Su Yue pursed his lips and didn't speak, he was too lazy to say anything about Frigg and Odin.It doesn't necessarily mean that their thinking is wrong, it's just... not that smart.

  This is equivalent to knowing that you will die sooner or later, when or what process it is. Anyway, you will die sooner or later. If you can't live forever, you can just die sooner.

  When I saw a car on the road, I could obviously dodge it, but instead of dodging, I took the initiative to get up and collide.

  Isn't this sick?

Chapter 0668 Afterwards, there is only Asgard, no king of Asgard!

  Su Yue was too lazy to care about Ragnarok, it was Asgard anyway.Moreover, even without Ragnarok, Asgard would be in decline.

  Without Odin, without Frigga, there is only one Thor?Even if Sol becomes mature and looks like a king, in fact, in terms of hard power, it is not as good as before.

  Whether there is Ragnarok or not is actually the same, but for Su Yue, it is better for them to be willing to fall early because of Ragnarok, after all, they can get the benefits as soon as possible!

  "Where is he? Su Yue, I want to see Su Yue, I want to see my mother!"

  Sol's loud voice sounded outside, and then a bang was heard, and Sol pushed the door open and strode in.

  Walking in aggressively, Sol first glanced at Su Yue, and then at Frigga.

  "Mother, shouldn't you tell me what happened? Why did the father disappear, why did Sif bring so many people here, and why is Su Yue here?" Sol asked Friga.

  Frigga was silent for a while, and then slowly said under Sol's impatient gaze, "Your father is on Earth, and is going to meet a very important person, someone who may affect Asgard."


  Sol asked.

  Frigg said: "You... if you want to know, go to your father."

  "it is good!"

  Thor was unusually straightforward, turned around and left.

  It was so simple that Su Yue was a little surprised.

  He thought that Saul would ask the reason clearly, and he would ask about other things even if it was bad, but he didn't expect to turn around and leave like this?

  Thor is going to find Odin on Earth through the Rainbow Bridge.

  "Everyone called?" Frigga ignored Sol's departure, but asked Sif.

  Sif nodded, and then, a dense group of people came in.

  According to preliminary calculations, there must be at least several thousand people. Although I don’t know what the total population of Asgard is at present, the number of several thousand people is quite a lot.

  The most important thing is that these people are definitely carefully selected by Frigga. They are the seeds of fire left for Asgard, and they will definitely be excellent.

  Speaking of which, if there were so many people in the early days of his own creation of Dimension Street, Su Yue would wake up laughing in his dreams.Now, that's what happened.

  There are not many thousands of people in Dimension Street, but there are not many thousands of people.

  However, including Asgard, basically all the big and small forces or races in the movie universe are in Dimension Street, right?

  Mutants, Inhumans, Asgards... If you look at it this way, it seems that there are no other enemies or hostile forces in the entire earth, and they are basically already in Dimension Street.

  If you look at it this way, it seems that as long as you solve Thanos, there should be no enemies who can be regarded as big bosses.

  As long as the level of Dimension Street can keep up, and the coverage of beyond the realm can keep up, then the Marvel Cinematic Universe can completely belong to itself.

  Although it is still a long way from the current progress to cover the entire universe, after all, the earth has not been covered, but it is only a matter of time. Once you successfully open the infinite charging treasure plan after absorbing the dark dimension, then the level and coverage speed will be natural. will rise up.

  With a wave of Su Yue's hand, thousands of people and Sif disappeared in an instant, and were directly teleported to Dimension Street.

  Su Yue on Dimension Street has also explained it clearly through his psychic abilities, and naturally there will be someone in charge of receiving Sif and the Asgardians.

  As for how to settle in the end, we have to wait until Su Yue goes back to see the situation.

  For thousands of people, there must be an area for resettlement.

  It is not impossible to place them in the Dimension Street, but the Asgardians will definitely not agree, and Odin and Frigga are not trading with themselves for this purpose.

  But it's not so easy to get it fast again, Su Yue is going to hand over this matter to Sol.

  Anyway, Sol will not die. Even if Sol does not join the Dimension Street, he will definitely find a way to settle his clan.

  After all, Asgard is not a place, but a people.

  "Saul should be able to see the last side of Odin when he goes now, but even if Odin tells Saul, I'm afraid he is not Hela's opponent. Once Hela returns to Asgard, no one can stop him!"

  Su Yue looked at Frigga and said slowly, "Odin has no chance to influence Hela. Sol is not Hela's opponent, so... what are you going to do?"

  Frigga shook her head: "I don't know, I just hope to stop Hela from starting Ragnarok."

