On the one hand, it is because the power of the earth has basically been finalized, and many people have begun to look beyond the earth. Whoever can master a powerful battleship can get more opportunities.

  On the other hand, only through alien technology can their technological power be further improved, so that it is possible to deal with Dimension Street.

  Of course, another important reason is that this battleship is not in Dimension Street, and the enemy is not entirely here to trouble Dimension Street, so the spoils of war must not be monopolized by the Dimension Street family. As long as Dimension Street is reasonable, they don't even have a chance. If you get this battleship, you will definitely have the opportunity to learn more about technology.

  But these have to be discussed later. The battleship in front of me was sent back to Dimension Street. After all, only Dimension Street can guarantee absolute safety. Besides, except for Dimension Street, no matter where this battleship is placed first, some people will disagree and will be worried. Others will do it in secret.

  When the battleship was sent back to Dimension Street, there were already reports on the news about what just happened, and many people already knew what happened just now.

  Speaking of which, the people on earth are also powerful now, alien invasion?Haha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, take refuge first to watch the fun, and talk about it when it's over.

  This is the change brought by Dimension Street!

  After the battleship was sent back to Dimension Street, the White Queen returned to Dimension Street with the others, preparing to hold a meeting against Thanos. After all, the invasion of Thanos was not aimed at Dimension Street, but the entire earth, even if Dimension Street wanted to To solve it independently, other people will not agree, and Dimension Street does not intend to come out on top.

  Everyone has seen the movie, and they all know how amazing the battle scenes in the movie are. If nothing else, the battlefield alone is a piece of wreckage. If the battle takes place in a city, the whole city may be turned into a wreck. No, as for ordinary people in the city, the damage is not to mention.

  So, no matter what, fix the battlefield in a place where it won't cause too much damage.

  It's actually not difficult to choose a battle location. After all, the place is so big, it's easy to find an open place.

  What is difficult is how to get Thanos and his gang to agree to fight in that place.

  At the meeting, everyone brainstormed, and indeed said a lot of effective methods. In the end, everyone decided to choose the battle site in an empty desert. There is no one living around that place, even if the sky is overturned, it does not matter, and it is enough to accommodate a certain number of enemies.

  After that, General Ross and the Avengers began to prepare for the battlefield. First, they had to divide the area, then close the road, etc. No one knew when Thanos would come, so they must hurry up and prepare.

  Other heroes also need to adjust their status and prepare for the next battle.

  Queen White contacted Su Yue.

  No matter how you say it, it's a big deal. Although the White Queen can decide many things, she still needs to inform the lord.

  Su Yue, who had received the news long ago, came out of the dark dimension after being contacted by the White Queen.

  "It's still a little bit, and in another five or six days, the dark dimension will be completely absorbed." Su Yue muttered, signaling the White Queen to wait for a while.

  Then, after taking a bath, eating something, and drinking some wine, and finally relieved the previously depressed and boring mood, I relaxed back to the living room and listened to the White Queen's report.

  "I already knew about Thanos' coming, and the star swallowing messenger informed me. To be honest, I have been waiting for Thanos for a while. I am not surprised by his arrival. If he doesn't come, he will It will surprise me."

  "The results of your discussions are ok, just follow your method. I can guarantee that after Thanos enters the earth, he will obediently enter the designated place, but, you remember to tell General Ross and the others that the designated battlefield is OK, but after the battle, The battlefield must return to Dimension Street."

Chapter 0691 Buy land and buy a house before the war begins!

  Because of the absorption of the energy of the dark dimension, Dimension Street has been upgraded several times. Now the scope of the Dimension Street system is quite large. If you work hard, it is estimated that the entire country will be included.

  However, the land that actually belongs to Dimension Street is far from being that big. This point cannot be solved at all. Even if this is a country where money is paramount, it is impossible to sell all the land to Dimension Street, right?

  This is unrealistic.

  Moreover, even if you are willing to buy it, there are other countries, the whole earth is so big, it is impossible for them to belong to Dimension Street in name, right?

