I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 347: Goodbye Zhao Wenrong

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I have a seal of the two realms. Chapter 347 Goodbye Zhao Wenrong Lu·Master of Time and Space Management·Slag·Good Health·Zheng returned to ancient times again.

Lin Wan went to and from get off work normally, Liu Qingyan took Du Yueyao to the doctor every day, and Shen Ying kept practicing in Taohuaping.

Lu Zheng seems to have returned to his daily state of salted fish.

From time to time, I go to Baiyun Temple to sit, to Chenghuang Temple to sit, and to Wuxiu Village to sit and sit.

On this day, Ren Xintang was really idle, and Lu Zheng was bored, so he was going to take Liu Qingyan out for a walk.

Liu Qingyan was a little moved, but she was a little embarrassed in front of Du Yueyao, so she pulled Du Yueyao with her.

Lu Zheng has nothing to do. He doesn't plan to do anything during the day. Anyway, he can use the summoning technique at any time at night.

"I haven't been to Yuling Garden for a long time, let's go to the theater today!" Liu Qingyan's eyes were bright.

"Okay!" Du Yueyao clapped her hands and smiled, her eyes glowing.

Several days have passed, and Du Yueyao and several people have become familiar with each other, knowing that Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan are both good characters. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Liu Qingyan is gentle and playful, and Lu Zheng has a calm personality, which also allows Du Yueyao to let go of her nature, and a hint of adventurous personality emerges from time to time under her virtuous appearance.

Lu Zheng said that as expected, most of the ladies in the ancient Chinese stories have this kind of personality.

The ancients never lied to me!

At this point, lunch was over, and the group went to Yuling Garden together, with a Du Yueyao guard not far away.

Du Yueyao came to Tonglin County alone, and of course there were always people around her.

Du Yuru assigned Du Yueyao a maid, a servant and two guards.

The maids and servants are basically only at home. The two guards change shifts every day.

According to Du Yuru, these guards could also help Ren Xintang solve some minor troubles. As a result, the guards stayed for a few days and never found any gangsters or gangsters making trouble.

Thinking about it, what kind of identity is Lu Zheng, it is estimated that those who make troubles on weekdays have already been warned by the county magistrate Liu Zhaotou.

Today, Du Yueyao and Lu Zheng came out together. It stands to reason that with Lu Zheng on his side, Du Yueyao is definitely not in danger, but after all, the **** still followed.

Du Yueyao also saw it, so he called him over, "We're going to Yuling Garden to listen to the play. With Big Brother Lu by my side, I won't be in danger. You can go and rest by yourself."


The guard had already been instructed in this regard, so he just cupped his hands and said, and then turned to Lu Zheng, "I don't know if the young master will go home directly, or go back to Renxintang?"

Lu Zheng looked at the sky, and it is estimated that after listening to this song, Shen Shizhong will be in, and it will be meaningless to return to Renxintang.

"Go home directly and go to Liu's family for dinner."


The guard knew what to do, so he retreated.

"Let's go!" Du Yueyao clapped her hands and laughed.

Then a few people came to Yuling Garden and asked for a private room to sit and listen to the music.

"The Legend of Hong Ling".

"The Legend of Hong Ling again?" Lu Zheng couldn't help asking.

"This is the classic song of Yuling Garden." Liu Qingyan said, "I never get tired of watching it."

"Hmm!" Du Yueyao nodded repeatedly, indicating that Liu Qingyan was right.

Lu Zheng, "…"

Well, in addition to acting, this opera also has singing, which can indeed be enjoyed repeatedly. There are also operas in China and operas abroad. They are all similar art forms.

Lu Zheng once again thought about whether he should buy a rechargeable projector and let them see modern special effects movies.

Do a miracle?

Hmm... well... it is estimated that it will provoke Zhenyisi, the evil god, and I must die!

Yuling Garden served tea and snacks, while Lu Zheng took out the peanut and melon seed mine...juice, and listened to another song with the two girls leisurely.

At the end of the play, Lu Zheng shook his head, he killed all the descendants of the big wild boar, and then his eyes swept across the hall, but did not see any conspicuous characters.

At the end of the song, Lu Zheng came out with Liu Qingyan and the two girls, and was about to leave through the small door at the back of Yuanzi's private room. As a result, just halfway through, he met a handsomely dressed son, who came with a servant. .

Zhao Wenrong!

He also listened to the music in the elegant room of Yuling Garden and was about to leave.

Seeing the three of Lu Zheng, Zhao Wenrong's eyes flashed, and an unnatural look flashed on his face, but he cleaned up his clothes, stepped forward and cupped his hands, "I have seen Mr. Lu, I didn't mean to offend last time, please ask the son to have more Haihan!"

Although it was more polite than last time, there was still a sense of apprehension and alienation.

Lu Zheng glanced at Zhao Wenrong, his eyes flashed, and he handed over with a smile, "Actually, you didn't do anything, and the shopkeeper Zhou has apologized. Forget about it, and bring it up from time to time, but it seems to be unrelenting."

Zhao Wenrong's face loosened, and she squeezed out a smile, knowing that people really didn't take her and his party seriously, and of course they really didn't care about what happened before. Similarly, judging from the news brought back by Zhou Mingsheng, people didn't want to deal with him either. .

I happened to meet this time, and greeted politely and distantly. Zhao Wenrong took a step back and asked Lu Zheng to go first.

Lu Zheng was also polite, nodded, took Liu Qingyan and Du Yueyao out of Yuling Garden, and then turned around to see Zhao Wenrong and the servant behind him walking in another direction.

Lu Zheng rubbed his chin, his eyes flashed a few times, thoughtfully.

"Who is this person? He seems a little afraid of Big Brother Lu?" Du Yueyao asked curiously.

"Guo Jianglong from Yizhou Prefecture wanted to buy my shop before." Lu Zheng smiled.

Then Liu Qingyan told Du Yueyao what happened before.

"It is estimated that he did not know where to find out Lu Lang's identity and footsteps. The next day, he died, and the shop next to Sweet Food House was returned to Yaxing and put up for sale."

Du Yueyao snorted when she heard the words, and commented, "Playboy."

Liu Qingyan nodded, with a smile in her eyes, and looked at Lu Zheng again, as if asking, "But it's not a crime to die, right?"

"Huh?" Du Yueyao looked suspicious, looked at Liu Qingyan, and then at Lu Zheng, "How come it's a death sentence?"

She didn't believe that Lu Zheng would die because of this trivial matter, not to mention that it has been more than a month since this incident. If it didn't happen to happen today, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com estimated that Lu Zheng would have forgotten this person.

Lu Zheng nodded and said lightly, "There is a ghost on him."

"Ah!" Du Yueyao exclaimed.

Seeing that the people around him were all looking at him, Du Yueyao hurriedly shrank his shoulders and lowered his voice, "What the hell!?"

His expression was frightened and slightly excited, like a modern girl visiting a haunted house.

Of course, the main reason for not being so afraid is that Lu Zheng is by his side.

Lu Zheng rubbed his chin, and his tone was quite teasing, "Yeah, I guess I've been having **** with that female ghost for some time."

Du Yueyao:

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