I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 315: Changes in the 4-pole lock **** order

The four of them only felt a flower in front of their eyes, and the next moment, a brilliant golden sword flashed in their minds, striking at their souls and slashing down!

"The Taoist priest of Jinhua School!"

"Golden Que Heart Sword!"

"Protect the soul!"

"Go back!"

The expressions of the gods from the four directions changed drastically, they hurriedly restrained their power, and their true spirits condensed.

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!"

With four soft sounds, the four of them groaned in unison, their brows furrowed, and the weakest Northern God Envoy took a step back, bleeding from his mouth.

The next moment, Lu Zheng appeared behind him.

"The Supreme Promise, the Edict of the Three Purities, set!"

The Northern God Envoy had a certain figure, and the six wooden plaques that were undulating around him immediately shook and fell to the ground one after another.

The terrified Northern God Envoy Yunqi tried his best to break free.

However, he was attacking Shen Ying just now, and he was still on the line with the Eighteen Heavenly Maiden, and inadvertently struck a Jinque Heart Sword, his mind was drowsy for a while, and his infuriating qi was a little disordered, how could he break free from the immobilization spell so quickly ?


A flash of sword light flashed, and the head of the northern angel rose into the sky.

"Northern Ambassador!"

"Senior brother!"

The other three exclaimed in surprise, not understanding how the situation suddenly changed so dramatically!

Essence of Mystery!


Immobilization spell!

Martial arts swordsmanship!

They are attacking together, pressing step by step, and when they are about to succeed...

Fall short!

"It's over!" This was the momentary voice of the other three.

Without the blessing of the Northern God Envoy, the four-pole lock God Order really swayed.

But it didn't crash!

Perhaps it was discovered that the Northern God Envoy suddenly died, the wooden sign pulling Shen Ying's soul suddenly shrank, and then turned to the Northern God Envoy.


Lu Zheng, who was about to smash the opponent's true spirit, was surprised and immediately took two steps back.

Then the true spirit of the Northern God Envoy was attracted by the wooden sign, turned into a ray of light, and was sucked into the wooden sign.

The next moment, the spiritual gravitational force in the wooden sign flourished, but it became stable again, becoming a stable three-strand spell that was connected with the other three.

At the same time, Mu Pai's divine soul pulling force also turned to Shen Ying again, and absorbed the pulling force, which was 30% stronger than before.

"What?" Shen Ying's eyes narrowed.

"Fuck!" Lu Zheng exclaimed, "The less blood, the stronger the attack power?"

Are you playing games! ?

The other three divine envoys looked at each other, and also knew the plan of the mother-in-law.

The four-pole lock **** order is very strong, and the four people work together to cast the four-pole **** lock spell. Under normal circumstances, Shen Ying can definitely be taken down.

But the mother-in-law has also made arrangements for unexpected situations, such as if one person dies, will the spell of the four-pole lock of the gods be broken?

no no no...

Where are the lives of the four of them important to Shen Ying?

As long as one person dies, it means that the opponent's strength is very strong, and the four of them can't hold the four-pole magic lock.

Then, the soul of the dead person will be absorbed by the wooden card, which will increase the spiritual suction of the wooden card again and strengthen the strength of one's own side.

Then the four-pole lock mantra becomes the three-pole lock mantra.

If one more person dies, the suction of the wooden sign will be strengthened again, turning into a two-pole magic lock, or even a single-pole magic spell.

Combining the three alien spirits who have practiced Taoism for more than two hundred years, and with the blessing of the magic power of the thousand-year-old monster, Shen Ying is only a new incense god, no matter how strong it is. withstand?

As long as Shen Ying can be captured and brought back to the Taomu Sacred Mountain in the Southern Border, then even if the four of them die until only one remains, it will be worth it!


Of course the three of them don't want to die!

So they just have to work hard!

"Open! Die for me!"

The Western God envoy urged the peach tree behind him, and countless roots twisted, half of which were entangled with the old peach tree, advancing towards Shen Ying, while the other half broke out of the ground and attacked Lu Zheng overwhelmingly.

The southern **** made a flickering figure, and the six-handled peach wood flying sword was pulled out two feet, three fronts and three backs, stabbing towards Lu Zheng.

