I Have A Dual World Seal

: Wan order memorabilia

As soon as I woke up, I ordered it.

For an old fluttering street, this kind of event must be set up as a memento.

First of all, thank you for your support. Without the subscriptions of readers and friends, there would be no basis for my post to exist. Thank you very much!

Then, thanks to Fuchen and Canaan, I have never stopped recommending them along the way, and I usually have more guidance and encouragement, which has benefited me a lot.

Finally, let's sigh...

I really didn't expect it. Saying that before this book was published, my goal was to become a high-quality book.


At that time, when I was in the channel's new book recommendation position, I thought I was cold, and I couldn't even get on the score. I was very nervous and asked the editor in advance. When I learned that I could still get on, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then I started to exert force on the strong points, and the four recommended positions of the follow-up points, six bands, three rivers, and the first strong did not leave the top three. The one in front of me was either the Great God Platinum or the fifth-level boss.

The feeling of competing with Tomato, Rong Xiaorong, Broken Bridge Canxue and other bigwigs on the same stage gave me a feeling of returning to the examination room in my student days and competing with the academic bullies in the same examination room. It was a real pleasure.

Then the first order 4200!

When the next home page is strongly pushed, the average order is 6500!

7500 are booked by the end of January!

8500 are booked by the end of February!

I took the guide at the end of March, and took advantage of the last new addition Yu Wei, and finally rushed to the 10,000 subscription!


The weakest 10,000 subscriptions are also 10,000 subscriptions, and the badge is in hand, the 704th 10,000 subscriptions!

Hahaha! Satisfied!

Then let’s talk about the novel, let’s talk about the results first, it’s too difficult to add updates, I’m writing more slowly now, and it’s good to keep updating /(ㄒoㄒ)/

In the last book, I could write a chapter in less than two hours. In this book, it took me almost three hours to write a chapter, and the rest time was all included. /(ㄒoㄒ)/

After all, the boss's ten thousand orders is the highest badge, only ten thousand orders, mine ten thousand orders are the ten thousand orders that can only be reached with wholehearted efforts, and the realm is different.

Talent is not enough, so there is only effort.

The direction of my efforts is to make the logic as reasonable as possible, the details as interesting as possible, and the plot not to collapse as much as possible.

It will not collapse before it is put on the shelves, 400,000 words will not collapse, and 600,000 words will not collapse.

So far so good, I hope it will continue to do so in the future.


Okay, nothing more to say. The author continues to code words. I have worked overtime a few days ago. Yesterday, I took my child to have a vision check. I already owe a few chapters. Today, the last day of vacation, I must make it up!

Finally, thank you again for your subscription support!

Bye bye, author Jun!


By the way, two more books are sacrificed at the end.

One is the vest of a high-quality boss, and the new book "Liao Zhai Zi Bu Yu" seems to be very popular recently. The author's ancient style is also similar to Liao Zhai, and I feel like I'm about to die.

One is a new book "Douluo: Beginning to Kill Bibi Dong" by an old driver friend. The original title of this buddy's new book has not been reviewed, and everyone knows it.

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