The meeting was very simple. Hela proudly announced her identity, and made everyone in front of her kneel and surrender to meet their queen.

  However, no one is sure to welcome it.

  In other words, what greeted Hela was the spear of eternity in Thor's hand.

  Then, the battle... no, it should be said that the fight begins.

Chapter 0678 Death Goddess VS Thunder God

  Sol took the lead, waving the spear of eternity and rushing out of the camp to go straight to Hela.

  The spear of eternity stabbed at Hela with the light of divine power. Hela did not evade or retreat, but instead accelerated the speed of the dash. The sword in his hand was gently knocked towards the spear of eternity, and the sword of eternity was directly shaken away, followed by Hela. With a twist of his wrist, the long sword instantly pierced into Sol's body.


  Thor was penetrated by the long sword, his expression turned grim, and he knelt forward subconsciously in pain.

  Hela jumped up, walked over Saul, who was kneeling on the ground, and stabbed him again with a backhand sword.

  After landing, Hela ignored Sol and rushed directly to the crowd.

  The long swords fluttered, like ten thousand swords, dazzling and hard to guard against. Hela in the crowd kept dashing forward, and the surrounding and behind her fell to the ground.

  Although there are many obstacles ahead, to her, it seems like a bright light.


  The beauty of killing!

  Su Yue, who was watching the battle here, couldn't help but admire that Hela's attack or killing was like a work of art, with a unique beauty of cruelty.

  I have to say that in terms of efficiency, Su Yue can surpass Hela countless times, but in terms of art, it is far inferior.

  The name of the goddess of death is really not called.

  Goddess who brings death, since she is a goddess, since she is extremely beautiful and noble...

  It's not that Su Yue doesn't know how to use cold weapons. The ability he draws with the left hand of God can automatically give him the passive talent of being proficient in various weapons, but he believes that even if he uses the exact same technique as Hela, he will definitely not be able to. Hella's temperament, this beauty.

  At this time, Hela was like a tiger descending from a mountain and a wolf entering the sheepfold. Although Asgard's warriors were not easy to take, no one could survive under Hela's hands.

  Not to mention the other cannon fodders that don't even have names, even the three warriors of Asgard were slashed by Hela before they met.

  The one who died was a neat and tidy one, like raindrops falling into the sea, without even a single wave rising.

  On the other hand, looking at Sol again, he was defeated face to face, but he was lucky, or in other words, his foundation was not bad. Although he was injured, the speed of self-healing was still fast. After a little recovery, he was already armed with a gun. Turn around, catch up with Hela and prepare to fight again.

  It's a pity that Sol is courageous and lacks strength. Seeing the people around him fall one by one, Sol is furious and angry, but... he can't do anything and can't stop it at all.

  One move, two moves, no more than three moves at most, Sol will be wounded or knocked off by Hela, and then Hela will turn around and fight, and then countless people will fall.

  There were fewer and fewer people standing, and more and more people fell. Hela seemed to finally be unable to bear the entanglement of Sol, the dog-skin plaster. When Sol rushed up again, he stabbed him in the eye with a sword. , and then the long sword penetrated his chest and pinned Thor directly to the ground.


  Painful screams sounded from Sol's mouth. Sol twitched and struggled to grab the sword with one hand, and endured the pain and threw the Eternal Sword to Hela with the other hand.

  Hela tilted her head, and the spear of eternity flew out directly.


  Hela snorted coldly and looked at this unskilled 'brother' with disdain. "If it was the old guy, I might care a little more, you? You don't deserve the spear of eternity at all!"

  To be honest, Sol is indeed a bit unworthy.

  Even if it doesn't go well with changing weapons, it doesn't mean that you don't even have combat experience, right?At such a close distance, there is nothing wrong with you throwing the spear of eternity, but what do you mean by throwing it on your head?

  Stupid, still blind.

  Throw it directly at Hela, how can Hela hide?

  It's no wonder that in the movie, he was able to slash with an axe in a posture of the return of the king. If there was no problem with his brain, Thanos would just take the lunch. How could he snap his fingers in front of him?

  It can be said that all of Thanos who can successfully eliminate half of the people is because of Sol.Of course, it's not fair to say that, after all, without Thor, Thanos would have succeeded just as well, or even easier, but Thor did miss the opportunity to stop Thanos.


  Hela snorted, a long sword appeared in front of her and was about to stab Sol, completely killing him.

  She has let Sol several times, and has tried several times. Su Yue has not made any move from beginning to end, so Hela is not going to release the water.