  So Su Yue has actually given up the idea of ​​having to buy land. Anyway, as long as the system area is covered, it doesn't matter in name, it actually belongs to Dimension Street.

  However, if there is a chance to get the land, Su Yue will not let it go.

  Anyway, after the battle with Thanos, the place must have been abandoned, and that place was originally a desert.

  That being the case, it's okay to take this opportunity to get the land over.

  Not to mention the desert, even if there is no sand, Su Yue is confident that once it returns to Dimension Street, it will become a very prosperous and lively area in less than two years.

  If you can't develop it, it's up to Dimension Street to develop it.

  "Okay, I'll take care of it." The White Queen nodded and said again: "There is also the battleship when Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw came before. Many people are interested in it, how should we deal with it?"

  "That battleship is not bad, but it is not very useful for us. Well, it is definitely not possible to hand it over. They can study and learn the technology of the battleship for a fee. The location is in Dimension Street. ."

  "Let people analyze the technology in the battleship, and then give them the opportunity to learn at their price. After they learn it, this battleship will be used as a playground. I believe that many ordinary people should be very interested in alien battleships. This battleship is set up as a play project, on the one hand to satisfy the curiosity of the public, on the other hand, it can also collect some funds for other investment, and by the way, it can also add another iconic project to Dimension Street.”

  Three birds with one stone.

  The White Queen nodded again: "Okay, is there any other order?"

  "Others are secondary. The real important thing is to remember to recycle the three Infinity Stones in Thanos' hands."

  Su Yue paused and said, "Although Thanos only has three Infinity Gems, the power of these three Infinity Gems is not weak, you should pay attention to yourself."

  "You're not coming out?" Queen White asked in surprise when she heard what this meant.

  Su Yue said noncommittally: "It depends on the situation, I actually don't have much interest in Thanos now, or in other words, there are not many enemies in this world that can interest me, and the dark dimension is almost finished, wait. Yes, I will go back to the dark dimension and continue to absorb it. If Thanos comes quickly, you can deal with it. If it comes slowly, I am done here, and I don't mind playing with him."

  Yes, it wasn't that Su Yue looked down on Thanos, but... well, he looked down on him.

  The main reason is that Su Yue is really too strong now, not to mention all kinds of abilities, just beyond the energy modification setting, there is no one in this universe that is worthy of his attention.

  He is not the former transcendence. He is hypocritical and keeps weakening himself because he is too strong. Isn't that sick?

  I weaken myself because the opponent is too weak and not enjoyable?

  Su Yue wouldn't do such a thing, otherwise, wouldn't it be meaningless for him to work so hard to become stronger?

  So for him, the role of Thanos is just to send gems, and Thanos itself is not as attractive as absorbing the energy of the dark dimension.

  Explain the miscellaneous things to the White Queen. By the way, let the White Queen be temporarily responsible for dispatching the personnel of Dimension Street, whether it is the guards, mutants, Inhumans, or Asgard, if you need it when you are fighting Thanos. Accept her assignment unconditionally.

  After explaining, Su Yue went back to his room and took a nap, and after waking up, he returned to the dark dimension again.

  At this time, the dark dimension, the small one, is about to be completely absorbed.

  This didn't make Su Yue relax, on the contrary, he became more interested, after all, he was about to succeed soon.

  Su Yue returned to the dark dimension. The White Queen on Dimension Street first ordered Su Yue's explanation, temporarily arranged the situation on Dimension Street, and then told General Ross and the others about Su Yue's conditions.

  For this request, they did not refuse. Anyway, it will be a wasteland after that, and it is okay to sell it to Dimension Street.

  Besides, Su Yue has now decided on the ownership of that piece of land. What does this mean?

  It means that this war will definitely not fail. This is a battle that must be won. This is a great confidence and encouragement for General Ross's people, the people above, and even ordinary people.

  Therefore, before the battle started, they sold the land directly to Dimension Street, because Dimension Street currently has a lot of projects under development, and the capital turnover is not very convenient. They also thoughtfully decided that they could give the money later. .

  Then, after the deal is reached, the content of the deal is made public.To put it simply, I would like to tell everyone: Don't panic, this piece of Dimension Street has been sold. Although there will be a battle with aliens here, we will definitely win!

