So the threat of this round of artillery washing the ground is really not small.

  And unlike in the movie, Kama Taj's mages played a big role in the movie, and the magic barriers did resist the attack of artillery fire, but now, do Kama Taj's mages have them?


  But not much.

  Therefore, although there are more people participating in the war this time, the means of resisting artillery fire may not be as convenient as in the movie.


  Here comes the point.

  Since Su Yue knew about the artillery ploughing, some of those heroes also knew the scene of the battleship's artillery ploughing in the movie, so could they be completely unprepared?

  Especially on the Dimension Street side, but a lot of preparations have been made.

  Lorna Dane, for example, uses a magnetic field to directly control artillery fire that falls in the air.

  Carla Danvers, Killer Frost, one blows cold air, the other puts cold air, and directly condenses the unexploded artillery fire.

  Blink uses the portal to cooperate with Wonder Woman and other people with high defense and strong attack to directly teleport to the location where the artillery fire landed for the most direct blasting in advance.

  Ao Bing turned into a dragon body, a large area of ​​ice.

  In a word, before Su Yue could take action, the crisis of artillery ploughing was basically solved. Although it could not be intercepted [-]%, some of the fish that slipped through the net did not land in the crowd first, and some were injured. Thanos himself, although the hero has been injured, but they are not serious.


  The White Queen shouted loudly.

  Well, when you encounter something that needs to be solved, shouting Saitama is absolutely trustworthy.


  The sound of a sonic boom suddenly sounded, and an area was instantly emptied. Then Saitama jumped directly into the air, directly posing as a superman, with his arms stretched forward, piercing the flank of the battleship, and immediately following, Saitama raised his hand and waved his fist. .




  The sound of explosions sounded one after another, and bursts of flames shot up on the battleship, and then the battleship in the air began to fall from the shaky start of the explosion.

  With a final bang, it fell to the ground, and then caused another explosion, and the sky was splashed with smoke.


  Su Yue's voice suddenly sounded beside Thanos, and Thanos was shocked. He didn't care about the fall of the battleship, and punched in the direction of the voice with a backhand.


  Su Yue directly stretched out his hand and grabbed Thanos' wrist, and then raised it in another way, turning it into a hand knife and slashing towards Thanos' arm.


  The unsharp means even cut off Thanos' arm neatly.

Chapter 0699 Thanos has a low vision?

  "Ah..." The severe pain of the severed arm caused Thanos to back away slightly, and let out a shrill scream.

  The crumbling Thanos looked at his broken arm and the infinite glove on the broken arm, a ferocious flashed in his eyes, gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and reached out his hand to cut the broken arm for the first time, no... should Said to be the Infinite Gloves.

  Bending down, reaching out, and just about to touch the Infinity Glove, one foot suddenly stepped on the Infinity Glove.

  Thanos raised his head subconsciously, and then, he was hit hard on the face as if the purple potato had become a fine.

  This time, the world turned, and the tyrant fell backwards.


  Thanos' massive body leaped high, then fell heavily to the ground.

  Dizzy, Venus in his eyes, Thanos shook his head, but he couldn't get up for a long time.

  Su Yue raised his hand, and the infinite glove on the ground was instantly detached from Thanos' broken arm, and automatically flew to Su Yue's hand.

  Looking at the three gems on the Infinity Gloves, the corner of Su Yue's mouth slightly raised.

  Infinity Stones are here.

  The six Infinity Gems can be considered collected, and I have to say that Thanos is a really useful tool!

  It's just that this guy is a bit selfish. The Infinity Gloves were actually convicted according to his own gloves. His hands were just right, and he was a little big when he wore them.

  Well, this is not as good as the Iron Man in the movie. The infinite gloves made by others can automatically adapt to any palm, and there is no problem for anyone to wear them.

  The function of the Infinity Gloves is mainly to carry six Infinity Gems, so that the Infinity Gems can be used. After all, the Infinity Gems are very powerful. They are stronger than Thanos, an enemy that can make the Avengers helpless, and can use a gem directly with his bare hands. And not too long.

  Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos wouldn't be able to use it even if he had collected six gems.

  However, this had no effect on Su Yue.Even directly mobilizing the power of the gem can't hurt Su Yue, let alone the passive influence of the gem.

  The three gems were deducted from the infinite gloves by Su Yue's hands, and then the gloves were directly transferred back to Dimension Street.

  Although this thing is useless, it is good to keep a souvenir. I believe that when this incident is over, many people should be curious about the Infinity Gloves, so it can be exhibited.

  At least it can attract a group of people and make less money on tickets.

  As for the Infinity Stones, Su Yue originally planned to put them away together. After all, he didn't need to use the Infinity Stones to solve the group of Thanos, but on second thought, Thanos worked so hard, even sacrificing his adopted daughter. Let people see what it looks like after collecting all the Infinity Stones, what power can it have?

  Thinking of this, Su Yue simply and generously took out three of his own gems, and then lined them up so that the six gems were suspended in front of him.

  "Does it look good?" Su Yue asked Thanos who was struggling to get up with a complicated look on his face.

  I have to say that Su Yue's question is a bit cheap. He robbed Thanos' gems, placed the Infinity Stones that Thanos had longed for and hoped to collect in front of him, and then asked him if it looked good?

  Thanos is also very angry, but there is nothing to say about winning or losing. Thanos is also the overlord of the universe, and he is famous in the universe. Now let him surrender because he lost, beg for mercy?it's out of the question!

