I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 467: small building woman

Lu Zheng was stunned.

But I felt a trace of demonic energy in the **** liquid in the pottery bowl...

This is the blood of that big cock!

Really kill!

I go! Didn't you buy this big **** for cockfighting?

"Okay! Good!" Wang Lao looked at the pottery bowl in the wooden plate, "With this bowl of blood, Xiaowan said that she can't return to normal for a month!"

There was also a hint of hope in the old servant's eyes, but he couldn't help but ask, "Master, if the young lady can return to normal, why not take her to Baiyun to watch?"

"can not go!"

Mr. Wang cut off his voice and said, "What if the Taoist priests of Baiyun Temple can't cure her, and they still have to subdue the demons and exorcise them?"

"But it's not a problem to keep dragging on like this?" The old servant said worriedly.

"As we all know, the corpse poison is irreversible." Mr. Wang took a deep breath and sighed, "I hurt her, I can last as long as I can."

"Go, go to the small building while the blood is still hot."

Mr. Wang said a word, then got up and walked towards the backyard.

The old servant responded with a sound, then hurriedly followed with a wooden tray.

Wang's house is not small, and there are many people in it, but when I came to the most remote courtyard in the northwest of the backyard, there were basically no people around.

"Little Wan!"

Before entering the door, Mr. Wang called out in a low voice.


Although the voice can be heard as a female voice, it has a hint of hoarseness.

"How are you?"

"I, I'm okay, that is, the nails are growing again."

"Father met a big yang rooster today, which has been killed and let blood. If you drink this bowl of blood, you will definitely recover for a month."

Mr. Wang walked into the small courtyard, pushed the door and entered the small building in the courtyard. The old servant licked his lips and followed in with a plate.

And of course Lu Zheng followed suit.

I saw that the square windows in the small building were closed, and a woman in Tsing Yi sat at the table with her back to the door, her body exuding a gloomy corpse aura.


Lu Zheng looked around the room and saw about a dozen safety talismans on the door beams, windows, and walls.

Although the effect was not obvious, it also blocked all the corpse aura that was not strong.

"Xiao Wan, drink it while it's hot."

Mr. Wang came not far from the woman, turned around, took the pottery bowl from the wooden plate, and put it on the table beside the woman.

"Thank you dad."

The woman whispered softly, stretched out her hand sideways, and touched the pottery bowl, but the outstretched hand showed a tinge of green gray, and the five-finger nails were an inch long, gray, black and dry.

Wang Laoyuan's eyes showed distress, and the old servant behind him was also worried and afraid.

At this time, Lu Zheng had turned to the front of the woman.

I saw that the woman's face was the same blue-gray color as the skin on her hands, her lips were black, her teeth were black and yellow, but her eyes were the same as ordinary people.

Lu Zheng was very surprised, "It looks like she has been poisoned by corpse poison, but why hasn't her soul been wiped out by the corpse poison?"

Then, the woman picked up the chicken blood, brought it close to her mouth, raised her head, lifted the bowl, and drank it all.


Taking a deep breath, Lu Zheng saw that the woman closed her eyes, and there were looming auras in her body, forming Zhou Tian, ​​and with the rooster blood mixed with demonic energy, it slowly suppressed the corpse poison in her body.

The skin gradually becomes white and soft, and the nails gradually shorten and restore.

In a mere half a column of incense time, the woman turned back to an ordinary person.

It's just that the corpse poison is difficult to clear, and it is still lurking in her internal organs. As long as the efficacy of the drug passes, it will make a comeback.

This woman can practice.

It's just that he's just getting started, and it's obviously a wild way. Even the corpse poison that has penetrated deep into his internal organs cannot be completely eliminated.


It seems that the divine soul is naturally powerful, and with its own cultivation, it does not allow its divine soul to be corroded by the corpse poison?

In this case……

Why not go to Baiyunguan for help?

You must know that the so-called corpse poison cannot be eliminated, that is to say ordinary people, because the corpse poison will not only transform the body, but also quickly erode the soul, directly destroying the brain of ordinary people.

By that time, even if the cultivator uses means to remove the corpse poison from his body, in fact, the person who was infected with the corpse poison will have already died.

Hence this rumor.

In fact, in the early stage of corpse poisoning, when the soul has not been infected by the corpse poison, and the physical body has not been completely transformed, there is still salvation.

As for the woman in front of her, not only was her spirit unobstructed, but the corpse poison was obviously not strong, and she did not completely transform her body. It just lurked in her body, transforming her external image, and she was always controlled by the woman with her cultivation and rooster blood.

As long as there is a master to remove the corpse poison, it can be recovered after raising it for a month or two.

It can only be said that not only does Wang Laoyuan not know about this stubble, even this woman who has a little cultivation base does not know this concept, and she is worried that a powerful practitioner will kill her and slay her demons. how long.

No culture, it's terrible!


Returning to normal, the woman turned around and looked outside the old member Wang.

"Little Wan!"

Mr. Wang was overjoyed, "How did you recover so thoroughly this time?"

"I don't know, it seems that this bowl of blood is very different." Wang Xiaowan said.

"I don't know how long it will last this time?"

"About... more than twenty days."

Mr. Wang nodded again and again, "I can finally go out and meet the sun."

Speaking of which, Old Man Wang could only try to smile and sigh, "It was your father who harmed you. If you didn't have to repair the ancestral tomb, it wouldn't lead to that zombie."

"It has nothing to do with daddy, time is also fate." Wang Xiaowan shook her head, then took a breath, and said to Mr. Wang, "Dad, the corpse poison in my body is getting stronger and stronger, and ordinary rooster blood is getting harder and harder to suppress, I don't want to. I'm staying at home, and I want to go to Baiyun Temple."


Mr. Wang got up and said, "As long as you haven't turned into a zombie for a day, I will never let you go to Baiyun Temple!"


"No but!"

"No culture~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is terrible." A faint voice sounded in the ears of the three of them.

"Who?" Foreign Minister Wang Lao Yuan stood up.

Wang Xiaowan also got up immediately and stayed away from the old man Wang, "I don't know which senior came, this is all because Xiaowan is greedy for life, afraid of death and unwilling to commit suicide, and it has nothing to do with my father!"

As soon as Lu Zheng's eyes turned, he understood what Wang Xiaowan meant.

Co-authored this while worrying about slaying demons and slaying demons, and thinking that Mr. Wang raised zombies in captivity and killed him together.

It is a filial daughter.

With a slight smile, Lu Zheng wasn't going to play any evil fun that tests human nature. The performance of their father and daughter just now was enough.

However, the things that should be made clear should still be made clear, to let them know that professional people still have to find professional people.

"But your father prevented you from going to Baiyun Temple for help, wouldn't that just kill you?"

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