I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 557: family

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Japan, Nagoya, is the hometown of the Matsui family.

In the center of Nagoya, there is a Matsui Building, and in the suburbs of Nagoya, there is a Matsui Manor.

The Matsui family has been developing in Japan for hundreds of years. Of course, the Class A war criminal from 80 years ago must be one of the more emerging and valuable Matsui family members.

Over the years, the Matsui family has been involved in real estate, finance, industry, etc. Although it is not as good as the top families such as Sony and Panasonic, it is second to none in the Nagoya area, and it is also the top family in the whole of Japan. Among the shareholders, they are also a pivotal part, much stronger than that Ito Tanji and Matsuda Keno who had been killed before.

This is also the biggest goal of Lu Zheng and Lin Wan so far. They want to get rid of evil and leave no tail, so preparing to spend more time will also give the Matsui family enough face.

"Actually, even if there are no flaws in what you do, it's not necessarily that no one will link this to the Southern Capital." Lin Wan said.

"Contact, just contact. There has never been a shortage of conspiracy theories in the world, but without evidence, the most centrists will not end."

Lu Zheng said, "As for the upper level who really decides the direction of the situation, whether there is evidence or not is the same."

Lin Wan nodded, "The country does everything by its strength, especially the Angsa people. There is evidence and there is no evidence. Are there still few things in these years?"

Lu Zheng laughed, "Back then, the lighthouse country was the most powerful country in the world, and the beauty filter was not broken, and it really paid attention to reputation, so everyone thought that it was really a democratic lighthouse, and it was reasonable."

Lin Wan pouted, "So, after a group of people died inexplicably, the remaining people also recognized their identities and became dogs with peace of mind."

"It's good to like being a dog." Lu Zheng said indifferently, "The left and right lighthouse countries will eventually withdraw from the scope of Asia. Then change their owners and continue to be dogs."

"But before changing the owner, I have to hurt him after all." Lin Wan said.

Lu Zheng nodded, "The brain-dead cancer must be removed, otherwise it will not be easy to use in the future. The country has its own country's considerations, and we ordinary people must use the ordinary people's way to vent themselves."

The two walked while chatting, and finally came to the Matsui Building in the center of Nagoya.

This is a modern building with a height of more than 60 floors. At the top of the building is the signboard of the Matsui Group, shining brightly in the sun.

"The current person in charge of the Matsui family is Matsui Satoshi, who is the chairman of Matsui Group. Matsui Dashi is his son and the chairman of Matsui Culture Media Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary." Lin Wan said, "And this Matsui Satoshi is the Matsui Ishigen's nephew, and there are about eighty or ninety people in the entire Matsui family, and Matsui Ishigen's clan in the five clothes."


The expression on Lin Wan's face was like a smile, not a smile, "It's a coincidence that today, on New Year's Day, as long as the important people of the Matsui family are free, they will return to the manor outside the city to hold an ancestor worship event. As far as I know, about five Sixty people."

"What about the remaining twenty or thirty people?"

"It's all in the lighthouse country, Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, and it's hard to get away."

Lu Zheng's eyes flashed, "When the important people in the country die, they should come back together for the funeral."

Lin Wan frowned and said, "Will it be too obvious for two consecutive collective accidents?"

Lu Zheng shrugged, "The second time, you don't have to give them a good time."


The sky was a little dark, and a group of luxury cars drove out of the underground garage of the Matsui Building one by one, followed the main road, turned to the road out of the city, and headed for the Matsui Manor on the outskirts.

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan disappeared, rose into the air, and followed the convoy all the way.

"Satoshi Matsui is in his 80s, in the Rolls-Royce in the middle, and his favorite great-grandson, Shihao Matsui."

"His sons, Matsui Oishi and Matsui Iwaji, were in two other Toyotas."

Lin Wan looked at the portrait profile and compared it with the people sitting in the car.

"Business people in the Matsui family have just held a meeting in Matsui Mansion. Others who work in the political, educational, and artistic fields have already arrived at Matsui Manor."

Lin Wan continued to introduce, "After they meet at the Matsui Manor, they will have dinner together, and then tonight, they will go to the Matsui Shrine at the back of the manor to worship their ancestors."

Lu Zheng couldn't help asking, "How do you know so clearly?"

Lin Wan shrugged, "Because the Matsui Group is involved in several cross-border lawsuits, some basic information is in the Interpol information database. What I'm talking about is their annual regular process."

Lu Zheng nodded, don't look at these as "basic information", but ordinary people want to find out, but it is not easy at all. Although Interpol's combat power is stretched and each has its own mind, its own information database is still very valuable.


The two followed the convoy and soon came to Matsui Manor.

Seeing the convoy approaching, a group of men and women in suits and leather shoes greeted them together, and helped an 80-year-old old man from the Rolls-Royce, but still in good spirits.

Next, these people held a family banquet in the largest living room in the manor. The banquet was intertwined, and they communicated with each other. What angered Lu Zheng and Lin Wan the most was...

Not only did they talk about the glorious deeds of their ancestors, they were elated and honored, but they also talked about recent events, and they were very excited as if they had won the jackpot.

"Hahaha, I like it!"

"It should be like this, this is what we rewarded them, otherwise they are not qualified at all."

"Hey hey hey!"

Lin Wan clenched her silver teeth tightly, wishing she could just show up and stab them all.

On the contrary, Lu Zheng was very calm. Looking at their group was like looking at dead people.

After all, no one will be angry with the dead, that is irresponsible to oneself.

Lu Zheng reached out and held Lin Wan's hand, "Don't be angry, when they go up the mountain, you can also take action and let out your anger."


After a meal was over ten o'clock~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The servants from the manor came to clean up, and the Matsui family surrounded Matsui Satoshi and came to the Matsui Shrine built on the hill behind Matsui Manor.


Although it is only a small mountain, a small shrine dedicated to the ancestors of a family, but because the Matsui family is rich and powerful, it is luxurious and magnificent, and the incense is endless every day.

When the Matsui family was introduced to the shrine by the staff, the annual sacrificial ceremony began.

However, what they didn't know was that there were two other people who also followed them into the shrine, showing their fangs.

"let's start……"

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