Besides, the two of them are just the vanguard, and Lord Thanos will come later.

  You know, it's not just Thanos who came, in addition to General Deathblade and Dark Yebi, there is also the army of Lord Thanos.

  After all, apart from the Infinity Stones, the purpose of this visit is naturally the same as when conquering other planets, to destroy half of the population.

  Black Dwarf is a simple-minded person who only knows how to listen to commands. In terms of brains, ebony throats such as making suggestions are considered the first under Thanos, and no one is second.

  Although in terms of status, he is not as good as the General of the Dead Blade, but his role is different, and the strategist must be more favored than the general.

  The current situation has also been analyzed. Although he still despises these earthlings in his heart, his goal is only the time gem, or in other words, only Stephens Trange alone.

  Ebony throat floated up from the black dwarf star, looked around, glanced at the densely packed earth heroes, the corners of his mouth slowly floated into the air, and then raised his hand.

  The vibrating hand of Kacha Kacha sounded, and the surroundings began to shake slightly, and then a swish swish sound was heard.

  The nearby ground, street lamps, walls, and the cars left by ordinary people when they escaped floated up one after another. It seemed to have no direction, but it actually included all the heroes nearby. In an instant, all directions moved.




  The smashing sound of the attack and the sound of the hero's resistance or counterattack sounded one after another. I have to say that the range and target of the group attack of Ebony Maw is indeed a bit large, and the environment is also very suitable for him to fight.

  Of course, Ebony Maw didn't want to kill all the people here. He gave Black Dwarf a simple attack order, letting him start attacking indiscriminately and without target, attracting firepower, and at the same time he quietly attacked Stephens Trange. Started.

  "咻——咻——咻——" Several attacks were avoided by Stephens Trange, but the mind-controlled attack method of Ebony Maw was really too fast, and after dodging a few times, Stephens Trange In the end, it was a beat slower, and he was directly entangled in the body by a nearby cable. Then, before Stephens Trange could break free, the stones seemed to be attracted by magnets, and they slammed directly into Stephens Trange. Trange's body trapped him firmly.

  Stephens Trange floated up, crossed over in the air, and flew away with a swoosh under the control of Ebony Throat.

  Ebony Maw was going to leave with Stephens Trange, to be precise, return to the battleship, and then drive the battleship away.

  He needed time and a quiet environment so that he could know anything he wanted to know from Stephens Trange.

  Whether it's the time gem, or the situation on Earth.

  In the chaos, Stephens Trange was taken away, and Ebony Throat left, which immediately attracted the attention of others, and went after him directly.

  With so many people, it can be said that when the heroes of the earth are gathered together, it would be too embarrassing for the enemy to capture Stephens Trange.

  Iron Man took off and chased after him, and everyone else tried to stop Ebony Mow from leaving.On the one hand, Ebony Maw controlled the object with his mind to harass. On the other hand, the black dwarf below was waving an axe, attacking frantically like a god of war, trying to create a chance for Ebony Maw to leave.


  The White Queen's psychic ability directly locked the Ebony Maw. However, the psychic ability of the Ebony Maw is not weak, otherwise, the ability of the mind-sensing control will not be so strong.

  Although the White Queen's psychic ability was regarded as a sudden attack, the Ebony Maw just snorted and moved slightly slowly, then subconsciously turned her head and glanced at the White Queen, and continued to leave without stopping.


  The White Queen was a little surprised, as if she didn't expect Ebony Maw's mental ability to be so strong.

  However, it didn't take it too seriously.People with strong mental abilities like Ebony Throat are usually weak in body. It is difficult for her to have both strong mental ability and diamond-like physical quality.

  Since the psychic ability is not so easy to deal with, it is better to deal with his body.


  The White Queen shouted with her psychic ability, and when Saitama received the news, her round head gradually became serious, and then...


  The ground sank, and a deafening sound like a sonic boom sounded, and Saitama caught up with Ebony's throat with a swoosh.

  In the process, Iron Man was also overturned by the way.

  It's just the force of the air.

  Raise your arms and throw your fists.

  The seemingly ordinary punch produced a powerful impact like a nuclear explosion.

  Although Ebony Maw attacked and blocked Saitama with stones and other objects, under Saitama's punch, all these things were turned into ashes, and Ebony Maw could already feel the power of Saitama's circle before he could react. .


  The ebony throat in the air exploded.

  A small rain of blood descended from the air, and the air was filled with an indescribable smell. Whether Iron Man or others who came after, were all stunned by this scene.


  Just when everyone was shocked, Stephens Trange, who lost his mind control, fell straight from the air.

Chapter 0689 One death and one serious injury

  So sudden, so shocking!

  Everyone has a certain understanding of the strength of the Fengshen team. Every member of the Fengshen team has taken action. Although the number of times is not large and the effect is different, there is no doubt that the dimensional lord can be arranged to enter the Fengshen team. A person must be very powerful in a certain field.

  but! !! !!

  Is Saitama being too strong?Although everyone didn't think that Ebony Maw could succeed, after all, there is a 'learning from the past' of the movie, and the strength of the earth today far exceeds the strength in the movie. Therefore, whether it is Ebony Maw or Thanos' invasion, the result is doomed to fail.

