I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 466: chicken blood

Lu Zheng was invisible all the way, and followed to a compound in the north of the city. The plaque at the entrance said Wang's house, and then he remembered the owner of this house.

In addition to Mr. Wang, there is land outside the city, and there are shops in the south of the city. He is also a famous wealthy family in Tonglin County. Lu Zheng met twice when he was listening to books in Lepinglou, and twice when he was shopping in the south of the city.

When we nodded, there was no friendship, but I didn't expect that there was still a hobby of cockfighting.

I saw Li Laosi hugging the big rooster, nodding and bowing, and followed the two servants into the side courtyard. He saw Mr. Wang sitting outside the courtyard, with a few servants standing beside him, with three chicken coops under his feet.

"I heard that you, General Chitian, have won three games in a row on the street?"

"Yes yes yes!" Li Lao Si nodded again and again.

"Do you know the rules?" Old clerk Wang said sullenly.

"I know! I know! Compared with your cockfight, I won ten times and lost three times." Li Laosi's eyes were shining.

"It stands to reason that I can't even take a look at the wild cockfights on your streets, that is, the ones that can be killed can only enter my eyes, but if they enter my yard, they will lose more and win less. For the sake of freshness, I won't even take a look at it." Mr. Wang said outside, waving two jade **** in his hands.

"I heard that you can fight three cockfights in a row, and I have prepared three cockfights here. If you can win, then..."

"Thirty pass!" Li Laosi answered, his eyes were red.

"Yes." Mr. Wang nodded, "How is it, compare?"

You must know that cockfighting is also a game that cannot be turned back. Once a cockfight loses, it is likely to be dead or abolished. Li Laosi's cockfighting is obviously a street bully. If you can't save 30, you don't have to take risks here.

When Li Laosi heard this, he nodded vigorously without hesitation, "Bi!"

Old clerk Wang smiled slyly, "Come on, let Captain Qingfeng out."


The first servant on the left immediately opened the cage under his feet, and let out a big rooster covered in green feathers.

"This is the old man's Captain Qingfeng, and he can also be ranked in the top 20 in my chicken farm. Let's try your fineness as General Chitian."

"Just take a look!" Li Laosi tossed the big **** in his hand, "Go!"

The big rooster flapped his wings and landed in the open space in front of him. Then he spread his wings, raised his head, and stared at Colonel Qingfeng on the opposite side, swaying his neck in a provocative manner.


The opposite Colonel Qingfeng did not show any weakness, the two chicken feet alternated, flapping their wings, and rushed into the field quickly, with a long beak, pecking at the big **** fiercely.


The next moment, the two big roosters were fighting together.


Ninety-eight percent of the feathers belonged to Captain Qingfeng.

Colonel Qingfeng couldn't keep up with General Chitian's movement rhythm at all, and fell into a disadvantage from the very beginning. He was reluctant to defend and counterattack. Although he was brave, it was useless.

After a few rounds, the body was already dripping with blood, the feathers were scattered, and the strength was low.


Trying to get out of the attack range of General Chitian, Colonel Qingfeng lay down all over, with his wings folded and his head on the ground, signaling to admit defeat.

"Win!" Li Laosi was so excited that he jumped up, and Shiguan got it!

Mr. Wang's eyes flashed and he nodded, "Let General Hundred Flowers come on stage."

A servant picked up the defeated Colonel Qingfeng, locked him in a cage, and released another big rooster with colorful feathers from the cage.

This Hundred Flowers General held his head high, his eyes were sharp, and he walked vigorously towards the opposite General Chitian.

Compared to Colonel Qingfeng, who had just rushed forward impatiently, General Baihua was obviously more stable.

But it was useless to be prudent. Although he held out for a while longer than Colonel Qingfeng, he was still pressed and beaten by General Chitian and pecked **** the head a few times. In the end, he surrendered obediently.

"Good fight!"

There is no need for Li Laosi to brag, the old eyes of Wang Laoyuan looking at the big rooster are already bright, "Okay, I didn't expect that a general can be found in a pheasant, and the red-topped marshal can come out!"

The last cockfighting **** came out of the cage. Except for Mr. Wang and the other side, even the fourth Li Laosi, who knew that his own cockfighting was good, gasped.

He is a third taller than the average cockfighting cock, and his body is a bit fatter, but his body is very flexible from the time he comes out of the cage to walking, and there is no sense of clumsiness at all.

On the contrary, the big **** didn't feel it at all, he even raised his wings and pecked his armpits with his beak, smoothing his feathers.


Marshal Hongding called out, and then rushed towards General Chitian as if Taishan was pressing the top.


The big **** doesn't give in, and the front is hard.

Although the big rooster is enlightened, his body has not undergone qualitative changes. At first, he was suppressed by this unusual red-topped marshal, and his strength and speed did not prevail.

However, after all, there is already a trace of demon power in the body, and the stamina is obviously higher than that of ordinary cockfighting. After the red-topped marshal worked hard, and then declined, after three exhausted, the big **** fought back strongly and finally pecked the opponent. Dodge around, and finally throw in the towel.

"Win!" Li Laosi waved his fist.

Wang Yuan's expression remained the same, but his eyes flashed and his breathing became a little heavier.

"Good! It's really good cockfighting! This cockfight is majestic and majestic, full of yang, it's really..."

After taking a sigh of relief, Mr. Wang said in a calm tone, "Li Laosi, your cockfighting is really good, can you sell it?"

Li Laosi's eyes flashed and he came.

"This, this cockfighting **** is the parent of the fourth child, and the cost of food and clothing in the future will all depend on it..."

"But apart from the old man in the county~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is not much money for you to win. If you go to other county towns, are you not afraid of being eaten and wiped?" The old man tempted, "The old man will give five more money. Shiguan, buy your fighting cock."

Li Laosi's eyes turned, "One hundred points!"


After some bargaining, Li Laosi sold the big rooster for 80 kangaroos. Together with the 30 kangaroos he won before, he left with a total of 110 kans worth of treasure notes in his arms.

Li Laosi left, Wang Laoyuan waved to all the servants to leave, and only one old servant stepped forward and caught the big cock.

Mr. Wang nodded at him, "Do you know what to do?"


Mr. Wang waved his hand outside, "Go down."

Then the old servant bowed and went down with the big cock.

Lu Zheng watched the scene in stealth and was very interesting. He thought that after that, the big rooster sneaked away at night. Li Laosi and it will reunite with him in the city tomorrow morning, and go to other county towns to continue the story of cockfighting and winning money.

With the ability of this big rooster, is it not easy to open the buckle of the chicken cage?

Shaking his head, the play was over, and Lu Zheng didn't remind Mr. Wang to make money. After all, people make money by their ability. You didn't see that the big **** was a demon, it was because of your poor eyesight.

So Lu Zheng was about to leave in stealth.

However, before he could leave, he saw that the old servant who had just left had come back in a hurry.

I saw that his face was a little worried, and he was holding a wooden plate in his hand. On the plate was a pottery bowl. The pottery bowl was filled with a bowl of red liquid, and the blood was extremely strong.

When he came to Mr. Wang, the old servant replied in a low voice, "Master, that General Chitian has been killed by the back chef. This is chicken blood."

Lu Zheng: 〣(oΔo)〣

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