  "I saved you and changed your fate, so you don't want to live for a few more years?" Su Yue asked with a frown.

  Frigga smiled and said, "I don't matter, what matters is Asgard!"

  "Do you think Sol will be a qualified king?" Su Yue asked.

  Frigga shook her head: "Asgard will exist, but the king of Asgard will not exist."

  This is a statement. After all, Asgard has joined the Dimension Street in the future. If Su Yue can accept Asgard, he must not agree with Asgard and his own king.

  "Let's go with you."

  Su Yue didn't bother to say any more, and disappeared in a flash.

  The next moment, Earth, Norway.

  Su Yue appeared teleportation.

  The moment he appeared, the rainbow bridge in the sky just disappeared.

  Thor came to Odin who was sitting on the stone.

  Feeling the appearance of Su Yue, Odin and Sol didn't say anything. Odin's time was running out, and he had to hurry up and explain to Sol.

  Su Yue didn't bother, he didn't come here to help, but for two purposes.

  One purpose is Thor's Thor's Hammer, which will soon be crushed by Hela, and then he can get it to Jane Fortes himself.

  Another purpose is Hella.Hela's source of power comes from Asgard, so she must return to Asgard. If there is no Rainbow Bridge, Hela will have a hard time returning to Asgard.

  In the movie, the reason why Hela was able to return to the Rainbow Bridge smoothly was because Thor and Loki were together at the time, and Loki opened the Rainbow Bridge above, and Hela took the opportunity to return to Asgard.

  Now, without Loki, and Thor's character is so persistent, even if it is not Hela's opponent, it is impossible to temporarily avoid the limelight and return to Asgard.

  Therefore, Sol might be directly killed by Hela here.

  Frigga will definitely not watch Thor die here, so Hela will definitely return to Asgard.

  And here, it has its own operating space.

Chapter 0669 Hela's famous scene

  "Remember, Asgard is not a place, it's a people!"

  Odin looked solemn, and finally reminded Sol in a weak tone, and then turned into golden light under Sol's sadness, and his body gradually disappeared.

  I have to say, Odin is Odin.

  After the death of other Asgardians, it is actually no different from the death of humans. There is no golden light effect at all, not to mention that the corpse will disappear and disappear.

  Of course, this is not important, the important thing is that Odin is dead, and Hela should come out.

  "Why do you think something is wrong?" Su Yue frowned slightly, and suddenly realized something.

  Since Hela can only appear when Odin is dead, why did Odin hide from Thor at first, as if he wanted to try to influence Hela first?

  Odin and Hela never met!

  The person who can meet Hela is either Frigga or Sol.Frigga obviously won't come over to confront Hela. First of all, Frigga is Asgard's needle of the sea after Odin's death. Odin also expects Frigga to ask him for help when things can't be done.

  Besides, if you really want to do it, to be honest, Frigga might not necessarily be Hela's opponent.

  After all, Frigga is powerful, but the dark elves can kill him, and the dark elves and Hela are definitely much worse.

  Therefore, it is Sol who can match Hela.

  Then you don't tell Sol, you have to wait until the last moment to say what you're doing?

  Or, originally, Odin planned to release Hela before he died, and then tried to escape with his mouth to see if he could convince Hela?

  In the end, I didn't expect Sol to come, so I changed my mind?

  It is possible, and more reasonable, to say so.


  Su Yue was thinking, a huge black hole suddenly appeared above the grass not far away, and then the black hole began to be illusory and changing, and a figure appeared from the black hole.

  A slender woman with a fierce temperament suddenly appeared in a somewhat torn tight-fitting suit.


  Although Saul's brain is a bit stupid, in this case, he must also know the identity of the other party.

  Sol clenched Thor's hammer and stared at Hela, while temporarily forgetting the sadness of his father's departure, guessing about Hela.

  I have a sister?

  This was surprising enough for Thor.If it was Loki, he might think calmly, but Sol... his head is probably a mess right now.

  Hela first glanced at Su Yue, who was not far away. In her opinion, Su Yue did not dress like an Asgardian, nor did she have the feeling of a strong man. She looked like an ordinary person. So it doesn't matter at all.

  She looked at Thor, who was wearing Asgardian armor and holding Thor's Hammer.

  "So he's dead." The corner of Hela's mouth was slightly raised, and she looked at the silent Sol with pity: "It's a pity, I really want to see him die with my own eyes."

  "You are Hela, I am Thor, the son of Odin."

  "Really? You don't look like him at all." After Hela finished speaking, she glanced at Su Yue who was not far away: "This person is very similar."

  I look like Odin?

  No wonder your dark circles look like smoky makeup. Are you blind?

  Otherwise, donate to those in need!

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