I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 475: Du Yueyao's apprenticeship

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, I have a seal of two realms

Clam? no?

Fan Boyu was stunned.

Blinking his eyes, Fan Boyu frowned and said in a deep voice, "Young Master Lu, I don't know what you mean when you say it's not good?

You must know that Miss Du's talent is obviously not suitable for ordinary exercises. If you don't enter the gate of my Yuansheng Sect, won't you just do nothing and waste your life?

You are not only fighting against your opponent, you are also wasting Miss Du's talent! "

"Mr. Fan has misunderstood." Lu Zheng cupped his hands and said, "It's not that I don't want Yueyao to join Yuansheng Sect to study the Fa."

"What does that mean?" Fan Boyu asked frowning, "I'm worried that my Yuansheng Religion is not the authentic sect of Xuanmen?

Don't worry about this point, my Yuansheng Religion is also a direct descendant from ancient times. The Patriarch listened to the teachings of the goddess in the upper realms, and was granted the "Plain Goddess Blessing of the Gods", which is no worse than the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. "

Vegetarian girl?

Lu Zheng's expression did not change, and he was surprised. The good guy is also a famous goddess. It seems that this Yuan Shengjiao is not a wild way.

"Mr. Fan misunderstood." Lu Zheng laughed again, "Yuansheng Sect is famous, there is no reason to dislike it, but..."

Fan Boyu looked at Lu Zheng and waited quietly without speaking. You must know that although he liked Du Yueyao's talent, he didn't turn around and begged her to be a teacher.

"It's just that there are too many differences within your sect, and there is a Protestant sect that is staring at them, constantly looking for meritorious women to make a cauldron."

Lu Zheng said lightly, "What if Yueyao goes with you to the southern border, but is kidnapped by the Protestant Church to be the cauldron of Saintess Xueyi?"


Fan Boyu said in a stern voice, "Since Miss Du has joined our original religion, it is impossible for her to be taken away by the new religion. That is a challenge to us."

Lu Zheng waved his hand, "No, don't say it's impossible, under the temptation of living another life, winning the house perfectly, and continuing to cultivate, nothing is impossible, what's more, the power of the Protestants in the Yuansheng Sect is more than the power of your original religion. right?"

Before Fan Boyu could speak, Lu Zheng asked again, "Don't say that there are so-called impossible, I will ask you, if the Protestantism really kidnapped Yueyao to make a cauldron, your original church and the Protestant church would be torn apart. Are you going to fight in the face?"

Fan Boyu couldn't help but stagnate when he heard the words. Although his face was ugly, he stopped talking.

Lu Zheng said indifferently, "You haven't had this kind of thing happen before, because you didn't catch up with the Protestant religion when you accepted the disciples when the saints took the house and descended."

Du Yueyao's heart trembled when she heard these words, and she shivered as she hugged Liu Qingyan.

Liu Qingyan patted Du Yueyao's arm and comforted softly, "Don't worry, we won't let you go to the southern border alone."

Fan Boyu said in a deep voice, "We will protect her with all our strength, and the Protestants will never dare to rob her."

"I know, but Yueyao is my sister, do you think I will let my sister take the risk of death?"

Lu Zheng raised his brows, "She's still young, and our brothers and sisters are not weak. I don't know when will her chance come?"

Fan Boyu sneered, "What chance can be compared to the saintess of Yuan Shengjiao?"

"That's not worth taking risks with your life." Lu Zheng teased and said, "Not to mention that the Yuansheng Sect did not follow the inheritance of the goddess, and later generations changed the good merit method to the slaughter method, and the evil way took shortcuts, still in Dajing Town. Issei also hung up."

Fan Boyu argued, "That's Protestantism!"

Lu Zheng shrugged and said, "But they are also Yuansheng Sect."

Fan Boyu, "..."

What's so special, one side is the winner and the loser, and the other side is the unworthy disciple, so angry!

What's even more irritating is that he still can't beat others and can't take Du Yueyao away!

Fan Boyu breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly, "That's why there's no talk?"

Lu Zheng shook his head, "No, some talk."

Fan Boyu: _?

He almost didn't get knocked down by Lu Zheng's panting.

Why are you talking about it again?

Lu Zheng said lightly, "The premise is that Yueyao will not go to Southern Border."

"What?" Fan Boyu stared, "I have never taught the saints to train outside, not to mention that she can practice at the fastest speed when she is by the saintess' side."

"Then we can set a precedent this time." Lu Zheng nodded, "Anyway, there is a first time for everything. You can even bring forth the new in the core of the exercises, let alone this matter?"

Fan Boyu, "..."

"I know that although the Primitive Sect lineage within the Yuansheng Sect is weak, there are still masters after all, and they are not yet in the situation of seeking Yueyao's entry.

But we can't let Yueyao risk his life to go to the southern border. After all, there are other possibilities if the Yuansheng Religion is gone. If the life is gone, there is really nothing left.

Besides, having Yueyao outside not only avoided the prying eyes and attacks of the Protestants, but also could not be used as a surprise soldier at a critical moment.

You think, if you accept dozens of apprentices in the Central Plains, you can’t say that there will be dozens of saintess in a hundred years. When the time comes, you will be able to suppress the Protestantism by destroying the sect? "

Lu Zhengdun was tempted, and Fan Boyu's cheeks twitched as he listened.

Do you think you can cultivate to become a saint just by being an individual? If it weren't for Du Yueyao's true suit for the "Plain Girl Blessing of the Gods", do you think I would be arguing with you here?


There is some truth to what Lu Zheng said. If Du Yueyao's cultivation environment in the teaching is not better, it is indeed more suitable for her to cultivate in the Central Plains.


"In this way, the possibility and speed of her success will be much worse..."

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "You think we are all dead? Even if the roads are different, it's okay to give pointers from the side."

Fan Boyu glared at once, ""Plain Girl's Blessing of the Gods" is a secret method taught by me."

Lu Zheng stared back, "I'm cultivating the direct line of Taiqing!"

Then he pointed to Shen Ying, "She is cultivating the inheritance of True Monarch Taiyuan from the Upper Realm."

Then she pointed to Liu Qingyan, "She is cultivating the inheritance of Chisongzi from the upper realm."

Finally, he looked at Fan Boyu and said with a look of disdain, "Will we covet and stealthily learn your very restrictive "Plain Girl Blessing of the Gods"?"

Fan Boyu, "..."

I am Nima!

you are amazing! You are high! You despise the legacy of our losers!

Then don't let Du Yueyao learn!

Fan Boyu sighed, it was really difficult for him to give up Du Yueyao.

What can be done then?

Fan Boyu took a deep breath and squeezed out a smile, "Young Master Lu is not without reason."

He nodded, looked at Du Yueyao, and said with a warm smile, "I'm going to stay in Tonglin County for half a year to guide you, and I will come every year for a while to guide you in your practice. Of course, if you encounter problems on weekdays , you can also ask more of these people.”

Lu Zheng couldn't help smiling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Liu Qingyan looked at each other and nodded lightly.

Looking at Du Yueyao, Lu Zheng nodded, "Since that's the case, Yueyao, you should be a teacher."

Du Yueyao pursed her lips and smiled, then bowed to Fan Boyu Yingying.

"Du Yueyao pays respect to Master!"


The light of luck is credited!

------off topic-----

Thank you 08a for the reward

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