However, when the power of the power gem really hit Su Yue's palm, Su Yue didn't scream, and his palm didn't shatter, although, at the moment of the collision, there was a very strong explosion, and the light was like fireworks. It was brilliant and scattered, but when it was over, Thanos found that Su Yue's hand was unscathed, which made him instantly widen his eyes.

  How can this be?

  If this is true, doesn't it mean that Su Yue's defense strength has surpassed that of the Power Gem?It's too hard to beat him in this situation.

  "Sure enough, the upgrade of the essence of life will also improve the essence of my body. If the body essence of Thanos is considered to be one of the top strengths in the universe, then my body essence strength is now even higher than that of the Titan. ."

  "It's not a bad feeling to be able to block the attack of the Infinity Stones by relying on the body alone. Well, I finally feel a little bit of a substantial experience after getting stronger. Speaking of which, with my current physique, I can count the snap of the Infinity Gloves. It should be possible to use it without any side effects.”

  Su Yue smiled and raised his hand to Thanos, then slowly fell from the air.

  Abandoning air superiority and facing the bomb can give Thanos a chance to play.At the very least, Thanos must perform well. On the one hand, the people must know that Thanos is strong enough, so that it is more valuable to solve Thanos. Otherwise, how can people be grateful for things that can be done so easily?

  No one will thank you for helping me trample the ants in front of me, right?

  In addition, with so many heroes prepared, it can't be an anticlimactic ending, right?It is almost impossible to have such a battle scene of a large gathering of heroes in the future.

  When Thanos is solved, through the infinite charging treasure plan and the quantum field, this world is its own private land, and it is absolutely impossible for villains with powerful levels to emerge that require heroes to gather.


  Su Yue hooked at Thanos.

  The tyrant comes with a fist.


  The fist was blocked by Su Yue's hand, and Thanos quickly changed his move, directly pushing up with one knee.

  Speaking of which, Thanos' fighting ability is still very strong. He can convince Hulk, suppress a group of Avengers, and even experienced captains who use Thor's Hammer have been hammered back. And know how strong this fighting ability is.

  Unfortunately, he met Su Yue.

  Su Yue's fighting skills and experience may not be as rich as Thanos, but he is domineering and can predict Thanos' attacks. At the same time, his defense and strength are strong. Thanos wants to use this to break Su Yue's rhythm. , creating opportunities is almost impossible.

  Therefore, although the two of them are punching to the bone, and although Thanos is attacking fiercely, Su Yue's relaxed state of ease still allows people to see who has the upper hand!

Chapter 0697 Reality gem, that's all?

  Thanos' attack can be said to be invigorating and dripping, and the tiger is powerful. It is really as fierce as a tiger, but at a glance, the result is two hundred and five.

  There is no real effective attack at all. Even if there is an occasional attack on Su Yue, it is blocked, and the consumption caused by itself is extremely limited. Moreover, Su Yue's defense is very strong. It can be said that the damage is completely zero.

  Even in the attack, he will use the power of the Power Stone, but the results are still the same.


  That's the biggest problem Thanos has right now, and this problem happens to be the problem with other people in the movie dealing with Thanos.

  You can't hurt the other party, but the other party may hurt yourself at any time. This situation is a bit pitted.

  Thanos knew that the only way to break the game should be the Infinity Stones.

  He has three Infinity Stones, the Soul Stone, the Power Stone, and the Reality Stone.Among them, the power gem has been confirmed to be unable to cause damage to Su Yue, and the function of the soul gem is unknown. At least he currently has no method and direction that he can use alone, so the only thing that can play a role is the reality gem.

  Reality gems, also known as ether particles, although they appeared in the form of ether particles at the beginning, and once possessed the body of Jane, the goddess of thunder, but in fact, this thing is indeed a gem, and ether particles are just carriers.

  Regarding the setting of the Reality Gem, the official setting is that people tend to say that certain perceptions are true, and using this gem can literally and literally turn those perceptions into reality.

  This gem is perhaps the most powerful, and at the same time, the most difficult to use; at the same time, it also contains an infinite amount of energy.

  Using it, people can realize any dreams and wishes.All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless before it, because it can modify them at will.

  Reality gem is not only a fantasy that can be created indistinguishable from the real, as long as the user is willing, it can turn the fake into the real, and completely turn all the illusory into the real reality.

  And the ability in the movie: the ability of the Reality Gem alone can devour the Nine Realms and even plunge the entire universe into darkness.

  Thanos can use it to easily create a lifelike environment (thans once created an illusion to test Gamora after winning the Reality Gem), and if the user wishes, can make it into full reality (use it on Titan Create a swarm of bats to fight Iron Man, and when they came to Earth to get the Mind Stone, they used it to create Stonehenge to stop the attack of the Black Widow); it can distort reality, turn beam guns and daggers into foam, and people into cubes and Fluid (Drax the Destroyer and Mantis have both been knocked down by the Reality Gem, which was used by Thanos to stop Gamora's suicide in Vormir).

  To put it bluntly, the effect of the Reality Gem is similar to Su Yue's ability, and the real settings can be modified.

