So, these are two concepts.

  Lifting Thor's hammer is not the same as being Thor.

  So how did Jane Fortes become Thor?Su Yue probably remembers that in the comics, it seems that Thor is no longer qualified to use Thor's hammer, so Jane Fortes can replace him as the new Thor, the goddess of Thor.

  And now, Saul is obviously still the owner of the Quake in name. In other words, Saul also has the control of Quake. In this case, even if Jane Fortes can use Quake, it will not change. Pretend to be the goddess of Thor.

  If so, it's simple.

  That's all it takes to disqualify Sol.

  With a thought, Su Yue directly modified the settings of Thor's Hammer, depriving Thor of his qualifications to use it.

  However, Jane Fortes still hasn't transformed!

  Su Yue frowned slightly, then relaxed again.Jane Fortes can become the goddess of Thor in two ways. On the one hand, Thor lost his qualifications. But having cancer and going through all kinds of things, my mood is definitely different from now.

  So Jane Fortes was going to be the goddess of Thor in vain?

  Waiting for Jane Fortes to change her mind?

  Su Yue was too lazy to be so complicated. Anyway, Thor's Hammer was already in his hands, so he could just modify it again.

  Although neither Hela nor Sol could make modifications to Thor's Hammer, at most it would be directly destroyed like Hela, but for Su Yue, this was not difficult at all.

  Really, just a thought.


  A powerful energy suddenly erupted from Jane Fortes' body, and Hela, who was shocked by this energy, kept retreating, and she could only raise her arms and bow her head to resist.

  Of course, this is not to say that Hela's strength is not good, but that she has no strength at all now.

  This made Hela feel a little humiliated, but this feeling was quickly forgotten when she looked up and saw Jane Fortes' new look.

  Jane Fortes, changed.

  At this time, she was wearing armor that obviously belonged to Asgard, or that belonged to Thor, a silver armor and a helmet that covered her face, and her body faintly exuded a strong momentum.

  At least, for the current Hela, it is very strong.

  Goddess of Thor!

  Did he really become the god of thunder?This Jane Fortress, this ordinary earthling, actually has the power of Asgard!

  "How did you do it?" Hela quickly came to Su Yue and asked.

  Su Yue shrugged: "It's just an idea, making her a goddess of thunder is no more troublesome than my ability to seal your power."

  Hela froze for a moment and hummed: "No wonder the old man asked you to take care of Asgard before he died."

  Now, Hela has completely admitted that Su Yue is indeed very strong.

  "The Thor's Hammer belongs to Asgard." Hela suddenly said.

  "Really?" Su Yue pouted: "If no one in Asgard dares to ask for it, then it has nothing to do with Asgard. Frigga won't ask me, Saul wants it, but I'm afraid he won't want it. As for You... I'll give you Thor's Hammer now, do you dare to take it?"

  Does Hela dare?

  Of course not!

  She lost her power now, like an ordinary mortal, how could she possibly be able to hold Thor's Hammer?

  "Go and get acquainted with your new power, and make an appearance by the way to let people know that the new Thor will belong to Dimension Street in the future." Su Yue said to Jane Fortes.

  Jane Fortes nodded, shaking Thor's Hammer somewhat rusty like Thor did before, and then... shaky and flew away from the rooftop.

  Although Dimension Street is prohibited from flying, it does not include people inside Dimension Street.

  "I suggest you take a bath and change into clean and refreshing clothes." Su Yue turned to Hela and said.

  Hela frowned and asked, "You made her the goddess of Thor, didn't you stop me?"

  Although Su Yue said that he would not intervene in Asgard, but now he has made his people the goddess of Thor, which has to make Hilardo wonder if Su Yue intends to use the goddess of thunder to help Asgard.

  "You think too much. If I want to do something, it doesn't need to be so complicated. If I'm worried about going back and losing face, I can fundamentally modify your will so that you don't go to Asgard's trouble. "

  "You... Who the hell are you?" Hela was shocked, but she didn't doubt whether Su Yue could come.

  "Me? Beyonder, beyond all existence...existence!"

  That explanation seems to be fine.

  "Existence that transcends all existence... This means that you will be stronger than any existence?!" Hela muttered softly, using her own thinking to understand Su Yue's statement.

  And, it sounds...that's okay.

  It’s just that the original transcendence, or the predecessor, his transcendence does not refer to himself, but to let others transcend.

Chapter 0675 Three Days

  The birth of the goddess of thunder caused quite a stir. For the people inside Dimension Street, seeing a goddess of thunder flying in the street naturally had to stop her as soon as possible, but it was found that the goddess of thunder was not Asgar. German, but rather surprised after Jane Fortes, but more than happy.

  After all, it is my own people. The stronger the strength, the better. After all, the Dimension Street has expanded greatly, and it is also a mutant community and a large number of Asgardians. It just happens that people with certain strength are needed to maintain order.

  Compared with the joy of the people inside Dimension Street, and the fun and curiosity of ordinary people, Asgard is the one who is most shocked.

  This is Thor!

