I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 474: Of course not

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, I have a seal of two realms


Lu Zheng stopped the flying sword. After all, what Fan Boyu said was too true.


Seeing that Lu Zheng seemed to want to do something, Fan Boyu hurriedly said, "Miss Du is a good seed for practicing the exercises I teach, let alone a Protestant wizard, even if you kill another sacrifice, we will not be your enemy. ."

"They've already been driven to the southern border, and there are still such big differences within the sect. This is simply the way to die." Shen Ying said coldly, but she also stopped to continue urging Taohuasha.

Fan Boyu sighed and saw that everyone had stopped, so in order to win the letter, he shook his hand lightly, and a stream of peach blossoms poured out of the porcelain vase, which was handed back to Shen Ying.

"There is no way, no one can convince anyone, so we can only drag it on." Fan Boyu frowned and sighed, "Now that I am teaching to avoid the southern border, the original teaching has already declined. If the new teaching produces a few more master saints, it will be delayed. For hundreds of years, it really disappeared without saying that there was a line of meritorious fundamentalism."

Shen Ying took the peach blossom and looked at Lu Zheng with Yuan Jing and others.

Lu Zheng thought about Fan Boyu's method, which was indeed different from that of the previous Southern Border shaman, and the statement about the two Protestant sects of Yuansheng Sect did not seem to be able to be made up in a short time.

Even if there is something to hide, it is estimated that it is a small detail, and the general direction should be no problem.

Nodding, Yuan Jing took the long sword, Shen Ying took the spell, and the Eighteen Goddess also descended under the control of Lu Zheng.

The next moment, the Liu family's main house and the front yard wing were lit up, but Liu Laozhang and Liu Sanliuwu saw that the fight was over, so they were ready to come out to join in the fun.

Fan Boyu looked left and right, then looked at Lu Zheng, cupped his hands and said, "Yuan Sheng Jiaofeng worships Fan Boyu, I have seen the son."

Lu Zheng bowed and returned the salute, "Lu Zheng, a layman from the outer door of Baiyun Temple, has met Mr. Fan."

Fan Boyu glanced at Yuanjing, "It turns out that Baiyunguan is very tall and admired for a long time."

Old Master Liu chuckled, "Since it's not a life-and-death enemy, you might as well serve tea in the front hall. If you have something to talk about, don't do anything."

Lu Zheng and others didn't care, but Fan Boyu couldn't ask for it, so they all said yes and moved to the front hall together.

Everyone sat down, Liu San Liu Wu served tea on one side.

Fan Boyu took the teacup and took a sip, and said without words, "I didn't expect that in a small Tonglin County, it turned out to be a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. There are both Baiyunguan and Xianghuo immortals. Master Lu is in charge."

"I have seen this Taoist priest." Fan Boyu bowed his hands to Yuanjing first, then looked at Shen Ying, "Is this the famous Peach Blossom Fairy in the south of the city?"

"Concubine Shen Ying, I have seen Mr. Shen." Shen Ying nodded lightly, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Fairy hello!" Fan Boyu returned the salute, and finally looked at Liu Qingyan again, "Fan is really clumsy, please forgive Miss Liu."

He was talking about inviting Liu Qingyan to teach and practice other witchcraft. Judging from Liu Qingyan's ability to hide from him, his own inheritance was not weak at all.

"It doesn't matter." Liu Qingyan bowed her head and returned her salute, with a graceful and generous manner.

After introducing each other, the hostility was eliminated, Fan Boyu continued, "The Protestant Saint Xueyi's life is approaching, in fact, two women with merit have been found in the southern border, but they are weak in merit, mediocre in appearance, and gifted. Crude, not in line with the intention of the Holy Maiden Xueyi, only the previous incident of the wizard going deep into the Central Plains.

However, at that time, there were other sects fishing in troubled waters in the south, and there were Zhenyisi and the Great Sect of the Central Plains in the Central Plains.

Recently, Dajing has been calm in the south, so the Protestant sent some people to enter the country to find the furnace.

And our primitive religion also hopes to find a woman who can practice the ancient witchcraft of the Yuansheng religion in the outstanding place of the Central Plains, so there are also priests who come here.

But after all, Yuan Sheng Sect was defeated in the deep mountains of southern Xinjiang. Because Protestantism has a bad reputation, it is not easy for me to show my name at will, and things are not in a hurry, so I just walk around and play in the mountains and rivers. , by the way to find someone who is destined. "

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "Is this why you are very familiar with Linling County in Rongzhou?"

Fan Boyu smiled complacently, "I stayed in Linling County for two months, haven't you and the old man Wang tried it out?"

Lu Zheng nodded helplessly, that's true, if it wasn't for Fan Boyu who accidentally revealed a flaw in "The Story of Two Shu", he wouldn't really be suspicious.

After all, he is too familiar with Linling County. Even the signature dishes of the restaurant in the county seat and the popular brothel station ten years ago are known to Lu Zheng. It is difficult for Lu Zheng to suspect that he is not from Linling County.

Having said that, Fan Boyu looked at Du Yueyao sternly and said, "Miss Du, I think everyone here is extraordinary, but you are the weakest. It's not that Young Master Lu and Miss Liu are stingy, but your aptitude is really not suitable for ordinary cultivation. road.

As the saying goes, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Although you cannot practice ordinary exercises, in my opinion, it is suitable for the ancient witchcraft of my Yuansheng religion.

You are kind-hearted, full of merits and virtues, and suitable for your state of mind. You are the most suitable saint woman for my line of meritorious fundamentalism.

I would like to accept you as a disciple, as your guardian of the Holy Religion for the first time, even though you are still an ordinary person today, but in my opinion, in twenty years at most, your cultivation will surpass mine. "

Du Yueyao couldn't help swallowing, to be honest, she was moved.

Fan Boyu is right, Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan are not stingy people, but they have checked her endowments, they can only say that the aptitude is rough, even if she has merit to improve her physique, she can start qi refining and strengthen her body. That's not bad. If you want to go to Cangming with great success, that's a dream.

Now that there is a practice method that suits you in front of you, is there any reason not to be tempted?


No matter how heartbroken, Du Yueyao did not respond immediately, but looked at Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

Du Yueyao said sternly, "I listen to Big Brother Lu!"

Du Yueyao came from an aristocratic family. Although naive, she was by no means stupid. She had never stepped into the cultivation world. Instead of trusting her own judgment and a stranger she just met, she might as well leave everything to Lu Zhengdingduo.

She believed that Lu Zheng would never harm her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Zheng nodded with a smile, and both Liu Qingyan and Shen Ying's eyes flashed with satisfaction and approval.

Fan Boyu couldn't help but look at Lu Zheng, but he didn't expect Lu Zheng to have such a big influence on Du Yueyao. Are you Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan a couple?

Lu Zheng looked at Fan Boyu, "I wonder what Mr. Fan thinks?"

Fan Boyu blinked, "What do you think? Naturally, she accepted Miss Du as a disciple, brought her back to Yuan Sheng Sect to teach her carefully, and also had the Primitive Sect saint to guide her way forward. Within ten years, she would be able to inherit the post of saint. ."

"I see……"

Lu Zheng nodded clearly and said decisively, "Of course it is... no way!"

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