I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 346: Lu Zheng is in good health

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I have a seal of the two realms. Chapter 346 Lu Zheng is in good health. Shen Ying is even more excited than expected.

Three poles in the sun.

Lu Zheng held the door frame, and the sun shone through the gaps in the branches and leaves of the old peach tree, which made him feel a warmth.

"Where's Qingyan?"

"Miss Liu said that she was going to the doctor today, and she has already eaten breakfast, so she will go back first." Xiao Cui came over with a copper basin and waited on Lu Zheng to wash her face and wash.

Lu Zheng nodded. The three of them were in a row last night. Shen Ying was in the C position, and Liu Qingyan was only a support position, so it didn't consume much.

And Lu Zheng was in the t position and suffered the most firepower, so he slept until dawn.

After Lu Zheng finished washing up, Shen Ying also got up, took a shower at will, and pulled Lu Zheng to the front hall for breakfast.

"Where's the eighteenth day girl?" Lu Zheng asked.

In other words, he didn't see the Eighteen Peach Blossoms when he came yesterday, and thought they were not in the village at that time, but they weren't there this morning...

Shen Ying said with a smile, "I've been hiding in the peach tree, retreating to practice." Remember the website m.xbequge. com

"So it is!" Lu Zheng nodded clearly.

While eating with Shen Ying, Lu Zheng also talked about how he met Hu Zhou and his son, and then went to Dingfeng Mountain as a guest.

Shen Ying knew about Hu Zhou. After all, the first time they met was in Taohuaping.

However, Shen Ying basically didn't participate in the later events, so she never met Hu Zhou's mother and Hu Yijun.

Of course, she also knew what happened later, but she didn't expect that Lu Zheng would accidentally run into each other when he went to Southern Border this time.

"I didn't expect that Lu Lang would just accept an apprentice, but he is still the son of the big demon in the Southern Border." Shen Ying propped her chin up and looked at Lu Zhengxiao, "Sister Qingyan is also kind and rewarding, and she has the hope of longevity."

"Good luck." Lu Zheng smiled, "Unfortunately you can't... eh? Can you come with us in October?"

Shen Ying smiled and shook her head, "Of course not, I don't even have five hundred years of Taoism, how can I escape from the body of the old peach tree."

"That is, as long as you have five hundred years of Taoism?" Lu Zheng asked.

"I don't know." Shen Ying shook her head, "Dao Xing is Tao Xing. Although it is related to the cultivation of the soul, it cannot be generalized. I don't even have a sense of it until I reach the realm."

"So..." Shen Yingxue shrugged and smiled like Lu Zheng said, "It means that I am still far away from being a pure soul and roaming the world."

"Okay." Lu Zheng expressed his understanding, "but it will always get faster and faster, right?"

Shen Ying's eyes glowed, "Of course!"

With "Peach Demon" as the source, Shen Ying can be said to be full of confidence.


After breakfast, and after a while with Shen Ying, Lu Zheng returned to Tonglin County.

Passing by Renxintang and wanting to say hello to Liu Qingyan, she saw that Liu Qingyan was seeing a patient, and there was a woman sitting beside her, it was Du Yueyao.

"Lu Lang!"

Seeing Lu Zheng, Liu Qingyan squinted her eyes into crescents, greeted with a smile, and let Lu Zheng come in.

"Uncle Liu, Qingyan, Yueyao."

Lu Zheng came in, greeted him, and came to Liu Qingyan's side.

"The lungs are swollen and sweaty, and the asthma is stuffed in the throat like vomiting. This old man is sick in the lungs." Liu Qingyan said.

Ask Du Yueyao to check the patient's pulse again, Liu Qingyan took a piece of paper and pen, and gave the old man a prescription for treating lung heat.

Seeing Du Yueyao let go, Liu Qingyan asked the old man and relatives to get the medicine, and then told Du Yueyao the difference between excess heat in the lungs and deficient heat in the lungs.

Liu Qingyan taught meticulously, and Du Yueyao studied seriously.

Seeing the concentration of the two women, Lu Zheng was thinking that in addition to being a doctor, Liu Qingyan might be a teacher too.


What am I thinking?

Lu Zheng shook his head and shook off the thoughts in his mind.

Seeing Lu Zheng shaking her head, Liu Qingyan couldn't help but ask, "Lu Lang, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing." Lu Zheng said, "I just woke up, and I'm still a little tired."

Du Yueyao didn't know why, but Liu Qingyan blushed.

Although she knew that Lu Zheng was joking, Liu Qingyan bit her lower lip lightly and winked like silk, "Do you want Qingyan to prescribe a medicine for you?"

The eyes are still looking down.

"Cough cough!"

Lu Zheng coughed twice, and puffed out his chest, "No need, my son is very successful in martial arts, and his health is very good, just take a rest!"

Seeing Liu Qingyan snickering, Lu Zheng turned his eyes and said word by word, "It will be completely fine before tonight!"

Liu Qingyan understood what Lu Zheng meant, her face flushed, and she gave Lu Zheng a pleading look, meaning that Du Yueyao was still there.

Lu Zheng blinked, so he no longer insinuated, it was just a normal chat.


After having lunch together at noon, Lu Zheng went home first and rested for an afternoon.

At night, he gently rubbed the sachet Liu Qingyan gave him, and then saw Liu Qingyan appear timidly at the door of his bedroom.

"Lu Lang~"

Seeing Lu Zheng's eyes glowing, Liu Qingyan's cheeks were flushed, her eyes were weak, and her voice was timid, "Please also have mercy on Lu Lang~"


Lu Zheng proved that he is in good health and does not need medicine.

Liu Qingyan said that Lu Zheng was right!


Early the next morning, Lu Zheng comfortably traveled back to modern times.

Spend the weekend with Lin Wan.

Lu Zheng is actually quite regular these days in modern times.

Travel through the ancient times early in the morning.

In the evening, come back before dinner, either make dinner and wait for Lin Wan to eat together, or have a tooth sacrifice with Lin Wan outside, and finally sleep comfortably.

Then continue the next day.

Of course, the last two days have returned to an irregular routine.

But Lin Wan was used to it, at least Lu Zheng didn't let her doves on the weekend as promised.

"You guys have been very leisurely lately!"

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan strolled around Fulong Plaza, bought some summer clothes, and went to see a movie in the afternoon. After coming out, it was just after six o'clock, and they came to the fifth floor to eat hot pot.

"For most cross-border cases, we only need to coordinate and communicate information in the center, and we don't need the action team to go out." Lin Wan said, "and once the action team needs to go out..."

"That's a big case!" Lu Zheng answered.

"Yes, at least it involves a big person on the bright side, or a serious human life case." Lin Wan nodded and said.

"Understood!" Lu Zheng asked again, "What about the last case, is there a follow-up?"

Lin Wan sneered, "I inquired with the Interpol branch in Japan. After Haneda Mahiro was assassinated, only the killer organization was dug up and most of the killers were killed, but the leader was not found, nor was the mastermind behind the scenes found. .

As for the Yinguang Group, it was soon eaten up by several big chaebols. "

"You didn't inquire about the Matsushima family?"

"No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I dare not, for fear of attracting attention." Lin Wan shook her head and said.

"What about the Osaka Naval Base?"

Lin Wan said angrily, "Then don't dare. There is no news on the bright side about the naval base."

Lu Zheng laughed, "The point is, it's been nearly a month, and no one has come to test you, right?"

Lin Wan thought about it, "That's true."

So they are definitely safe.

Now that it's safe, of course it's time to celebrate...

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