At first glance, the sense of inconsistency came.

  Hela, goddess of death, wearing sportswear?Or such a girly pink tracksuit?

Chapter 0676 Return to Asgard

  "What are you looking at!" Feeling Su Yue's unusual gaze, Hela asked with a frown.

  "It's nothing, I'm quite surprised that you wear it like this." Su Yue shook his head and explained.

  Hela looked down at her sportswear: "This is given to me by your people. Although the material is not very good, it is quite comfortable to wear."

  Hela doesn't have any special feeling about this dress. Although I don't like the color very much, I only wear it temporarily. Besides, wearing this dress doesn't attract so much attention in Dimension Street. To be honest, Hela hates the staring eyes of others and the casual attitude of greeting her when she goes out.

  The main reason is that casual attitude, which makes Hela feel that the other party is not afraid of her at all, and she doesn't take herself seriously at all.

  Then, Hela can't get angry yet, firstly, her strength has not recovered, and secondly, she doesn't seem to provoke Su Yue now.

  "Three days are up." Hela said solemnly.

  Su Yue shrugged: "So I'm back."

  "Where have you been?" Hela asked.

  Of course, this was definitely not a concern, she was just worried about whether Su Yue took the opportunity to do something that might affect her in the past three days.

  Hela was so careful that Su Yue could see it naturally. After all, Hela was not the kind of character who would care about others for no reason.

  "I am in the dark dimension, and I have been absorbing the power of the dark dimension recently." Su Yue chuckled: "You think too much, what I really want to do, I don't need to deceive you at all."

  When the voice fell, Su Yueyang snapped his fingers.


  In an instant, the sound of snapping fingers fell, and Hela suddenly felt that the lost power surged up instantly. At that moment, Hela's whole body erupted with a powerful breath.

  The pink sportswear on his body suddenly disappeared, and the uniform of the goddess of death covered him again.

  "Power, I'm back." Hela was a little excited. This feeling of being lost and found made her unease in the past few days disappear instantly, and she suddenly became much more at ease.

  At the same time, she became more and more afraid of Su Yue.

  You can seal and restore your own power with the snap of your fingers, not to mention Odin, even a single Infinity Stone can't do it, maybe it's only possible to collect all six Infinity Stones.

  what does this mean?

  It means that Su Yue is equivalent to a collection of six Infinity Stones, or even surpasses it.

  The Infinity Stones are definitely the most powerful existence in this world.

  A transcendent, an existence that transcends everything, as expected... that's right.

  In fact, Hela has been thinking about Su Yue's origin these days. It is impossible for Su Yue's strength to be mastered in a short period of time, but... Hela has never heard of Su Yue or the name of the transcender before.

  Although Hela is very low-key these days, she has also inquired a lot about Su Yue and Dimension Street. According to what she knows, Su Yue suddenly came to Earth one day and started to create Dimension Street. She also knows Su Yue. Can freely traverse the multiverse, and can summon other people from other universes.

  Taking all the circumstances into account, Hela guessed that Su Yue did not belong to this world, but came from other universes. Only in this way could she explain why she had never heard of the powerful character Su Yue.

  "You promised to send me back to Asgard." Hela didn't think about Su Yue for the time being. After all, the most important thing for her right now was to return to Asgard.

  "Of course." Su Yue nodded, followed by a thought, which was teleported instantly.

  In an instant, things turned to stars.

  Su Yue and Hela have already come to Asgard, to be precise, it is Asgard's Rainbow Bridge teleportation platform.

  Usually, Heimdall will guard here and be responsible for the transmission of the Rainbow Bridge.But now there is no one here, and it is clear that Asgard is ready.

  Hela looked around, and there was a hint of nostalgia in her expression.After a long time, I finally returned to the familiar Asgard, and some emotions are normal.

  What really excites Hela is the increased power that continues to emerge from her body after her return to Asgard.

  Asgard is the source of Hela's power.

  Back in Asgard, Hela will be stronger than ever!

  To be honest, Su Yue thinks this setting is very unreasonable. If Asgard can make Hela stronger, this is no problem. Like many dimension lords, he must be the strongest in his own dimension.

  But the old man Odin subverted this concept again, telling Thor that Asgard is not a place, but a people.Although this has no effect on Sol, and Sol does not rely on Asgard to become stronger, it must have some influence on Hela. With Hela's killing in Asgard, Asgard became stronger. With the reduction in the number of Gardeans, Hela's strength must not have recovered to its peak as imagined, otherwise it would be impossible for him to not be the opponent of the flame giant, and then die together, leading to Ragnarok.

  If Hela's strength is comparable to, or slightly inferior to, the flame giant, how did Hela conquer the Nine Realms?Even if Odin also contributed, but if Hela did not have the strength to single-handedly fight the flame giant, how could Hela swell to rebel against Asgard?Rebel Odin?

  Su Yue was thinking, and suddenly found that Hela did not take any action, but looked at herself.

  "What do you see me doing?" Su Yue asked.

  Hela snorted angrily, what do you think I see you doing?

  You stay in Asgard without giving me a conclusive result, do I dare to do my own thing?

  What does it feel like?It's as if two martial arts masters were preparing for a duel, but there was a man with a gun standing next to him. Although this man has repeatedly guaranteed that he will never participate or affect you, as long as he is there, it will naturally have an impact.

  "I'm going to find my people." Su Yue said, and disappeared in a swish.

  Hela frowned silently and walked slowly along the Rainbow Bridge.

  She walked very slowly, as if appreciating, recalling her past memories, in fact, to give Su Yue time to leave, and at the same time to restore her strength.

  "Hey, you've demolished Asgard."

