I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 510: The Holy Maiden Comes

Fan Boyu reached out and grabbed it, and the guard of Du Yueyao couldn't help himself, and flew to the three of them from the stairs on the third floor.

Then grabbed him and flew out directly from the window on the third floor of Leping Building.

Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, and before Fan Boyu moved, he stretched out his hand and waved, creating an illusion of Fan Boyu and himself pulling the guards away from the stairs, and then he immediately disappeared, his figure rose into the air, and he flew out after chasing Fan Boyu. .

"what happened?"

Lu Zheng chased after Fan Boyu and saw Fan Boyu flying out of the city while asking the guard, "Guide the way!"

"Just from the west of the city to the north, on the official road to the Yizhou Mansion, we walked more than 20 miles, and just after we turned back to the mountain pass, there was no one in front of and behind, when a gust of wind suddenly swept up the mountain pass, and the top of the carriage was blown away. Miss is caught in the wind."

The guard pointed to the northwest and said, "It's over there!"

"Where is the wind blowing?"

"The west!"

Fan Boyu's face was gloomy, and he flew in the air.

Lu Zheng asked in a deep voice, "Yuansheng Religion?"

"I don't know!" Fan Boyu said, "I didn't get the news that there were Protestant priests entering Lingbei Dao."

After a while, the two landed on the place where Du Yueyao was taken away.

I saw a carriage that was almost falling apart and was moved to the side of the road, and the groom was waiting shivering.

Fan Boyu and Lu Zheng lowered their bodies, one performed the secret technique of Yuansheng Religion, and the other performed the Baiyun Guan Inheritance Guan Qi technique.

a moment later

Fan Boyu's eyes were hideous, "I can't find it! It is indeed the Yuan Shengjiao!"

My family members, of course, know how to block their own family members.

"I found it!" Lu Zheng said in a loud voice.

The other party only cared to cover up the traces that the same sect could find, but did not seal it completely. After all, Lu Zheng found a trace of Liu Qingyan left on Du Yueyao.

"Chase!" Fan Boyu said.

Lu Zheng nodded and said to the guard, "You go back first and tell the Liu family."

"Yes!" The guard hurriedly clasped his fists, knowing that he couldn't help at all, and being able to say something was his limit.

Lu Zheng rose up from the clouds, but instead of going west, he quickly went southwest.

Fan Boyu grinned, "I knew it!"

The two flew all the way, and Lu Zheng asked while flying, "Who will be on the opposite side?"

Fan Boyu said solemnly, "There are few priests in the Protestant religion who are more powerful than me, and those who are more powerful than me would not personally go to the Central Plains to arrest people."

Lu Zheng nodded, relieved.

He was a little worried before that he and Fan Boyu couldn't stop each other. If the other party flew all the way back to Yuan Shengjiao, things would be troublesome.


After only flying a few hundred miles, Lu Zheng's eyes suddenly froze, he stopped and looked at an ordinary hill at the lower left.

"What's wrong?" Fan Boyu asked.

"Yueyao is in that cave."

"How is that possible?" Fan Boyu wondered, "Why don't you just send it all the way back?"

Even if you are worried that flying all the way back will be too ostentatious, and you have to go through the mountains and forests, you won't stop just after walking a few hundred miles, right?

The next moment, at the entrance of a cave halfway up the mountain, a person turned out and looked at the two with a shocked expression, "Fan Boyu!"

"Zhao Wuji!"

Fan Boyu was stunned, "Why did you come here? You didn't come to the Central Plains because of Saintess Xueyi?"

Then, Fan Boyu looked behind Zhao Wuji, his expression instantly solemn.

Lu Zheng's eyes jumped, and the divine sense tried to sense the situation in the cave, but was blocked by a layer of infuriating barrier.

No wonder Fan Boyu didn't get the news of Yuan Shengjiao. It turned out that the Saintess of Protestantism came in person. Of course he didn't know.

"What a bummer!"

Lu Zheng uttered a foul language, and before he could move, that Zao Wou-Ki moved first.

Zao Wou-Ki stretched out his hand, and it was a black curse imprint that flew like lightning.

Lu Zheng's face sank, and he shot a flying cloud to break evil spell with one hand. While lowering the cloud head, he asked Fan Boyu anxiously, "How long does it take for the Holy Goddess to descend?"

"It depends on the situation! If the altar and the formation are all set up, it will only take an hour or two." Fan Boyu replied with a grim expression on his face.

Du Yueyao is his apprentice, the kind who has officially worshipped his teacher!

Du Yueyao has cultivated a sense of qi, and people from the Yuansheng Sect can tell that they are from the same sect!

But now she has been arrested by Saintess Xueyi, the Protestant really has no scruples!

With a wave of Zao Wou-Ki's hands, countless flowers, plants and trees in the forest withered instantly, and countless decaying energies instantly converged, turning into hundreds of runes and spells, flocking to Fan Boyu and Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng's eyes jumped, and he turned back and asked, "There aren't many wizards in the Protestant Church who are better than you?"

"Breaking the Heart Curse! Despair!"

Fan Boyu twisted his handprints and replied fiercely, "He is one of them!"

Fan Boyu said angrily, "I'll hold him back, go to the cave and interrupt Saintess Xueyi's spellcasting!"

Zao Wou-Ki shouted sharply, "Fan Boyu, you actually colluded with outsiders to stop the Holy Maiden?"

"If you don't believe me, you can't tell that the girl has already practiced the sacred method of blessing the gods!"

Zao Wou-Ki smiled coldly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since he hasn't started to worship his ancestors, he is not a disciple of the Holy Sect. "

"Look!" Fan Boyu looked at Lu Zheng, "Let me just say it?"

"I bother!"

Lu Zheng broke through more than a dozen curse marks and attacked, "That's an excuse, you still believe it? No wonder the original religion was beaten by the new religion!"

Fan Boyu, ""

The next moment, Lu Zheng's feet fell to the ground, and regardless of the curse marks surrounding his body, his feet sank and instantly fell into the ground.


Zhao Wuji was taken aback, he turned around and was about to head towards the cave.

But this time, it was Fan Boyu who didn't let Zao Wuji leave, and with a backhand shot, a spell of annihilation stopped Zhao Wuji in front of him.

Zao Wou-Ki stopped and turned his head coldly, "Do you think he can break through the Holy Maiden's circle?"

Underground, just as Lu Zheng approached, he found a barrier of infuriating energy integrated into the ground, seemingly thin, but indestructible.

Lu Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't cast spells while walking on the ground, so he could only move up and drilled out of the cave.

With a flip of the right hand, the peach wood sword is in his hand, his true energy is surging, and the tip of the sword is pointed.

"Qingwei Yuchen, Taiyi five thunders!"

The most powerful thunder method among the Qingwei Jade Chen thunder method is also Lu Zheng's strongest single attack method today.


"Taiyi Five Thunder Boom! Boom boom boom!"

Without Zao Wou-Ki's obstruction or the blessing of insiders of the circle, Lu Zheng smashed the circle to pieces with five thunder curses in a row.


Zao Wou-Ki's exasperated cry came from outside the cave, and then he rushed in in the blink of an eye against Fan Boyu's attack.

Of course Lu Zheng wouldn't wait for him, but flew into the cave and reached an open space inside the cave in two steps.

The situation in the cave immediately came into view.

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