I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 104: Teach Lin Wan to practice the exercises

"I have a seal of two realms (

"so boring!"

Having eaten and drank enough, Lin Wan slumped on the sofa and sighed, "I have to stay at home for two months. When Xiu Min comes, I have to go to bed, and occasionally get out of bed, and I have to cover up my appearance."

Lu Zheng thought about it, "How about I teach you to practice?"

"Practice?" Lin Wan was stunned for a moment, then immediately became shocked, "Isn't that so-called blind practice?"

"This stalk can't be passed, right? You just say whether to learn or not!"


Lin Wan nodded again and again, and then got a little nervous, "Well, can I learn it?"

Lu Zheng shrugged, "Probably not."

Lin Wan: ヽ(???)?!!!

Then what do you mean, make fun of me, don't you?

"Even if you can't learn it, you can still strengthen your physical qualities." Lu Zheng said casually, "For example, agility, strength, reaction speed, etc."

Whether Lin Wan can learn "Eighteen Forms of Danshan" Lu Zheng is not sure, but as long as she can learn half of it, don't think of it on her like the previous car accident.

Lin Wan: ('?ω?')

People need to learn!

"What is what?"

Lin Wan was dying of curiosity, but she said she didn't ask before, so she definitely didn't ask, but now that Lu Zheng wants to teach, of course she can explore the bottom.

"It's a very difficult internal boxing. Even though there aren't many movements, it's actually very demanding."

Lin Wan nodded again and again, "I heard that the martial arts in the novel are all like this!"

Lu Zheng licked his lips, saying that he also doesn't know Chinese martial arts. I really don't know if Chinese martial arts are the same as "Eighteen Forms of Danshan". Even if the swordsmanship is improved with the light of luck, it is also a technique and a method of exertion, and there is no practice. .

So using the light of luck to improve those Taijiquan or Bajiquan is the same, although the air is similar, but the core is his "Danshan Eighteen Forms" and martial artist blood.

"Well, almost."

So Lu Zheng could only be vague, "This boxing method is called "Eighteen Forms of Danshan"."

""The Eighteen Forms of Danshan"?" Lin Wan repeated, "I've never heard of it..."

Lu Zheng shook his head, if you've heard of it, you've seen a ghost.

"Let me teach you the first move first."

"Okay, okay!" Lin Wan immediately put down her doubts and became excited.

So Lu Zheng first started in the center of the living room and played all the eighteen-style boxing.

Lin Wan looked bewildered after reading it, that's all?

I really can't see where the greatness is?

Lu Zheng hehe, "Come here and feel the muscles on my body."

"Oh." Lin Wan stood up and stepped forward.

Lu Zheng set up the first boxing frame of "Eighteen Forms of Danshan".

"Start with my calf." Lu Zheng motioned to Lin Wan.

Then, under Lu Zheng's guidance, Lin Wan touched his calf to his thigh, then from his lumbar spine to his back, and then from his shoulder to his forearm.

In the end, Lin Wan and Lu Zheng faced each other and looked at Lu Zheng in shock.

"Every muscle vibration is exquisite, one after another, continuous and continuous, and the strength is endless, imitating a big mountain on the top of the mountain."

Lu Zheng looked at Lin Wan with a half-smile but not a smile, "When the vibrations of all muscles are up to the standard, this first pose will be finished."

Lin Wan was stunned, "It's so difficult!"

"What do you think?"

Lin Wan felt a sense of despair, "I don't think I can practice the first style!"

Lu Zheng encouraged a smile, "Work hard for a year, maybe you can."

"But there are eighteen poses!" Lin Wan slumped back onto the sofa again, "Even if I can practice one pose a year, it will take me eighteen years, and I'll be forty years old by the time I practice!

I think I know why Chinese martial arts have declined. Your little-known "Eighteen Forms of Danshan" is so difficult. Isn't that Taijiquan, Bajiquan, and Baguazhang difficult to the sky?

Who can stand this ordinary person! Unless you are talented, you can't practice it! "

Eh, although Lin Wan misunderstood, but judging from the description of those traditional boxing techniques, it is indeed not easy to practice, and it is estimated that it is similar to the martial arts of Dajingchao.

"Actually, it didn't take that long. The first step is always the hardest. You think, after practicing the first style, you will have the experience of controlling the muscles of the whole body. Even if there are changes later, right? Can it get faster?"

Lin Wan thought about it, it makes sense!

"I practice! Anyway, it's fine for two months, so let's see what kind of tricks I can practice!"

Lu Zheng nodded, "Ruzi can be taught."

So he pulled Lin Wan up and helped her put up the first boxing.

"Here, and here, exert force, these two places are the focus of the first simulation of Danshan."

"Half lunge, four or six points of force, strength from the heel."

"Straighten your waist and back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows!"

Mother Lin cleaned up from the kitchen and saw that Lu Zheng was teaching Lin Wan to practice the exercises, so she didn't disturb the two of them and went back to her bedroom to rest.

Under the guidance of Lu Zheng, Lin Wan put up a fistfight for two hours, and then only knew the strength of each place.

As for the muscle vibrations, I just learned the vibration coordination of the two calves.

But this was enough to surprise Lin Wan, "Maybe it won't take a year?"

Lu Zheng pouted, "I don't have time to accompany you from beginning to end..."

Lin Wan glanced at the second bedroom, pulled Lu Zheng and went to the master bedroom.

Lu Zheng's heart trembled, "It's not good, auntie will find out..."

"Be quiet, my mother usually sleeps for two hours in the afternoon."

"The problem is that this sound is usually not made by me!"


In the afternoon, Lu Zheng kept another dinner~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then left.


The next day, Lu Zheng was fine, and went to replenish a batch of goods for his sugar shop, and then went out the door leisurely and came to Renxintang.

At this time, there were already a lot of patients in the hospital. Old Zhang and Liu Qingyan were taking the patient's pulse and seeing the doctor. The two guys were busy with one taking medicine and the other making medicine.

So Lu Zheng immediately entered the door and reached out to support a patient who had almost fallen.

"Lu Lang." Liu Qingyan looked up and saw Lu Zheng.

"You're busy, I'm here to fight."

"Okay!" Liu Qingyan smiled and looked at the patients in the hospital.


At noon, the old man in the family brought food, but Lu Zheng asked the guys in the hospital to eat more, and he took Liu Qingyan to the restaurant.

In the afternoon, just after noon, Hu Zhou, who had eaten, rushed to the medical center and began to help in various ways in the medical center.

I was busy until the end of Shen Shimo, and in late autumn, it was getting dark early, and no patients came to the hospital.

Hu Zhou packed up his work, waved to Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan and said, "Master Lu! Miss Liu! I'm going home!"

"Wait!" Lu Zheng reached out his hand and stopped Hu Zhou.

"Young Master Lu, do you have anything else to do?" Hu Zhou stopped and asked.

Lu Zheng asked, "You go home at night, is there anything else?"

Hu Zhou shook his head, "It's nothing, I just went back to talk to my mother and fell asleep."

Lu Zheng nodded, "I'll go to my house for dinner after I've helped out in the medical center, and I'll teach you "Eighteen Forms of Danshan"."

One also teaches, and two also teach.

Moreover, Hu Zhou's mother-in-law was filial and upright. She helped the hospital for free all day long. She taught Hu Zhou to learn boxing.

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