I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 465: cockfighting

More than half a month has passed, and nothing has happened. It is estimated that the wizard has no idea where he is wandering.

During this period, in fact, apart from Du Yueyao living in the Liu family, the rhythm of everyone's life did not change much.

Shen Ying didn't live in Tonglin County, she just stayed for a few peach blossom goddesses, and then returned to Taohuaping, but the frequency of coming here was higher than before.

As for Lu Zheng, of course, continue to be salty... continue to practice hard.

After all, the cultivation base breaks everything.

When one's cultivation base is high enough, and his spiritual sense moves for thousands of miles, even if the Primordial Saint Sect wizard can be killed by himself at a glance, even if he hides on the edge of thousands of miles away, is it still so troublesome?


"Just listening to Luo Hongyi's grief and grief, babbling and singing, the most beautiful thing is that the beauty can't be kept, and it's just like the surging river..."

"well said!"

"It's a pity that Huang Shusheng is ruthless. If I marry Miss Luo, I will not let the girl in red stay alone in the empty room, sad and desolate!"


The owner of Lepinglou still has a few brushes, and the newly invited storytellers often have new stories, short stories and long stories, and the storytelling is not bad.

Because of the abundance of spiritual energy in ancient times, the cultivation speed and cooling speed in ancient times were still faster than in modern times, so Lu Zheng spent most of his time on the ancient side.

Hearing about books is one of his recreational activities here.


Master Lu, Ge You was paralyzed, raised his hand and summoned a man generously, and threw a handful of copper coins on the wooden plate.

"Thank you, Young Master Lu for the reward!"

One of the guys thanked him loudly, and the other gave Lu Zheng tea with a wink.

The storytellers on the stage cupped their hands together, and bowed to Lu Zheng for a while, and then gave a slap in the back, and began to tell another story.

At noon, Lu Zheng came out of the Leping Building slowly and leisurely, and saw a circle not far away, fighting cocks.

Shaking his head, as a peace lover who has never killed a chicken, Lu Zheng never watched such a **** game, so he didn't lean in to watch it, but just walked by.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt a flash of breath in the crowd.

"it is good!"

"Hey! Why did you lose again!"

"This Great General Chitian is too powerful, this has won three games in a row!"

"Haha, give and take!"

"Li Laosi, wait, I'll go to the town to watch chickens today, and we'll continue tomorrow!"

"I'm waiting!" A voice laughed, "Let's be here today, today is enough to win, I'm going home with the general."

Then Lu Zheng saw a man holding a big rooster squeezed out of the crowd, carrying a bag of money, proudly heading west of the city.

In the crowd, because the idle guy left, there were two more cockfights on the field, the dealer was shouting to open the market, and the crowd of onlookers also started betting with you thirty and me fifty.

Lu Zheng didn't squeeze into the crowd, just glanced at the fourth Li Lao Si with flickering eyes, and then followed slowly.

All the way through South Street, into the west of the city, bypassing two alleys.

Li Laosi also looked back for a few times, but of course he couldn't see Lu Zheng, who had already disappeared.

"Quickly count, how much did you earn today?"

When I came to a dilapidated yard, it was not Li Laosi who spoke, but the big rooster who had won three games in a row.

"Don't worry, I'll count."

Li Laosi put down the big rooster, spread the money bag on the table, and a pile of copper coins spilled out of his pocket.

"Won three games, and the one who won the opposite chicken owner was 100 yuan per person, and the dealer's dividend was drawn. The first game was more than 300 yuan, the second game was much less, and the third game made another 200 yuan. Money, a total of 917 coins."

"Enough to buy me 100-year-old ginseng and 100-year-old Ganoderma lucidum?" Big Rooster asked.

"Of course...not enough!"

Li Laosi looked at the copper coins that were nearly always in front of him, his eyes were red, he had never had so much money before!

"With this money, I can go to Chunfenglou to stay for one night..."

The big rooster flapped his wings, "How much can I buy the elixir?"

"Why do you have to be consistent, right?" Li Laosi said.

"That means you have to fight for ten days?"

"It's hard, you are so powerful, maybe no one will fight you in a few days!"

"Then what?"

"Don't hurry, fight first, and you also have to hold back some strength, don't win too easily."

"I know, I let those weak chickens peck my feathers down."

"Okay, okay!" Li Laosi comforted the big cock, "Wait a few more days for you to win, and Wang Yuanwai, the county's favorite cockfighting fighter, must have heard of it. He has a chicken farm with hundreds of cockfighting cocks. Whether we can eat and drink spicy food at that time will depend on that wave."

While talking, Li Laosi scooped a large spoonful of yellow rice from the rice jar and poured it into a ceramic bowl on the ground.

The big rooster flapped its wings and jumped over to eat rice.

"Win a few games in a row, win some money first, and then Master Wang will definitely pay for you, no matter what, I will sell you to him, and you will run away secretly at night. Come out, let's take the money and fly away, and go to the next county to buy you elixir!"

"Giggle, good!"

Lu Zheng, "..."

I thought I found something moving, but I didn't expect it to be a story of an unexpectedly enlightened monster who teamed up with humans to win money.

As for the strength of this big cock...

He also beat other big cocks. It is estimated that even ordinary people can't beat him. If he is pinched by the neck, he will die, which is far worse than Hou Ping's year.

I don't know how the two of them met. This is much more interesting than hearing about the book. Lu Zheng became interested and prepared to follow up and observe.


The next morning, Lu Zheng came to the previous street cockfighting field again.

Sure enough, Li Laosi and the big **** had already arrived, and they were fighting with another **** that looked quite majestic on the field.

Three games in a row, win every game.

It's just that compared to the one I got yesterday, I only won 500 dollars today.

There is no way, if you win too many games, even the dealer can't draw much money, let alone their dividends.

On the way back, Lu Zheng also figured out how they met.

Li Laosi is a lonely and idle man. He feeds the whole family and does not go hungry. His only property is a small courtyard in the slum in the west of the city. He spends his days gambling for a living. Catching crickets and pheasants in the woods outside the city.

A few days ago, he lost everything, and went to the woods outside the city to try his luck. As a result, he happened to meet a big rooster who was probing his brain at the edge of the woods.

And this big **** didn't know whether it was the awakening of the bloodline or what kind of genius treasure he ate. Anyway, his intelligence was activated, but his own strength did not keep up.

There are too many dangers in the woods, not to mention tigers and leopards, even lynx and fox, can take it as lunch.

So it decided to try its luck in the county where mortals live. Even if it hides and cultivates slowly as a pheasant, it is better than being precarious in the forest.

So, two people, no, one person and one chicken hit it off.

cockfighting! make money!

Li Laosi seemed to see the prettiest sister in Chunfenglou laughing at him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The big rooster also seemed to see the scene where he fluttered his wings and became a blockbuster.

Then, at the suggestion of Li Laosi, who is more familiar with the cockfighting industry, one person and one chicken decided on the plan of cockfighting to improve his reputation, and then to win the money from Mr. Wang twice.

At that time, with more than 100 sticks in hand, they can leave Tonglin County with peace of mind and go to other counties to continue.


Sure enough, no one suspected that the big rooster was a demon who only had a spirit of wisdom.

Everything went according to their plan, and on the fourth day, they were invited away by two people who looked like servants of a wealthy family.

------off topic-----

Thanks to Taoist Dong Zhaoji and book friend 20191207221507764 for the reward

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