Chapter 0656 Mutant Underground Organization

  "Another...another world?" Thunderbird stared at Natasha with wide eyes, her expression was serious, and she didn't seem to be joking at all.

  Turning his head, Thunderbird looked at Iron Man and War Machine again. Although their expressions were a little surprised, Thunderbird could see it. They were surprised that Natasha would say it, not Natasha's. speak words.

  This means that another world's claim may be true.But... is there really another world?Are these people really from another world?

  Thunderbird can become one of the leaders of the mutant underground organization, of course, is not the kind of mediocre person, but Rao is that he has seen strong winds and waves, and has heard of all kinds of strange mutant abilities. The hole is also not big enough to extend into a parallel world.

  "You... are you really from other worlds?" Thunderbird asked subconsciously.

  Natasha nodded and said: "If we want to lie to you, we can use other more reasonable reasons. Believe me, I'm still very good at lying. The reason why I tell you the truth is to let you understand our attitude. We have a lot to do with mutants. A certain understanding, and will not look at mutants with colored eyes and full of prejudice, just like ordinary human beings have good and bad, and mutants are also the same."

  "We need your help to find the captain and them, and you... I believe we will be needed too."

  Captain and they are allied with the star swallowing messenger, then they can also form an alliance with the Thunderbird.

  The captain must be looking for it, but even if he finds it, he may not be able to bring it back, so he must make some other preparations. Although the registration bill was a little unpleasant, and even made the Avengers disintegrate, their friendship and Friendship does not change because of this.

  "Okay, even if I temporarily believe that you are from another world, then I have a few questions to ask." Thunderbird temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart and asked: "How did you come to this world, the captain you said How did those people come to this world?"

  "This topic is getting longer. Let's talk slowly in another place?" Natasha said.

  Thunderbird thought for a while: "Okay, if you believe me, I'll take you to our base. But don't blame me if I find out that you have other plans."

  "no problem."

  Natasha simply agreed.

  In dealing with people, Natasha is much stronger than Iron Man and War Machine. Besides, Natasha is able to come to this world and leave this world, so Iron Man and War Machine do not say much at all, and just leave things to the Natasha was in charge, following her lead.

  After Thunderbird took them out of the factory, they soon went to the mutant underground base, which was an abandoned bank.

  Although it was risky to take three unfamiliar humans to the base rashly, Thunderbird felt that the three of them were trustworthy.Taking a step back, even if they really have no plans, there are other people in the base who are sure that the base will not be exposed.

  The three of Natasha followed Thunderbird to the periphery of the base, and then suddenly had a feeling of extreme fear and disgust, and a feeling of desperately wanting to leave here.

  The three looked at each other and stopped.

  Thunderbird turned to look at the three people who stopped, and after reacting, he pointed somewhere, and in the direction he pointed, a figure appeared.

  "You must feel uncomfortable and want to leave here, right? That is his ability to prevent others from approaching here."

  Thunderbird gave a brief introduction, and then the mutant seemed to put away his abilities. Immediately, Natasha and the three felt much more comfortable.

  "Let's go."

  Thunderbird continued to lead the way.

  Natasha and the others have dealt with mutants a lot, whether they are mutants in Dimension Street or those outside, so it is not surprising that mutants have strange abilities, but the ability of this mutant is still Surprise them.

  This ability is really effective for assisting and stealth.

  Entering the base, everyone in the base looked over, and at the same time they were looking at the situation in the base.

  Poor, poor, miserable.

  This is their first impression.

  There are not many people in the base, but there are not many people. It can be seen that most of them should be mutants of ordinary people.

  His eyes were full of vigilance, worry, and even...gloom and numbness.

  It's like a war haven!

  Natasha and the others are somewhat unhappy in their hearts, but that's all. If they are within their abilities or allowed, they are willing to help, but not now!

  "Who are they?" Two women approached.

  "Let me introduce you, this is Sage, this is Sonia." Thunderbird first gave Natasha and the others a brief introduction, then turned to signal Sage and Sonia to go inside.

  Several people came to the room inside, and Thunderbird introduced the identities of the three of them to Natasha, and said what happened before.

  A visitor from another world!

  This surprised Xianzhe and Sonia, and the reaction was almost the same as the previous Thunderbird.

  "Without factual proof, it's hard for me to believe what you said." Xianzhe said.

  "Understandable." Natasha smiled: "But, this is the truth, you won't find any information about us in this world. Unless this world also has us, but we who can really discover this world will be more able to Prove our words, prove that we are from another world."

  Xianzhe turned around silently, and quickly operated the cabinet on the computer next to him.

  It can be seen that Xianzhe is very good at this aspect, and she should be in charge of the intelligence work of this organization.

  "Now you can talk about how you came to this world." Thunderbird said.

  "This starts with the Dimension Street I mentioned earlier. In our world, there is an independent area called Dimension Street. The lord of Dimension Street is called Su Yue, who is the strongest person in our world. Regarding his ability It's not clear if one or two sentences are not clear. The point is that he can travel through other worlds, and he can also summon people from other worlds to Dimension Street."

  "At present, there are many mutants in Dimension Street, and there should be mutants in your world. And we asked him to take us across."

Chapter 0657 The mysterious dimensional lord, the controlled Sonya

  "Do you also have mutants in your world?" Sonia, the blonde beauty who had not spoken, asked after Natasha's voice fell.

  Natasha nodded, looking at Sonia with surprise.

  This look made Sonia a little uncomfortable, and she asked aloud, "Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something wrong with me?"

  Natasha shook her head and said with a smile: "I said just now that there is no us in this world. If there is, it will prove that we are from another world."

