It just felt like it didn't take long, and then, the space gem was completely absorbed by him, the whole gem became fragile, the outer layer was directly shattered, turned into ashes, and the starlight disappeared. Not long after the inner gem revealed its true face. With a bang, after releasing the last starlight and sparks, it completely annihilated and disappeared.

  "Next, it's time to witness the miracle."

  Su Yue was a little excited, and after some middle-two muttered, he began to use the time gem to backtrack the space gem.

  The moment the time gem was activated, Su Yue felt that the energy of the space gem that had been absorbed into his body was a little throbbing, which made him a little nervous.

  "Isn't it? Is it the same as before, the energy absorbed by the time gem has also been traced back? Isn't that a waste of time? Even if I improve the essence of life, I can't start the infinite charging treasure plan."

  Su Yue frowned, and mobilized the transcendent energy in his body to cover his whole body.

  Want to go back?

  Oh, to dream!

  The transcendence energy directly blocked the energy of the space gem in Su Yue's body as if it had become a plastic film, directly cutting off the connection between the time gem and the space gem.

  In other words, directly cut off the timeline that the Time Gem wants to go back!

  Su Yue felt that the energy of the space gems in his body had calmed down, and then, in front of his eyes, the space gems that had disappeared gradually recovered and reappeared.

  "Success?" Su Yue was surprised to sense the space gem. The energy in the space gem was very abundant, the same as before it was absorbed.

  However, the space gem energy that he absorbed has not disappeared, it is still in his body, it still becomes part of the energy in his body, and it can be transformed into transcendental energy at any time.

  what does this mean?

  It means that the unlimited power bank plan is successful.

  Although the time gem has played a role and backtracked the space gem, the time line is not the time line absorbed by itself, but another time line.

  After all, the backtracking of time gems is very powerful. It can start from one second ago, or between two seconds. Every second, even a unit smaller than a second, can be regarded as a timeline.

  For example, Su Yue absorbed the space gem ten minutes ago, and then Su Yue's transcendence energy shielding, the time gem can't go back, it can only be replaced with the time line eleven minutes ago, The space gem state is replaced.

  That is to say, what is now restored is not the space gem from ten minutes ago, but from eleven minutes ago.

  This means that the infinite charging treasure plan has indeed succeeded, but it cannot be regarded as infinite, because every backtracking will destroy a timeline dedicated to space gems. In this way, sooner or later, it will be completely exhausted, but this The numbers are huge, too large to count.

  After all, the Infinity Stones were produced during the last big bang, and the last time the big bang has passed, it is not known how many years have passed.

  Every minute, every second, even centiseconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, picoseconds, femtoseconds, attoseconds, zetaseconds, instants, uniseconds, Planck time, may all be a timeline.

  Therefore, it is conceivable that the number of timelines is huge and the number of times it is used is huge.

Chapter 0693 Unlimited power bank plan, success!

  The success of the infinite power bank plan means that Su Yue will use inexhaustible energy to absorb, improve strength, and most importantly, improve the level of Dimension Street.

  Dimension Street is beyond the realm. It is a complementary existence with Su Yue. The higher the level of Dimension Street, the function is not discussed for the time being. It is only the upper limit of the number of people that can be increased. Become beyond energy to enhance your strength.

  If the entire earth is in the transcendence realm, all in the dimension street, it is conceivable how huge the dimension points can be obtained every day, and so on, how can one's own strength not soar like a rocket?

  "Calm down, since the infinite charging treasure plan has been successful, it is only a matter of time before it becomes stronger. The Mind Gem is not in a hurry to retroactively recover. It is better to solve Thanos first, take the other infinite gems in Thanos' hands, and then use the Time Gems. As the foundation, and absorbing other Infinity Stones at the same time, the feeling should be very cool!"

  Su Yue calmed down, put away the time gem and space gem, and then released his psychic ability to understand the outside world.

  When he sensed the White Queen and others, he also learned the latest situation from the White Queen.

  Thanos, it's not here yet.

  Su Yuedao didn't expect Thanos to move so slowly. After all, the first troops had already set off to the earth, and his large troops should follow closely. After all, it is not like the movie that needs to destroy Asgard's escape. ship, and you don't have to collect other gems.

  In other words, Thanos did not come to Earth after collecting other gems, but did it simultaneously?

  After thinking about it, Su Yue thought it was unlikely, and he wouldn't have a battle on Titan like in the movie Avengers 3, so if there is no accident, it should be coming soon, right?

  Of course, although Su Yue was surprised that Thanos didn't arrive, it wasn't too surprising. After all, it was a long journey, and Thanos was not in a hurry, and it was normal to be late.

  What really surprised Su Yue was the fever of buying land and a house because of the choice of the battlefield. He really didn't expect that Dimension Street had already had such an influence before he knew it.

  Desert wasteland?

  It doesn't matter!

  Alien invasion?

  It doesn't matter!

  All in all, in any situation, there is Dimension Street, and it is the people who care about following Dimension Street to make a fortune and live a better life.

  Since Thanos hasn't come yet, Su Yue is not in a hurry, but intends to go to Hank Pym to study the quantum field. After all... this is also a major item of absorbing energy, and it is also related to the universe. space-time related.