  The difference is that the ability of the Reality Gem is not as good as that of Su Yue.

  But, Thanos doesn't know?

  Although looking at his body shape, we know that Thanos definitely belongs to the type who likes and yearns for hand-to-hand combat, but since this cannot solve his opponent, he can only change his way of thinking.

  A reality gem is strong enough, and there are other gem enhancements, the effect can be imagined.

  This is also the reason why Thanos didn't panic even though he couldn't open the situation.

  The Reality Gem on the Infinity Gloves lit up, the light flickered, Thanos grabbed the palm of his hand, and the energy of the Reality Gem instantly surged.

  In an instant, Su Yue's body changed, swaying like a piece of paper, with distinct layers.

  "It's done!"

  Thanos was overjoyed, and just planned to take advantage of the victory to pursue and solve Su Yue.

  But at this moment, Su Yue's body suddenly lit up with a colorful light, and then instantly returned to its original state.

  "That's it?"

  Su Yue looked at Thanos in disappointment. He thought what kind of tricks could Thanos play, but that's it?

  Thanos was stunned and used the Reality Gem again.

  Then, there was no change in Su Yue.

  Once, twice... Thanos tried several times in a row, and even used the energy of three gems, but Su Yue still didn't change, as if the real gems were ineffective for him.

  Reality gem expired?

  It's impossible, right?

  Although Thanos didn't think that the Reality Gem could fail, he tried the surroundings subconsciously, and then, the surrounding environment soon changed.

  Therefore, it is not that the reality gem is invalid, but the reality gem is invalid for Su Yue.

  This is a bit exaggerated!

  This is the Infinity Stone. It is the existence of this cosmic chasing power, yet it can still be ineffective against an earthling from Su Yue?

  Even Thanos doesn't have the ability to invalidate the Infinity Stones.

  "You... used other Infinity Stones to offset the effects of the Reality Stones?" Thanos thought of a possibility.

  "Other gems? That's not there." Su Yue shook his head in denial.

  "It's impossible!" Thanos said solemnly: "I can't think of why you can't be affected by reality gems other than offsetting it with other gems."

  "And, you were obviously affected the first time."

  Su Yue shrugged noncommittally. He really didn't use other gems to offset the effect of reality gems, and he was indeed affected for the first time.

  But what can I say, he didn't do anything!

  The first time he was affected, his body found changes, and it was considered that the reality had been modified, but before Su Yue wanted to take any action, his body, or the transcendent energy in his body, naturally activated.

  Then, the influence of the Reality Gem is removed.Then, his body seems to have evolved antibodies automatically, and no matter how Thanos pushes the Reality Gem, it can't affect his body.

Chapter 0698 Artillery plow?

  This is the benefit of improving the essence of life, or, in other words, this is the basic operation of a god-level existence.

  Let’s take Thanos as an example. Don’t look at Thanos without superpowers, no fancy attack methods, and ordinary feelings, but just the nature of his life makes him far higher than humans, higher than most of the universe. species of life.

  A pair of iron fists, fight all over the world.

  Su Yue is also in this situation now. The level of the essence of life is too high, and he doesn't need any ability at all. A normal level A can be equivalent to someone else's big move.

  If you don't do anything, your passive skills and resistance can solve a lot of big moves specially prepared by others, such as Thanos' realistic gem ability.

  "Is there any other means?" Su Yue asked very seriously.

  If there is, show it, if not, it's ready to end.

  Su Yue asked very seriously, and his tone was normal, but in the eyes of Thanos, this was mockery, mocking himself for his incompetence.

  However, Thanos really has no other means.

  After all, he can't fight one-on-one, and the infinite gems are useless. So far, he has not been able to break the defense. What else can he do?

  Since you can't beat it, you have to consider using some strategies, at least you can't explain it here, right?

  Thinking of this, Thanos suddenly raised his arm and raised one arm high.

  There is a feeling of giving orders.

  Er, not to, but to play the commander.


  Thanos shouted loudly.

  The voice is still loud, but they are a little far from the center of the battlefield, and there is a melee over there now. Can his subordinates hear Thanos' words?

  Su Yue was a little suspicious.

  Then, an unscientific thing happened, and someone really heard it. Thanos has no psychic ability and no communication equipment. Su Yue was very curious about how his subordinates heard it?

  Is hearing so good?


  There was a loud noise, and the battleship that had landed was slowly lifted into the air, followed by the opening of the weapon sequence, and a door of artillery fire covered the entire battlefield.




  In an instant, the artillery fire continued, and it was an indiscriminate attack that did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

  In the movie, Thanos was almost killed by Wanda, and then he also ordered to fire. It was also an indiscriminate attack, but the effect was still very significant. Anyway, Thanos has a lot of men, and there is one less hero without one, so I changed people. Tactics must be profitable. If it wasn't for the surprise captain Carol Danvers just came back from outer space and directly penetrated Thanos' battleship, the final result might not be so good.

  Not to mention, the damage on the hero's side is definitely not small.

  Today, without Carol Danvers, even if there is, the surrounding space has been banned by Su Yue, and she can't suddenly appear.

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