Su Yue wanted to complain a few words, but after thinking about it, let it go. It is obvious that Hela doesn't really think that she is like Odin, but just uses this method to humiliate Odin, or humiliate Sol.

  It was obvious that Hela regarded herself as an ordinary person who happened to be here.

  "Your Majesty!"

  After Hela's poisonous tongue, he ignored Su Yue's reaction and directly raised his head slightly and gave Sol a drink.

  Without Loki, who answered the question, Thor's reaction was not so sharp, he didn't respond at all, I wonder if he didn't respond.

  Seeing that Sol did not respond, Hela raised her head with both hands, her clothes changed instantly, and a helmet with many antlers appeared on her head.

  At the same time, with a wave of her hand, a sword instantly appeared in her hand.

  She held the sword and raised her head: "Kneel down!"

  Sol panted, didn't speak, didn't move.

  Hela raised her eyebrows slightly: "In front of your queen."

  "I don't think so." Sol finally said, because obviously, he knew that he couldn't get along with this sister.

  Since we can't talk, we can only fight.

  Sol raised his arm and threw Thor's Hammer directly at Hela.

  This is also Thor's standard attack pattern.

  "Here, come, the famous scene is here." Seeing Thor throwing Thor's Hammer, Su Yue instantly regained his energy and stared intently at the flying Thor's Hammer.


  Hai Lai held the Thor's Hammer flying over with ease, and the feeling of ease and comfort was as if it wasn't Thor's Hammer at all.

  Although Thor's Hammer was also resisting, it kept shaking in Hela's hands, but unfortunately, it didn't move.

  The two forces competed against each other and impacted each other. Hela's arm didn't move at all, but Thor's Hammer trembled more and more.

  "It's impossible!" Thor still kept throwing Thor's Hammer, his hand has not been retracted, but the expression on his face has changed.

  This is Thor's Hammer, but he was caught with his bare hands?blocked?

  You must know that even Hulk can't lift Thor's Hammer.

  "Darling, you don't even know what possibility is." Hela raised the corner of her mouth and her fingers suddenly tightened.

  Near Hela's finger, cracks appeared on the Thor's Hammer, and a dazzling light lit up on the Thor's Hammer.


  The light became brighter and brighter, and finally exploded in the dazzling eyes.

  The gust of wind, lightning, and whistling energy spread and impacted at the moment when Thor's Hammer exploded.

  Sol raised his arms and lowered his head to resist the shock, and his body involuntarily took a few steps back.


  The shards of Thor's Hammer were scattered all over the place, and the light and energy disappeared.

  Thor's hammer, broken.

  Although Su Yue had known about this famous scene for a long time, and had seen the movie, but seeing it with his own eyes and experiencing it personally made him feel different.

  Thor looked at the broken Thor's Hammer in disbelief and Hela who swung his sword towards him in disbelief. He was dumbfounded for a while.

  The fact that Thor's Hammer was crushed was too big a blow for him, and he didn't know how to deal with it in his head now.

  Honestly, without Loki, Thor looks like he's going to die!

  "I said... Do you still want this pile of things?"

  Just as Hela walked towards Sol, a voice suddenly sounded.

  Sol was stunned.

  Haila was stunned.

Chapter 0670 Dear, you don't even know what possibility is!

  Hela turned around suddenly, her eyes like a torch, her eyes like a knife, and she stared at Su Yue who was standing near the shard of Thor's Hammer.

  "I didn't expect that you ant is still alive!" Hela said in a deep voice.

  Although the energy shock when Thor's Hammer exploded just now did not cause any substantial damage to her or Thor, it was completely different for ordinary people.

  Not to mention deadly, it is also quite dangerous.

  Originally, Hela didn't take Su Yue seriously at all, and only regarded him as an ordinary person who happened to be nearby, but now it seems that she has misunderstood.

  How can ordinary people survive this kind of energy shock intact?

  How can ordinary people see the confrontation between themselves and Saul but not be afraid, and dare to play the idea of ​​​​the Thor's Hammer shards?

