I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 526: The method of refining the sword

What is right and what is wrong is very clear.

Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, and a golden heart sword slashed past, straight into the sea of ​​​​knowledge of the man in black, slicing his soul into two pieces, and then smashing his soul with a twist of sword energy.

The man in black died instantly, his blood and blood were defeated, his hands were released, and the silver flying sword was about to pierce his throat.


With a light sound, the red jade sword collided with the silver flying sword.

"Don't see blood, it's not easy to clean."

Xu Yihong glared at him, and then only felt the darkness in front of him, and he turned over and fell down.


the next day.

Xu Yihong felt the mottled sunlight on his eyes, and slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself lying on a bed.

Blue brick and white walls, paulownia wood bed frame, silk quilt, curling sandalwood.

Sitting up suddenly, subconsciously running the infuriating body in the body, and found that although the infuriating qi was a little weak, it was running smoothly.

Then, the situation before the coma last night flashed into his mind.

"That scholar is a master!" Xu Yihong's eyes flashed, "And he is also a swordsman?"


A faint voice rang in Xu Yihong's ear, "When you wake up, come out to wash, and then have breakfast together."

"Thank you Xiongtai for saving your life." Xu Yihong cupped his hands, then lifted the quilt and pulled the clothes not far away.

After a while, Xu Yihong dressed neatly and pushed out the door. He saw that Lu Zheng was drinking tea leisurely on the reclining chair under the persimmon tree in the backyard, and Li Bo had brought the washbasin towel and was ready.

After Xu Yihong washed up, he rushed to Lu Zheng to give formal salutes, "Back to Longshan Guyan Peak Xu Yihong, I have seen this fellow Taoist."

Lu Zheng got up and saluted, "Lu Zheng, a layman from the outer door of Baiyun Temple, has seen fellow Daoist Xu."


Xu Yihong blinked, a little confused, he thought Lu Zheng was a disciple of the sword school.

Ask Xu Yihong to sit down, Li Bo brought the steamed buns, and then bowed back.


Lu Zheng stretched out his hand and said, "I've already had breakfast, you can do it yourself, Daoyou Xu."

Xu Yihong was indeed hungry, so he was not polite. He took the steamed buns and ate them, and said while eating, "I didn't expect Brother Lu to be a practitioner, and he had a profound knowledge of the ways. He had already discovered us, but he was making a fool of himself."

"Where's that, Brother Xu is a heroic hero, tracking down the thief, but this time we just happened to meet us. If it were an ordinary person, wouldn't he have been killed by the thief?"

Lu Zheng said with a smile, and then turned to ask, "I don't know if Brother Xu knows, what is the origin of the thief?"

Yesterday, after killing the man in black, I searched my body. Apart from some treasures and drugs to boost the fun, there were also some arsenopyrite and antidote, and nothing else.

Xu Yihong shook his head, "I don't know, I found him in Yuhe County, I fought with him twice, but he escaped, chased all the way through Dingshan County, and then came to Tonglin County, this person can change face, but he doesn't care. I live in the two taels of meat under my body, and every time I enter the city, I have to commit a crime, so I didn't lose it.

This time, I also saw Brother Lu's beautiful female companion, and this person often wanders around the county after disguising, thinking that I will find the girl, so I followed up in advance, and the result..."

Lu Zheng nodded, "So it's time for him to die."

"Exactly." Xu Yihong replied, "I would like to thank Brother Lu for saving me, otherwise I'm afraid I'll die with him next time."

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "With your strength, give up killing him and walk away. Naturally, you are sure to get rid of the poisonous gas for later."

Xu Yihong looked straight, "But there will be more people who died in vain."

Lu Zheng's eyes flashed and he nodded slowly.

After chatting with Xu Yihong, I knew that Huilong Mountain is a famous mountain in Junzhou, East Sichuan Province. There are several swordsmanship schools on the mountain, each occupying one or two peaks, but they are not big, and each faction is only a few dozen people. , On weekdays, they inherit and communicate with each other, and the relationship is also good, and Xu Yihong is the disciple of Gu Yanfeng.

Xu Yihong started his apprenticeship at the beginning of this year, and his cultivation was sufficient, so he decided to go down the mountain to find pure gold materials and prepare a suitable flying sword for himself.

While looking for materials, you can also walk around the world, be a chivalrous person, cultivate your heart more, and be diligent in your practice.

"Refining flying swords?"

Lu Zheng couldn't help asking, "Don't you have a flying sword?"

"Is this handle?" Xu Yihong raised his hand, and a silver flying sword about a foot long flew out from the cuff and fell into his hand, the zhenqi was shocked, the flying sword grew long in the wind, and turned into a handle in the blink of an eye. Two feet three inches, only the silver flying sword of Jianfeng.


"This sword is given by the teacher. Most of the materials are ordinary iron, and there are only a few spiritual materials, so the sword's qi is difficult to penetrate, its power is not very large, and it is difficult to shrink. It can only be over a foot at most, and it is not easy to carry." Xu Yihong explained.

Lu Zheng nodded, seemingly understanding but not understanding. He doesn't understand these things. It's not mentioned in "Feiyu Chengxia Royal Sword Sutra!"

"Don't Brother Lu also have a flying sword, and I thought Brother Lu was also a sword cultivator."

Seeing that Lu Zheng was a little confused, Xu Yihong also asked curiously.

"It's a coincidence that my sword scriptures come here, but I only have a little bit of training~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Actually, I don't know much." Lu Zheng explained.

Then he roughly talked about how he accidentally got the Sword of Swords Sutra.

"So I just got a sword cultivator's cultivation technique and sword-wielding method. I don't know the knowledge of other sword cultivators."

Lu Zheng said, while secretly complaining that Yan Hongxia was not interesting back then, and said nothing to him.

In fact, he misunderstood Yan Hongxia. Everyone was not high in cultivation back then, and Lu Zheng obviously regarded Yujian as both cultivation, and it was enough to have a red jade sword in his hand. What can I say?

"So it is." Xu Yihong understood.

"Every sword sect has different techniques for refining flying swords," Xu Yihong said, "After all, if you want flying swords to be suitable for you, you must use your own techniques to refine them. , in order to maximize the power of this swordsmanship.”

Lu Zheng nodded.

"Since Brother Lu is studying the Imperial Sword Sutra of Feiyu Mountain in Guanglin Road, why don't you take the time to visit Feiyu Mountain?

Lu Zheng nodded again.

The matter of going to Feiyu Mountain was actually prepared back then, but later he went to the Jinhua School, and he had more and more means of defending against the enemy, and Feiyu Mountain was relatively far away, so he let it go.

If it wasn't for meeting Xu Yihong again, Lu Zheng would have forgotten about it.

In addition, the Red Jade Sword is only the nails of a hundred-year-old ghost after all, its power is really limited. For the limited increase in sword qi, it is not only weak to penetrate defenses, but also often can't beat other people's weapons in six-on-one. It really needs to be replaced. .

However, if you want to refine a flying sword that suits you, you must first go to Feiyu Mountain to learn the sword technique, and then you have to find suitable materials, and then you can finish it.

How can it be like playing a game?

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