I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 509: Something happened again in ancient times

"Sure enough."

"Not at ease."

Of course, those who stayed outside Zhu Luoluo's window were Lu Zheng and Lin Wan.

Knowing her identity, of course she also knew her address, so the two came to her daily residence immediately, but they didn't expect Lei Zhiyun to move faster, and she had already been blocked.

Lu Zheng thought that Lei Zhiyun would scold the other party for playing with his feelings or something.

As everyone knows, Lei Zhiyun is terrified, and he is an honest programmer. When have he encountered commercial espionage, beauty tricks, and other novels and scenes on TV? How dare he intervene at this time, and he is the first time decisively. Getting out is the right choice.

When Zhu Luoluo finished the call, Lu Zheng, who could speak Japanese, also knew what was going on.

Roughly speaking, the research project of Lei Zhiyun's company has overlapped with others, and it is said that it will be completed soon, but the other side is stuck in the last step.

So the other side couldn't help it, and sent Zhu Luoluo to prepare to steal the final plan.

As a result, because of the tight time, Zhu Luoluo also acted a little anxious, so that Lu Zheng could see the flaw, and he checked it out, revealing the secret.

Zhu Luoluo had just been reprimanded severely on the phone. After hanging up, she was sulking for a long time. Then she put on makeup and prepared to go out for a walk to relax.

She herself has a good family background, and she also works part-time as a commercial spy, contributing to the country, so this matter is over, and life continues.

Well, at least that was the case until China and Japan were completely torn apart.

Lin Wan looked at Lu Zheng, "What should I do?"

Lu Zheng pouted, of course, this kind of little person can be crushed at will, let alone keep a low profile, not to mention that he has a way to make her life worse than death.

Lu Zheng asked with a smile, "What is her biggest support?"

Lin Wan raised her eyebrows, "Pretty?"

At this time, Zhu Luoluo was changing clothes, taking off the home pajamas, leaving only the close-fitting hood and inner lining, and was choosing clothes in front of the wardrobe.

The curvaceous, concave and convex, which is really fascinating.

Lin Wan had to admit that even herself, before she cultivated, was not as attractive as Zhu Luoluo.

"Yeah, beautiful, then she can never be associated with the word "beautiful" in the future."

Lu Zheng stretched out his hand and flicked, and a curse mark passed through the window and shot into Zhu Luoluo's body.

"What spell?"

"The reduced version of the gluttonous mantra, by the way, helped her to bless her digestive system."


"She'll feel hungry and eat more than usual, and the energy from these foods will stay in her body and turn into fat."


"Don't worry, it's only three hundred pounds. After reaching the upper limit, the effect of the two will be weakened, and it will not be directly fattened to death."

"You might as well just kill her."

Lin Wan imagined that she would become a 300-pound fat man

wanna die

Lu Zheng laughed and added, "And it's all fat, no muscle."


"It will take effect in three days, and it will show in half a month, a small success in two months, and a great success in three months."

"let's go."

Lin Wan could no longer look directly at the curvaceous figure in the apartment, gave her a pitying look, pulled Lu Zheng and left.

Then, the two of them quietly went to the Haicheng Japanese School for a circle and looked at the textbooks taught by the school.



Lu Zheng moved his fingers, wanting to erase this school directly.

Lin Wan began to take pictures and collect evidence.

"Hey?" Lu Zheng asked curiously, "Didn't you say they didn't break the law?"

"That's because no one reported it, no one found out!" Lin Wan gestured to the security guards who were patrolling the campus, "I thought they were just word of mouth, there was no evidence, but I didn't expect that there would be no problems for decades, and they have been reckless to the point of These things have been brought into the country, and in this case, I will collect evidence and report it."

Lu Zheng gave a thumbs up, "Cow!"

In this way, you don't have to do anything, let alone expose yourself, and you can completely solve the troubles with the power of the state.

The two turned around and left, Lu Zheng went home, and Lin Wan went to find Huang Xiumin.

The next day, the Haicheng Japanese School was closed down and closed for rectification. Speculation and public opinion news about the Japanese school began to spread widely on the Internet.

In the next half month, Lu Zheng continued to run between the two worlds until the end of September, when he and Lin Wan attended the wedding of Tong Muxuan and Su Mengmeng.

After I followed the group and ate the banquet, it was time for the eleventh trip.


"What? Okay, I see. I'll go to the meeting now."

Hanging up the phone, Lin Wan looked at Lu Zheng, her eyes slightly helpless, "There is a case, I'm going to a meeting, it should be a business trip."

Lu Zheng could only shrug and say, "Okay, where to go?"


"It's Japan again?"

Lu Zheng couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, can I take a break after working overtime on 11th?"

Lin Wan nodded, "Of course you can!"

"That's a good thing!" Lu Zheng said, "The National Day trip is blocked. When you come back, just go out when there are fewer people."

"It seems to make sense, doesn't it?"

"It makes sense." Lu Zheng's hand slid on the hill, "So, you can think about where to go for vacation when you are on a business trip."

Lin Wan's eyes flashed, she smiled slightly, and then turned over and rode up.

Lin Wan is gone, and Lu Zheng has become a lonely man again!

After spending a pleasant night in Peach Blossom Forest, Lu Zheng lifted his waist to the clouds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ flew back to Tonglin County precariously.

From a distance, I saw Liu Qingyan accompanying Liu Lao Zhang to Renxintang, after Ao Qian and Liu Qingquan were studying together.

Lu Zheng didn't go down, but turned around in the sky, and lowered the cloud head in the alley near Leping Building, showing his figure.

"Hey? Mr. Fan?"

Lu Zheng rewarded the guy with two copper coins. As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Fan Boyu who was sitting in the front row, talking to Mr. Wang.

Lu Zheng came to the two and asked, "Mr. Fan is not teaching Yueyao today?"

Fan Boyu shook his head, "Yueyao hasn't returned to Yizhou to visit her parents for a long time. She left this morning and will be back in the afternoon the day after tomorrow."

Lu Zheng nodded, so it was.

Doing the math, Du Yueyao actually has to go back to Yizhou for three days every month, but last time because of Fan Boyu's incident, he didn't go back for a long time. Later, after taking Fan Boyu as his teacher, he seemed to go back halfway.

It's time to go back and have a look, otherwise, Du Yuru and his wife probably thought they had kidnapped their daughter.

Sitting down against Fan Boyu, the man served tea and snacks, and then Lu Zheng turned his head to look outside the old man Wang, "How is Xiaowan?"

Mr. Wang laughed outside his mouth, "Okay, okay, I went home last ten days and said that I have entered the door of cultivation, and everything went well. I would also like to thank Zhenren Shouyi for his good teaching!"

Fan Boyu rolled his eyes, "Shouyi Zhenren is not here, can't hear."

Lu Zheng nodded, "That's good."

Wang Xiaowan's practice went smoothly, and she felt at ease with her thunder technique.

After saying a few words, Mr. Storyteller came out from behind the scenes and walked to the stage. Just after a shot of gavel in his hand, Lu Zheng and Fan Boyu's eyes were condensed together.

"Master Lu! Mr. Fan! Miss, she was taken away!"

Off topic

Thank you 08 Taoists for the reward

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