  Either, this person is a fool; or, this person is talented and bold.

  The corners of Hela's mouth were slightly raised. After being sealed for so many years, she finally got out of trouble. It was just when she was about to make a big scene. Although you are not from Asgard, since you caught up, you are unlucky.

  As the goddess of death, Hela killed countless people when she fought in the nine kingdoms, which is nothing at all.

  "call out--"

  Haila raised his hand, and the sword in his hand seemed to appear as a clone, stabbing directly at Su Yue.

  The speed is as fast as a shock, almost in the blink of an eye.

  Looking at Su Yue who was unresponsive, Hela pouted slightly in disappointment, it seemed that she thought too much, this guy... it's nothing... Huh?

  Hela was surprised and saw that the flying sword stopped in front of Su Yue.

  No, to be precise, was caught.

  Su Yue's fingers firmly grasped the flying sword, the sword body trembled slightly and seemed to break through, but it was still unable to move forward.

  "This is impossible!" Hela shouted in disbelief.

  Su Yue raised the corner of his mouth: "Dear, you don't even know what possibility is!"

  When the voice fell, Su Yue's fingers tightened slightly.


  The sword body was dented by Su Yue's fingers in an instant, and a crisp cracking sound sounded, and the sword body shattered instantly, as if it had lost its power, and fell to the ground in pieces.

  Although there is no explosion scene like Thor's Hammer, this series of actions is exactly the same as Hila's explosion of Thor's Hammer before.

  How Hela squeezed Thor's Hammer, Su Yue squeezed Hela's sword.

  Even the words "Dear, you don't know what a possibility is" were returned in full.

  what is this?



  For a while, Hela, who was originally calm, was instantly furious.

  She is not Sol, and will be affected by such a move.With a cold snort, the sword in Hela's hand was swung out again.

  In an instant, a sword with the same handle turned out, like a thousand swords returning to their ancestors, as if a rain of swords slammed into Su Yue.

  Su Yue was also unequivocal, when he stretched out his hand, the fire-point gun was instantly in his hand.

  Then, left and right frivolous.

  In an instant, the crackling sound of the collision sounded, and I saw that the fire-pointed gun seemed to be transformed into a roaring dragon, and the sword rain that came over was shaken one by one.

  The sword rain fell, Su Yue dodged, and the next moment appeared behind Hela in an instant.

  As soon as the hand was sent forward, the fire-pointed spear snorted, penetrated Hela's body, and came out from in front of her, and then, she was directly picked out.

  Hela's expression changed dramatically, and she seemed to be in pain, but she moved very quickly. With a wave of her hand, a giant sword suddenly appeared on the ground and stabbed Su Yue.

  Su Yue snorted coldly and stomped his feet on the ground.


  The giant sword that had just been formed collapsed in an instant.

  Then, with a wave of her arm, Hela was thrown out directly.


  Hela fell to the ground, and the momentum made her glide so far, and finally she pierced the ground with her sword to stabilize her body.

  Get up, get up.

  The wound on Hela's body healed quickly, and her brows furrowed deeply.

  "Who are you?!"

  Hela can be sure that this guy is definitely not an ant, or an ordinary person.

  Can the ants resist their own attacks?

  Can ants injure themselves?

  If nothing else, the gun in his hand is by no means ordinary.

  "My name is Su Yue, you can call me the dimensional lord." Su Yue held a gun and waved his other hand lightly. In an instant, the fragments of Thor's Hammer not far away suddenly disappeared.


  Hela's eyes narrowed, this method is not ordinary.

  Su Yue?

  Dimensional lord?

  Hela has never heard of it, but this is normal. After all, Hela has been sealed for many years and knows nothing about the outside world.

  "Are you with him?" Hela glanced at Sol behind Su Yue.

  Su Yue also looked back at Sol and said with a smile: "Well, it doesn't count, Odin approached me before he died and reached a condition with me. Of course, this condition has nothing to do with your desire for revenge, I won't interfere with what you're doing."

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