  However, the strength shown by the ebony throat does make everyone feel extraordinary, and from the bottom of his heart, he also thinks that the ebony throat is the number one person.

  Then, the number one character was punched by Saitama, not only a second, but an explosion!

  One punch, just one punch will blow the opponent up, not even a scum is left, this is indeed a bit too strong.

  Although many people are confident that they can defeat, or even kill Ebony Maw, but such a punch directly explodes, they do not have the ability, even Wonder Woman, who is also in the Fengshen team, is not weak. It's not enough to knock people out, especially with one punch.

  "Well, what do you guys see me doing?" Saitama scratched his head and asked inexplicably.

  what are you doing?

  You say see what you do? !

  Everyone looked at Saitama's small appearance and couldn't help being a little speechless. They really couldn't understand why Saitama was so strong.

  In other words, how can such a strong person have such a character?I heard that Saitama is in Dimension Street. Whenever there are discount activities in shopping malls, it is almost always the same. The importance of shopping mall discounts is almost the first for him.

  "Cough cough...I said...can...can you help me?" Stephens Trange coughed a few times and called out weakly.

  Speaking of which, he was unlucky enough.

  So many people, but Ebony Maw attacked him. Although he didn't know it, the purpose of Ebony Maw attacking him was for the Time Stone.However, the time gem is not in the hands of Stephens Trange at all, so he is really wronged.

  Not to mention, he was almost taken away by Ebony Maw. Saitama exploded Ebony Maw, and he naturally fell from the air. This fall was not light. Although it was not a serious injury, it was too sudden. Strange was in so much pain.

  Ebony Throat is also too conceited, but if he asks a few more questions, or waits, he will know that Stephens Trange has no time gem at all.

  Therefore, he should really thank Saitama, otherwise he really took Stephens Trange away, it would be a waste of fun, and it might also delay Thanos.

  Of course, if ebony throat is chosen, ebony throat will definitely not thank Saitama.

  "let me help you."

  Hearing Stephens Trange's request for help, Saitama kindly wanted to help, but Stephens Trange's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly shouted: "Don't, don't come here, change, change someone."

  Saitama scratched his head and stopped.

  Then, other people nearby went over to help and helped Stephens Trange break free.

  Stephens Trange glanced at the king beside him for the rest of his life, and said angrily, "Is that guy sick, why are you staring at me?"

  Wang shook his head and said nothing.

  In fact, he wanted to say, maybe Ebony-throated thinks you are too vicious and annoying, right?

  Stephens Trange's character is less likable than Iron Man, but after his hand was injured, he became Kama Taj's mage again, so his character has changed a lot, but sometimes complaining and poisonous tongue still make him People are annoyed.

  "It should be for the Time Stone." The White Queen glanced at the black dwarf star that was under siege not far away, and said slowly: "The purpose of Thanos is the Infinity Stone. Before, the Time Stone was a sacred relic kept by Kama Taj, so they only will attack you."

  "The time gem is not in my hands, but in the hands of your dimensional lords." Stephens Trange said.

  The White Queen smiled: "They don't know."


  Where does this make sense?

  "Okay, let's solve the remaining one first, and then we have to consider finding a battlefield. Next time, there will be no such two people here." After the White Queen finished, she released her psychic ability towards the black dwarf.


  Black dwarfs do not have psychic abilities like Ebony Maw, and can resist psychic abilities.

  Almost at the moment when the White Queen's psychic ability was activated, the ugly and terrifying expression of the black dwarf star froze instantly, and his movements stopped for a moment.

  Immediately afterwards, a series of intensive attacks hit the black dwarf.

  The black dwarf star was blasted out instantly, the giant axe in his hand fell off, and the person was blasted into the ground after falling.

  After a long while, the smoke of gunpowder dissipated, and in the deep pit, the black dwarf star fainted.

  Since then, the two menacing Thanos subordinates have been killed and seriously injured, let alone robbing the Infinity Stones, and they have been resolved without causing any trouble.

Chapter 0690 Designated battlefield?

  Although the enemy has been solved, the follow-up things are not over.

  The first is Black Dwarf. Although his current situation is not far from death, he is not dead after all. So, how should he deal with it?

  Not counting Kama Taj, there are three forces on the scene: Dimension Street, Avengers, and General Ross. The words of the Avengers can also be ignored. After all, they are not good at detaining or interrogating, and that is the forces of Dimension Street and General Ross.

  Then, the White Queen simply decided to hand over the black dwarf to General Ross's people.

  Dimension Street has no interest in captives like black dwarfs, and does not need to learn any extraterrestrial intelligence from him.

  Moreover, although the battle just now was not fierce, it caused a lot of losses. The road surface, surrounding buildings, pedestrians, and vehicles all need to be compensated. These things will not be mixed in Dimension Street. After all, it is not in Dimension Street. In the range.

  As for the battleship that Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw were on, of course General Ross wanted it, it was much more important than Black Dwarf.

  It's a pity that the White Queen directly rejected it when he mentioned it tentatively here.

  The battleship will definitely not be handed over easily.

  However, others won't give up the idea of ​​battleships just because the White Queen said so.

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