine turned on their weapon systems from left to right and aimed at him.Although Thunderbird had never seen their armor, he still recognized the weapons on the armor.

Chapter 0655 Alliance?

  "Who is he?" Iron Man pointed at Thunderbird with his palm cannon, and looked at Natasha.

  "He calls himself Thunderbird, and he should be a mutant." Natasha explained, "He was here when I came, and he may know the whereabouts of the captain and them."

  Iron Man took a few glances at Thunderbird. If only in terms of body, temperament and style, he and the captain are indeed quite similar.

  "The people you are looking for should be the ones who rescued hundreds of mutants before and are now being hunted by the Sentinel Secret Service, right?" Thunderbird, as one of the main tasks of the mutant underground organization, is itself a battle-hardened From a soldier's background, the basic analysis ability is definitely online.

  In fact, before Iron Man and War Machine appeared, Thunderbird had already judged the general situation based on the conversation with Natasha.

  "If you find them too, then, I don't think we should be enemies. In fact, I'm here to find them too." Thunderbird retracted his dagger.

  Seeing Thunderbird's movements, Iron Man and War Machine also retracted their weapons, and then opened their masks: "You said you came to see Captain and them too? What do you know?"

  Thunderbird took a few glances at Iron Man and War Machine, mainly curious about the armor on the two, and then slowly said: "I heard that they wanted to help after they rescued so many mutants from prison, relying on their abilities to find them. them."

  "You said you wanted to rely on your ability to find them, so why are you here?" Natasha asked.

  "Because they appeared here before." Thunderbird said simply.

  Natasha shrugged: "My previous judgment was correct when I said that. Captain and the others were indeed here before, but there will be some troubles next."

  The three most probable positions judged based on experience have so far all been absent from the captain, and it will not be so easy to continue looking for them in the future.No, no, it wasn't that easy before, but now...

  Natasha's eyes lit up, and she looked at Thunderbird with a burning gaze.

  Iron Man's response was also quick, and he also looked at Thunderbird.

  War Machine looked at Iron Man, then at Natasha, and finally at the end, he obviously already knew why Iron Man and Natasha were looking at their Thunderbirds... a little confused!He still hadn't figured out why the two of them were looking at this guy, but in order to be consistent, uh, well, to not look so stupid, War Machine followed suit and looked at Thunderbird.

  "Well, I have a way to possibly find them, and I can help you too. After all, you shouldn't look like you're dealing with mutants, and we shouldn't be enemies." Thunderbird shrugged.

  For him, although these few people are strangers, they should be trusted, at least when it comes to finding the captain and others they mentioned.

  It's a tough situation for mutants, and it's a tough situation for the mutant underground, and it would be better if they could get help.

  Thunderbird wanted to get help from Iron Man and the others, and Iron Man and the others were the same. They not only wanted to rely on Thunderbird to help find the captain, but also wanted to know the situation of the world through Thunderbird.

  So, the two sides hit it off and use each other.

  Of course, there is nothing wrong with using each other, because most of the interactions between people start from using each other.

  "What is your mutant ability?" Natasha asked curiously.

  "Strengthen basic abilities in all aspects, and at the same time have a small-scale time retrospect within a certain range. Simply put, I know what happened in the past, and I rely on this ability to find here step by step according to clues." Thunderbird did not Concealing his ability, he said it generously.

  "Basic enhancement is a bit ordinary, but the ability to rewind time is not bad. If you are in Dimension Street, you should be able to join the escort team." Natasha said casually.

  "Guards?" Thunderbird was stunned. "Where is the dimension street you said?"

  "A place that is considered paradise for mutants, it is a relatively independent area, no matter who it is, ordinary people, inhumans, mutants, as long as they do not violate the regulations of Dimension Street, they can live there happily. At the same time, the humans there will not resist or hostile to mutants." Natasha explained.

  "Is it okay to tell him this?" Iron Man reminded.

  Natasha shook her head and said, "What could be wrong? Anyway, it is impossible to hide this kind of thing. Confess to your allies as soon as possible to avoid misunderstandings after the incident."

  "Thunderbird, my code name is Black Widow, my real name is Natasha. This is Iron Man, whose real name is Tony Stark, a billionaire, playboy, and also a superhero, one of the leaders of the Avengers. That's War Machine, former Air Force Colonel, James Lord, also a superhero, a member of the Avengers."

  "The captains we're looking for are American Captain Steve Rogers, Falcon Sam Wilson, and Winter Soldier James Barnes, also known as Bucky."

  Thunderbird is stunned by Natasha's confession.

  He had never heard of the Avengers, Iron Man, or Captain America.

  If other people say this at other times, Thunderbird is definitely not bragging or lying, but judging from the reactions of the few people in front of them, it seems that they are not lying or bragging, but, Thunderbird Ask yourself and have a certain understanding of intelligence. Besides, there are sages in the organization who are specially responsible for intelligence work. If there are really avengers or the like, he can't be unaware.

  If you talk about Avengers, hero codes and other hidden things, it is understandable, but this person named Tony Stark, Thunderbird has never heard of it.

  Billionaire, Playboy?

  Tony Stark?

  If there is such a person, there is no reason to know.

  Thunderbird's brain hole is still not good, and now he doesn't think about any parallel world.Of course, this is also normal. Even if you meet someone who has never heard of it, it is impossible to think directly in the direction of the parallel world subconsciously, unless it is from the perspective of God.

  It doesn't matter if you don't have enough brains, as long as you believe in it.

  "It's normal that you haven't heard of us, and even no one in this world should have heard of us and knew us, because... we're not from this world, we're from another world!"

  Natasha's next words directly made Thunderbird, who was a little confused, even more confused!

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