I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 103: White Cloud Swordsmanship

"I have a seal of two realms (

One class was taught for three days. Lu Zheng could only send a letter to his family, and then took time to return to the modern age at night to contact Lin Wan by phone.

It was not until the fourth day that Daoist Yuting finished explaining this illusion.

"I'll give you what I should teach. As for whether you can practice it, and how well you practice, it depends on your aptitude."

Lu Zheng respectfully knelt down and kowtowed, "Thank you for the kindness of the Taoist priest!"

Daoist Yuting nodded, accepted Lu Zheng's gift, and immediately said in a hurry, "Come on, let's go up the mountain and see if I'm going to kill you this time, lose your armor and remove your armor!"

Lu Zheng, "..."

After the fasting meal at noon, Daoist Yuting pulled Lu Zheng and Daoist Ming Zhang up the mountain, set up the chessboard, and sorted the pieces.

Of course Lu Zheng refused to let him go. Although he didn't lose his armor and remove his armor, he was in a daze and lost three games in a row.



Lu Zheng stayed in Baiyunguan for another day, and learned swordsmanship with Daoist Mingzhang.

"White Cloud Swordsmanship".

"Although this swordsmanship is not a method of swordsmanship, it can also harness true qi, hurt people and kill ghosts."

The Taoist priest Mingzhang said, "The "Five Talismans" and "Five Spells" are mostly used to deal with demons and ghosts who are not high in Taoism.

It's just that the power of the exorcism talisman and the exorcism mantra will eventually have its limit, while the cultivators such as me have accumulated more and more zhenqi, so there is a way of attacking with pure qi.

With your current cultivation level, you can already directly use your true energy to face the enemy. "White Cloud Swordsmanship" is this method, which can not only subdue demons and eliminate ghosts, but also protect yourself.

Speaking of which, a sharp weapon can also increase the power of swordsmanship out of thin air.

Actually, I didn't think about passing on "Baiyun Swordsmanship" to you so quickly. After all, with your cultivation level, "Five Talismans" and "Five Spells" are enough for you, but this time, you're going to be really good. You are not weak anymore, so I made an exception to pass on you. After returning home, in addition to swordsmanship, the practice of "Five Spells" cannot be put down. "

"Yes!" Lu Zheng bowed to be taught.

Daoist Master Mingzhang smiled slightly, "By the way, this time, I have been playing chess with Yu Ting, the old Taoist. I haven't asked you yet, can you perform the "Five Spells", "Fixing Spell" How's your practice going?"

"The "Five Mantras" can be mastered, but the cultivation base is limited, and the power is not as powerful as Senior Brother Yuanjing, and the other "Fixing Mantra"..."

Lu Zheng immediately shook his head, "It's too difficult, the disciple is still unable to perform."

Taoist Master Mingzhang nodded, and Ruoyouruowu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter, that "Fixing Spell" is more difficult, take your time."

Lu Zheng bowed, "Yes!"


After five days and four nights in Baiyun, Lu Zhengcai finally returned to Tonglin County.

After having dinner at Liu's house in the evening, Liu Qingyan talked about the incident in the hospital, and she was in a good mood and her face was bright.

In the middle of the night, Lu Zheng got excited and made another trip to Taohuaping. Shen Ying, who hadn't tasted meat for a long time, served Lu Zheng all night, making Lu Zheng feel a little floating when he returned to the city during the day.

Returning to the modern age, after taking a shower, he arrived at Lin Wan's house.

"Auntie! Are you back?"

It was Mother Lin who opened the door, making Lu Zhengzheng's arms froze as he was about to open it, and then naturally made a movement of stretching his shoulders.

"Lu Zheng is here, come in quickly!" Mother Lin let Lu Zheng in with a look of joy, "Wanwan told me that she has completely recovered?"

When Lu Zheng entered the door, he saw Lin Wan who was standing in the living room and snickering at him.

"Yeah, yeah!" Lu Zheng gave Lin Wan a vicious look, and then said to Mother Lin with a smile, "It's all healed up, but after all, I've been lying down for more than a month, so I still need to pay attention to recovery. muscle training."

"That's right!" Mother Lin asked Lu Zheng to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Wanwan was fractured and paralyzed, but it took you more than a month to heal. Wanwan told me that you are the kind of urban strange person who is hidden in the city, just like what Auntie read in the novel. Like that kind of urban genius, let me not be fooled around, don't worry, auntie, I am not a person with a big tongue, and I will never talk nonsense!"

"Hmm." Lu Zheng nodded again and again, "I believe Auntie!"

This matter involves Lin Wan, of course Lu Zheng believes in Mother Lin.

Moreover, treating fractures is not treating cancer. Even if you say it out, no one will treat yourself as a fairy. If you die, you just think that you have a secret recipe to promote bone growth.

Well, that's true though.

It is said that the practitioners of the Dajing Dynasty are particularly powerful at this point. At that time, Yuanjing Tuo was hit by a pig demon and two ribs were broken. The next day, they could take them around with them, a powerful group!

Well, it was also because of this that he grew his mind and gave himself a golden light spell in advance when he captured the scorpion demon for the second time. Although he was still injured, it was not as severe as the first time.

I hope next time he can be more mindful and don't get too close for the first time.

"That... I'm sorry..." Mother Lin said a little embarrassedly.

Lu Zheng was stunned when he heard the words, "Why did Auntie say sorry?"

"I didn't know anything at the time, and then I said so many inappropriate things to you in the hospital..."

Lu Zheng waved his hands again and again, "I'm sorry, what are you talking about~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you still trying to persuade me, what you say is from the bottom of your heart and cares."

Mother Lin nodded again and again with a smile on her face, "Okay, I won't say more, let Wanwan sit with you, and auntie goes to buy food and cook."

Mother Lin smiled and stood up, put on her clothes and went downstairs to buy food.

Lu Zheng sat next to Lin Wan, "Good guy, you didn't tell me when Auntie came back, you almost made a fool of yourself."

Lin Wan said with a smile, "My mother only came back last night, didn't I have time to tell you, and I didn't know you would come today?"

Lu Zheng couldn't help baring his teeth, "Is it my fault for co-authoring?"

"Is that so?" Lin Wan looked at Lu Zheng with a smile, and then raised Erlang's legs again. The long legs and little toes were jolted up and down, making Lu Zheng's heart itch.

"My mother also asked me, as an urban genius doctor like you, have you seen a lot of school beauties, female presidents and female stars, or have many confidantes, and have been away these few days, did you go out to see a flight attendant? went?"

Lu Zheng was stunned, "What kind of novel did Auntie read? Why have I never read this kind of novel?"

This is not in line with the impression and personality that Mother Lin gave herself when she was in the hospital that day!

"Bah!" Lin Wan spat.

So Lu Zheng started directly, "Would you like to verify it?"

"Ah! You're going to die! My mother's coming up in a minute—uu—"


Mother Lin opened the door, "I bought a sea bass, let's have rice for lunch."

On the sofa in the living room, Lu Zheng was massaging Lin Wan's shoulders and back, "You've been lying here for more than a month, and your shoulders are hard. I'll loosen it up for you."

"Yeah." Lin Wan nodded and licked her slightly rosy lips.

Mother Lin glanced at the two of them with a smile, and then went into the kitchen to cook.

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