In the porcelain vase in the hands of the Eastern God Envoy, endless rotten peach miasma gushed out, permeating the entire front yard, rolling like waves, surging towards Lu Zheng one after another.

A Taoist priest who knows invisibility and immobilization spells!

Never let him get close!

"Ha ha!"

The three of the other party are closely guarding the soul, and Lu Zheng's spiritual cultivation is not too strong. If he attacks again, he may not be able to make further achievements.


With a flick of his finger, the six red jade swords were thrown out by him, and when they saw the wind, they grew long, and suddenly they turned into six three-foot thin swords, and met the six flying swords of the southern angel.


The southern envoy couldn't help but exclaimed, "Are you also a sword cultivator?"

"Is it strange?"

Lu Zhengjian tapped his finger lightly, urging "Flying Feather Chengxia Royal Sword Sutra", the six ruby ​​swords and the opponent's flying swords staggered past, and the sword lights collided.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Choke! Choke! Choke!"

The sword qi flew flying, and it was on par with the southern envoy, so that he had no energy to care about other things.

On the other side, without the restraint of the northern gods, and Lu Zheng suppressed the southern gods, the eighteenth day girl turned her attention to the other two gods.

Tao Zhen and Tao Sui and a few women supported Lu Zheng's surroundings, smashing all the roots of the incoming attack, so as not to let the Western gods disturb the battlefield here.

The rest of the women besieged the Eastern God Envoy, killing off the rotten peach miasma that permeated them one by one.

On Shen Ying's side, because the four-pole lock of the gods was strengthened again, she spent too much energy on guarding the gods, and it was difficult for her to exert her own strength.

Lu Zheng glanced at Shen Ying, and knew that he could no longer kill the Quartet envoys in sequence.

"Eighteen Goddess, don't mind my side, go help Shen Ying, form a goddess formation, and join forces to besiege the guy who makes the rotten peach miasma!" Lu Zheng shouted loudly, "Kill him!"

"But Fairy her?"

Shen Ying has already resisted very reluctantly. If one kills another person and increases the power of the wooden sign, wouldn't it be a gift to Shen Ying?

"Listen to Lu Lang!" Shen Ying responded immediately, "I still have the means!"


The girls responded immediately, and then the Eighteen Heavenly Girls formed an array again, containing the spiritual power of incense and fire, and rushed to the Eastern God Envoy wave after wave.


Combining the strengths of Shen Ying and the Peach Blossoms, how could the Eastern Envoy resist the enemy alone, he was immediately at a disadvantage, his soul and spirit were impacted, and he only felt extremely painful.

"kill him!"

The colorful peach blossom formation turned into a colorful circle of light, surrounding the Eastern God Envoy, completely relying on strength to confront each other.

The southern envoy was entangled by Lu Zheng, and the western envoy urged the roots of the peach tree to clear the siege, but was stopped by the old peach tree one by one.

But for a moment...

"Peach Blossom Fairy! You are going to die too!"

With an unwilling cry, the rotten peach miasma was broken and dissipated, and the Eastern Angel was besieged and killed by the Tiannv formation.


The four-pole lock **** swayed for a while, and the moment the Oriental **** broke contact with it, he took his soul.

But at the same time.

Lu Zheng manipulated the two red jade swords that were defending, and turned in mid-air, completely ignoring the peach wood sword that stabbed at him, but stabbed the southern envoy.

"court death!"

The southern divine envoy gave a loud cry, and the two peach wood flying swords pierced Lu Zheng's neck and dantian, and then the sword qi twisted, and it was about to smash Lu Zheng's soul.


But Lu Zheng didn't get in the way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two ruby ​​swords stabbed the southern envoy in the opposite direction.

"why is that?"

The Southern God Envoy was stunned, unable to rest his eyes, and then the true spirit was sucked away again by the wooden sign that had just absorbed the Eastern God Envoy.

next moment.

The Western God Envoy, who was trying his best to adapt to the skyrocketing strength of the wooden sign, heard a joke in his ear.

"The Supreme Promise, the Edict of the Three Purities, set!"

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