I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 102: illusion

"I have a seal of two realms (


There was another flower in front of him. Although he was still standing still, Lu Zheng felt that the surrounding environment suddenly became vivid.

"My illusion is powerful? I didn't think so, didn't you see it at a glance?" Daoist Yuting said, still a little surprised, "Where did you see the flaw in the second illusion?"

Lu Zheng glanced back at Yuan Ning, "When Senior Brother Yuan Ning looked at me just now, he was a little gloat about misfortune."

Yuan Ning was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly held back his smile and lowered his head silently.

Then Lu Zheng lowered his head and saw that there was an extra stone bench where the wine jar had just been placed, and he didn't know when it was moved.

Lu Zheng, "..."

"Yes, yes, delicate mind, good at investigating." Yuting Taoist head nodded.

Lu Zheng was a little guilty, wondering if he was still in the illusion world of Daoist Yuting.


A gust of breeze blew, and the stone bench in front of Lu Zheng was blown back to its original position.

Daoist Mingzhang walked out from the backyard slowly, "Old Daoist Yuting, you don't talk about martial arts, you bully a little apprentice of me who just started?"

Daoist Yuting laughed, "You little apprentice is not easy, your true qi cultivation is comparable to that of ordinary people who have cultivated for two or three years."


Daoist Master Mingzhang's eyes lit up, and he reached out and held Lu Zheng's wrist again.

Lu Zheng recently got a lot of light of luck, and because of the scorpion demon thing, he has a sense of crisis, so as long as the adaptation period is over, he has been building up his cultivation base. Compared with the last time, he has improved more than a little bit.

But fortunately, I haven't come to Baiyun Temple for a long time. It's reasonable to cultivate faster and faster in the later stage, right?

The Taoist priest Mingzhang turned around Lu Zheng's meridian Dantian with his true energy, and was shocked.

Daoist Yuting did not know when he recorded Lu Zheng's entry, but Daoist Mingzhang himself knew.

It's only been more than four months since he first taught Lu Zheng's "Midden Meridian Jinggong Breathing Method".

At that time, when he taught Lu Zheng the mantra, he knew that Lu Zheng's cultivation was extremely fast. When I saw it today, his progress was even more obvious, which was several times higher than that of ordinary practitioners.

Heavenly Wizards?

Or the previous accumulation?

This speed can only be achieved by some of the most powerful senior masters in Daomen.

Daoist Mingzhang suddenly felt that he couldn't see through Lu Zheng.

Could it be that he accepted a future Daoist master for Baiyunguan?

"You drank the scorpion bar yourself?"

"Drink!" Lu Zheng nodded.

Daoist Mingzhang nodded, thinking that the scorpion wine should also play a role.

Greeting others to come and bring the wine, Daoist Mingzhang took Lu Zheng and Daoist Yuting back to the quiet room in the backyard.

The Taoist priest Mingzhang taught Lu Zheng a bit, and then they had a fast meal together in Guanli.

In the afternoon, Daoist Master Mingzhang and Daoist Yuting came to the top of Shaotong Mountain to play chess and drink alcohol, accompanied by Lu Zheng.

"By the way, why didn't you see Senior Brother Yuanjing today?"

"He and Junior Brother Mingjun went to the next county to open an altar to pray for blessings." Daoist Master Mingzhang replied and ordered a son.

Lu Zheng nodded, just to see that Daoist Yuting's wine glass was empty, so he filled it up again.


An hour later, the chess game was over, and Yu Ting Daochang won a son.

"You haven't seen each other for three years, and your chess skills haven't improved at all!" Yu Ting scratched his beard.

Daoist Master Mingzhang pouted, "I am now the master of the view, not only to teach my disciples, but also to go out and open the altar. How can I have so much time to study chess skills, you think that you are full of one person and the whole family is like you. not hungry?"

"Ha ha--"

Daoist Yuting sneered, "Don't think I don't know what you brought Ming Jun out of Jizhou for."

Mingzhang Daochang rolled his eyes, but he was not at all embarrassed.

Daoist Yuting took a sip of wine and looked at Lu Zheng, "Can you play chess?"

"Understood." Lu Zheng nodded cautiously.

"Then come with me for the next round."

Daoist Yuting said with a smile, "Drinking your scorpion wine, I have to give you a gift back. Well, if you can win me another round, how about I pass on the illusion just now to you?"

Lu Zheng's eyes lit up.

Daoist Mingzhang also raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "Are you willing?"

"It's not a secret that I don't pass on, but he has to win me. If he loses, he will only have a magic dragon talisman."

Daoist Mingzhang turned his head, "Go on, if you win, I'll teach you another way of swordsmanship."

So of course Lu Zheng refused to let him sit in the position of Taoist priest Mingzhang just now.

As a junior, Lu Zheng insists on white first.

Lu Zheng just saw that Daoist Yuting and Daoist Ming Zhang's chess skills are obviously better than Shen Ying's.

For the sake of the practice, Lu Zheng also fought hard, and added two strands of luck to his chess skills. He must ensure success, and avoid sudden changes in his chess strength after adding it in the middle game, which was seen by the two of them.





Daoist Yuting went slower and slower, Daoist Mingzhang watched while drinking a small wine, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"Good chess! I didn't expect that you, Yuan Zheng, have a lot of knowledge in chess."

Daoist Yuting shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No, Yuanzheng's chess skills are normal, but this is the first time I've seen this game, which is a bit interesting. "

Although Daoist Yuting tried to make up for the defeat later, it was useless in the end and lost to the two sons of Lu Zheng.

"One more round, I will definitely win." Daoist Yuting said with certainty.

Daoist Mingzhang laughed loudly, "Old Daoist Yuting, willing to admit defeat!"

Daoist Yuting smacked his lips and nodded, "Okay, admit defeat!"

Lu Zheng wiped his sweat, "Fuck luck, good luck!"


Several people went down the mountain and returned to Guanli.

Daoist Yuting directly asked Daoist Mingzhang to ask for a quiet room, and brought Lu Zheng into the door, Daoist Mingzhang left consciously.

"In addition to the use of infuriating energy and spiritual sense, there are also several secret seal formulas for my illusion, which are used to hide the breath, isolate the sound, and block the light."

Daoist Yuting introduced, "I will pass on this illusion to you today, please remember it."

"Wait a minute, Taoist priest, I'll go to the toilet!"

Daoist Yuting, "..."

Lu Zheng went out, took his mobile phone from the backyard thatched hut across the modern age, turned on the recording function, and hurried back to the quiet room.

"Okay Master, let's get started!"

Next, Daoist Master Yuting explained the seal formula while cooperating with his infuriating qi, and talked about how to affect the other party's five senses, how to construct the illusion world, etc...

Theoretically, many of Fang Yiren's alchemy techniques in the upper reaches of the rivers and lakes, blooming in the void, planting trees on the ground, etc., all belong to the category of illusion.

Just because of the difference in cultivation, the size and difficulty of the objects constructed by the illusion, the difference in the number of people affected, and the duration of the effect are different.

Therefore, as long as Lu Zheng has learned this illusion, he can do it as well as the Taoist priest in "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai".

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