  However, when he was about to find Hank Pym, he suddenly felt something and looked up at the sky.

  The blue sky does not seem to be anything unusual, with white clouds, and it is extremely sunny.

  Su Yue watched for a moment, and soon, a black spot appeared in the sky.As the black spot gets bigger and bigger, it becomes clearer.

  It was a huge battleship, no, it should be said to be a war fortress.

  The Temple of Thanos!

  Well, Su Yue also has it.

  The tyrant is coming, and the war is about to start. In this case, the matter of Hank Pym and the quantum field can be put aside for a while, and it will not be too late to study after the tyrant is solved.

  The direction of the Temple is obviously not to go to the designated battle site. How to get Thanos to enter the designated battlefield obediently is the key and the most difficult.

  Although in Su Yue's view Thanos is a tool man, Thanos himself certainly doesn't think so.

  Besides, Thanos is not stupid. One of his goals is to wipe out half of the earth's population. How could he deliberately find a place without people to fight?



  These are not ways to bring Thanos into submission. After all, when it comes to threats, it is more effective for Thanos to use humans as threats.

  The appearance of the Temple was not only seen by Su Yue, but also known to others. After all, the earth is not without the defense force of outer space. If the Ebony Maw and the Black Dwarf came, they were not prepared, and they did not wait until they discovered it. Taking action is over, and when Thanos' Templar approaches Earth, the news has already reached Earth.

  Therefore, there was no blocking; therefore, preparations had been made early on the battlefield, and the reporters in the distance had already started live broadcasts.

  It's just that everyone is subconsciously worried.

  Thanos, will he come here?

  However, this worry was soon put to the fore.


  Not because Thanos has been brought to the battlefield, but because they feel that since it is the dimensional lord who shot, it must be no problem.

  No need to worry at all.

  Facts have also proved that their guess is correct, and the dimensional lord is really reliable.

  "call out--"

  There was a loud noise, and a huge warship appeared out of thin air in the open space of the battlefield.

  It crashed to the ground, and the dust was flying.

  Immediately afterwards, the Fengshen Squad and all those who were ready to participate in the battle entered the arena directly and approached the battleship.


  A muffled sound suddenly sounded, and then an invisible force suddenly appeared. After this force erupted, it directly blocked the battlefield, as if forming an invisible protective field.

  Some people outside tried to get closer, but they bumped into a wall, a wall that they couldn't see, couldn't touch, but were real.

  "What is this?"

  "How is this going?"

  Curious exclamations followed, and a few seconds later, the White Queen suddenly spoke. "This is the handwriting of the lord. The purpose is to ensure the safety of outsiders and not let the other party's attack affect them."

  When the White Queen said this, the people inside felt relieved, and the people outside were relieved, and at the same time, they were more grateful to the Lord.

Chapter 0694 One punch, another punch

  "call out--"

  The sound of breaking the air sounded again, and in the closed battlefield, among the battleships and heroes of Thanos, Su Yue appeared quietly.

  When he appeared, the hero instantly became quiet and at the same time felt at ease.

  How should I put it, although this barrier ensures that people outside will not be affected and the pond fish will be affected, it also ensures that people inside cannot get out.

  You know, they probably know how many people there are under Thanos. Just in terms of numbers, the hero has no advantage at all. If something unexpected happens, they really lose. With this barrier in place, they want to go out. All go out, but stay here and wait to die.

  Now that Su Yue has appeared, and the dimensional lord has appeared, they will feel at ease, because this means that there is no chance of any unexpected situation!


  Loud noises sounded one after another, and a huge hatch of the battleship in the distance slowly opened and landed.

  Immediately afterwards, Thanos, in golden armor and holding a double-edged sword, walked out first, and beside him were General Deathblade, Proxima Dark Night and other subordinates.

  Thanos walked slowly, and he didn't seem to be too surprised by the posture here. After all, being inexplicably teleported to this place was enough to make him understand the current situation.

  Looking around, looking around at the heroes who were waiting on the opposite side, in the end, Thanos looked at Su Yue.

  "I've heard of you, Dimension Street, Dimension Lord, Su Yue."

  Su Yue glanced at the Infinity Gloves that Thanos wore on his hands, and said with a smile, "You're finally here, I can't even remember waiting for you to send gems."

  "You want it too? Coincidentally, I also want the gem in your hand." Thanos said with a smile: "If you are willing to give me the gem in your hand, I can make an exception to let the earth go."

  "That's unfortunate, even if you give me the gem, I won't let you go."

  Su Yue shrugged, looked at Thanos whose face was gradually getting colder, and said with a chuckle, "It's no fun to fight at this time, after all, so many people are watching, at this point, it's definitely not possible not to fight, so Don't talk nonsense, are you going to do it directly with me, or let the people below come first?"

  If it wasn't for such a big battle, this incident would have had a lot of consequential effects. Su Yue really didn't want to go through this process with Thanos and waste time.

  But now, if nothing else, we must meet the expectations of the audience watching the live broadcast.

  "It's over to you."

  Su Yue didn't wait for Thanos to answer, he turned his head and said to the heroes, and then with a swoosh, he had already dodged into the distance, leaving the center of the battlefield.

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