  Su Yue teleported to the vicinity of the North Star, and as soon as she appeared, she saw her success in the past few days.

  It can be described in one sentence, piled up like mountains and mountains...

  It's not that it's stumbling, but there are really several mountains.

  Well, invaluable assets!

Chapter 0677 Retreat?

  Looking at the mountains of gold and silver piled up in front of him, and Lorna Dann with a slightly dissatisfied, or dissatisfied look, Su Yue only wanted to say four words: Great job!

  Although Lorna Dane was specially brought here because her ability was suitable for the job, Su Yue really didn't expect her to do such a good job.

  In terms of volume, these things are amazing enough, not to mention the quality. If you make a rough calculation, if you exchange it into the currency of the earth, it can completely support another dimension street, which is the one in California. For construction, you can even buy some more land to expand the scope of Dimension Street.

  Of course, from a certain point of view, these wealth are actually robbers of Asgard. After all, the promised wealth has already been given on the agreed terms. Now it is considered that Su Yue is too greedy and looted again.

  It's just that Asgard has no one to stop it, and Su Yue has no psychological burden.

  First of all, he saved Thor and gave them three days to prepare; secondly, if Ragnarok really happened, then the whole of Asgard would be gone. go.

  "I'll send you back to Dimension Street first. You can take some of these things as a reward, and give the rest to Pepper Potts."

  Su Yue said something to Lorna Dane, and then the two of them took the things and teleported back directly to Dimension Street.

  It is conceivable that the sudden appearance of mountains and mountains of gold and silver will definitely cause a certain sensation in Dimension Street, and it will definitely be very high-profile, but it doesn't matter, anyway, low-key or high-profile or not at all.

  Moreover, a proper display of financial resources, especially when it comes to building mutant communities and preparing to accept Asgardians, is also beneficial.

  After Lorna Dane and the mountains of gold and silver disappeared, the originally crowded open space instantly became much more spacious.There are no Asgardians around here, or in other words, Su Yue saw at a glance that there were no people relatively close.

  As soon as the thought moved, the psychic ability covered the entire Asgard.

  Soon, Su Yue had learned about Asgard's situation.

  Now Asgardians have all gathered on the road leading to the palace, there are men and women, old and young, everyone is almost as fully armed as possible, and the warriors of Asgard are also in front, a He looked dead as if at home, with a solemn look on his face.

  Standing in the forefront are Sol and his good friends, the three warriors of Asgard.

  Speaking of which, although the three warriors of Asgard are not very strong, they are indeed brave. Well, in the movie, they refused to recognize Hela's identity and tried to lead troops to stop Hela, and then... they were destroyed by the group, and they died miserably.

  As for Sol, looking at Sol holding Odin's spear of eternity in his hand, Su Yue felt that if there was no accident, he might die here.

  When facing Hela for the first time in the movie, his Thor's Hammer was crushed, and the whole person was hit hard enough. Then, by chance, he went to Saka Star to become a gladiator, and he understood it when he fought Hulk. , or unlocked his own divine power, and then came back and continued to eat with Hela.

  And then... there is no then.

  Although Thor was indeed the king's return at the beginning, not only brought Valkyrie, Hulk, and the Stone Man of Saka star, and even Loki, but the return of the king of Thor was too early, Holding the spear of eternity at Haila, he was taught to be a man, and he lost one eye.

  Only then can he truly become the God of Thunder.

  It's a pity that the power is not very abundant. If Loki hadn't used the eternal fire to resurrect the flame giant, Thor would have been killed by Hela in all likelihood.

  And now...

  "No?" Su Yue suddenly thought of a possibility, whether Odin or Frigga, why did he refuse to change even though he knew Ragnarok would happen?If nothing else, Su Yue had reminded Frigga that he could hand over the flame giant or the eternal fire to himself. There was no difference between the two, and Asgard would not be destroyed.

  Thinking about it now, it's not that they are stubborn and don't want to change the result, it's to save Sol!

  In this situation, if there is no flame giant or eternal fire, what will the result be?

  Thor is definitely not Hela's opponent. If Hela slaughtered in Asgard, Thor would rather live and die with Asgard than escape.

  Therefore, the Eternal Fire and the Fire Giant must be there, and would rather destroy Asgard than keep Thor.

  After all, some people in Asgard have been transferred. As long as people are still there, Asgard is there. As long as Thor is still there, Asgard will be able to return to glory sooner or later.

  Therefore, it is not that they are stubborn, they are leaving a way for Sol to survive!

  I have to say, great.

  Frigga was not there. As the queen of gods, Frigga definitely didn't show up because she was timid or didn't want to meet Hela.

  If his guess is correct, Frigga should have given up on negotiating with Hela, or, basically, Hela will not give up.

  So, she made the final preparations in the dark.

  Once the situation is not right, will the flame giant be released?

  No, and bridgekeeper Heimdall was not there either.Don't look at Heimdall who usually uses a sword to open the Rainbow Bridge for teleportation. In fact, even if he is not on the bridge, even without a sword, Heimdall can teleport, but he can't use it too often.

  When Thanos destroyed the Asgard escape ship, Heimdall used teleportation to send the Hulk back to Earth.

  Heimdall should be the retreat for those left behind in Asgard. Once it is determined that Hela cannot be defeated, it is estimated that the flame giant will be released, and then the others, to be precise, Thor, will be teleported away from Asgard.

  Then, let Hela, the flame giant, and Asgard... be destroyed together?

  This method really works.

  Su Yue was amazed at Odin or Frigga's methods on the one hand, and on the other hand, Hela had already met the Asgardians led by Thor.

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