  Do you really think that it is his own ability that Sol can survive until now?

  Looking at the people lying around, you can see that Hela is not a merciful person. He just wounded but not killed Sol. The only reason is that he is afraid of Su Yue.


  Just when Hela's sword was about to kill Sol, the roar suddenly sounded, and the Asgardians in front of them rushed over without risking their lives.

  Obviously, he planned to use his own life to save Sol's life.

  However, Hela just sneered.


  One turned into two, two turned into four, countless long swords appeared in front of Hela, which directly pierced the people who rushed over like a machine gun.

  "Do not……"

  Sol raised his head hard and watched as the people who rushed over fell to the ground one by one, and the hissing roar resounded through the world.

  Electric light, thunder, faintly in Sol's eyes, no, flashing in the single eye, a surging and powerful divine power circulated in Sol.

  Hela bowed her head in surprise, and then her divine power exploded.


  Hela groaned in a low voice, and stepped back a few steps.

  The blue electric light is dazzling, like a Razer circulating around.

  Sol pulled out his sword and threw it aside, his body abruptly stood up, surrounded by thunder.

  "!!!" Sol roared and rushed towards Hela.

  Before anyone arrived, the thunder around him had already slashed towards Hela.

  Hela didn't seem to expect that Sol would suddenly explode and was directly hit by lightning. Then, Sol had come to her and punched him.


  Hela waved to resist, and the two fought together. In an instant, an extremely powerful air wave was generated, which directly shook the surrounding people, whether standing or lying down.

  Evenly matched!

  I have to say that opening and hanging is awesome. Sol's opening and hanging, who had no power to fight back before, directly closed the gap between Hela and Hela.

  This is really a sad thing.



  It's useless, or the plug-in is more awesome!

  To be honest, if Sol hadn't cheated, he really wouldn't have reached a great height, and it could even be said that if he hadn't cheated, he would have died long ago.

Chapter 0679 Can't escape the fate of being teleported

  Hela raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise, as if she did not expect Sol to survive in a desperate situation, and suddenly such a powerful force burst out.

  This is no less than his own strength!

  But she was surprised, but Hela breathed a sigh of relief, because she was sure that Su Yue would not interfere in the battle between herself and Sol.

  This is what really makes Hela feel uneasy. Now, she has no psychological burden.

  Even if Saul suddenly becomes stronger, even if Saul has a power that is evenly matched with himself, Hela is not worried.

  She is Hela, the goddess of death.

  With a cold snort, Hela's power erupted instantly to distance him from Sol, and then he launched an attack on Sol with a domineering swordsmanship.

  Hela's sword, or swordsmanship, is very unique. It can turn ten into ten thousand, summon it out of thin air, and even become bigger or smaller.

  I saw Hela's arm waving, and countless swords attacked Sol madly. It was really like a thousand swords returning to their ancestors. The scene was extremely gorgeous.

  Sol was also full of self-confidence at this time. Although he was blind in one eye, his strength was stronger. At this time, he really had a feeling that he was his father Odin.

  The gun of eternity.

  Blind in one eye.

  These are indeed eligible.

  With full of self-confidence, he can say that he wields his power without any hesitation.

  Dash!Dash!Crazy dash!

  Even in the face of Jian Yu, he did not flinch in the slightest.

  The thunder around him is really powerful, like a passive halo around him, attacking and defending as one.The attack can shoot down Hela's sword, and the defense can block Hela's attack.

  This greatly enhanced Sol's combat power. After all, with Sol's experience, without this thunder, he would have been hit countless times.

  There was an endless stream of tinkling voices, a thunderbolt and a sword. Not to mention, the two were evenly matched, and the scene was wonderful. Even if they were injured occasionally, whether it was Hela or Sol, they had strong self-healing abilities. Injuries of this magnitude have no effect at all.

  Although there were some ink marks, it seemed that the winner could not be determined for a while, but Su Yue saw it with relish.

  What should I say, with the stronger the strength, the higher the status, let alone do it yourself, even if there are very few opportunities to watch others do it, let alone such an ornamental battle.

  Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, and the two of them were engrossed in the battle, but Su Yue suddenly realized that there seemed to be fewer and fewer people around.

  Not only standing, but even lying down...and a lot less.

  Although the attack and range of the two-man battle are very strong, this lack is definitely not the reason.

  Su Yue was distracted for a moment, and soon knew the reason.

  The Asgardians are quietly evacuating.

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