  He would rather die than give in.

  What's more, from the beginning to the end, Thanos didn't feel that he was a villain. Although his methods were a bit cruel, he was indeed a villain in terms of results, but his real purpose was to control the population, to allocate resources, and to avoid those planets. , to prevent the world from coming to an end.

  Is it right to do this, whether he is a villain or not, it has no meaning for Thanos, and he doesn't care, he is just for his great idea.

  "Kill me." Thanos turned his head to look at the situation that had gradually become a defeat, turned his head, and said to Su Yue in a calm and indifferent tone.

  Su Yue said: "It's easy to kill you, and I really should kill you. After all, as an invader of the earth, I can't beat you and it's over. If the earth is not strong enough, you won't just take the infinite gems and leave. …”

  Thanos nodded. If he wins this time, he will definitely not let the earth go like this. He doesn't have any grudges with the earth, but he will definitely do it to eliminate half of the population, and every time he conquers other planets. will do.


  Why did Thanos listen to Su Yue's words as if he didn't mean to kill himself?

  If you really want to kill, why bother?Why say so much?

  "What do you want?" Thanos asked.

  Su Yue thought for a while and said: "To a certain extent, I still agree with your idea that resources are saturated and the universe will gradually decline, but your approach is too crude, of course, it is not bad for you. already."

  "You said I have low vision?" Thanos hummed.

  Saying that his strength is not good, he admits it, after all, he has lost now, but saying that his vision is low, he does not admit it.All along, he has a feeling that everyone is drunk and I am alone, and no one can understand him.

  Even if his subordinates agree with his method, the fundamental reason is just to conquer the hegemony, and the starting point is completely different from his own purpose.

  "According to this world, your vision is not low, but if you jump out of it, it will be low. For example, solving the problem of resources can completely jump out of this world. If this world does not have it, will you not go to another world? Instead of killing Wouldn't it be better for you to let half of the population go to another world?"

  "You said it lightly!" Thanos thought Su Yue had something to talk about, but it turned out...that's all?

Chapter 0700 Thanos surrendered?

  "Of course I said it lightly." Su Yue said with a smile: "I know you are not convinced, but this is the truth. You are indeed number one in this world, but your thinking, thinking, and vision are also affected by this The world is bound."

  "Parallel worlds exist. My Dimension Street has opened up several passages to other worlds. Even a large part of these people are from other worlds. Even I am not a native of this world, so You will lose, so I will say that your vision is low."

  Su Yue paused for a while, and then said: "I won't say much about the birth and destruction of parallel worlds. In short, there are many things, so much that there is no problem in supplying this world, and they can even expand their territories, although sacrifices will be very difficult. Big, but much better than your direct extermination method."

  "If you know something about Earth, especially in the last few years, you will know the news, and maybe you won't be so reckless to invade directly. Uh, maybe, you haven't fought before, because your character is mostly Will not take me and the earth in the eye."

  "You...are you telling the truth?" Thanos asked hesitantly, frowning.

  Su Yue shrugged noncommittally: "When a person is about to die, his words are also good. Although the person who is about to die is not me, there is no need for me to lie to you."

  Thanos was a little stunned when he heard this, what do you mean?Before, I felt like I wanted to let me go, not to kill myself, and to mention parallel universes. It sounded like I wanted to conquer other worlds and plunder resources to support this world.

  But now it looks like he's dead again.

  what on earth do you want?

  Thanos is a little confused, but he is very clear about one thing, he is defeated, or he is dead, or alive, no matter which one, it is best to get a result as soon as possible now, otherwise, his people will really die. .

  His subordinates may be unscrupulous on other planets with lower strength, but these heroes on earth are really the top level of one against one hundred. Although the number is not dominant, the outcome is obvious.

  "Speak straight, what do you want?" Thanos asked Su Yue in a deep voice.

  Su Yue said with a smile: "I don't know either. To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet. Killing you should be the easiest and most suitable choice for the current situation, but if I really want to kill you, I still feel a little pity. I'll give you a chance."

  "Haven't you always been the head teacher of family planning? Haven't you been worried that the resources of this world will gradually be consumed, and the world will die out like your home planet? Then you will be the one to conquer other worlds, how?"

  Thanos guessed that if Su Yue didn't have this idea, he wouldn't have said that he had a low vision before, and he would not have said anything about parallel worlds.

  "Aren't you afraid that I'll run away, or... and gather strength from other worlds to deal with you?" Thanos asked.

  Su Yue laughed dumbly: "Do you think I should be afraid? I have the ability to send you to a parallel world, and naturally I have the ability to bring you back, and want to resist me? Yes, I didn't expect you to sincerely rely on me. Ah, I just need you to obey my orders and do things for me. If one day you feel that the sky is sunny and the rain has stopped, you can do it again, I really don't mind if you come back to trouble me, this way ...and maybe make a boring life a little more interesting."

  Thanos was silent, he knew very well that what Su Yue said was true, because, before today, he also had such self-confidence and such a mentality to face the enemy who surrendered.

  It's just... I didn't expect that one day, my identity would be changed.

  "I promise."

  After a moment of thought, Thanos agreed.

  He is not afraid of death, and of course he doesn't want to die, but he will surrender. The real reason is that he wants to see and see the parallel world. If it is really like what Su Yue said, he can also accomplish his great goal.

  As for surrender?

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