I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 527: Overnight at Peach Blossom Village

We talked about the method of practicing swords, and then we talked about the practice of kendo.

Yan Hongxia repaired Jianwan, but Xu Yihong and Lu Zheng both repaired Feijian, and they have more in common.

Although he is relatively weak, he also told Lu Zheng some tips that did not appear in the scriptures, but were only passed down by word of mouth.

This skill is not a secret, and it is often developed between the various factions in Huilongshan, which is also very helpful to Lu Zheng.

I invited him to have a meal at noon, and took him to Liu's house in the afternoon to have dinner together.

Then he said goodbye and left the next day, and continued on his journey of finding materials for sword making and acting as a chivalrous man.

"Sword refining, it's a bit troublesome."

"Why, Lu Lang has the heart to start practicing kendo again?"

In the peach forest, Shen Ying accompanies Lu Zheng for a walk. The mountains are full of autumn leaves, and even the peach trees in the Peach Blossom Ping are beginning to lose their leaves.

"Lu Lang is based on the Baiyunguan exercise, and he has practiced so many exercises, all of which are the avenues to the sky. Although the swordsmanship is sharp, it is not as good as Baiyunguan in terms of nourishing Qi, not as good as Jinhua School in terms of spiritual training, and not as good as Leifa in terms of martial arts. Why does Lu Lang take Yujian so seriously?"

"You do not understand"

In this world, swordsmanship is one of the many paths of cultivation. How does Shen Ying know, Yu Jianxie's position in the world where Lu Zheng is located?

This is a childhood dream!

"Well, the concubine doesn't understand." The corners of Shen Ying's lips were lightly raised, and she did not argue.

How amazing is Lu Zheng's talent, even if he spends a little time refining his sword, it will not affect his own practice. It's good not to pull them further away.

What Shen Ying is worried about is

"Lu Lang, if you want to make swords, don't you have to travel the world to find materials for making swords?"

Soldiers are easy to obtain, but magic weapons are hard to find.

Feijian is a special kind of magic weapon, it needs the kind of material that has been naturally refined by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for thousands of years and has its own spiritual energy.

Also called spirit material.

This kind of thing is not easy to find.

Different spiritual materials have different usages, and the flying sword that Lu Zheng wants to refine, of course, needs metal spiritual materials.

You know, Lu Zheng has lived here for so long, and he has never seen a metal spiritual material.

Well, it's actually been over three years, and most of the time I've been living in Tonglin County. It's normal to have no knowledge, right?

Those big men who knew them might not have spiritual materials in their hands, but they didn't seem to need them at the time, and it was impossible for them to lick their faces and chase after them.

So, if Lu Zheng really found the method of refining swords, wouldn't he really have to go out to find materials?

That's where Shen Ying's worries lie.

Speaking of which, because she still hasn't completely escaped the fence of the old peach tree, she is even more obsessed with Lu Zheng.

It's not that she wants to see Lu Zheng every day, just knowing that Lu Zheng is not far away, her heart is settled.

Or it was also because Lu Zhengyuan left, she felt powerless when something happened, which was her motivation for cultivation and often made her regret.

Hearing Shen Ying's words, Lu Zheng understood in the blink of an eye.

"No need, I'm not in a hurry. When the time comes, when your soul is pure, let's go out together and play in the mountains and waters, wouldn't it be fun?"

"Hehe!" Shen Ying smiled and hugged Lu Zheng, "Lu Lang waits a little longer, the concubine will soon be able to get out of the cage, and then the sky and the ground will accompany Lu Lang."

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows, "Soon?"

Shen Ying nodded, "After all, the soul of a concubine is still human. It was a hindrance before, and then it was an advantage. On the contrary, it is easier to purify the soul than pure plants and animals."

You must know that when the Taomu God tree had been on the Taoist tree for thousands of years, the soul could not leave too far from the Taomu God Mountain.

Daoist Wan Song can do it, but he is naturally happy and quiet, but he is unwilling to move.

"And once I can get out of the cage, I will have an extra magical power."

"What magical power?"

Shen Ying said, "No matter how far away I am, I can return to Taohuaping with my thoughts."

"So awesome!"

This is amazing, isn't it equivalent to adding a life-saving magic skill.

"But, how did you know?" Lu Zheng was curious, Shen Ying hasn't reached this stage yet, so there is a feeling somewhere?

"Because the concubine can come back at any time within five hundred miles now." Shen Ying said with a smile.

Lu Zheng, ""

Well, I am ignorant.

The two walked in the deserted peach forest and exercised for a long time before returning to Taohuazhuang.

As soon as they entered the door, Taoying and Taoluo greeted them, "Fairy, we also found traces of strange ghosts around Tonglin County last night, but we didn't find their body."

Shen Ying nodded, "Continue tonight."

"Yes!" The two Peach Blossom Heavenly Maidens said yes, then bowed and stepped back.

"What's wrong?" Lu Zheng asked.

"There is news from the City God Temple. Suddenly there are some ghosts in the world, wandering around, I don't know where they come from, I don't know their purpose, so I ordered the land of the mountain **** to pay more attention and inquire about the news."

"Brother Xin?"

Shen Ying shook her head, "The City God of Yizhou."

"Is it a big deal?"

"The main reason is that I don't know how these ghosts came out. It is said that a few have been killed, but no news has been received from them."

Ordinary ghosts in the Netherworld usually have to take the yin and yang road to get out, but suddenly such a group of ghosts appeared.

Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are still many possibilities.

"Isn't the City God Temple mainly dealing with ghosts in the Netherworld? Occasionally one or two will come out, and they are all dealt with by Zhen Yisi, such as the Black Wheel King last time?"

Shen Ying smiled and said, "Isn't there a lot of them at one time this time? Strictly speaking, it can be regarded as a dereliction of duty at the City God Temple."

Lu Zheng gave a thumbs up, "Well said! I have the ability to say it in front of Zhou Chenghuang."

Shen Ying stuck out her tongue, "I don't dare."

Seeing Shen Ying sticking out her tongue, Lu Zheng couldn't help swallowing again.

Shen Ying's peach blossom eyes painted with pink eyeshadow gently picked up, her tongue slipped on her upper lip, and her sandalwood mouth opened lightly, "Lu Lang, will you stay for one more night?"

Lu Zheng nodded decisively, "Okay!"

After eating at Peach Blossom Village, the Peach Blossom Heavenly Girls continued to go out to work, while Lu Zheng and Shen Ying went back to their rooms to rest naturally.


Chat afterwards.

"Is the incense still enough?"

"It's more than enough, even if the concubine's cultivation is higher now, and the cultivation is faster, the incense and energy will come in an endless stream.

In the past two years, it seems that many Peach Blossom Temples have been newly built in various places, not only to make up for the lack of Taomu Mountain, but also more. "

"Won't you share your incense?"

"Yes, but they can intercept the incense of the Taohua Temple itself, but they can't intercept the incense generated by Taoyao."

"That is to say, there may be a lot of land in the Taohua Temple, but you are the only one in the peach blossom fairy **** position."

"Hee hee, returning to the divine position sounds really majestic." Shen Ying smiled, but after thinking about it, she nodded, "That's the truth."

Having said that, Shen Ying raised her brows and turned her head abruptly, her eyes looking through the wall to the distance of Taolin.

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Thank you 08 Taoists for the reward

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