  I have to say that as soon as the news came out, the people really felt at ease, not only at ease, but also brought an upsurge that no one expected.

  That is to buy a house in the nearest residential area of ​​the land!

  Everyone knows how powerful Dimension Street is for the development of land. When the war is over, the land will definitely be developed, and the price of the land will definitely rise, and the house price will definitely rise.

  What's more, just started to buy the land near that piece of land.

  It doesn't matter if there is a house or not, it doesn't matter if it's a desert, anyway, when the construction of Dimension Street starts, there must be something, just wait for the appreciation.

  This means that Thanos doesn't know, and if he knows this, he will die of anger.

  What do you mean?

  Who do you look down on?

  Go out and ask. Wherever Thanos goes, it's not deserted and dead, can you guys come?Even buying land and a house in the place where the battle was fought?Still waiting for appreciation?

  Mom sells batches!

Chapter 0692 The dark dimension disappears, and life is sublimated again!

  No one thought that such a 'terrifying' war event of alien invasion, instead of causing panic, triggered a wave of buying land and houses.

  Who would have thought that the price of land in the desert area that no one cares about is now comparable to the housing price of the most prosperous city.

  Of course, this city is definitely not within the scope of Dimension Street, and the scope of Dimension Street is the real high price, which is not within the scope of discussion.

  In the past, if there was a war somewhere, it would be a mess after the war, let alone sell it, even if it was a free gift, not many people would go there.

  After all, they have all been destroyed. If you want to re-establish the living system, you can't do it in a short time. Life in the past would be very inconvenient.

  But now... how to say, unscientific, so unscientific!

  Science is not scientific, let's not say, anyway, this has become a fact.

  No matter what the purpose is, now almost the whole world is looking forward to it, waiting for the invasion of aliens.

  The war zone has been quarantined, but outside the quarantine, many people gathered, whether journalists or individuals.

  These people are not timid, but they are also sensible, and they have not caused any trouble to others. As for the willingness to watch?

  Then see.

  Anyway, even the major TV stations are ready to start live broadcasts as soon as aliens appear.

  Many people have seen movies, but reality is not a movie after all, so many people look forward to seeing the scenes in reality.

  Not much to say, time gradually passed in such anticipation and excitement, and before I knew it, three days passed.

  Su Yue came out of the dark dimension.

  No, it is accurate to say that there is no dark dimension anymore.

  When the last energy of the dark dimension was absorbed by Su Yue, the dark dimension seemed to have been erased directly from the dimension level and disappeared completely.

  This disappearance directly leads to the fact that other dimensions have no transit station to invade the plane of the earth. Of course, there is no absolute in everything. Normally, there is definitely no way to invade, but the ability or strength is relatively strong. Humans themselves do not need the dark dimension, so it can be regarded as having no effect.

  When the dark dimension was completely absorbed, Su Yue could feel that his level had transformed again. No, it should be said to be a kind of sublimation. This is a feeling that is difficult to describe with adjectives.

  There is no change in appearance, and there seems to be no obvious improvement in strength and strength, but Su Yue can feel that he is indeed different.

  It's like an inexplicable evolution.

  Su Yue estimates that his current life class should have surpassed the single universe and reached the multiverse level. As for strength, it is hard to say. He is already a multiverse level strength. Now with the evolution of life, the strength must also be It will be greatly improved, but there is no goal for him to confirm how strong he is and what level he belongs to.

  After coming out, Su Yue didn't celebrate the joy, didn't pay attention to whether Thanos came or not, what happened, but took out the Infinity Stone and tried it.

  Taking out the space gem, Su Yue began to absorb the energy of his space gem.The energy contained in the Infinity Gems is very powerful, especially the spatial characteristics of the space gems, which makes the absorption a lot more difficult.

  However, that was only before, and now it is different with Su Yue's current ability, which can be said to be absorbed quickly and steadily, without any difficulty at all.


  Su Yue didn't pay attention to how long it took. Anyway, he was used to it in the dark dimension and had almost no concept of time.

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