  Shouldn't Thor be Thor?Why did you suddenly become a woman?If it is said that the shape of the armor may be fake, it may be imitation, but it is impossible for Thor's Hammer to be fake or imitation, right?

  Not to mention Asgardians, even Earth people are familiar with Quake.

  In the Dimension Street Building, Su Yue asked Wanda to settle down with Hela and then ignored Hela. To be precise, it was unnecessary.

  First of all, Hela is an ordinary person now, unable to make waves in Dimension Street;

  Secondly, he and Hela have nothing to talk about. Hela can't give up Asgard and the plan of revenge so easily. It's useless to say more.

  Therefore, Su Yue only needs Hela to stay here for three days honestly.

  Hela obviously didn't want to talk to Su Yue more, after all... Now that she is subservient, it is impossible to rush to do anything with her character.

  However, Hela didn't look for Su Yue, but someone else came to look for Su Yue.

  Come on, it's two people.

  One Sif and one Valkyrie.

  Sif came to Su Yue to ask about Thor's Hammer and the Goddess of Thor; Valkyrie was for Hela.

  Although the two did not know each other before, they naturally knew each other after Sif and the other Asgardians came.

  One is the current Asgard's strongest female warrior, and the other is the last Valkyrie in the former Asgard's strongest female organization Valkyrie.

  Now they are all in Dimension Street.

  It may not be an exaggeration to say that they cherish each other, but the relationship is indeed not bad.

  Seeing Sif and Valkyrie come to him, Su Yue spoke directly without waiting for them to speak.

  "The Thor's Hammer is not fake, nor is it my imitation, it is the original Thor's. But before Hela crushed the Thor's Hammer, I just fixed it. Now, the Thor's Hammer does not belong to Thor, nor do I Possibly back to Sol."

  Su Yue looked at Sif, her tone was naturally flat, but the unmistakable nature of what she said made Sif hesitate, and in the end she didn't speak.

  What can she say?

  Let Su Yue return Thor's hammer to Thor?How could it be, how could the things in Su Yue's hands be spit out?Moreover, this Thor's Hammer was not snatched from Thor, but a repaired fragment.

  The most important thing is that the Asgard family still relies on Su Yue's care.

  What can Sif say?

  "Hella...why is she here!"

  After getting Sif, Su Yue turned to look at Valkyrie, who asked directly.

  "Why can't she be here?" Su Yue asked back, seeing that Valkyrie's expression seemed displeased, and smiled lightly: "I know the hatred between you and Hela, and I know that Hela destroyed the Valkyrie, I didn't I want to force you to give up the meaning of hatred, but within three days, when Hela is in Dimension Street, you are not allowed to do it. As for the future, if there is still a chance, if you want to take action against Hela, I will not stop it. "

  Take a shot at Hela?

  To be honest, Valkyrie really didn't have this idea.

  How should I put it, it is true that hatred is as deep as the sea, but really want to talk about revenge?

  Valkyrie didn't have that courage or strength, otherwise she wouldn't have left Asgard after escaping and started a wandering life with alcohol.

  Hela's strength is no joke.

  Even though she only appeared in one movie, the reference of her opponent's strength is not high, but her record can reflect her strength from the side.

  "What will happen in three days?" Valkyrie asked.

  Su Yue said: "Hela will return to Asgard in three days. There must be a conclusion between Hela and Asgard, and Ragnarok must also have a result."

  "Will you help?" Valkyrie asked.

  Sif heard the words and looked at Su Yue expectantly.

  Su Yue shook his head: "Hurry up, haven't I already helped? Otherwise, how could Sif and others be in Dimension Street? Otherwise, how could Hela be in Dimension Street? Sol has already been killed, in Asgard. Killing is on."

  "Okay, don't worry about Hela and Asgard, go get busy."

  What else can Sif and Valkyrie say?Can only leave.

  After waiting for the two of them, Su Yue dodged and teleported directly to the dark dimension, and continued to absorb the power of the dark dimension.

  Speaking of which, the power of the dark dimension is indeed huge, and the scope of the dark dimension itself is also very large.

  However, with the absorption of Su Yue, the energy of the dark dimension decreases, and the scope of the dark dimension also seems to be decreasing.

  But there is nothing wrong with thinking about it. The scope of the dark dimension itself is not fixed. If Dormammu successfully swallowed the earth at that time, then the scope of the dark dimension will naturally increase.

  The dark dimension is considered to be connected to the multiverse, so the reduction of the energy of the dark dimension will naturally affect the connection with other dimensions, so that the scope of the dark dimension will naturally shrink.

  The changes in the scope of the dark dimension and the reduction in energy also greatly affect the creatures in the dark dimension. Some want to run away, and some want to solve Su Yue, so Su Yue is actually not nothing when he absorbs it. , especially recently, it will basically solve a lot of people who come to find fault or pass by.

  The three-day period is not long or short. For Su Yue, it is over as soon as he enters the state of absorption.

  Returning to the Dimension Street Building on Earth from the dark dimension, Su Yue saw Hela as soon as he came back.

  Uh, not quite the same Hela.

  At this time, Hela was not wearing the iconic uniform of her goddess of death, but wearing a more casual human sportswear, a pink sportswear.

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