I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 476: Brother, why didn't you come?

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, I have a seal of two realms

I really didn't expect that there were still two branches in the Yuansheng Religion, and there were so many twists and turns.

Originally, they wanted to set up an ambush to guard against the wizards of the Yuansheng Sect. The whole head went to Zhenyi Division to receive the reward, but Du Yueyao was asked to be a teacher.

As for Yuan Shengjiao's registration in Dajing, Lu Zheng and Fan Boyu didn't care whether Du Yueyao would have any scruples when he was a teacher.

It is impossible for Du Yueyao to turn around and deal with Dajing just because he joined the Yuansheng Sect. The Yuansheng Sect is a lineage of the original sect, and now the focus is on inheritance, not the old grudge with the Central Plains.

I can't tell when, under Du Yueyao's matchmaking, the two will reunite?

After the conversation between the two sides was over, the sun had already risen from the east, and Mrs. Liu brought braised pork, pickles, rice porridge, and steamed buns with a smile. After everyone finished talking, it was time to eat.

After the meal, Fan Boyu asked Du Yueyao to pack up and go back to his home. He also returned to the inn to pack up and moved into Du Yueyao's yard so that he could teach the Fa on weekdays.

Du Yueyao wanted to return the jade card with the two old ghosts on it to Lu Zheng, but Lu Zheng waved his hand and refused. He can no longer use this thing now, so he will let Du Yueyao hold it for self-defense for the time being.

To put it bluntly, it's still to guard against Fan Boyu. If Fan Boyu acts maliciously, these two old ghosts can survive for a while, and they will naturally alarm Lu Zheng and Liu Qingyan's family who live in the same alley.

Du Yueyao reluctantly packed her clothes and luggage, returned to her house with a bitter face, and then came back soon, happily following Liu Qingyan to Renxintang to sit in town.

After a long while, Fan Boyu, who returned from the inn to Du's house, faced the empty house with a dazed expression, and felt a magical beast galloping past above his head.

Co-authoring the longevity method is not as attractive as going to the doctor to see a doctor?


However, this state of mind also made Fan Boyu very satisfied. Coupled with Du Yueyao's merit and talent, the position of a saint cannot escape.


The sky was bright, and Yuanjing returned to the White Cloud View.

However, Shen Ying did not return to the Peach Blossom Forest, she waved her hand to let the Eighteen Heavenly Girl go back on her own, and then pulled Lu Zheng to the Leping Building.

I didn't go home at noon, but ate at Mingyuelou. In the afternoon, I went to Yuling Garden to listen to a piece of opera and enjoyed the fun of shopping.

When I go home at night, it is naturally a lot of love and lingering.

The next day, Lu Zheng went to Yizhou Zhenyisi and asked Chu Jin to talk about it. After all, Yuan Shengjiao also registered in Zhenyisi.

As expected by Lu Zheng, Chu Jin not only didn't say a word about Du Yueyao's apprenticeship, but also wished that Du Yueyao could have smooth sailing, and cultivated all the way to the head of the saintess of the Yuansheng Sect, the leader of the leader.

At that time, if Protestantism is destroyed and primitive religion is passed on, Yuansheng Religion will become a famous sect in the Central Plains again.


For the next few days, Fan Boyu lived in Du's house and taught Du Yueyao.

Du Yueyao practiced at home in the morning. After eating, she continued to go to Renxin Hall for consultation. In the evening, she continued to practice under the guidance of Fan Boyu. She could rest until the moon was in the middle of the sky.

With a full schedule and nervousness, Du Yueyao finally felt the pain and joy of her study life.

"Right, at the age of seventeen or eighteen, it is the time when you need to study hard. The more you study now, the better you will be in the future."

Lu Zheng pointed at the commanding heights of morality, and after passing through Renxintang, he walked away from Anfang leisurely.

Du Yueyao, "..."


When the Wang family sent some old hens again, Mr. Wang and Wang Xiaowan also came to visit.

"After half a month of self-cultivation, the little girl's health has improved, so she came to pay a special visit." Mr. Wang was standing outside the door and bowed his hands in salute.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!" Wang Xiaowan was wearing a pink silk satin skirt, a ruby ​​gold step rocker on her head, and a small bell bracelet on her hand. She finally had the liveliness of a girl her age.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, Mrs. Wang, please come in, please come in!" Lu Zheng let the two into the courtyard with a smile.

"Young Master Lu can just call me Xiaowan." Wang Xiaowan bowed when she entered the door, "Xiaowan is going to go up the mountain to apprentice tomorrow. If everything goes well, she will call the son a senior brother in the future."

"Okay." Lu Zheng nodded and smiled, and then asked Aunt Liu to prepare food.

After introducing Mr. Wang and Wang Xiaowan into the front hall to sit down, Uncle Li stepped forward to serve tea, and then led the servants of the Wang family to the side courtyard to rest.

"I don't know where Madam is?" Wang Xiaowan asked charmingly, with a curious look on her face, "Xiaowan hasn't greeted Madam yet."

"Oh, she is in Renxintang on weekdays to see a doctor, and she can only rest for ten days." Lu Zheng said.

"Renxintang? Could it be that Dr. Xiaoliu, who has amazing medical skills?" Mr. Wang asked outside, "but she still..."

Lu Zheng nodded, "It's just that the Liu family lives next door."

Mr. Wang and Wang Xiaowan could only nod their heads.

It's very people and things, Lu Zheng has called Liu Qingyan his wife, and they didn't expect the two to get married yet!

Wang Xiaowan smiled and said, "I knew that Miss Liu was the son's wife, so I went to Renxintang to see Miss Liu for medical treatment. The son is an extraordinary person, and Miss Liu is naturally an extraordinary doctor."

"Her medical skills are better than mine." Lu Zheng nodded and admitted, "But you are only infested with corpse poison and your physique is weak, just to restore your body, you don't need much medical skills, otherwise I will give it to you on the spot. Look."

Wang Xiaowan nodded repeatedly.

The three said a few words. Aunt Liu had just finished preparing the meal when Liu Qingquan's voice came from the door.

"Brother-in-law and brother-in-law, are you at home? Mother made roast chicken today. Would you like to go with me to deliver meals to my sister and eat together!"

Li Bo opened the door for Liu Qingquan, and Liu Qingquan trotted all the way around the screen wall, and then saw Mr. Wang and Wang Xiaowan.

"Huh? Who are you?"

"They are Mr. Wang and Miss Wang Xiaowan. The roast chicken you made today is the old hen from Mr. Wang's chicken farm."

"Hey? Thank you so much! The quality of your old hen's meat is very good, and it tastes very delicious!"

"Miss Liu is very polite, it's just a few chickens, it's not a respect!" Mr. Wang said with a smile.

At this moment, Aunt Liu also came out of the kitchen in the outer courtyard, "Master, lunch is ready, do you want to eat it at home or take it away?"

Wang Xiaowan's eyes lit up, "Xiaowan also wants to see Miss Liu, how about having dinner together at noon?"

The father and daughter of the Wang family helped Lu Zheng out of the siege~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Zheng had nothing to do, and then asked Aunt Liu to put the food into the food box, and then went to Renxintang for dinner with Liu Qingquan and the father and daughter of the Wang family.


As soon as I came to Renxintang, I saw Li Hanyu talking to Liu Qingyan in the medical shop, and Mrs. River God, who was a guest doctor, was consulting a patient.

"I've seen my wife, I've seen my sister-in-law!"

After Lu Zheng saw the ceremony, he looked at Li Hanyu curiously, "Why didn't Brother Zhu come?"

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