  After a pause, Natasha continued: "The reason I see you is because you look exactly like a person I know. In our world, there is a place called Asgard, also called Asgard. There is the origin of Norse mythology, there is Odin, there is Thor, there is Loki."

  "There is an Asgardian named Lorelei, the banshee, who can charm men through language and physical contact and use them for her own use. Originally she was imprisoned in Asgard's prison, and later by Su Yue, oh , that is, the lord of Dimension Street brought it to Dimension Street."

  "You mean this Lorelai, it's me?" Sonia said in surprise.

  Natasha said: "She does look exactly like you, but you two have completely different temperaments."

  Lorelei's charming temperament and behavior style make people know at a glance that she is not a stable and easy-going guy, and even in the crowd, her temperament is so outstanding, so stand out from the crowd.

  On the other hand, Sonia is different. Sonia's temperament looks like that of a very harmless girl, a stable type, without even the slightest feeling of charm.

  It looks exactly the same, but it feels completely different.

  That's why Natasha didn't recognize Sonya when she first saw it, but only when she spoke.

  "How can we believe that what you said is true, not made up by you?" Xianzhe got up and answered at this time.

  Natasha shrugged: "There is no way at the moment, but if you want to believe, there is still a way to prove it. Originally, there were no mutants in our world, except for Dimension Street. Later, I don't know which world's mutants were killed by the five One of the gods, the Planet Devourer, was selected as the Star Devourer. She strengthened her abilities and possessed the ability to travel through different worlds. Then, she began to transport mutants to our world again and again. The person we are looking for is also I came to this world with the star swallowing messenger!"

  "So, as long as the people who find us can find the star-devouring messenger, it will naturally be able to confirm the parallel world. Even if the star-devouring messenger cannot be found, as long as we find our people, when we are ready to leave here, you can do it if you want. You can ask the dimensional lord to go to our world, I don't think he will refuse."

  "Wait..." Natasha said with a sudden change of expression, and then said with a smile: "He said, he can take Sonia to Dimension Street."

  "You... are you in contact with that dimensional lord? How did you get in touch?"

  Seeing Natasha as if she had just contacted someone, this surprised Thunderbird, Sonia and Xianzhe.

  It can be clearly seen that Natasha does not have any electronic communication equipment. Moreover, although she did not check clearly when she came in, there were actually electronic detectors that detected them.

  If so, it should have been discovered long ago.

  "Psychic ability!" Natasha said: "He left after sending us here. I don't know where he went, but his psychic ability has been observing me. As long as we are ready to leave, he can be the first Time senses."

  "If you say that, he can know what you say and what you see?"

  Thunderbird's face became a little ugly, if it was just Natasha and the others, if things changed, he would still be able to handle it, but now there is a person who doesn't know where the person is but uses his psychic ability to observe everything. Just trouble.

  If the other party is malicious, the base will be in danger, and the people in the base will be in danger.

  "As long as I want to know, there is nothing I don't know." The voice of the answer sounded, but it was not Natasha who spoke, but Sonia.

  Sonia actually answered in the other's tone?

  Thunderbird and Xianzhe were startled at first, and then instantly became vigilant. "You... are you a dimensional lord?"

  Sonia nodded: "Don't be nervous, it's useless to be nervous if I'm malicious. I just heard the content of your conversation, so I'm just saying hello to you. By the way, I'll give you some news."

  "what news?"

  Although Su Yue's control of Sonia's appearance was a bit unexpected, Natasha was not surprised and instead asked a question.

  "The star swallowing messenger is called Clarice Fang. She is a mutant of your world. You should be able to investigate her identity. In addition, it doesn't take so much trouble to confirm the existence of a parallel world. I will ask Polaris to come over. Just one trip."

  The voice fell, a black hole suddenly appeared in front of them, and then, a person in the black hole came out.

  It was Lorna Dane, the North Star.

  Afterwards, there was another person who came out behind Polaris, and it was Lawrence Tracker.

  Needless to say, if there was no Su Yue, she would have been one of the leaders of the mutant underground organization.

  And Lawrence Tracker was hunted down after his younger brother Andis Tracker awakened, and finally joined the mutant underground organization.

  But now, both of them are from Dimension Street, but Lauren is still young and lacks in all aspects, so it is not conspicuous in Dimension Street.

  Natasha knew Polaris, and she was familiar with it, but she was a little unfamiliar with Lauren.

  "What's the situation?" Natasha asked Sonya.

  Of course, what she wanted to ask was not Sonia, but Su Yue.

  "Lawrence Tracker, she is also a person in this world. She just had the opportunity to let her come back together. You can go and see her parents. Well, you can handle the rest by yourself."

  After speaking, Sonia trembled slightly, and then took a few breaths: "Okay... such a terrifying ability, I know everything but can't do anything, just like a bystander, without any resistance. possible."


  Thunderbird and Sage didn't answer, or didn't know how to answer, because Sonia obviously knew what was going on, but they really didn't know what to say about the abilities of this mysterious dimensional lord.

Chapter 0658 Polaris and Lauren arrive to meet another world

  Lorna Dane and Lauren teleported here from Dimension Street in a confused way. At first, they were a little dazed. Later, they saw Natasha and other acquaintances, and heard 'Loreley' speak in the tone of Lord Lord. It was only after a brief reaction that it seemed to have been teleported to the original world.

  "What's the situation now? Is there any instruction for the Lord to send us back suddenly?" Lorna Dane asked Lorelei.

  Sonia had just calmed down from the horror of being controlled. Seeing the person being teleported looking at her with a familiar tone, she quickly realized that the other person should have recognized the wrong person.

  "Hello, my name is Sonia." Sonia introduced herself.

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